*--> Crash <--* Exception: c0000005 Memory at address 24351000 could not be written App: Gw2.exe Pid: 3116 Cmdline: BaseAddr: 013B0000 ProgramId: 101 Build: 50735 When: 2015-07-10T00:24:43Z 2015-07-09T20:24:43-04:00 Uptime: 0 days 0:01:54 Flags: 0 *--> System <--* Name: CORY-PC Processors: 4 [GenuineIntel:6:12:3] OSVersion: Windows 6.1 (64 bit) *--> System Memory <--* Physical: 11192MB/16269MB 68% Paged: 26739MB/32536MB 82% Virtual: 1844MB/ 4095MB 45% Load: 31% CommitTotal: 5796MB CommitLimit: 32536MB CommitPeak: 7604MB SystemCache: 6951MB HandleCount: 24528 ProcessCount: 61 ThreadCount: 807 *--> Process Memory <--* Private: 2031MB WorkingSet: 1967MB PeakWorkingSet: 1969MB PageFaults: 1458977 [DbgHelp.dll is C:\Windows\system32\dbghelp.dll] [DbgHelp.dll version 6.1.7601.17514 (64/32-bit compatible)] *--> Thread 0x1614 <--* *--> Trace <--* Pc:018627ca Fr:044efcb8 Rt:017fa99d Arg:00000008 35dc2970 005b8b20 00000000 Pc:017fa99d Fr:044efd88 Rt:017e7f42 Arg:35dc2970 005b8b20 00000000 00000000 Pc:017e7f42 Fr:044efdc4 Rt:017346d0 Arg:00010000 061e35f8 061e35f8 044efdf8 Pc:017346d0 Fr:044efdd8 Rt:01735183 Arg:061e35f8 00010000 00100014 00000000 Pc:01735183 Fr:044efdf8 Rt:0181b5f0 Arg:00040000 00100014 00000000 35dc2970 Pc:0181b5f0 Fr:044efe14 Rt:018353fe Arg:00040000 00100014 00000000 35941ef0 Pc:018353fe Fr:044efe38 Rt:01834ec5 Arg:061f3620 0000fff4 00100014 0181b5d0 Pc:01834ec5 Fr:044efeac Rt:0183532e Arg:0000fff4 061f3620 00010000 46e7ba04 Pc:0183532e Fr:044efedc Rt:77c292e2 Arg:00000000 73415206 00000000 00000000 Pc:77c292e2 Fr:044eff1c Rt:77c292b5 Arg:018449d0 00000000 00000000 00000000 Pc:77c292b5 Fr:044eff34 Rt:00000000 Arg:018449d0 00000000 00000000 00000000 *--> Thread registers <--* eax=061e3de4 ebx=00000000 ecx=00000008 edx=00000008 esi=061e3ddc edi=24351000 eip=018627ca esp=044efca0 ebp=044efcb8 cs=0023 ss=002b ds=002b es=002b fs=0053 gs=002b efl=00010213 eax-32 061E3DC4 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 eax-16 061E3DD4 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 eax +0 061E3DE4 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 eax+16 061E3DF4 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 eax+32 061E3E04 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 eax+48 061E3E14 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 esi-32 061E3DBC 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 esi-16 061E3DCC 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 esi +0 061E3DDC 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 esi+16 061E3DEC 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 esi+32 061E3DFC 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 esi+48 061E3E0C 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 edi-32 24350FE0 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 edi-16 24350FF0 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 *--> Code <--* 018627AA 8b7c240c 8bc18bd1 03c63bfe 76083bf8 .|$.......;.v.;. 018627BA 0f826803 00000fba 2508f366 02017307 ..h.....%..f..s. 018627CA f3a4e917 03000081 f9800000 000f82ce ................ 018627DA 0100008b c733c6a9 0f000000 750e0fba .....3......u... 018627EA 2510855a 02010f82 da040000 0fba2508 %..Z..........%. 018627FA f3660200 0f83a701 0000f7c7 03000000 .f.............. *--> Stack <--* 044EFCA0 59910780 00000000 0171e64d 24351000 ...Y....M.q...5$ 044EFCB0 061e3ddc 00000008 044efd88 017fa99d .=........N..... 044EFCC0 00000008 35dc2970 005b8b20 00000000 ....p).5 .[..... 044EFCD0 00000004 00000004 044efd28 00000001 ........(.N..... 044EFCE0 0000fffe 0000ffff 00000004 00000004 ................ 044EFCF0 58434433 58455441 00000000 44ac0400 3DCXATEX.......D 044EFD00 44ad0400 00000002 00000000 00000004 ...D............ 044EFD10 00000002 00000000 00000001 00580000 ..............X. 044EFD20 00000000 00080fa0 00000000 00000000 ................ 044EFD30 59910780 00000000 00000000 242d0060 ...Y........`.-$ 044EFD40 00000000 00000008 00000000 00000000 ................ 044EFD50 00000000 000407e4 0000f81c 061e3ddc .............=.. 044EFD60 005b8b20 00000000 06178bc0 005b8b20 .[......... .[. 044EFD70 061e35f8 0171e64d 044efdc0 826e9406 .5..M.q...N...n. 044EFD80 044efdc4 826e940e 044efdc4 017e7f42 ..N...n...N.B.~. 044EFD90 35dc2970 005b8b20 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................ 044EFFA0 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................ 044EFFB0 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................ 044EFFC0 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................ 044EFFD0 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................ 044EFFE0 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................ 044EFFF0 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................ 044F0000 49474542 4d48544e 00010006 00000007 BEGINTHM........ 044F0010 5c1cbe24 01cb889c 000dedd0 00000058 $..\........X... 044F0020 000000b8 000000d0 00000409 00000060 ............`... 044F0030 01d60001 00000058 00002f30 00002f88 ....X...0/.../.. 044F0040 000017b8 00004740 000048a0 00004820 ....@G...H.. H.. 044F0050 00004968 00000000 003a0043 0057005c hI......C.:.\.W. 044F0060 006e0069 006f0064 00730077 0072005c i.n.d.o.w.s.\.r. 044F0070 00730065 0075006f 00630072 00730065 e.s.o.u.r.c.e.s. 044F0080 0074005c 00650068 0065006d 005c0073 \.t.h.e.m.e.s.\. 044F0090 00650041 006f0072 0041005c 00720065 A.e.r.o.\.A.e.r. *--> Error Logs <--* Model '0x079a62': Permutation 'default' not found, auto selecting permutation Texture missing mip chain: 0x0265ff Texture missing mip chain: 0x026605 Texture missing mip chain: 0x026606 Texture missing mip chain: 0x026602 Texture missing mip chain: 0x026604 Texture missing mip chain: 0x026603 Texture missing mip chain: 0x026601 Texture missing mip chain: 0x026600 Model '0x079a62': Permutation 'default' not found, auto selecting permutation Model '0x079a62': Permutation 'default' not found, auto selecting permutation Texture '0x03539b' dimensions too small Loading '0' texture failed Model '0x082244': Failed to resolve AimIK bone indices. Texture missing mip chain: 0x00f980 Texture missing mip chain: 0x00f982 Model '0x082245': Failed to resolve AimIK bone indices. Model '0x082244': Failed to resolve AimIK bone indices. Texture decode failed. Loading '0' texture failed *--> DirectX Device Info <--* VendorId = 0x1002 DeviceId = 0x6798 Version = 8.17.0010.1333 Description = AMD Radeon R9 200 Series Compat = 0x00000000 VidMem = 4095 MB