Desolation 80.790052 Seafarer's Rest 45.980035 Jade Sea [FR] 23.679649 Far Shiverpeaks 19.718745 Vizunah Square [FR] 8.403920 Piken Square 8.398069 Riverside [DE] 6.145920 Gandara 5.413926 Kodash [DE] 1.434832 Baruch Bay [SP] 0.034695 Elona Reach [DE] 0.000157 Augury Rock [FR] 0.000000 Abaddon's Mouth [DE] 0.000000 Gunnar's Hold 0.000000 Aurora Glade 0.000000 Drakkar Lake [DE] 0.000000 Ring of Fire 0.000000 Miller's Sound [DE] 0.000000 Dzagonur [DE] 0.000000 Arborstone [FR] 0.000000 Vabbi 0.000000 Ruins of Surmia 0.000000 Fort Ranik [FR] 0.000000 Whiteside Ridge 0.000000 Fissure of Woe 0.000000 Underworld 0.000000 Blacktide Seafarer's Rest 80.790052 Desolation 42.899092 Jade Sea [FR] 22.441909 Far Shiverpeaks 18.985279 Vizunah Square [FR] 9.212154 Piken Square 9.200518 Riverside [DE] 7.228525 Gandara 6.578901 Kodash [DE] 2.567170 Baruch Bay [SP] 0.095117 Elona Reach [DE] 0.001272 Augury Rock [FR] 0.000006 Abaddon's Mouth [DE] 0.000003 Gunnar's Hold 0.000002 Aurora Glade 0.000000 Drakkar Lake [DE] 0.000000 Ring of Fire 0.000000 Miller's Sound [DE] 0.000000 Dzagonur [DE] 0.000000 Arborstone [FR] 0.000000 Vabbi 0.000000 Ruins of Surmia 0.000000 Fort Ranik [FR] 0.000000 Whiteside Ridge 0.000000 Fissure of Woe 0.000000 Underworld 0.000000 Blacktide Jade Sea [FR] 45.980035 Desolation 42.899092 Seafarer's Rest 19.281220 Far Shiverpeaks 18.609073 Vizunah Square [FR] 15.699563 Piken Square 15.672854 Riverside [DE] 14.675519 Gandara 14.314957 Kodash [DE] 10.315097 Baruch Bay [SP] 2.295201 Elona Reach [DE] 0.174790 Augury Rock [FR] 0.051181 Abaddon's Mouth [DE] 0.017322 Gunnar's Hold 0.013865 Aurora Glade 0.000231 Drakkar Lake [DE] 0.000000 Ring of Fire 0.000000 Miller's Sound [DE] 0.000000 Dzagonur [DE] 0.000000 Arborstone [FR] 0.000000 Vabbi 0.000000 Ruins of Surmia 0.000000 Fort Ranik [FR] 0.000000 Whiteside Ridge 0.000000 Fissure of Woe 0.000000 Underworld 0.000000 Blacktide Far Shiverpeaks 23.679649 Desolation 22.441909 Seafarer's Rest 19.281220 Jade Sea [FR] 23.407271 Vizunah Square [FR] 21.928183 Piken Square 21.896064 Riverside [DE] 20.941136 Gandara 20.581664 Kodash [DE] 15.888013 Baruch Bay [SP] 6.728631 Elona Reach [DE] 1.945161 Augury Rock [FR] 0.792647 Abaddon's Mouth [DE] 0.268097 Gunnar's Hold 0.216680 Aurora Glade 0.003675 Drakkar Lake [DE] 0.000000 Ring of Fire 0.000000 Miller's Sound [DE] 0.000000 Dzagonur [DE] 0.000000 Arborstone [FR] 0.000000 Vabbi 0.000000 Ruins of Surmia 0.000000 Fort Ranik [FR] 0.000000 Whiteside Ridge 0.000000 Fissure of Woe 0.000000 Underworld 0.000000 Blacktide Vizunah Square [FR] 19.718745 Desolation 18.985279 Seafarer's Rest 18.609073 Jade Sea [FR] 23.407271 Far Shiverpeaks 22.846285 Piken Square 22.814605 Riverside [DE] 21.912652 Gandara 21.572786 Kodash [DE] 16.890697 Baruch Bay [SP] 8.119334 Elona Reach [DE] 3.053948 Augury Rock [FR] 1.281516 Abaddon's Mouth [DE] 0.431033 Gunnar's Hold 0.350942 Aurora Glade 0.005834 Drakkar Lake [DE] 0.000000 Ring of Fire 0.000000 Miller's Sound [DE] 0.000000 Dzagonur [DE] 0.000000 Arborstone [FR] 0.000000 Vabbi 0.000000 Ruins of Surmia 0.000000 Fort Ranik [FR] 0.000000 Whiteside Ridge 0.000000 Fissure of Woe 0.000000 Underworld 0.000000 Blacktide Piken Square 8.403920 Desolation 9.212154 Seafarer's Rest 15.699563 Jade Sea [FR] 21.928183 Far Shiverpeaks 22.846285 Vizunah Square [FR] 24.123133 Riverside [DE] 23.713038 Gandara 23.528893 Kodash [DE] 19.547978 Baruch Bay [SP] 14.510955 Elona Reach [DE] 9.517923 Augury Rock [FR] 4.318814 Abaddon's Mouth [DE] 1.450318 Gunnar's Hold 1.179336 Aurora Glade 0.019507 Drakkar Lake [DE] 0.000000 Ring of Fire 0.000000 Miller's Sound [DE] 0.000000 Dzagonur [DE] 0.000000 Arborstone [FR] 0.000000 Vabbi 0.000000 Ruins of Surmia 0.000000 Fort Ranik [FR] 0.000000 Whiteside Ridge 0.000000 Fissure of Woe 0.000000 Underworld 0.000000 Blacktide Riverside [DE] 8.398069 Desolation 9.200518 Seafarer's Rest 15.672854 Jade Sea [FR] 21.896064 Far Shiverpeaks 22.814605 Vizunah Square [FR] 24.123133 Piken Square 23.691074 Gandara 23.501469 Kodash [DE] 19.536190 Baruch Bay [SP] 14.562950 Elona Reach [DE] 9.583698 Augury Rock [FR] 4.350134 Abaddon's Mouth [DE] 1.462509 Gunnar's Hold 1.186974 Aurora Glade 0.019759 Drakkar Lake [DE] 0.000000 Ring of Fire 0.000000 Miller's Sound [DE] 0.000000 Dzagonur [DE] 0.000000 Arborstone [FR] 0.000000 Vabbi 0.000000 Ruins of Surmia 0.000000 Fort Ranik [FR] 0.000000 Whiteside Ridge 0.000000 Fissure of Woe 0.000000 Underworld 0.000000 Blacktide Gandara 6.145920 Desolation 7.228525 Seafarer's Rest 14.675519 Jade Sea [FR] 20.941136 Far Shiverpeaks 21.912652 Vizunah Square [FR] 23.713038 Piken Square 23.691074 Riverside [DE] 23.365324 Kodash [DE] 19.914197 Baruch Bay [SP] 17.081243 Elona Reach [DE] 12.184290 Augury Rock [FR] 5.669080 Abaddon's Mouth [DE] 1.904351 Gunnar's Hold 1.548159 Aurora Glade 0.025492 Drakkar Lake [DE] 0.000000 Ring of Fire 0.000000 Miller's Sound [DE] 0.000000 Dzagonur [DE] 0.000000 Arborstone [FR] 0.000000 Vabbi 0.000000 Ruins of Surmia 0.000000 Fort Ranik [FR] 0.000000 Whiteside Ridge 0.000000 Fissure of Woe 0.000000 Underworld 0.000000 Blacktide Kodash [DE] 5.413926 Desolation 6.578901 Seafarer's Rest 14.314957 Jade Sea [FR] 20.581664 Far Shiverpeaks 21.572786 Vizunah Square [FR] 23.528893 Piken Square 23.501469 Riverside [DE] 23.365324 Gandara 20.036302 Baruch Bay [SP] 18.031717 Elona Reach [DE] 13.145139 Augury Rock [FR] 6.154208 Abaddon's Mouth [DE] 2.069190 Gunnar's Hold 1.678042 Aurora Glade 0.027482 Drakkar Lake [DE] 0.000000 Ring of Fire 0.000000 Miller's Sound [DE] 0.000000 Dzagonur [DE] 0.000000 Arborstone [FR] 0.000000 Vabbi 0.000000 Ruins of Surmia 0.000000 Fort Ranik [FR] 0.000000 Whiteside Ridge 0.000000 Fissure of Woe 0.000000 Underworld 0.000000 Blacktide Baruch Bay [SP] 1.434832 Desolation 2.567170 Seafarer's Rest 10.315097 Jade Sea [FR] 15.888013 Far Shiverpeaks 16.890697 Vizunah Square [FR] 19.547978 Piken Square 19.536190 Riverside [DE] 19.914197 Gandara 20.036302 Kodash [DE] 30.274733 Elona Reach [DE] 24.322002 Augury Rock [FR] 11.745009 Abaddon's Mouth [DE] 4.095674 Gunnar's Hold 3.342466 Aurora Glade 0.089640 Drakkar Lake [DE] 0.000000 Ring of Fire 0.000000 Miller's Sound [DE] 0.000000 Dzagonur [DE] 0.000000 Arborstone [FR] 0.000000 Vabbi 0.000000 Ruins of Surmia 0.000000 Fort Ranik [FR] 0.000000 Whiteside Ridge 0.000000 Fissure of Woe 0.000000 Underworld 0.000000 Blacktide Elona Reach [DE] 0.034695 Desolation 0.095117 Seafarer's Rest 2.295201 Jade Sea [FR] 6.728631 Far Shiverpeaks 8.119334 Vizunah Square [FR] 14.510955 Piken Square 14.562950 Riverside [DE] 17.081243 Gandara 18.031717 Kodash [DE] 30.274733 Baruch Bay [SP] 42.418645 Augury Rock [FR] 20.170496 Abaddon's Mouth [DE] 12.067587 Gunnar's Hold 11.144248 Aurora Glade 2.464448 Drakkar Lake [DE] 0.000000 Ring of Fire 0.000000 Miller's Sound [DE] 0.000000 Dzagonur [DE] 0.000000 Arborstone [FR] 0.000000 Vabbi 0.000000 Ruins of Surmia 0.000000 Fort Ranik [FR] 0.000000 Whiteside Ridge 0.000000 Fissure of Woe 0.000000 Underworld 0.000000 Blacktide Augury Rock [FR] 0.000157 Desolation 0.001272 Seafarer's Rest 0.174790 Jade Sea [FR] 1.945161 Far Shiverpeaks 3.053948 Vizunah Square [FR] 9.517923 Piken Square 9.583698 Riverside [DE] 12.184290 Gandara 13.145139 Kodash [DE] 24.322002 Baruch Bay [SP] 42.418645 Elona Reach [DE] 19.069634 Abaddon's Mouth [DE] 26.514918 Gunnar's Hold 26.583630 Aurora Glade 11.057805 Drakkar Lake [DE] 0.190543 Ring of Fire 0.123993 Miller's Sound [DE] 0.101365 Dzagonur [DE] 0.006300 Arborstone [FR] 0.004787 Vabbi 0.000000 Ruins of Surmia 0.000000 Fort Ranik [FR] 0.000000 Whiteside Ridge 0.000000 Fissure of Woe 0.000000 Underworld 0.000000 Blacktide Abaddon's Mouth [DE] 0.000000 Desolation 0.000006 Seafarer's Rest 0.051181 Jade Sea [FR] 0.792647 Far Shiverpeaks 1.281516 Vizunah Square [FR] 4.318814 Piken Square 4.350134 Riverside [DE] 5.669080 Gandara 6.154208 Kodash [DE] 11.745009 Baruch Bay [SP] 20.170496 Elona Reach [DE] 19.069634 Augury Rock [FR] 50.999622 Gunnar's Hold 50.369319 Aurora Glade 19.109952 Drakkar Lake [DE] 2.640565 Ring of Fire 1.725482 Miller's Sound [DE] 1.398443 Dzagonur [DE] 0.087844 Arborstone [FR] 0.066048 Vabbi 0.000000 Ruins of Surmia 0.000000 Fort Ranik [FR] 0.000000 Whiteside Ridge 0.000000 Fissure of Woe 0.000000 Underworld 0.000000 Blacktide Gunnar's Hold 0.000000 Desolation 0.000003 Seafarer's Rest 0.017322 Jade Sea [FR] 0.268097 Far Shiverpeaks 0.431033 Vizunah Square [FR] 1.450318 Piken Square 1.462509 Riverside [DE] 1.904351 Gandara 2.069190 Kodash [DE] 4.095674 Baruch Bay [SP] 12.067587 Elona Reach [DE] 26.514918 Augury Rock [FR] 50.999622 Abaddon's Mouth [DE] 57.812512 Aurora Glade 15.967954 Drakkar Lake [DE] 11.126863 Ring of Fire 7.275168 Miller's Sound [DE] 5.888204 Dzagonur [DE] 0.369835 Arborstone [FR] 0.278840 Vabbi 0.000000 Ruins of Surmia 0.000000 Fort Ranik [FR] 0.000000 Whiteside Ridge 0.000000 Fissure of Woe 0.000000 Underworld 0.000000 Blacktide Aurora Glade 0.000000 Desolation 0.000002 Seafarer's Rest 0.013865 Jade Sea [FR] 0.216680 Far Shiverpeaks 0.350942 Vizunah Square [FR] 1.179336 Piken Square 1.186974 Riverside [DE] 1.548159 Gandara 1.678042 Kodash [DE] 3.342466 Baruch Bay [SP] 11.144248 Elona Reach [DE] 26.583630 Augury Rock [FR] 50.369319 Abaddon's Mouth [DE] 57.812512 Gunnar's Hold 13.533163 Drakkar Lake [DE] 13.850038 Ring of Fire 9.058024 Miller's Sound [DE] 7.326144 Dzagonur [DE] 0.459627 Arborstone [FR] 0.346829 Vabbi 0.000000 Ruins of Surmia 0.000000 Fort Ranik [FR] 0.000000 Whiteside Ridge 0.000000 Fissure of Woe 0.000000 Underworld 0.000000 Blacktide Drakkar Lake [DE] 0.000000 Desolation 0.000000 Seafarer's Rest 0.000231 Jade Sea [FR] 0.003675 Far Shiverpeaks 0.005834 Vizunah Square [FR] 0.019507 Piken Square 0.019759 Riverside [DE] 0.025492 Gandara 0.027482 Kodash [DE] 0.089640 Baruch Bay [SP] 2.464448 Elona Reach [DE] 11.057805 Augury Rock [FR] 19.109952 Abaddon's Mouth [DE] 15.967954 Gunnar's Hold 13.533163 Aurora Glade 61.423844 Ring of Fire 40.171815 Miller's Sound [DE] 32.504112 Dzagonur [DE] 2.036796 Arborstone [FR] 1.538491 Vabbi 0.000000 Ruins of Surmia 0.000000 Fort Ranik [FR] 0.000000 Whiteside Ridge 0.000000 Fissure of Woe 0.000000 Underworld 0.000000 Blacktide Ring of Fire 0.000000 Desolation 0.000000 Seafarer's Rest 0.000000 Jade Sea [FR] 0.000000 Far Shiverpeaks 0.000000 Vizunah Square [FR] 0.000000 Piken Square 0.000000 Riverside [DE] 0.000000 Gandara 0.000000 Kodash [DE] 0.000000 Baruch Bay [SP] 0.000000 Elona Reach [DE] 0.190543 Augury Rock [FR] 2.640565 Abaddon's Mouth [DE] 11.126863 Gunnar's Hold 13.850038 Aurora Glade 61.423844 Drakkar Lake [DE] 48.090087 Miller's Sound [DE] 37.115535 Dzagonur [DE] 12.400710 Arborstone [FR] 11.729433 Vabbi 0.844092 Ruins of Surmia 0.588290 Fort Ranik [FR] 0.000000 Whiteside Ridge 0.000000 Fissure of Woe 0.000000 Underworld 0.000000 Blacktide Miller's Sound [DE] 0.000000 Desolation 0.000000 Seafarer's Rest 0.000000 Jade Sea [FR] 0.000000 Far Shiverpeaks 0.000000 Vizunah Square [FR] 0.000000 Piken Square 0.000000 Riverside [DE] 0.000000 Gandara 0.000000 Kodash [DE] 0.000000 Baruch Bay [SP] 0.000000 Elona Reach [DE] 0.123993 Augury Rock [FR] 1.725482 Abaddon's Mouth [DE] 7.275168 Gunnar's Hold 9.058024 Aurora Glade 40.171815 Drakkar Lake [DE] 48.090087 Ring of Fire 14.805452 Dzagonur [DE] 36.838552 Arborstone [FR] 36.400706 Vabbi 3.249087 Ruins of Surmia 2.261634 Fort Ranik [FR] 0.000000 Whiteside Ridge 0.000000 Fissure of Woe 0.000000 Underworld 0.000000 Blacktide Dzagonur [DE] 0.000000 Desolation 0.000000 Seafarer's Rest 0.000000 Jade Sea [FR] 0.000000 Far Shiverpeaks 0.000000 Vizunah Square [FR] 0.000000 Piken Square 0.000000 Riverside [DE] 0.000000 Gandara 0.000000 Kodash [DE] 0.000000 Baruch Bay [SP] 0.000000 Elona Reach [DE] 0.101365 Augury Rock [FR] 1.398443 Abaddon's Mouth [DE] 5.888204 Gunnar's Hold 7.326144 Aurora Glade 32.504112 Drakkar Lake [DE] 37.115535 Ring of Fire 14.805452 Miller's Sound [DE] 47.232390 Arborstone [FR] 46.565358 Vabbi 4.163738 Ruins of Surmia 2.899259 Fort Ranik [FR] 0.000000 Whiteside Ridge 0.000000 Fissure of Woe 0.000000 Underworld 0.000000 Blacktide Arborstone [FR] 0.000000 Desolation 0.000000 Seafarer's Rest 0.000000 Jade Sea [FR] 0.000000 Far Shiverpeaks 0.000000 Vizunah Square [FR] 0.000000 Piken Square 0.000000 Riverside [DE] 0.000000 Gandara 0.000000 Kodash [DE] 0.000000 Baruch Bay [SP] 0.000000 Elona Reach [DE] 0.006300 Augury Rock [FR] 0.087844 Abaddon's Mouth [DE] 0.369835 Gunnar's Hold 0.459627 Aurora Glade 2.036796 Drakkar Lake [DE] 12.400710 Ring of Fire 36.838552 Miller's Sound [DE] 47.232390 Dzagonur [DE] 81.887401 Vabbi 6.659941 Ruins of Surmia 6.430590 Fort Ranik [FR] 5.334819 Whiteside Ridge 0.255195 Fissure of Woe 0.000000 Underworld 0.000000 Blacktide Vabbi 0.000000 Desolation 0.000000 Seafarer's Rest 0.000000 Jade Sea [FR] 0.000000 Far Shiverpeaks 0.000000 Vizunah Square [FR] 0.000000 Piken Square 0.000000 Riverside [DE] 0.000000 Gandara 0.000000 Kodash [DE] 0.000000 Baruch Bay [SP] 0.000000 Elona Reach [DE] 0.004787 Augury Rock [FR] 0.066048 Abaddon's Mouth [DE] 0.278840 Gunnar's Hold 0.346829 Aurora Glade 1.538491 Drakkar Lake [DE] 11.729433 Ring of Fire 36.400706 Miller's Sound [DE] 46.565358 Dzagonur [DE] 81.887401 Arborstone [FR] 6.445334 Ruins of Surmia 6.756333 Fort Ranik [FR] 7.615248 Whiteside Ridge 0.365192 Fissure of Woe 0.000000 Underworld 0.000000 Blacktide Ruins of Surmia 0.000000 Desolation 0.000000 Seafarer's Rest 0.000000 Jade Sea [FR] 0.000000 Far Shiverpeaks 0.000000 Vizunah Square [FR] 0.000000 Piken Square 0.000000 Riverside [DE] 0.000000 Gandara 0.000000 Kodash [DE] 0.000000 Baruch Bay [SP] 0.000000 Elona Reach [DE] 0.000000 Augury Rock [FR] 0.000000 Abaddon's Mouth [DE] 0.000000 Gunnar's Hold 0.000000 Aurora Glade 0.000000 Drakkar Lake [DE] 0.844092 Ring of Fire 3.249087 Miller's Sound [DE] 4.163738 Dzagonur [DE] 6.659941 Arborstone [FR] 6.445334 Vabbi 86.636078 Fort Ranik [FR] 87.797858 Whiteside Ridge 4.203872 Fissure of Woe 0.000000 Underworld 0.000000 Blacktide Fort Ranik [FR] 0.000000 Desolation 0.000000 Seafarer's Rest 0.000000 Jade Sea [FR] 0.000000 Far Shiverpeaks 0.000000 Vizunah Square [FR] 0.000000 Piken Square 0.000000 Riverside [DE] 0.000000 Gandara 0.000000 Kodash [DE] 0.000000 Baruch Bay [SP] 0.000000 Elona Reach [DE] 0.000000 Augury Rock [FR] 0.000000 Abaddon's Mouth [DE] 0.000000 Gunnar's Hold 0.000000 Aurora Glade 0.000000 Drakkar Lake [DE] 0.588290 Ring of Fire 2.261634 Miller's Sound [DE] 2.899259 Dzagonur [DE] 6.430590 Arborstone [FR] 6.756333 Vabbi 86.636078 Ruins of Surmia 90.112715 Whiteside Ridge 4.315101 Fissure of Woe 0.000000 Underworld 0.000000 Blacktide Whiteside Ridge 0.000000 Desolation 0.000000 Seafarer's Rest 0.000000 Jade Sea [FR] 0.000000 Far Shiverpeaks 0.000000 Vizunah Square [FR] 0.000000 Piken Square 0.000000 Riverside [DE] 0.000000 Gandara 0.000000 Kodash [DE] 0.000000 Baruch Bay [SP] 0.000000 Elona Reach [DE] 0.000000 Augury Rock [FR] 0.000000 Abaddon's Mouth [DE] 0.000000 Gunnar's Hold 0.000000 Aurora Glade 0.000000 Drakkar Lake [DE] 0.000000 Ring of Fire 0.000000 Miller's Sound [DE] 0.000000 Dzagonur [DE] 5.334819 Arborstone [FR] 7.615248 Vabbi 87.797858 Ruins of Surmia 90.112715 Fort Ranik [FR] 0.000000 Fissure of Woe 4.569680 Underworld 4.569680 Blacktide Fissure of Woe 0.000000 Desolation 0.000000 Seafarer's Rest 0.000000 Jade Sea [FR] 0.000000 Far Shiverpeaks 0.000000 Vizunah Square [FR] 0.000000 Piken Square 0.000000 Riverside [DE] 0.000000 Gandara 0.000000 Kodash [DE] 0.000000 Baruch Bay [SP] 0.000000 Elona Reach [DE] 0.000000 Augury Rock [FR] 0.000000 Abaddon's Mouth [DE] 0.000000 Gunnar's Hold 0.000000 Aurora Glade 0.000000 Drakkar Lake [DE] 0.000000 Ring of Fire 0.000000 Miller's Sound [DE] 0.000000 Dzagonur [DE] 0.255195 Arborstone [FR] 0.365192 Vabbi 4.203872 Ruins of Surmia 4.315101 Fort Ranik [FR] 0.000000 Whiteside Ridge 95.430320 Underworld 95.430320 Blacktide Underworld 0.000000 Desolation 0.000000 Seafarer's Rest 0.000000 Jade Sea [FR] 0.000000 Far Shiverpeaks 0.000000 Vizunah Square [FR] 0.000000 Piken Square 0.000000 Riverside [DE] 0.000000 Gandara 0.000000 Kodash [DE] 0.000000 Baruch Bay [SP] 0.000000 Elona Reach [DE] 0.000000 Augury Rock [FR] 0.000000 Abaddon's Mouth [DE] 0.000000 Gunnar's Hold 0.000000 Aurora Glade 0.000000 Drakkar Lake [DE] 0.000000 Ring of Fire 0.000000 Miller's Sound [DE] 0.000000 Dzagonur [DE] 0.000000 Arborstone [FR] 0.000000 Vabbi 0.000000 Ruins of Surmia 0.000000 Fort Ranik [FR] 4.569680 Whiteside Ridge 95.430320 Fissure of Woe 100.000000 Blacktide Blacktide 0.000000 Desolation 0.000000 Seafarer's Rest 0.000000 Jade Sea [FR] 0.000000 Far Shiverpeaks 0.000000 Vizunah Square [FR] 0.000000 Piken Square 0.000000 Riverside [DE] 0.000000 Gandara 0.000000 Kodash [DE] 0.000000 Baruch Bay [SP] 0.000000 Elona Reach [DE] 0.000000 Augury Rock [FR] 0.000000 Abaddon's Mouth [DE] 0.000000 Gunnar's Hold 0.000000 Aurora Glade 0.000000 Drakkar Lake [DE] 0.000000 Ring of Fire 0.000000 Miller's Sound [DE] 0.000000 Dzagonur [DE] 0.000000 Arborstone [FR] 0.000000 Vabbi 0.000000 Ruins of Surmia 0.000000 Fort Ranik [FR] 4.569680 Whiteside Ridge 95.430320 Fissure of Woe 100.000000 Underworld