Jade Quarry 98.889695 Blackgate Tarnished Coast 1.110305 Blackgate Sea of Sorrows Blackgate 98.889695 Jade Quarry Tarnished Coast 1.110305 Jade Quarry Sea of Sorrows Tarnished Coast 98.889695 Jade Quarry Blackgate 1.108720 Fort Aspenwood Maguuma 0.001222 Fort Aspenwood Dragonbrand 0.000363 Fort Aspenwood Yak's Bend Sea of Sorrows 1.110305 Jade Quarry Blackgate 98.748037 Fort Aspenwood Maguuma 0.107741 Fort Aspenwood Dragonbrand 0.033917 Fort Aspenwood Yak's Bend Fort Aspenwood 1.108720 Tarnished Coast Maguuma 0.001222 Tarnished Coast Dragonbrand 0.000363 Tarnished Coast Yak's Bend 98.748037 Sea of Sorrows Maguuma 0.107741 Sea of Sorrows Dragonbrand 0.033917 Sea of Sorrows Yak's Bend Maguuma 1.108720 Tarnished Coast Fort Aspenwood 98.748037 Sea of Sorrows Fort Aspenwood 0.021706 Dragonbrand Stormbluff Isle 0.007601 Dragonbrand Crystal Desert 0.000421 Dragonbrand Isle of Janthir 0.068582 Yak's Bend Stormbluff Isle 0.023790 Yak's Bend Crystal Desert 0.001332 Yak's Bend Isle of Janthir 0.019186 Stormbluff Isle Crystal Desert 0.000474 Stormbluff Isle Isle of Janthir 0.000151 Crystal Desert Isle of Janthir Dragonbrand 0.001222 Tarnished Coast Fort Aspenwood 0.107741 Sea of Sorrows Fort Aspenwood 0.021706 Maguuma Stormbluff Isle 0.007601 Maguuma Crystal Desert 0.000421 Maguuma Isle of Janthir 57.161171 Yak's Bend Stormbluff Isle 19.340480 Yak's Bend Crystal Desert 1.188830 Yak's Bend Isle of Janthir 0.018791 Yak's Bend Henge of Denravi 0.011055 Yak's Bend Devona's Rest 0.001303 Yak's Bend Gate of Madness 0.000111 Yak's Bend Borlis Pass 11.193117 Stormbluff Isle Crystal Desert 0.350619 Stormbluff Isle Isle of Janthir 0.045206 Stormbluff Isle Henge of Denravi 0.026401 Stormbluff Isle Devona's Rest 0.003037 Stormbluff Isle Gate of Madness 0.000233 Stormbluff Isle Borlis Pass 0.095929 Crystal Desert Isle of Janthir 0.162902 Crystal Desert Henge of Denravi 0.094718 Crystal Desert Devona's Rest 0.010992 Crystal Desert Gate of Madness 0.000908 Crystal Desert Borlis Pass 5.602524 Isle of Janthir Henge of Denravi 3.292088 Isle of Janthir Devona's Rest 0.411427 Isle of Janthir Gate of Madness 0.033406 Isle of Janthir Borlis Pass 0.773120 Henge of Denravi Devona's Rest 0.027236 Henge of Denravi Gate of Madness 0.015705 Devona's Rest Gate of Madness Yak's Bend 0.000363 Tarnished Coast Fort Aspenwood 0.033917 Sea of Sorrows Fort Aspenwood 0.068582 Maguuma Stormbluff Isle 0.023790 Maguuma Crystal Desert 0.001332 Maguuma Isle of Janthir 57.161171 Dragonbrand Stormbluff Isle 19.340480 Dragonbrand Crystal Desert 1.188830 Dragonbrand Isle of Janthir 0.018791 Dragonbrand Henge of Denravi 0.011055 Dragonbrand Devona's Rest 0.001303 Dragonbrand Gate of Madness 0.000111 Dragonbrand Borlis Pass 10.150899 Stormbluff Isle Crystal Desert 0.269599 Stormbluff Isle Isle of Janthir 0.058015 Stormbluff Isle Henge of Denravi 0.033764 Stormbluff Isle Devona's Rest 0.003912 Stormbluff Isle Gate of Madness 0.000365 Stormbluff Isle Borlis Pass 0.074853 Crystal Desert Isle of Janthir 0.211618 Crystal Desert Henge of Denravi 0.123568 Crystal Desert Devona's Rest 0.014334 Crystal Desert Gate of Madness 0.001201 Crystal Desert Borlis Pass 6.179138 Isle of Janthir Henge of Denravi 3.634947 Isle of Janthir Devona's Rest 0.453326 Isle of Janthir Gate of Madness 0.037624 Isle of Janthir Borlis Pass 0.855530 Henge of Denravi Devona's Rest 0.030296 Henge of Denravi Gate of Madness 0.017286 Devona's Rest Gate of Madness Stormbluff Isle 0.021706 Maguuma Dragonbrand 0.068582 Maguuma Yak's Bend 0.019186 Maguuma Crystal Desert 0.000474 Maguuma Isle of Janthir 57.161171 Dragonbrand Yak's Bend 11.193117 Dragonbrand Crystal Desert 0.350619 Dragonbrand Isle of Janthir 0.045206 Dragonbrand Henge of Denravi 0.026401 Dragonbrand Devona's Rest 0.003037 Dragonbrand Gate of Madness 0.000233 Dragonbrand Borlis Pass 10.150899 Yak's Bend Crystal Desert 0.269599 Yak's Bend Isle of Janthir 0.058015 Yak's Bend Henge of Denravi 0.033764 Yak's Bend Devona's Rest 0.003912 Yak's Bend Gate of Madness 0.000365 Yak's Bend Borlis Pass 0.031260 Crystal Desert Isle of Janthir 0.716472 Crystal Desert Henge of Denravi 0.420618 Crystal Desert Devona's Rest 0.048598 Crystal Desert Gate of Madness 0.003930 Crystal Desert Borlis Pass 10.667686 Isle of Janthir Henge of Denravi 6.278263 Isle of Janthir Devona's Rest 0.784917 Isle of Janthir Gate of Madness 0.064437 Isle of Janthir Borlis Pass 1.493971 Henge of Denravi Devona's Rest 0.052937 Henge of Denravi Gate of Madness 0.030625 Devona's Rest Gate of Madness Crystal Desert 0.007601 Maguuma Dragonbrand 0.023790 Maguuma Yak's Bend 0.019186 Maguuma Stormbluff Isle 0.000151 Maguuma Isle of Janthir 19.340480 Dragonbrand Yak's Bend 11.193117 Dragonbrand Stormbluff Isle 0.095929 Dragonbrand Isle of Janthir 0.162902 Dragonbrand Henge of Denravi 0.094718 Dragonbrand Devona's Rest 0.010992 Dragonbrand Gate of Madness 0.000908 Dragonbrand Borlis Pass 10.150899 Yak's Bend Stormbluff Isle 0.074853 Yak's Bend Isle of Janthir 0.211618 Yak's Bend Henge of Denravi 0.123568 Yak's Bend Devona's Rest 0.014334 Yak's Bend Gate of Madness 0.001201 Yak's Bend Borlis Pass 0.031260 Stormbluff Isle Isle of Janthir 0.716472 Stormbluff Isle Henge of Denravi 0.420618 Stormbluff Isle Devona's Rest 0.048598 Stormbluff Isle Gate of Madness 0.003930 Stormbluff Isle Borlis Pass 31.486739 Isle of Janthir Henge of Denravi 18.538113 Isle of Janthir Devona's Rest 2.317838 Isle of Janthir Gate of Madness 0.189439 Isle of Janthir Borlis Pass 4.455052 Henge of Denravi Devona's Rest 0.157877 Henge of Denravi Gate of Madness 0.090193 Devona's Rest Gate of Madness 0.013460 Gate of Madness Borlis Pass 0.003393 Gate of Madness Northern Shiverpeaks 0.000771 Borlis Pass Northern Shiverpeaks Isle of Janthir 0.000421 Maguuma Dragonbrand 0.001332 Maguuma Yak's Bend 0.000474 Maguuma Stormbluff Isle 0.000151 Maguuma Crystal Desert 1.188830 Dragonbrand Yak's Bend 0.350619 Dragonbrand Stormbluff Isle 0.095929 Dragonbrand Crystal Desert 5.602524 Dragonbrand Henge of Denravi 3.292088 Dragonbrand Devona's Rest 0.411427 Dragonbrand Gate of Madness 0.033406 Dragonbrand Borlis Pass 0.269599 Yak's Bend Stormbluff Isle 0.074853 Yak's Bend Crystal Desert 6.179138 Yak's Bend Henge of Denravi 3.634947 Yak's Bend Devona's Rest 0.453326 Yak's Bend Gate of Madness 0.037624 Yak's Bend Borlis Pass 0.031260 Stormbluff Isle Crystal Desert 10.667686 Stormbluff Isle Henge of Denravi 6.278263 Stormbluff Isle Devona's Rest 0.784917 Stormbluff Isle Gate of Madness 0.064437 Stormbluff Isle Borlis Pass 31.486739 Crystal Desert Henge of Denravi 18.538113 Crystal Desert Devona's Rest 2.317838 Crystal Desert Gate of Madness 0.189439 Crystal Desert Borlis Pass 0.016208 Henge of Denravi Devona's Rest 0.122705 Henge of Denravi Borlis Pass 0.031102 Henge of Denravi Northern Shiverpeaks 0.000002 Henge of Denravi Darkhaven 0.214511 Devona's Rest Borlis Pass 0.053827 Devona's Rest Northern Shiverpeaks 0.000008 Devona's Rest Darkhaven 5.783517 Gate of Madness Borlis Pass 1.449216 Gate of Madness Northern Shiverpeaks 0.000122 Gate of Madness Darkhaven 0.343402 Borlis Pass Northern Shiverpeaks Henge of Denravi 0.018791 Dragonbrand Yak's Bend 0.045206 Dragonbrand Stormbluff Isle 0.162902 Dragonbrand Crystal Desert 5.602524 Dragonbrand Isle of Janthir 0.773120 Dragonbrand Devona's Rest 0.027236 Dragonbrand Gate of Madness 0.058015 Yak's Bend Stormbluff Isle 0.211618 Yak's Bend Crystal Desert 6.179138 Yak's Bend Isle of Janthir 0.855530 Yak's Bend Devona's Rest 0.030296 Yak's Bend Gate of Madness 0.716472 Stormbluff Isle Crystal Desert 10.667686 Stormbluff Isle Isle of Janthir 1.493971 Stormbluff Isle Devona's Rest 0.052937 Stormbluff Isle Gate of Madness 31.486739 Crystal Desert Isle of Janthir 4.455052 Crystal Desert Devona's Rest 0.157877 Crystal Desert Gate of Madness 0.016208 Isle of Janthir Devona's Rest 0.122705 Isle of Janthir Borlis Pass 0.031102 Isle of Janthir Northern Shiverpeaks 0.000002 Isle of Janthir Darkhaven 0.296929 Devona's Rest Gate of Madness 3.232047 Devona's Rest Borlis Pass 0.852288 Devona's Rest Northern Shiverpeaks 0.000074 Devona's Rest Darkhaven 24.726450 Gate of Madness Borlis Pass 6.198722 Gate of Madness Northern Shiverpeaks 0.000589 Gate of Madness Darkhaven 1.527774 Borlis Pass Northern Shiverpeaks Devona's Rest 0.011055 Dragonbrand Yak's Bend 0.026401 Dragonbrand Stormbluff Isle 0.094718 Dragonbrand Crystal Desert 3.292088 Dragonbrand Isle of Janthir 0.773120 Dragonbrand Henge of Denravi 0.015705 Dragonbrand Gate of Madness 0.033764 Yak's Bend Stormbluff Isle 0.123568 Yak's Bend Crystal Desert 3.634947 Yak's Bend Isle of Janthir 0.855530 Yak's Bend Henge of Denravi 0.017286 Yak's Bend Gate of Madness 0.420618 Stormbluff Isle Crystal Desert 6.278263 Stormbluff Isle Isle of Janthir 1.493971 Stormbluff Isle Henge of Denravi 0.030625 Stormbluff Isle Gate of Madness 18.538113 Crystal Desert Isle of Janthir 4.455052 Crystal Desert Henge of Denravi 0.090193 Crystal Desert Gate of Madness 0.016208 Isle of Janthir Henge of Denravi 0.214511 Isle of Janthir Borlis Pass 0.053827 Isle of Janthir Northern Shiverpeaks 0.000008 Isle of Janthir Darkhaven 0.296929 Henge of Denravi Gate of Madness 3.232047 Henge of Denravi Borlis Pass 0.852288 Henge of Denravi Northern Shiverpeaks 0.000074 Henge of Denravi Darkhaven 41.993512 Gate of Madness Borlis Pass 10.553280 Gate of Madness Northern Shiverpeaks 0.000991 Gate of Madness Darkhaven 2.601308 Borlis Pass Northern Shiverpeaks Gate of Madness 0.001303 Dragonbrand Yak's Bend 0.003037 Dragonbrand Stormbluff Isle 0.010992 Dragonbrand Crystal Desert 0.411427 Dragonbrand Isle of Janthir 0.027236 Dragonbrand Henge of Denravi 0.015705 Dragonbrand Devona's Rest 0.003912 Yak's Bend Stormbluff Isle 0.014334 Yak's Bend Crystal Desert 0.453326 Yak's Bend Isle of Janthir 0.030296 Yak's Bend Henge of Denravi 0.017286 Yak's Bend Devona's Rest 0.048598 Stormbluff Isle Crystal Desert 0.784917 Stormbluff Isle Isle of Janthir 0.052937 Stormbluff Isle Henge of Denravi 0.030625 Stormbluff Isle Devona's Rest 2.317838 Crystal Desert Isle of Janthir 0.157877 Crystal Desert Henge of Denravi 0.090193 Crystal Desert Devona's Rest 0.013460 Crystal Desert Borlis Pass 0.003393 Crystal Desert Northern Shiverpeaks 5.783517 Isle of Janthir Borlis Pass 1.449216 Isle of Janthir Northern Shiverpeaks 0.000122 Isle of Janthir Darkhaven 0.296929 Henge of Denravi Devona's Rest 24.726450 Henge of Denravi Borlis Pass 6.198722 Henge of Denravi Northern Shiverpeaks 0.000589 Henge of Denravi Darkhaven 41.993512 Devona's Rest Borlis Pass 10.553280 Devona's Rest Northern Shiverpeaks 0.000991 Devona's Rest Darkhaven 1.713771 Darkhaven Sanctum of Rall 1.501745 Darkhaven Kaineng 0.380127 Darkhaven Ferguson's Crossing 0.192244 Darkhaven Sorrow's Furnace 0.025611 Darkhaven Ehmry Bay 0.000010 Darkhaven Anvil Rock 0.446345 Sanctum of Rall Kaineng 0.090889 Sanctum of Rall Ferguson's Crossing 0.036188 Sanctum of Rall Sorrow's Furnace 0.000354 Sanctum of Rall Ehmry Bay 0.079720 Kaineng Ferguson's Crossing 0.031823 Kaineng Sorrow's Furnace 0.000269 Kaineng Ehmry Bay 0.008763 Ferguson's Crossing Sorrow's Furnace 0.000080 Ferguson's Crossing Ehmry Bay 0.000041 Sorrow's Furnace Ehmry Bay Borlis Pass 0.000111 Dragonbrand Yak's Bend 0.000233 Dragonbrand Stormbluff Isle 0.000908 Dragonbrand Crystal Desert 0.033406 Dragonbrand Isle of Janthir 0.000365 Yak's Bend Stormbluff Isle 0.001201 Yak's Bend Crystal Desert 0.037624 Yak's Bend Isle of Janthir 0.003930 Stormbluff Isle Crystal Desert 0.064437 Stormbluff Isle Isle of Janthir 0.189439 Crystal Desert Isle of Janthir 0.013460 Crystal Desert Gate of Madness 0.000771 Crystal Desert Northern Shiverpeaks 0.122705 Isle of Janthir Henge of Denravi 0.214511 Isle of Janthir Devona's Rest 5.783517 Isle of Janthir Gate of Madness 0.343402 Isle of Janthir Northern Shiverpeaks 3.232047 Henge of Denravi Devona's Rest 24.726450 Henge of Denravi Gate of Madness 1.527774 Henge of Denravi Northern Shiverpeaks 41.993512 Devona's Rest Gate of Madness 2.601308 Devona's Rest Northern Shiverpeaks 0.000828 Northern Shiverpeaks Sanctum of Rall 0.000706 Northern Shiverpeaks Kaineng 0.000157 Northern Shiverpeaks Ferguson's Crossing 0.000085 Northern Shiverpeaks Sorrow's Furnace 0.000010 Northern Shiverpeaks Ehmry Bay 7.266096 Darkhaven Sanctum of Rall 6.367769 Darkhaven Kaineng 1.607793 Darkhaven Ferguson's Crossing 0.814766 Darkhaven Sorrow's Furnace 0.107613 Darkhaven Ehmry Bay 0.000046 Darkhaven Anvil Rock 1.893514 Sanctum of Rall Kaineng 0.382430 Sanctum of Rall Ferguson's Crossing 0.153719 Sanctum of Rall Sorrow's Furnace 0.001449 Sanctum of Rall Ehmry Bay 0.338565 Kaineng Ferguson's Crossing 0.134274 Kaineng Sorrow's Furnace 0.001163 Kaineng Ehmry Bay 0.037347 Ferguson's Crossing Sorrow's Furnace 0.000351 Ferguson's Crossing Ehmry Bay 0.000208 Sorrow's Furnace Ehmry Bay Northern Shiverpeaks 0.003393 Crystal Desert Gate of Madness 0.000771 Crystal Desert Borlis Pass 0.031102 Isle of Janthir Henge of Denravi 0.053827 Isle of Janthir Devona's Rest 1.449216 Isle of Janthir Gate of Madness 0.343402 Isle of Janthir Borlis Pass 0.852288 Henge of Denravi Devona's Rest 6.198722 Henge of Denravi Gate of Madness 1.527774 Henge of Denravi Borlis Pass 10.553280 Devona's Rest Gate of Madness 2.601308 Devona's Rest Borlis Pass 0.000828 Borlis Pass Sanctum of Rall 0.000706 Borlis Pass Kaineng 0.000157 Borlis Pass Ferguson's Crossing 0.000085 Borlis Pass Sorrow's Furnace 0.000010 Borlis Pass Ehmry Bay 29.048157 Darkhaven Sanctum of Rall 25.462567 Darkhaven Kaineng 6.421011 Darkhaven Ferguson's Crossing 3.259565 Darkhaven Sorrow's Furnace 0.428918 Darkhaven Ehmry Bay 0.000142 Darkhaven Anvil Rock 7.566182 Sanctum of Rall Kaineng 1.534099 Sanctum of Rall Ferguson's Crossing 0.613586 Sanctum of Rall Sorrow's Furnace 0.005454 Sanctum of Rall Ehmry Bay 1.345272 Kaineng Ferguson's Crossing 0.537629 Kaineng Sorrow's Furnace 0.004756 Kaineng Ehmry Bay 0.151192 Ferguson's Crossing Sorrow's Furnace 0.002507 Ferguson's Crossing Ehmry Bay 0.000277 Ferguson's Crossing Anvil Rock 0.000051 Ferguson's Crossing Eredon Terrace 0.001548 Sorrow's Furnace Ehmry Bay 0.000142 Sorrow's Furnace Anvil Rock 0.000020 Sorrow's Furnace Eredon Terrace 0.000049 Ehmry Bay Anvil Rock 0.000006 Ehmry Bay Eredon Terrace 0.000001 Anvil Rock Eredon Terrace Darkhaven 0.000002 Isle of Janthir Henge of Denravi 0.000008 Isle of Janthir Devona's Rest 0.000122 Isle of Janthir Gate of Madness 0.000074 Henge of Denravi Devona's Rest 0.000589 Henge of Denravi Gate of Madness 0.000991 Devona's Rest Gate of Madness 1.713771 Gate of Madness Sanctum of Rall 1.501745 Gate of Madness Kaineng 0.380127 Gate of Madness Ferguson's Crossing 0.192244 Gate of Madness Sorrow's Furnace 0.025611 Gate of Madness Ehmry Bay 0.000010 Gate of Madness Anvil Rock 7.266096 Borlis Pass Sanctum of Rall 6.367769 Borlis Pass Kaineng 1.607793 Borlis Pass Ferguson's Crossing 0.814766 Borlis Pass Sorrow's Furnace 0.107613 Borlis Pass Ehmry Bay 0.000046 Borlis Pass Anvil Rock 29.048157 Northern Shiverpeaks Sanctum of Rall 25.462567 Northern Shiverpeaks Kaineng 6.421011 Northern Shiverpeaks Ferguson's Crossing 3.259565 Northern Shiverpeaks Sorrow's Furnace 0.428918 Northern Shiverpeaks Ehmry Bay 0.000142 Northern Shiverpeaks Anvil Rock 0.163236 Sanctum of Rall Kaineng 0.457705 Sanctum of Rall Ferguson's Crossing 1.058671 Sanctum of Rall Sorrow's Furnace 0.698723 Sanctum of Rall Ehmry Bay 0.143409 Sanctum of Rall Anvil Rock 0.022926 Sanctum of Rall Eredon Terrace 0.516393 Kaineng Ferguson's Crossing 1.190652 Kaineng Sorrow's Furnace 0.776670 Kaineng Ehmry Bay 0.163603 Kaineng Anvil Rock 0.026324 Kaineng Eredon Terrace 5.102637 Ferguson's Crossing Sorrow's Furnace 2.337874 Ferguson's Crossing Ehmry Bay 0.531846 Ferguson's Crossing Anvil Rock 0.101736 Ferguson's Crossing Eredon Terrace 1.628022 Sorrow's Furnace Ehmry Bay 0.295835 Sorrow's Furnace Anvil Rock 0.035455 Sorrow's Furnace Eredon Terrace 0.129296 Ehmry Bay Anvil Rock 0.012996 Ehmry Bay Eredon Terrace 0.006254 Anvil Rock Eredon Terrace Sanctum of Rall 1.713771 Gate of Madness Darkhaven 0.446345 Gate of Madness Kaineng 0.090889 Gate of Madness Ferguson's Crossing 0.036188 Gate of Madness Sorrow's Furnace 0.000354 Gate of Madness Ehmry Bay 0.000828 Borlis Pass Northern Shiverpeaks 7.266096 Borlis Pass Darkhaven 1.893514 Borlis Pass Kaineng 0.382430 Borlis Pass Ferguson's Crossing 0.153719 Borlis Pass Sorrow's Furnace 0.001449 Borlis Pass Ehmry Bay 29.048157 Northern Shiverpeaks Darkhaven 7.566182 Northern Shiverpeaks Kaineng 1.534099 Northern Shiverpeaks Ferguson's Crossing 0.613586 Northern Shiverpeaks Sorrow's Furnace 0.005454 Northern Shiverpeaks Ehmry Bay 0.163236 Darkhaven Kaineng 0.457705 Darkhaven Ferguson's Crossing 1.058671 Darkhaven Sorrow's Furnace 0.698723 Darkhaven Ehmry Bay 0.143409 Darkhaven Anvil Rock 0.022926 Darkhaven Eredon Terrace 2.871012 Kaineng Ferguson's Crossing 4.929195 Kaineng Sorrow's Furnace 3.403782 Kaineng Ehmry Bay 0.810281 Kaineng Anvil Rock 0.125071 Kaineng Eredon Terrace 16.525233 Ferguson's Crossing Sorrow's Furnace 7.730722 Ferguson's Crossing Ehmry Bay 1.852636 Ferguson's Crossing Anvil Rock 0.359581 Ferguson's Crossing Eredon Terrace 5.177752 Sorrow's Furnace Ehmry Bay 1.038990 Sorrow's Furnace Anvil Rock 0.128192 Sorrow's Furnace Eredon Terrace 0.475068 Ehmry Bay Anvil Rock 0.056167 Ehmry Bay Eredon Terrace 1.218587 Anvil Rock Eredon Terrace Kaineng 1.501745 Gate of Madness Darkhaven 0.446345 Gate of Madness Sanctum of Rall 0.079720 Gate of Madness Ferguson's Crossing 0.031823 Gate of Madness Sorrow's Furnace 0.000269 Gate of Madness Ehmry Bay 0.000706 Borlis Pass Northern Shiverpeaks 6.367769 Borlis Pass Darkhaven 1.893514 Borlis Pass Sanctum of Rall 0.338565 Borlis Pass Ferguson's Crossing 0.134274 Borlis Pass Sorrow's Furnace 0.001163 Borlis Pass Ehmry Bay 25.462567 Northern Shiverpeaks Darkhaven 7.566182 Northern Shiverpeaks Sanctum of Rall 1.345272 Northern Shiverpeaks Ferguson's Crossing 0.537629 Northern Shiverpeaks Sorrow's Furnace 0.004756 Northern Shiverpeaks Ehmry Bay 0.163236 Darkhaven Sanctum of Rall 0.516393 Darkhaven Ferguson's Crossing 1.190652 Darkhaven Sorrow's Furnace 0.776670 Darkhaven Ehmry Bay 0.163603 Darkhaven Anvil Rock 0.026324 Darkhaven Eredon Terrace 2.871012 Sanctum of Rall Ferguson's Crossing 4.929195 Sanctum of Rall Sorrow's Furnace 3.403782 Sanctum of Rall Ehmry Bay 0.810281 Sanctum of Rall Anvil Rock 0.125071 Sanctum of Rall Eredon Terrace 18.739391 Ferguson's Crossing Sorrow's Furnace 8.657783 Ferguson's Crossing Ehmry Bay 2.103371 Ferguson's Crossing Anvil Rock 0.420112 Ferguson's Crossing Eredon Terrace 5.687046 Sorrow's Furnace Ehmry Bay 1.174578 Sorrow's Furnace Anvil Rock 0.162601 Sorrow's Furnace Eredon Terrace 0.533118 Ehmry Bay Anvil Rock 0.102339 Ehmry Bay Eredon Terrace 1.731143 Anvil Rock Eredon Terrace Ferguson's Crossing 0.380127 Gate of Madness Darkhaven 0.090889 Gate of Madness Sanctum of Rall 0.079720 Gate of Madness Kaineng 0.008763 Gate of Madness Sorrow's Furnace 0.000080 Gate of Madness Ehmry Bay 0.000157 Borlis Pass Northern Shiverpeaks 1.607793 Borlis Pass Darkhaven 0.382430 Borlis Pass Sanctum of Rall 0.338565 Borlis Pass Kaineng 0.037347 Borlis Pass Sorrow's Furnace 0.000351 Borlis Pass Ehmry Bay 6.421011 Northern Shiverpeaks Darkhaven 1.534099 Northern Shiverpeaks Sanctum of Rall 1.345272 Northern Shiverpeaks Kaineng 0.151192 Northern Shiverpeaks Sorrow's Furnace 0.002507 Northern Shiverpeaks Ehmry Bay 0.000277 Northern Shiverpeaks Anvil Rock 0.000051 Northern Shiverpeaks Eredon Terrace 0.457705 Darkhaven Sanctum of Rall 0.516393 Darkhaven Kaineng 5.102637 Darkhaven Sorrow's Furnace 2.337874 Darkhaven Ehmry Bay 0.531846 Darkhaven Anvil Rock 0.101736 Darkhaven Eredon Terrace 2.871012 Sanctum of Rall Kaineng 16.525233 Sanctum of Rall Sorrow's Furnace 7.730722 Sanctum of Rall Ehmry Bay 1.852636 Sanctum of Rall Anvil Rock 0.359581 Sanctum of Rall Eredon Terrace 18.739391 Kaineng Sorrow's Furnace 8.657783 Kaineng Ehmry Bay 2.103371 Kaineng Anvil Rock 0.420112 Kaineng Eredon Terrace 1.580820 Sorrow's Furnace Ehmry Bay 0.149028 Sorrow's Furnace Anvil Rock 1.158478 Sorrow's Furnace Eredon Terrace 0.348846 Ehmry Bay Anvil Rock 2.783285 Ehmry Bay Eredon Terrace 13.290880 Anvil Rock Eredon Terrace Sorrow's Furnace 0.192244 Gate of Madness Darkhaven 0.036188 Gate of Madness Sanctum of Rall 0.031823 Gate of Madness Kaineng 0.008763 Gate of Madness Ferguson's Crossing 0.000041 Gate of Madness Ehmry Bay 0.000085 Borlis Pass Northern Shiverpeaks 0.814766 Borlis Pass Darkhaven 0.153719 Borlis Pass Sanctum of Rall 0.134274 Borlis Pass Kaineng 0.037347 Borlis Pass Ferguson's Crossing 0.000208 Borlis Pass Ehmry Bay 3.259565 Northern Shiverpeaks Darkhaven 0.613586 Northern Shiverpeaks Sanctum of Rall 0.537629 Northern Shiverpeaks Kaineng 0.151192 Northern Shiverpeaks Ferguson's Crossing 0.001548 Northern Shiverpeaks Ehmry Bay 0.000142 Northern Shiverpeaks Anvil Rock 0.000020 Northern Shiverpeaks Eredon Terrace 1.058671 Darkhaven Sanctum of Rall 1.190652 Darkhaven Kaineng 5.102637 Darkhaven Ferguson's Crossing 1.628022 Darkhaven Ehmry Bay 0.295835 Darkhaven Anvil Rock 0.035455 Darkhaven Eredon Terrace 4.929195 Sanctum of Rall Kaineng 16.525233 Sanctum of Rall Ferguson's Crossing 5.177752 Sanctum of Rall Ehmry Bay 1.038990 Sanctum of Rall Anvil Rock 0.128192 Sanctum of Rall Eredon Terrace 18.739391 Kaineng Ferguson's Crossing 5.687046 Kaineng Ehmry Bay 1.174578 Kaineng Anvil Rock 0.162601 Kaineng Eredon Terrace 1.580820 Ferguson's Crossing Ehmry Bay 0.149028 Ferguson's Crossing Anvil Rock 1.158478 Ferguson's Crossing Eredon Terrace 1.016854 Ehmry Bay Anvil Rock 5.272085 Ehmry Bay Eredon Terrace 21.975345 Anvil Rock Eredon Terrace Ehmry Bay 0.025611 Gate of Madness Darkhaven 0.000354 Gate of Madness Sanctum of Rall 0.000269 Gate of Madness Kaineng 0.000080 Gate of Madness Ferguson's Crossing 0.000041 Gate of Madness Sorrow's Furnace 0.000010 Borlis Pass Northern Shiverpeaks 0.107613 Borlis Pass Darkhaven 0.001449 Borlis Pass Sanctum of Rall 0.001163 Borlis Pass Kaineng 0.000351 Borlis Pass Ferguson's Crossing 0.000208 Borlis Pass Sorrow's Furnace 0.428918 Northern Shiverpeaks Darkhaven 0.005454 Northern Shiverpeaks Sanctum of Rall 0.004756 Northern Shiverpeaks Kaineng 0.002507 Northern Shiverpeaks Ferguson's Crossing 0.001548 Northern Shiverpeaks Sorrow's Furnace 0.000049 Northern Shiverpeaks Anvil Rock 0.000006 Northern Shiverpeaks Eredon Terrace 0.698723 Darkhaven Sanctum of Rall 0.776670 Darkhaven Kaineng 2.337874 Darkhaven Ferguson's Crossing 1.628022 Darkhaven Sorrow's Furnace 0.129296 Darkhaven Anvil Rock 0.012996 Darkhaven Eredon Terrace 3.403782 Sanctum of Rall Kaineng 7.730722 Sanctum of Rall Ferguson's Crossing 5.177752 Sanctum of Rall Sorrow's Furnace 0.475068 Sanctum of Rall Anvil Rock 0.056167 Sanctum of Rall Eredon Terrace 8.657783 Kaineng Ferguson's Crossing 5.687046 Kaineng Sorrow's Furnace 0.533118 Kaineng Anvil Rock 0.102339 Kaineng Eredon Terrace 1.580820 Ferguson's Crossing Sorrow's Furnace 0.348846 Ferguson's Crossing Anvil Rock 2.783285 Ferguson's Crossing Eredon Terrace 1.016854 Sorrow's Furnace Anvil Rock 5.272085 Sorrow's Furnace Eredon Terrace 51.010365 Anvil Rock Eredon Terrace Anvil Rock 0.000010 Gate of Madness Darkhaven 0.000046 Borlis Pass Darkhaven 0.000142 Northern Shiverpeaks Darkhaven 0.000277 Northern Shiverpeaks Ferguson's Crossing 0.000142 Northern Shiverpeaks Sorrow's Furnace 0.000049 Northern Shiverpeaks Ehmry Bay 0.000001 Northern Shiverpeaks Eredon Terrace 0.143409 Darkhaven Sanctum of Rall 0.163603 Darkhaven Kaineng 0.531846 Darkhaven Ferguson's Crossing 0.295835 Darkhaven Sorrow's Furnace 0.129296 Darkhaven Ehmry Bay 0.006254 Darkhaven Eredon Terrace 0.810281 Sanctum of Rall Kaineng 1.852636 Sanctum of Rall Ferguson's Crossing 1.038990 Sanctum of Rall Sorrow's Furnace 0.475068 Sanctum of Rall Ehmry Bay 1.218587 Sanctum of Rall Eredon Terrace 2.103371 Kaineng Ferguson's Crossing 1.174578 Kaineng Sorrow's Furnace 0.533118 Kaineng Ehmry Bay 1.731143 Kaineng Eredon Terrace 0.149028 Ferguson's Crossing Sorrow's Furnace 0.348846 Ferguson's Crossing Ehmry Bay 13.290880 Ferguson's Crossing Eredon Terrace 1.016854 Sorrow's Furnace Ehmry Bay 21.975345 Sorrow's Furnace Eredon Terrace 51.010365 Ehmry Bay Eredon Terrace Eredon Terrace 0.000051 Northern Shiverpeaks Ferguson's Crossing 0.000020 Northern Shiverpeaks Sorrow's Furnace 0.000006 Northern Shiverpeaks Ehmry Bay 0.000001 Northern Shiverpeaks Anvil Rock 0.022926 Darkhaven Sanctum of Rall 0.026324 Darkhaven Kaineng 0.101736 Darkhaven Ferguson's Crossing 0.035455 Darkhaven Sorrow's Furnace 0.012996 Darkhaven Ehmry Bay 0.006254 Darkhaven Anvil Rock 0.125071 Sanctum of Rall Kaineng 0.359581 Sanctum of Rall Ferguson's Crossing 0.128192 Sanctum of Rall Sorrow's Furnace 0.056167 Sanctum of Rall Ehmry Bay 1.218587 Sanctum of Rall Anvil Rock 0.420112 Kaineng Ferguson's Crossing 0.162601 Kaineng Sorrow's Furnace 0.102339 Kaineng Ehmry Bay 1.731143 Kaineng Anvil Rock 1.158478 Ferguson's Crossing Sorrow's Furnace 2.783285 Ferguson's Crossing Ehmry Bay 13.290880 Ferguson's Crossing Anvil Rock 5.272085 Sorrow's Furnace Ehmry Bay 21.975345 Sorrow's Furnace Anvil Rock 51.010365 Ehmry Bay Anvil Rock