I created this video to perhaps provide a better visual idea of giving the guilds a chance to progress, and define themselves better. As a disclaimer, anything said here is not what I actually think the costs and time should be, but just a place holder. Research Tree I present the Research Tree for guilds. A system where crafting materials are donated to a research project chosen by the Guild leader. The research will provide different room textures, buffs, bonuses, weapon and armor skins, and so on. The light blue area would be some of the basics, such as the guild banners. The other colored areas would be for such things relating to something already in the world. For example, by delving into the purple area, you may get more Branded type unlocks, like Branded weapons, or tile sets, or decorations. Those closer to other colors could perhaps have a sorta mix. Lets say Fire is red, and with the circles closer (or perhaps a 50/50) will have the branded texture, with lava running through them in a pattern. How Research Works How will research work? Well, the Guild master chooses what to research, and the guild members donate. This, of course, can cost any amount of crafting materials, depending on what is being researched. Once a research completes after a set amount of time, it unlocks the next research that prerequisites are met for. I say that because if you look closely, there are some researches that require two lines meeting it. In other words, you may not even know that research exists until you start completing different researches. This will allow guilds to experiment and discover. And of course, as one unlocks, it too can branch off and continue on expanding. Building unlocks Building unlocks wont be hidden, so guilds can choose what they want to go for and design their guild after that. Basically, are they a PvE, PvP, GvG, guild. The blocks in the green area would be the basic rooms, your builders, banks, armorer and weaponsmith, and so on. These buildings would then be under their appropriate area, such as the Bank being under the PvE section. There will also be a number under each room, dictating how many of such a room you may have. This, of course, could apply to builders, and perhaps the armor and weapon vendor. Other rooms could allow 5 of one room to be built, because each room would give bonuses to the guild. Example. The room unlocked right above the bank could be a coin room. For each coin room you have members of the guild get 1% extra coin from mob drops. Thus, if you have 5 rooms, a 5% increase. Unlocking So, how will unlocking buildings work? Almost the same as research, but different in a few aspects. First, you must still reach the prior criteria. As you can see, there are some rooms that can possibly be hybrids of a trait. This is an idea to not leave out guilds that want to multitask first instead of a single specialization. Next comes with dealing with the whole multiple buildings. Lets go back to the Bank example and the coin rooms. Unlocking the bank unlocks the coin room. The coin room has under it 1/5 when you first complete it. You would have to pay a higher price the next time to get 2/5, and so on. Note though, that just by having the 1/5, the next room is still unlocked. You only need one point in a prereq to unlock the next room. More Builders = More Projects Whats also different from the Research, is in the buildings, you can have multiple projects going on, depending on how many builders you have. Each guild starting off gets one automatically, with the green area providing the opportunity to get more, for an increasing cost of course. Outro Thanks for watching