Jade Quarry 99.988296 Blackgate Tarnished Coast 0.011704 Blackgate Sea of Sorrows Blackgate 99.988296 Jade Quarry Tarnished Coast 0.011704 Jade Quarry Sea of Sorrows Tarnished Coast 99.988296 Jade Quarry Blackgate 0.011666 Fort Aspenwood Maguuma 0.000038 Fort Aspenwood Dragonbrand Sea of Sorrows 0.011704 Jade Quarry Blackgate 99.637146 Fort Aspenwood Maguuma 0.351150 Fort Aspenwood Dragonbrand Fort Aspenwood 0.011666 Tarnished Coast Maguuma 0.000038 Tarnished Coast Dragonbrand 99.637146 Sea of Sorrows Maguuma 0.351150 Sea of Sorrows Dragonbrand Maguuma 0.011666 Tarnished Coast Fort Aspenwood 99.637146 Sea of Sorrows Fort Aspenwood 0.184880 Stormbluff Isle Yak's Bend 0.081298 Stormbluff Isle Crystal Desert 0.001712 Stormbluff Isle Isle of Janthir 0.081143 Yak's Bend Crystal Desert 0.001693 Yak's Bend Isle of Janthir 0.000462 Crystal Desert Isle of Janthir Dragonbrand 0.000038 Tarnished Coast Fort Aspenwood 0.351150 Sea of Sorrows Fort Aspenwood 48.920081 Stormbluff Isle Yak's Bend 21.084105 Stormbluff Isle Crystal Desert 0.488616 Stormbluff Isle Isle of Janthir 20.993986 Yak's Bend Crystal Desert 0.489717 Yak's Bend Isle of Janthir 0.136882 Crystal Desert Isle of Janthir 3.998347 Isle of Janthir Devona's Rest 2.479547 Isle of Janthir Henge of Denravi 0.012318 Isle of Janthir Borlis Pass 0.007961 Isle of Janthir Gate of Madness 1.037252 Devona's Rest Henge of Denravi Stormbluff Isle 0.184880 Maguuma Yak's Bend 0.081298 Maguuma Crystal Desert 0.001712 Maguuma Isle of Janthir 48.920081 Dragonbrand Yak's Bend 21.084105 Dragonbrand Crystal Desert 0.488616 Dragonbrand Isle of Janthir 7.535425 Yak's Bend Crystal Desert 0.084445 Yak's Bend Devona's Rest 0.052505 Yak's Bend Henge of Denravi 0.000256 Yak's Bend Borlis Pass 0.000138 Yak's Bend Gate of Madness 0.300827 Crystal Desert Devona's Rest 0.188424 Crystal Desert Henge of Denravi 0.000745 Crystal Desert Borlis Pass 0.000539 Crystal Desert Gate of Madness 11.169613 Isle of Janthir Devona's Rest 6.927501 Isle of Janthir Henge of Denravi 0.034742 Isle of Janthir Borlis Pass 0.021951 Isle of Janthir Gate of Madness 2.922197 Devona's Rest Henge of Denravi Yak's Bend 0.184880 Maguuma Stormbluff Isle 0.081143 Maguuma Crystal Desert 0.001693 Maguuma Isle of Janthir 48.920081 Dragonbrand Stormbluff Isle 20.993986 Dragonbrand Crystal Desert 0.489717 Dragonbrand Isle of Janthir 7.535425 Stormbluff Isle Crystal Desert 0.084445 Stormbluff Isle Devona's Rest 0.052505 Stormbluff Isle Henge of Denravi 0.000256 Stormbluff Isle Borlis Pass 0.000138 Stormbluff Isle Gate of Madness 0.300203 Crystal Desert Devona's Rest 0.188038 Crystal Desert Henge of Denravi 0.000802 Crystal Desert Borlis Pass 0.000501 Crystal Desert Gate of Madness 11.218672 Isle of Janthir Devona's Rest 6.958952 Isle of Janthir Henge of Denravi 0.034517 Isle of Janthir Borlis Pass 0.022414 Isle of Janthir Gate of Madness 2.931632 Devona's Rest Henge of Denravi Crystal Desert 0.081298 Maguuma Stormbluff Isle 0.081143 Maguuma Yak's Bend 0.000462 Maguuma Isle of Janthir 21.084105 Dragonbrand Stormbluff Isle 20.993986 Dragonbrand Yak's Bend 0.136882 Dragonbrand Isle of Janthir 7.535425 Stormbluff Isle Yak's Bend 0.300827 Stormbluff Isle Devona's Rest 0.188424 Stormbluff Isle Henge of Denravi 0.000745 Stormbluff Isle Borlis Pass 0.000539 Stormbluff Isle Gate of Madness 0.300203 Yak's Bend Devona's Rest 0.188038 Yak's Bend Henge of Denravi 0.000802 Yak's Bend Borlis Pass 0.000501 Yak's Bend Gate of Madness 25.977063 Isle of Janthir Devona's Rest 16.114361 Isle of Janthir Henge of Denravi 0.080439 Isle of Janthir Borlis Pass 0.051418 Isle of Janthir Gate of Madness 6.863413 Devona's Rest Henge of Denravi 0.015066 Borlis Pass Gate of Madness 0.002502 Borlis Pass Northern Shiverpeaks 0.000060 Borlis Pass Darkhaven 0.002244 Gate of Madness Northern Shiverpeaks 0.000050 Gate of Madness Darkhaven 0.000004 Northern Shiverpeaks Darkhaven Isle of Janthir 0.001712 Maguuma Stormbluff Isle 0.001693 Maguuma Yak's Bend 0.000462 Maguuma Crystal Desert 0.488616 Dragonbrand Stormbluff Isle 0.489717 Dragonbrand Yak's Bend 0.136882 Dragonbrand Crystal Desert 3.998347 Dragonbrand Devona's Rest 2.479547 Dragonbrand Henge of Denravi 0.012318 Dragonbrand Borlis Pass 0.007961 Dragonbrand Gate of Madness 11.169613 Stormbluff Isle Devona's Rest 6.927501 Stormbluff Isle Henge of Denravi 0.034742 Stormbluff Isle Borlis Pass 0.021951 Stormbluff Isle Gate of Madness 11.218672 Yak's Bend Devona's Rest 6.958952 Yak's Bend Henge of Denravi 0.034517 Yak's Bend Borlis Pass 0.022414 Yak's Bend Gate of Madness 25.977063 Crystal Desert Devona's Rest 16.114361 Crystal Desert Henge of Denravi 0.080439 Crystal Desert Borlis Pass 0.051418 Crystal Desert Gate of Madness 0.018267 Devona's Rest Henge of Denravi 10.467470 Borlis Pass Gate of Madness 1.674232 Borlis Pass Northern Shiverpeaks 0.036076 Borlis Pass Darkhaven 1.545905 Gate of Madness Northern Shiverpeaks 0.027248 Gate of Madness Darkhaven 0.001904 Northern Shiverpeaks Darkhaven Devona's Rest 3.998347 Dragonbrand Isle of Janthir 1.037252 Dragonbrand Henge of Denravi 0.084445 Stormbluff Isle Yak's Bend 0.300827 Stormbluff Isle Crystal Desert 11.169613 Stormbluff Isle Isle of Janthir 2.922197 Stormbluff Isle Henge of Denravi 0.300203 Yak's Bend Crystal Desert 11.218672 Yak's Bend Isle of Janthir 2.931632 Yak's Bend Henge of Denravi 25.977063 Crystal Desert Isle of Janthir 6.863413 Crystal Desert Henge of Denravi 0.018267 Isle of Janthir Henge of Denravi 0.089152 Henge of Denravi Borlis Pass 0.138818 Henge of Denravi Gate of Madness 0.040076 Henge of Denravi Northern Shiverpeaks 0.000695 Henge of Denravi Darkhaven 25.045990 Borlis Pass Gate of Madness 4.004284 Borlis Pass Northern Shiverpeaks 0.085755 Borlis Pass Darkhaven 3.703629 Gate of Madness Northern Shiverpeaks 0.065294 Gate of Madness Darkhaven 0.004376 Northern Shiverpeaks Darkhaven Henge of Denravi 2.479547 Dragonbrand Isle of Janthir 1.037252 Dragonbrand Devona's Rest 0.052505 Stormbluff Isle Yak's Bend 0.188424 Stormbluff Isle Crystal Desert 6.927501 Stormbluff Isle Isle of Janthir 2.922197 Stormbluff Isle Devona's Rest 0.188038 Yak's Bend Crystal Desert 6.958952 Yak's Bend Isle of Janthir 2.931632 Yak's Bend Devona's Rest 16.114361 Crystal Desert Isle of Janthir 6.863413 Crystal Desert Devona's Rest 0.018267 Isle of Janthir Devona's Rest 0.089152 Devona's Rest Borlis Pass 0.138818 Devona's Rest Gate of Madness 0.040076 Devona's Rest Northern Shiverpeaks 0.000695 Devona's Rest Darkhaven 40.360805 Borlis Pass Gate of Madness 6.461664 Borlis Pass Northern Shiverpeaks 0.138574 Borlis Pass Darkhaven 5.975828 Gate of Madness Northern Shiverpeaks 0.105139 Gate of Madness Darkhaven 0.007160 Northern Shiverpeaks Darkhaven Borlis Pass 0.012318 Dragonbrand Isle of Janthir 0.000256 Stormbluff Isle Yak's Bend 0.000745 Stormbluff Isle Crystal Desert 0.034742 Stormbluff Isle Isle of Janthir 0.000802 Yak's Bend Crystal Desert 0.034517 Yak's Bend Isle of Janthir 0.080439 Crystal Desert Isle of Janthir 0.015066 Crystal Desert Gate of Madness 0.002502 Crystal Desert Northern Shiverpeaks 0.000060 Crystal Desert Darkhaven 10.467470 Isle of Janthir Gate of Madness 1.674232 Isle of Janthir Northern Shiverpeaks 0.036076 Isle of Janthir Darkhaven 0.089152 Devona's Rest Henge of Denravi 25.045990 Devona's Rest Gate of Madness 4.004284 Devona's Rest Northern Shiverpeaks 0.085755 Devona's Rest Darkhaven 40.360805 Henge of Denravi Gate of Madness 6.461664 Henge of Denravi Northern Shiverpeaks 0.138574 Henge of Denravi Darkhaven 0.007181 Gate of Madness Sanctum of Rall 0.004382 Gate of Madness Kaineng 0.000932 Gate of Madness Ferguson's Crossing 0.000580 Gate of Madness Ehmry Bay 0.000363 Gate of Madness Sorrow's Furnace 0.000006 Gate of Madness Anvil Rock 0.104974 Northern Shiverpeaks Sanctum of Rall 0.065391 Northern Shiverpeaks Kaineng 0.013708 Northern Shiverpeaks Ferguson's Crossing 0.009036 Northern Shiverpeaks Ehmry Bay 0.004656 Northern Shiverpeaks Sorrow's Furnace 0.000142 Northern Shiverpeaks Anvil Rock 5.566322 Darkhaven Sanctum of Rall 3.474627 Darkhaven Kaineng 0.767102 Darkhaven Ferguson's Crossing 0.512891 Darkhaven Ehmry Bay 0.271640 Darkhaven Sorrow's Furnace 0.008045 Darkhaven Anvil Rock 0.533099 Sanctum of Rall Kaineng 0.047641 Sanctum of Rall Ferguson's Crossing 0.018051 Sanctum of Rall Ehmry Bay 0.001034 Sanctum of Rall Sorrow's Furnace 0.028810 Kaineng Ferguson's Crossing 0.010985 Kaineng Ehmry Bay 0.000632 Kaineng Sorrow's Furnace 0.002125 Ferguson's Crossing Ehmry Bay 0.000125 Ferguson's Crossing Sorrow's Furnace 0.000071 Ehmry Bay Sorrow's Furnace Gate of Madness 0.007961 Dragonbrand Isle of Janthir 0.000138 Stormbluff Isle Yak's Bend 0.000539 Stormbluff Isle Crystal Desert 0.021951 Stormbluff Isle Isle of Janthir 0.000501 Yak's Bend Crystal Desert 0.022414 Yak's Bend Isle of Janthir 0.051418 Crystal Desert Isle of Janthir 0.015066 Crystal Desert Borlis Pass 0.002244 Crystal Desert Northern Shiverpeaks 0.000050 Crystal Desert Darkhaven 10.467470 Isle of Janthir Borlis Pass 1.545905 Isle of Janthir Northern Shiverpeaks 0.027248 Isle of Janthir Darkhaven 0.138818 Devona's Rest Henge of Denravi 25.045990 Devona's Rest Borlis Pass 3.703629 Devona's Rest Northern Shiverpeaks 0.065294 Devona's Rest Darkhaven 40.360805 Henge of Denravi Borlis Pass 5.975828 Henge of Denravi Northern Shiverpeaks 0.105139 Henge of Denravi Darkhaven 0.007181 Borlis Pass Sanctum of Rall 0.004382 Borlis Pass Kaineng 0.000932 Borlis Pass Ferguson's Crossing 0.000580 Borlis Pass Ehmry Bay 0.000363 Borlis Pass Sorrow's Furnace 0.000006 Borlis Pass Anvil Rock 0.138232 Northern Shiverpeaks Sanctum of Rall 0.085990 Northern Shiverpeaks Kaineng 0.018111 Northern Shiverpeaks Ferguson's Crossing 0.012075 Northern Shiverpeaks Ehmry Bay 0.006241 Northern Shiverpeaks Sorrow's Furnace 0.000209 Northern Shiverpeaks Anvil Rock 6.024017 Darkhaven Sanctum of Rall 3.761314 Darkhaven Kaineng 0.827665 Darkhaven Ferguson's Crossing 0.555574 Darkhaven Ehmry Bay 0.293689 Darkhaven Sorrow's Furnace 0.008773 Darkhaven Anvil Rock 0.577743 Sanctum of Rall Kaineng 0.051446 Sanctum of Rall Ferguson's Crossing 0.019776 Sanctum of Rall Ehmry Bay 0.001225 Sanctum of Rall Sorrow's Furnace 0.031053 Kaineng Ferguson's Crossing 0.011892 Kaineng Ehmry Bay 0.000699 Kaineng Sorrow's Furnace 0.002197 Ferguson's Crossing Ehmry Bay 0.000139 Ferguson's Crossing Sorrow's Furnace 0.000088 Ehmry Bay Sorrow's Furnace Northern Shiverpeaks 0.002502 Crystal Desert Borlis Pass 0.002244 Crystal Desert Gate of Madness 0.000004 Crystal Desert Darkhaven 1.674232 Isle of Janthir Borlis Pass 1.545905 Isle of Janthir Gate of Madness 0.001904 Isle of Janthir Darkhaven 0.040076 Devona's Rest Henge of Denravi 4.004284 Devona's Rest Borlis Pass 3.703629 Devona's Rest Gate of Madness 0.004376 Devona's Rest Darkhaven 6.461664 Henge of Denravi Borlis Pass 5.975828 Henge of Denravi Gate of Madness 0.007160 Henge of Denravi Darkhaven 0.104974 Borlis Pass Sanctum of Rall 0.065391 Borlis Pass Kaineng 0.013708 Borlis Pass Ferguson's Crossing 0.009036 Borlis Pass Ehmry Bay 0.004656 Borlis Pass Sorrow's Furnace 0.000142 Borlis Pass Anvil Rock 0.138232 Gate of Madness Sanctum of Rall 0.085990 Gate of Madness Kaineng 0.018111 Gate of Madness Ferguson's Crossing 0.012075 Gate of Madness Ehmry Bay 0.006241 Gate of Madness Sorrow's Furnace 0.000209 Gate of Madness Anvil Rock 37.667932 Darkhaven Sanctum of Rall 23.523643 Darkhaven Kaineng 5.182162 Darkhaven Ferguson's Crossing 3.475163 Darkhaven Ehmry Bay 1.837170 Darkhaven Sorrow's Furnace 0.054096 Darkhaven Anvil Rock 3.621320 Sanctum of Rall Kaineng 0.323807 Sanctum of Rall Ferguson's Crossing 0.124195 Sanctum of Rall Ehmry Bay 0.007256 Sanctum of Rall Sorrow's Furnace 0.197550 Kaineng Ferguson's Crossing 0.075511 Kaineng Ehmry Bay 0.004229 Kaineng Sorrow's Furnace 0.016672 Ferguson's Crossing Ehmry Bay 0.002927 Ferguson's Crossing Sorrow's Furnace 0.000615 Ferguson's Crossing Anvil Rock 0.000071 Ferguson's Crossing Eredon Terrace 0.002113 Ehmry Bay Sorrow's Furnace 0.000525 Ehmry Bay Anvil Rock 0.000037 Ehmry Bay Eredon Terrace 0.000380 Sorrow's Furnace Anvil Rock 0.000038 Sorrow's Furnace Eredon Terrace 0.000015 Anvil Rock Eredon Terrace Darkhaven 0.000060 Crystal Desert Borlis Pass 0.000050 Crystal Desert Gate of Madness 0.000004 Crystal Desert Northern Shiverpeaks 0.036076 Isle of Janthir Borlis Pass 0.027248 Isle of Janthir Gate of Madness 0.001904 Isle of Janthir Northern Shiverpeaks 0.000695 Devona's Rest Henge of Denravi 0.085755 Devona's Rest Borlis Pass 0.065294 Devona's Rest Gate of Madness 0.004376 Devona's Rest Northern Shiverpeaks 0.138574 Henge of Denravi Borlis Pass 0.105139 Henge of Denravi Gate of Madness 0.007160 Henge of Denravi Northern Shiverpeaks 5.566322 Borlis Pass Sanctum of Rall 3.474627 Borlis Pass Kaineng 0.767102 Borlis Pass Ferguson's Crossing 0.512891 Borlis Pass Ehmry Bay 0.271640 Borlis Pass Sorrow's Furnace 0.008045 Borlis Pass Anvil Rock 6.024017 Gate of Madness Sanctum of Rall 3.761314 Gate of Madness Kaineng 0.827665 Gate of Madness Ferguson's Crossing 0.555574 Gate of Madness Ehmry Bay 0.293689 Gate of Madness Sorrow's Furnace 0.008773 Gate of Madness Anvil Rock 37.667932 Northern Shiverpeaks Sanctum of Rall 23.523643 Northern Shiverpeaks Kaineng 5.182162 Northern Shiverpeaks Ferguson's Crossing 3.475163 Northern Shiverpeaks Ehmry Bay 1.837170 Northern Shiverpeaks Sorrow's Furnace 0.054096 Northern Shiverpeaks Anvil Rock 0.020470 Sanctum of Rall Kaineng 0.049032 Sanctum of Rall Ferguson's Crossing 0.118941 Sanctum of Rall Ehmry Bay 0.127070 Sanctum of Rall Sorrow's Furnace 0.038377 Sanctum of Rall Anvil Rock 0.003448 Sanctum of Rall Eredon Terrace 0.074445 Kaineng Ferguson's Crossing 0.180263 Kaineng Ehmry Bay 0.188810 Kaineng Sorrow's Furnace 0.058802 Kaineng Anvil Rock 0.005661 Kaineng Eredon Terrace 1.602771 Ferguson's Crossing Ehmry Bay 1.226457 Ferguson's Crossing Sorrow's Furnace 0.378249 Ferguson's Crossing Anvil Rock 0.042073 Ferguson's Crossing Eredon Terrace 1.013421 Ehmry Bay Sorrow's Furnace 0.302321 Ehmry Bay Anvil Rock 0.028565 Ehmry Bay Eredon Terrace 0.230255 Sorrow's Furnace Anvil Rock 0.019625 Sorrow's Furnace Eredon Terrace 0.006784 Anvil Rock Eredon Terrace Sanctum of Rall 0.007181 Borlis Pass Gate of Madness 0.104974 Borlis Pass Northern Shiverpeaks 5.566322 Borlis Pass Darkhaven 0.533099 Borlis Pass Kaineng 0.047641 Borlis Pass Ferguson's Crossing 0.018051 Borlis Pass Ehmry Bay 0.001034 Borlis Pass Sorrow's Furnace 0.138232 Gate of Madness Northern Shiverpeaks 6.024017 Gate of Madness Darkhaven 0.577743 Gate of Madness Kaineng 0.051446 Gate of Madness Ferguson's Crossing 0.019776 Gate of Madness Ehmry Bay 0.001225 Gate of Madness Sorrow's Furnace 37.667932 Northern Shiverpeaks Darkhaven 3.621320 Northern Shiverpeaks Kaineng 0.323807 Northern Shiverpeaks Ferguson's Crossing 0.124195 Northern Shiverpeaks Ehmry Bay 0.007256 Northern Shiverpeaks Sorrow's Furnace 0.020470 Darkhaven Kaineng 0.049032 Darkhaven Ferguson's Crossing 0.118941 Darkhaven Ehmry Bay 0.127070 Darkhaven Sorrow's Furnace 0.038377 Darkhaven Anvil Rock 0.003448 Darkhaven Eredon Terrace 2.775554 Kaineng Ferguson's Crossing 3.414937 Kaineng Ehmry Bay 3.467216 Kaineng Sorrow's Furnace 1.530230 Kaineng Anvil Rock 0.176374 Kaineng Eredon Terrace 10.032090 Ferguson's Crossing Ehmry Bay 7.908523 Ferguson's Crossing Sorrow's Furnace 2.688993 Ferguson's Crossing Anvil Rock 0.395887 Ferguson's Crossing Eredon Terrace 6.584450 Ehmry Bay Sorrow's Furnace 2.191440 Ehmry Bay Anvil Rock 0.327630 Ehmry Bay Eredon Terrace 1.743791 Sorrow's Furnace Anvil Rock 0.315909 Sorrow's Furnace Eredon Terrace 1.254387 Anvil Rock Eredon Terrace Kaineng 0.004382 Borlis Pass Gate of Madness 0.065391 Borlis Pass Northern Shiverpeaks 3.474627 Borlis Pass Darkhaven 0.533099 Borlis Pass Sanctum of Rall 0.028810 Borlis Pass Ferguson's Crossing 0.010985 Borlis Pass Ehmry Bay 0.000632 Borlis Pass Sorrow's Furnace 0.085990 Gate of Madness Northern Shiverpeaks 3.761314 Gate of Madness Darkhaven 0.577743 Gate of Madness Sanctum of Rall 0.031053 Gate of Madness Ferguson's Crossing 0.011892 Gate of Madness Ehmry Bay 0.000699 Gate of Madness Sorrow's Furnace 23.523643 Northern Shiverpeaks Darkhaven 3.621320 Northern Shiverpeaks Sanctum of Rall 0.197550 Northern Shiverpeaks Ferguson's Crossing 0.075511 Northern Shiverpeaks Ehmry Bay 0.004229 Northern Shiverpeaks Sorrow's Furnace 0.020470 Darkhaven Sanctum of Rall 0.074445 Darkhaven Ferguson's Crossing 0.180263 Darkhaven Ehmry Bay 0.188810 Darkhaven Sorrow's Furnace 0.058802 Darkhaven Anvil Rock 0.005661 Darkhaven Eredon Terrace 2.775554 Sanctum of Rall Ferguson's Crossing 3.414937 Sanctum of Rall Ehmry Bay 3.467216 Sanctum of Rall Sorrow's Furnace 1.530230 Sanctum of Rall Anvil Rock 0.176374 Sanctum of Rall Eredon Terrace 15.187151 Ferguson's Crossing Ehmry Bay 11.619000 Ferguson's Crossing Sorrow's Furnace 3.921026 Ferguson's Crossing Anvil Rock 0.968615 Ferguson's Crossing Eredon Terrace 9.332250 Ehmry Bay Sorrow's Furnace 3.088431 Ehmry Bay Anvil Rock 0.944940 Ehmry Bay Eredon Terrace 2.380675 Sorrow's Furnace Anvil Rock 1.062516 Sorrow's Furnace Eredon Terrace 3.593764 Anvil Rock Eredon Terrace Ferguson's Crossing 0.000932 Borlis Pass Gate of Madness 0.013708 Borlis Pass Northern Shiverpeaks 0.767102 Borlis Pass Darkhaven 0.047641 Borlis Pass Sanctum of Rall 0.028810 Borlis Pass Kaineng 0.002125 Borlis Pass Ehmry Bay 0.000125 Borlis Pass Sorrow's Furnace 0.018111 Gate of Madness Northern Shiverpeaks 0.827665 Gate of Madness Darkhaven 0.051446 Gate of Madness Sanctum of Rall 0.031053 Gate of Madness Kaineng 0.002197 Gate of Madness Ehmry Bay 0.000139 Gate of Madness Sorrow's Furnace 5.182162 Northern Shiverpeaks Darkhaven 0.323807 Northern Shiverpeaks Sanctum of Rall 0.197550 Northern Shiverpeaks Kaineng 0.016672 Northern Shiverpeaks Ehmry Bay 0.002927 Northern Shiverpeaks Sorrow's Furnace 0.000615 Northern Shiverpeaks Anvil Rock 0.000071 Northern Shiverpeaks Eredon Terrace 0.049032 Darkhaven Sanctum of Rall 0.074445 Darkhaven Kaineng 1.602771 Darkhaven Ehmry Bay 1.226457 Darkhaven Sorrow's Furnace 0.378249 Darkhaven Anvil Rock 0.042073 Darkhaven Eredon Terrace 2.775554 Sanctum of Rall Kaineng 10.032090 Sanctum of Rall Ehmry Bay 7.908523 Sanctum of Rall Sorrow's Furnace 2.688993 Sanctum of Rall Anvil Rock 0.395887 Sanctum of Rall Eredon Terrace 15.187151 Kaineng Ehmry Bay 11.619000 Kaineng Sorrow's Furnace 3.921026 Kaineng Anvil Rock 0.968615 Kaineng Eredon Terrace 3.045852 Ehmry Bay Sorrow's Furnace 1.057620 Ehmry Bay Anvil Rock 4.353768 Ehmry Bay Eredon Terrace 1.101901 Sorrow's Furnace Anvil Rock 5.839252 Sorrow's Furnace Eredon Terrace 18.216883 Anvil Rock Eredon Terrace Ehmry Bay 0.000580 Borlis Pass Gate of Madness 0.009036 Borlis Pass Northern Shiverpeaks 0.512891 Borlis Pass Darkhaven 0.018051 Borlis Pass Sanctum of Rall 0.010985 Borlis Pass Kaineng 0.002125 Borlis Pass Ferguson's Crossing 0.000071 Borlis Pass Sorrow's Furnace 0.012075 Gate of Madness Northern Shiverpeaks 0.555574 Gate of Madness Darkhaven 0.019776 Gate of Madness Sanctum of Rall 0.011892 Gate of Madness Kaineng 0.002197 Gate of Madness Ferguson's Crossing 0.000088 Gate of Madness Sorrow's Furnace 3.475163 Northern Shiverpeaks Darkhaven 0.124195 Northern Shiverpeaks Sanctum of Rall 0.075511 Northern Shiverpeaks Kaineng 0.016672 Northern Shiverpeaks Ferguson's Crossing 0.002113 Northern Shiverpeaks Sorrow's Furnace 0.000525 Northern Shiverpeaks Anvil Rock 0.000037 Northern Shiverpeaks Eredon Terrace 0.118941 Darkhaven Sanctum of Rall 0.180263 Darkhaven Kaineng 1.602771 Darkhaven Ferguson's Crossing 1.013421 Darkhaven Sorrow's Furnace 0.302321 Darkhaven Anvil Rock 0.028565 Darkhaven Eredon Terrace 3.414937 Sanctum of Rall Kaineng 10.032090 Sanctum of Rall Ferguson's Crossing 6.584450 Sanctum of Rall Sorrow's Furnace 2.191440 Sanctum of Rall Anvil Rock 0.327630 Sanctum of Rall Eredon Terrace 15.187151 Kaineng Ferguson's Crossing 9.332250 Kaineng Sorrow's Furnace 3.088431 Kaineng Anvil Rock 0.944940 Kaineng Eredon Terrace 3.045852 Ferguson's Crossing Sorrow's Furnace 1.057620 Ferguson's Crossing Anvil Rock 4.353768 Ferguson's Crossing Eredon Terrace 1.319221 Sorrow's Furnace Anvil Rock 7.619714 Sorrow's Furnace Eredon Terrace 23.404667 Anvil Rock Eredon Terrace Sorrow's Furnace 0.000363 Borlis Pass Gate of Madness 0.004656 Borlis Pass Northern Shiverpeaks 0.271640 Borlis Pass Darkhaven 0.001034 Borlis Pass Sanctum of Rall 0.000632 Borlis Pass Kaineng 0.000125 Borlis Pass Ferguson's Crossing 0.000071 Borlis Pass Ehmry Bay 0.006241 Gate of Madness Northern Shiverpeaks 0.293689 Gate of Madness Darkhaven 0.001225 Gate of Madness Sanctum of Rall 0.000699 Gate of Madness Kaineng 0.000139 Gate of Madness Ferguson's Crossing 0.000088 Gate of Madness Ehmry Bay 1.837170 Northern Shiverpeaks Darkhaven 0.007256 Northern Shiverpeaks Sanctum of Rall 0.004229 Northern Shiverpeaks Kaineng 0.002927 Northern Shiverpeaks Ferguson's Crossing 0.002113 Northern Shiverpeaks Ehmry Bay 0.000380 Northern Shiverpeaks Anvil Rock 0.000038 Northern Shiverpeaks Eredon Terrace 0.127070 Darkhaven Sanctum of Rall 0.188810 Darkhaven Kaineng 1.226457 Darkhaven Ferguson's Crossing 1.013421 Darkhaven Ehmry Bay 0.230255 Darkhaven Anvil Rock 0.019625 Darkhaven Eredon Terrace 3.467216 Sanctum of Rall Kaineng 7.908523 Sanctum of Rall Ferguson's Crossing 6.584450 Sanctum of Rall Ehmry Bay 1.743791 Sanctum of Rall Anvil Rock 0.315909 Sanctum of Rall Eredon Terrace 11.619000 Kaineng Ferguson's Crossing 9.332250 Kaineng Ehmry Bay 2.380675 Kaineng Anvil Rock 1.062516 Kaineng Eredon Terrace 3.045852 Ferguson's Crossing Ehmry Bay 1.101901 Ferguson's Crossing Anvil Rock 5.839252 Ferguson's Crossing Eredon Terrace 1.319221 Ehmry Bay Anvil Rock 7.619714 Ehmry Bay Eredon Terrace 31.419377 Anvil Rock Eredon Terrace Anvil Rock 0.000006 Borlis Pass Gate of Madness 0.000142 Borlis Pass Northern Shiverpeaks 0.008045 Borlis Pass Darkhaven 0.000209 Gate of Madness Northern Shiverpeaks 0.008773 Gate of Madness Darkhaven 0.054096 Northern Shiverpeaks Darkhaven 0.000615 Northern Shiverpeaks Ferguson's Crossing 0.000525 Northern Shiverpeaks Ehmry Bay 0.000380 Northern Shiverpeaks Sorrow's Furnace 0.000015 Northern Shiverpeaks Eredon Terrace 0.038377 Darkhaven Sanctum of Rall 0.058802 Darkhaven Kaineng 0.378249 Darkhaven Ferguson's Crossing 0.302321 Darkhaven Ehmry Bay 0.230255 Darkhaven Sorrow's Furnace 0.006784 Darkhaven Eredon Terrace 1.530230 Sanctum of Rall Kaineng 2.688993 Sanctum of Rall Ferguson's Crossing 2.191440 Sanctum of Rall Ehmry Bay 1.743791 Sanctum of Rall Sorrow's Furnace 1.254387 Sanctum of Rall Eredon Terrace 3.921026 Kaineng Ferguson's Crossing 3.088431 Kaineng Ehmry Bay 2.380675 Kaineng Sorrow's Furnace 3.593764 Kaineng Eredon Terrace 1.057620 Ferguson's Crossing Ehmry Bay 1.101901 Ferguson's Crossing Sorrow's Furnace 18.216883 Ferguson's Crossing Eredon Terrace 1.319221 Ehmry Bay Sorrow's Furnace 23.404667 Ehmry Bay Eredon Terrace 31.419377 Sorrow's Furnace Eredon Terrace Eredon Terrace 0.000071 Northern Shiverpeaks Ferguson's Crossing 0.000037 Northern Shiverpeaks Ehmry Bay 0.000038 Northern Shiverpeaks Sorrow's Furnace 0.000015 Northern Shiverpeaks Anvil Rock 0.003448 Darkhaven Sanctum of Rall 0.005661 Darkhaven Kaineng 0.042073 Darkhaven Ferguson's Crossing 0.028565 Darkhaven Ehmry Bay 0.019625 Darkhaven Sorrow's Furnace 0.006784 Darkhaven Anvil Rock 0.176374 Sanctum of Rall Kaineng 0.395887 Sanctum of Rall Ferguson's Crossing 0.327630 Sanctum of Rall Ehmry Bay 0.315909 Sanctum of Rall Sorrow's Furnace 1.254387 Sanctum of Rall Anvil Rock 0.968615 Kaineng Ferguson's Crossing 0.944940 Kaineng Ehmry Bay 1.062516 Kaineng Sorrow's Furnace 3.593764 Kaineng Anvil Rock 4.353768 Ferguson's Crossing Ehmry Bay 5.839252 Ferguson's Crossing Sorrow's Furnace 18.216883 Ferguson's Crossing Anvil Rock 7.619714 Ehmry Bay Sorrow's Furnace 23.404667 Ehmry Bay Anvil Rock 31.419377 Sorrow's Furnace Anvil Rock