*--> Crash <--* Assertion: agent->GetCategory() == AGENT_CATEGORY_CHAR File: ..\..\..\Engine\Agent\AgCommand.cpp(3280) App: Gw2.exe Pid: 1748 Cmdline: BaseAddr: 00400000 ProgramId: 101 Build: 15718 When: 2012-10-14T16:18:37Z 2012-10-14T13:18:37-03:00 Uptime: 0 days 0:01:34 Flags: 0 *--> System <--* Name: KELVIN-PC IpAddr: Processors: 3 [AuthenticAMD:15:4:2] OSVersion: Windows 6.1 (64 bit) *--> System Memory <--* Physical: 314MB/ 2047MB 15% Paged: 1345MB/ 4094MB 32% Virtual: 2609MB/ 4095MB 63% Load: 84% CommitTotal: 2748MB CommitLimit: 4094MB CommitPeak: 2850MB SystemCache: 4622MB HandleCount: 25598 ProcessCount: 53 ThreadCount: 853 *--> Process Memory <--* Private: 1100MB WorkingSet: 798MB PeakWorkingSet: 810MB PageFaults: 736000 *--> Game Context <--* MapId: 26 Flags: 0x241 ElapsedTime: 00:01:11 *--> World State <--* <WorldState BufferCapacity="36814848" BufferUsed="17370158" DrawCalls="529" Fps="53" EffectLights="0" ImageMemory="2939352" Lights="12" Materials="228" OcclusionQueriesOccluded="0" OcclusionQueriesStalled="0" OcclusionQueriesUnoccluded="0" Particles="511" Submodels="529" TextureLoadsPending="0" TextureMemory="189537916" Triangles="209407" VerticesSoftwareTransformed="0" VideoMemoryTotal="79868364" CameraPos="21513.6, -20027.3, -3496.55" CameraFwd="0.0727625, 0.954042, 0.290707" MapName="wZY+N.+IoKd" MapNamespace="cf6v5" MapSector="IJwR+.UvPOC" MapType="Public" MapFloor="1" MapId="26" MapTimeOfDay="1.000000" PlayerFacing="0.0654196, 0.997858, 0" PlayerPos="21557.2, -19454.9, -3269.59" PlayerVelocity="0, 0, -0" /> [DbgHelp.dll is C:\Windows\system32\dbghelp.dll] [DbgHelp.dll version 6.1.7600.16385 (64/32-bit compatible)] *--> ClientContextThreadProc Thread 0xa80 <--* *--> Trace <--* Pc:00a73422 Fr:373cfc4c Rt:00a76306 Arg:0eefb7c0 06ff5f7c 00a70a36 0dbad86c Pc:00a76306 Fr:373cfc70 Rt:00a725a5 Arg:00000000 00000000 004fbe14 00000168 Pc:00a725a5 Fr:373cfce0 Rt:00a5fca8 Arg:373cfd30 373cfd94 098f0030 02befc96 Pc:00a5fca8 Fr:373cfd68 Rt:0040676f Arg:1a0b9240 0000002b 373cfd94 373cfd98 Pc:0040676f Fr:373cfd9c Rt:004069b9 Arg:1a0b9240 373cfdc4 0040c341 0000002b Pc:004069b9 Fr:373cfda8 Rt:0040c341 Arg:0000002b 1a0b9240 0d9c2360 373cfe08 Pc:0040c341 Fr:373cfdc4 Rt:0040c60e Arg:1a0b9240 0000002b 0000000c 00a9b93f Pc:0040c60e Fr:373cfe14 Rt:00a975c4 Arg:06ff9cb0 06ff9ef4 076b5e60 00000037 Pc:00a975c4 Fr:373cfe4c Rt:00a976fb Arg:00000021 00000037 00000000 00000000 Pc:00a976fb Fr:373cfe94 Rt:00a97c09 Arg:00000001 0030601e 01b85538 00000000 Pc:00a97c09 Fr:373cfeec Rt:00a98059 Arg:9891ee50 00000001 0030601e 01b85538 Pc:00a98059 Fr:373cff24 Rt:00a9812f Arg:00000000 07002b10 00659e5f 00000000 Pc:00a9812f Fr:373cff44 Rt:008ade6d Arg:07002b10 9891ee08 00000000 01b85538 Pc:008ade6d Fr:373cff7c Rt:008adf15 Arg:00000000 373cff94 74a83677 01b85538 Pc:008adf15 Fr:373cff88 Rt:74a83677 Arg:01b85538 373cffd4 76ed9f42 01b85538 Pc:74a83677 Fr:373cff94 Rt:76ed9f42 Arg:01b85538 41e83086 00000000 00000000 Pc:76ed9f42 Fr:373cffd4 Rt:76ed9f15 Arg:008ade93 01b85538 00000000 00000000 Pc:76ed9f15 Fr:373cffec Rt:00000000 Arg:008ade93 01b85538 00000000 00000000 *--> Thread registers <--* eax=373cf81c ebx=00000000 ecx=00000000 edx=00000040 esi=00000000 edi=00000000 eip=00a73422 esp=373cfc30 ebp=373cfc4c cs=0023 ss=002b ds=002b es=002b fs=0053 gs=002b efl=00000246 eax-32 373CF7FC 00000000 fffffd34 000002e4 fffffd34 eax-16 373CF80C 000002cc 00000019 00000000 373cf81c eax +0 373CF81C 80000003 00000000 00000000 75dfc41f eax+16 373CF82C 00000002 00000002 0f9515c0 00000280 eax+32 373CF83C 45c00000 00000040 373cfba0 373cf920 eax+48 373CF84C 373cf870 008b1a73 373cf920 00000000 *--> Code <--* 00A73402 5ac7beff 8b068b50 108bceff d285c074 Z......P.......t 00A73412 1468d00c 0000bae8 874101b9 0c884101 .h.......A....A. 00A73422 e839c7be ff8b4604 8b90c800 00008d4e .9....F........N 00A73432 0457ffd2 5f5ec333 f6ebb5cc cccc568b .W.._^.3......V. 00A73442 f1837e14 00751468 380d0000 bae88741 ..~..u.h8......A 00A73452 01b97497 1f01e803 c7beff8b 4e148b01 ..t.........N... *--> Stack <--* 373CFC30 00a73427 00000cd0 10365654 0eefb7c0 '4......TV6..... 373CFC40 00a71f07 0eefb7c0 0eefb7c0 373cfc70 ............p.<7 373CFC50 00a76306 0eefb7c0 06ff5f7c 00a70a36 .c......|_..6... 373CFC60 0dbad86c 08c04bd3 0db2cebb 10365654 l....K......TV6. 373CFC70 373cfce0 00a725a5 00000000 00000000 ..<7.%.......... 373CFC80 004fbe14 00000168 0dbad820 00a5f4ba ..O.h... ....... 373CFC90 0dbad820 373cfd7c 0000002b 373cfd20 ...|.<7+... .<7 373CFCA0 006d9b36 00000000 0dbad86c 0db2ce90 6.m.....l....... 373CFCB0 373cfcc4 0065445e 0db2ce90 00000009 ..<7^De......... 373CFCC0 0000002b 0db2cea4 00407c28 0000002b +.......(|@.+... 373CFCD0 0db2cead 00000000 08c04bd3 00000012 .........K...... 373CFCE0 373cfd68 00a5fca8 373cfd30 373cfd94 h.<7....0.<7..<7 373CFCF0 098f0030 02befc96 97cb91c0 020501ef 0............... 373CFD00 00000001 098f0012 02befc94 b9006780 .............g.. 373CFD10 be000033 e00203c2 001aae05 016932b0 3............2i. 373CFD20 00a5fc76 076b5e6c 0d9c2340 373cfde8 v...l^k.@#....<7 373CFD30 00000000 0fa9bc60 00000020 076b5900 ....`... ....Yk. 373CFD40 00000008 076b5900 00000000 373cfd6c .....Yk.....l.<7 373CFD50 076ad650 373cfd74 015d0fb8 08ba4da0 P.j.t.<7..]..M.. 373CFD60 373cfcf0 9891ec1c 373cfd9c 0040676f ..<7......<7og@. 373CFD70 1a0b9240 0000002b 373cfd94 373cfd98 @...+.....<7..<7 373CFD80 00698865 00000108 00000000 08b84b80 e.i..........K.. 373CFD90 06ff92e0 00000000 00000000 373cfda8 ..............<7 373CFDA0 004069b9 1a0b9240 373cfdc4 0040c341 .i@.@.....<7A.@. 373CFDB0 0000002b 1a0b9240 0d9c2360 373cfe08 +...@...`#....<7 373CFDC0 00000002 373cfe14 0040c60e 1a0b9240 ......<7..@.@... 373CFDD0 0000002b 0000000c 00a9b93f 00000021 +.......?...!... 373CFDE0 06ff9cb0 1a0b9234 00000002 00000021 ....4.......!... 373CFDF0 00000037 373cfe10 00000000 00000001 7.....<7........ 373CFE00 00a9b86a 373cfe30 076b5e6c 076b5b70 j...0.<7l^k.p[k. 373CFE10 00000000 373cfe4c 00a975c4 06ff9cb0 ....L.<7.u...... 373CFE20 06ff9ef4 076b5e60 00000037 1a0b9234 ....`^k.7...4... 373CFE30 00000000 00000000 00000001 00a9a7ef ................ 373CFE40 0000661d 00a9a805 00000000 373cfe94 .f............<7 373CFE50 00a976fb 00000021 00000037 00000000 .v..!...7....... 373CFE60 00000000 00000001 06ff9cb0 06ff9fd4 ................ 373CFE70 00000000 1a0b9210 1a0b9210 00000005 ................ 373CFE80 06ff9fdc 06ff9fc9 00000021 00000037 ........!...7... 373CFE90 00000001 373cfeec 00a97c09 00000001 ......<7.|...... 373CFEA0 0030601e 01b85538 00000000 75e03bf4 .`0.8U.......;.u 373CFEB0 9864434e 00000001 0637f15d 00000002 NCd.....].7..... 373CFEC0 00000014 00000000 00000000 00000001 ................ 373CFED0 01b85538 0030601e 00000001 7408271c 8U...`0......'.t 373CFEE0 381017f2 00000000 9891ef98 373cff24 ...8........$.<7 373CFEF0 00a98059 9891ee50 00000001 0030601e Y...P........`0. 373CFF00 01b85538 00000001 80000003 373cfef4 8U............<7 373CFF10 373cf3e0 373cff6c 008adfd0 aef98b1c ..<7l.<7........ 373CFF20 00000000 373cff44 00a9812f 00000000 ....D.<7/....... 373CFF30 07002b10 00659e5f 00000000 01b85538 .+.._.e.....8U.. 373CFF40 00000000 373cff7c 008ade6d 07002b10 ....|.<7m....+.. 373CFF50 9891ee08 00000000 01b85538 01b85538 ........8U..8U.. 373CFF60 373cff50 373cff50 373cffc4 373cffc4 P.<7P.<7..<7..<7 373CFF70 008adfd0 aef99574 00000000 373cff88 ....t.........<7 373CFF80 008adf15 00000000 373cff94 74a83677 ..........<7w6.t 373CFF90 01b85538 373cffd4 76ed9f42 01b85538 8U....<7B..v8U.. 373CFFA0 41e83086 00000000 00000000 01b85538 .0.A........8U.. 373CFFB0 00000000 00000000 00000000 373cffa0 ..............<7 373CFFC0 00000000 ffffffff 76f170d5 00380a02 .........p.v..8. 373CFFD0 00000000 373cffec 76ed9f15 008ade93 ......<7...v.... 373CFFE0 01b85538 00000000 00000000 00000000 8U.............. 373CFFF0 00000000 008ade93 01b85538 00000000 ........8U...... *--> Error Logs <--* acks: ugtalrtrunf Model '0x013362': Missing anim or fallbacks: zeropose Model '0x01a076': UnlinkModel called on CModel without LinkComponent Model '0x004e5e': Missing anim or fallbacks: hgtrunfidl Model '0x0133bd': Missing anim or fallbacks: zeropose Model '0x005ba5': Can't link child '0x00d504' to parent bone 'rgriphand', there's no bone with that name. Linking to root instead Model '0x005ba5': Can't unlink child '0x00d504' from parent bone 'rgriphand', there's no bone with that name. Texture missing mip chain: 0x0265ff Texture missing mip chain: 0x026605 Texture missing mip chain: 0x026606 Texture missing mip chain: 0x026602 Texture missing mip chain: 0x026604 Texture missing mip chain: 0x026603 Model '0x005bb9': Can't link child '0x00d504' to parent bone 'rgriphand', there's no bone with that name. Linking to root instead Model '0x005bb9': Can't unlink child '0x00d504' from parent bone 'rgriphand', there's no bone with that name. Texture missing mip chain: 0x026601 Texture missing mip chain: 0x026600 Model '0x00614e': Missing anim or fallbacks: ugtalrtrunf Model '0x005ba5': Can't link child '0x00d504' to parent bone 'rgriphand', there's no bone with that name. Linking to root instead Model '0x005ba5': Can't unlink child '0x00d504' from parent bone 'rgriphand', there's no bone with that name. Model '0x005bb9': Can't link child '0x00d504' to parent bone 'rgriphand', there's no bone with that name. Linking to root instead Model '0x005bb9': Can't unlink child '0x00d504' from parent bone 'rgriphand', there's no bone with that name. Model '0x006186': Missing anim or fallbacks: ugtalrtrunf Model '0x0071f7': Can't unlink child '0x00cda4' from parent bone 'righthand', there's no bone with that name. Model '0x005ba5': Can't link child '0x00d504' to parent bone 'rgriphand', there's no bone with that name. Linking to root instead Model '0x00614e': Missing anim or fallbacks: ugtalrtrunf Model '0x005ba5': Can't unlink child '0x00d504' from parent bone 'rgriphand', there's no bone with that name. *--> DirectX Device Info <--* VendorId = 0x10de DeviceId = 0x0622 Version = 9.18.0013.0697 Description = NVIDIA GeForce 9600 GT Compat = 0x00100800 VidMem = 1267 MB