Hello, I just broke up with my girlfriend few days ago and while she was over I had just finished launching GW2 before she arrived. I had the account open (don't recommend it when a girl is not too happy with the situation) and I stepped out to smoke a cigarette and while I was out of my room she deleted the Characters. The main I had was my lvl 80 Guarding Thralled. I'm wondering if there's a way to roll back my account to get my toons back. I have True Avatar now (Eli) that I made while waiting and if necessary that can be deleted. If it's not possible because it was done on my PC it's OK I understand but I'm just trying to get my toons back that I have had since GW2 first launched. Thanks for taking your time to read / respond. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This email is a service from Guild Wars 2 Support. GM ***** (Guild Wars 2 Support) Apr 18, 18:48 Hello Cesar, Thank you for contacting the Guild Wars 2 Support Team. The Account Restoration Tool is used only in cases where an account has been compromised by an unknown third party. The tool is not used to restore an account under circumstances involving the deletion of a character or characters. Please note that the design of the game provides ample warning to prevent accidental character deletion by requiring the player to type out the full name of the character a second time, and to confirm that the deletion is truly desired. Please let us know if you have any other questions or concerns. Regards, GM ****** Guild Wars 2 Support Team http://help.guildwars2.com/ Cmistag Apr 18, 19:04 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Thank you for taking time to the out of your day to reply to me, but I think that typing in the characters username is honestly nowhere remotely near a good secondary defense while there is somebody on your account. I believe it is actually kind of backwards considering a lot of free to play games have security features such as security pins. I understand that the tool is used for after a third party, such as someone that you have not given permission to access your account which qualifies as third party by every sense of the term, alters your account and deletes or effects your characters. I've had these characters since you guys released gw2 and am a bit more upset to realize that there's a lack of security for events such as this. I was considering purchasing the expansion with me and several of my friends and guild mates which I have recently brought back to the game but see no point if I don't have any characters to enjoy the game with and all the items and followers I had will not be with me. Please reconsider the circumstances since they do apply to the use of this tool. For me and my guild mates and friends this would be a large deciding point on the standing of playing this game that I have enjoyed since 2012. Thanks again, Cesar ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hello again Cesar, Thanks for updating this ticket. We understand that someone else was the one who deleted your characters without your permission. However, we can only restore characters if the account has been compromised by an unknown third party. We are unable to resolve support issues related to account accessed by someone else if we are not able to verify it in our logs or records. We are really sorry because we were not able to fulfill your request and thank you for your understanding. Please let us know if you have further questions. Regards, GM ***** Guild Wars 2 Support Team http://help.guildwars2.com/ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Can I speak with someone above you. I feel like this is honestly one of the worst customer support experiences I've ever had the displeasure of dealing with. You void the "third party" statement you told me in the beginning to a "we won't do it" statement. This is literally against what you guys state you will assist. Just because the third part was on my computer does not mean it does not warrant a recovery. Because following your rules, as long as I log in and someone accesses my PC after I have logged in it's completely A-OK for them to delete the characters with your "secure" deletion system. I honestly feel like there has been little effort on your behalf since I was able to prove the 3rd party statement and you literally chose to ignore it by adding a redundant statement to eliminate my situation. Just in case you needed to update your information on your guideline: http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/third%20party: Full Definition of THIRD PARTY 1: a person other than the principals <a third party to a divorce proceeding><insurance against injury to third parties> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ GM **** (Guild Wars 2 Support) Apr 18, 19:29 Also, from your own site: Can I recover my lost items or characters after my account was compromised? Yes, we are able to revert your account to a point prior to the compromise incident as long as it meets the qualifications of the restoration process: Account restoration is only for an account that was compromised by an unauthorized person. We do not restore accounts impacted by scamming, erroneous gem purchases, accidental deletions, etc. Shared accounts are ineligible for restoration. Accounts involved in the use of a third-party program are ineligible for restoration. Considering it was an UNAUTHORIZED person, who did not partake in ACCOUNT SHARING (as per my IP log) and it was NOT an ACCIDENTAL deletion. I don't Understand why you guys cannot afford to restore that account and why you had to include the word "UNKNOWN" to null out my point. So if there's any proof necessary to why I want to speak to someone above you they can read the entire interaction log. Cmistag Apr 18, 19:48 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hi, I'm still waiting further contact on this situation. Cesar ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hello Cesar, Thank you for getting back to us. At this time, we are unable to fulfill your request. As we previously state we can only restore characters if the account has been compromised by an unknown third party (computer). This means about someone who suppose not have any kind of access to your account and have force that access. Since you are the one who provided access to your computer to a person that suppose to not have access (even by mistake), that is out of our security control. We have provide with several options on how to secure your account: secure password, e-mail authentication, mobile authentication, etc. However for this inconvenience we do not have any records to take this as an exception. However, please feel free to contact us in the future if we can help you with other issues or concerns. Regards, GM **** Guild Wars 2 Support Team http://help.guildwars2.com/ Cmistag Apr 19, 15:06 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You guys should update your site then to include things such as this. No wonder no one trusts the a net customer service. Thanks for nothing. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ GM **** (Guild Wars 2 Support) Apr 19, 14:23 Your request (1446150:Ex girlfriend deleted my characters) has been updated. To add information to your request, simply reply to this email. If you no longer need assistance, just reply with "I no longer need help" in the body of your email. GM **** (Guild Wars 2 Support) Apr 19, 15:33 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hello Cesar, Thanks a lot for taking the time to share your ideas about Guild Wars 2 website. We have found that the best way for the development team to gather and review player feedback and suggestions is through our official forums. We ask players to post their ideas in our Official Forums: https://forum-en.guildwars2.com/forum Please don't hesitate to contact us again in the future if you have any other questions or concerns. Regards, GM **** Guild Wars 2 Support Team http://help.guildwars2.com/