Desolation 51.485055 Vizunah Square [FR] 40.985720 Seafarer's Rest 28.047809 Far Shiverpeaks 22.315710 Jade Sea [FR] 22.109665 Riverside [DE] 18.596660 Kodash [DE] 7.213864 Baruch Bay [SP] 6.477718 Gandara 2.717282 Piken Square 0.049624 Elona Reach [DE] 0.000696 Augury Rock [FR] 0.000105 Aurora Glade 0.000071 Abaddon's Mouth [DE] 0.000021 Gunnar's Hold 0.000000 Drakkar Lake [DE] 0.000000 Dzagonur [DE] 0.000000 Miller's Sound [DE] 0.000000 Ring of Fire 0.000000 Arborstone [FR] 0.000000 Vabbi 0.000000 Ruins of Surmia 0.000000 Fort Ranik [FR] 0.000000 Whiteside Ridge 0.000000 Fissure of Woe 0.000000 Underworld 0.000000 Blacktide Vizunah Square [FR] 51.485055 Desolation 34.312230 Seafarer's Rest 25.161709 Far Shiverpeaks 21.360403 Jade Sea [FR] 21.232611 Riverside [DE] 18.906556 Kodash [DE] 10.691908 Baruch Bay [SP] 10.090487 Gandara 6.305360 Piken Square 0.406541 Elona Reach [DE] 0.020052 Augury Rock [FR] 0.012345 Aurora Glade 0.011318 Abaddon's Mouth [DE] 0.003418 Gunnar's Hold 0.000007 Drakkar Lake [DE] 0.000000 Dzagonur [DE] 0.000000 Miller's Sound [DE] 0.000000 Ring of Fire 0.000000 Arborstone [FR] 0.000000 Vabbi 0.000000 Ruins of Surmia 0.000000 Fort Ranik [FR] 0.000000 Whiteside Ridge 0.000000 Fissure of Woe 0.000000 Underworld 0.000000 Blacktide Seafarer's Rest 40.985720 Desolation 34.312230 Vizunah Square [FR] 23.745969 Far Shiverpeaks 21.524284 Jade Sea [FR] 21.445288 Riverside [DE] 19.981504 Kodash [DE] 13.837821 Baruch Bay [SP] 13.305834 Gandara 9.420901 Piken Square 1.136297 Elona Reach [DE] 0.119324 Augury Rock [FR] 0.083907 Aurora Glade 0.077896 Abaddon's Mouth [DE] 0.022972 Gunnar's Hold 0.000053 Drakkar Lake [DE] 0.000000 Dzagonur [DE] 0.000000 Miller's Sound [DE] 0.000000 Ring of Fire 0.000000 Arborstone [FR] 0.000000 Vabbi 0.000000 Ruins of Surmia 0.000000 Fort Ranik [FR] 0.000000 Whiteside Ridge 0.000000 Fissure of Woe 0.000000 Underworld 0.000000 Blacktide Far Shiverpeaks 28.047809 Desolation 25.161709 Vizunah Square [FR] 23.745969 Seafarer's Rest 22.728295 Jade Sea [FR] 22.735082 Riverside [DE] 22.237657 Kodash [DE] 18.376472 Baruch Bay [SP] 17.898254 Gandara 13.666368 Piken Square 3.404881 Elona Reach [DE] 0.754892 Augury Rock [FR] 0.564100 Aurora Glade 0.525066 Abaddon's Mouth [DE] 0.153043 Gunnar's Hold 0.000403 Drakkar Lake [DE] 0.000000 Dzagonur [DE] 0.000000 Miller's Sound [DE] 0.000000 Ring of Fire 0.000000 Arborstone [FR] 0.000000 Vabbi 0.000000 Ruins of Surmia 0.000000 Fort Ranik [FR] 0.000000 Whiteside Ridge 0.000000 Fissure of Woe 0.000000 Underworld 0.000000 Blacktide Jade Sea [FR] 22.315710 Desolation 21.360403 Vizunah Square [FR] 21.524284 Seafarer's Rest 22.728295 Far Shiverpeaks 23.194642 Riverside [DE] 23.214503 Kodash [DE] 20.549404 Baruch Bay [SP] 20.080890 Gandara 15.550759 Piken Square 5.227267 Elona Reach [DE] 1.600019 Augury Rock [FR] 1.204703 Aurora Glade 1.122158 Abaddon's Mouth [DE] 0.326138 Gunnar's Hold 0.000825 Drakkar Lake [DE] 0.000000 Dzagonur [DE] 0.000000 Miller's Sound [DE] 0.000000 Ring of Fire 0.000000 Arborstone [FR] 0.000000 Vabbi 0.000000 Ruins of Surmia 0.000000 Fort Ranik [FR] 0.000000 Whiteside Ridge 0.000000 Fissure of Woe 0.000000 Underworld 0.000000 Blacktide Riverside [DE] 22.109665 Desolation 21.232611 Vizunah Square [FR] 21.445288 Seafarer's Rest 22.735082 Far Shiverpeaks 23.194642 Jade Sea [FR] 23.260836 Kodash [DE] 20.633655 Baruch Bay [SP] 20.152698 Gandara 15.621999 Piken Square 5.285684 Elona Reach [DE] 1.629683 Augury Rock [FR] 1.224587 Aurora Glade 1.141234 Abaddon's Mouth [DE] 0.331424 Gunnar's Hold 0.000912 Drakkar Lake [DE] 0.000000 Dzagonur [DE] 0.000000 Miller's Sound [DE] 0.000000 Ring of Fire 0.000000 Arborstone [FR] 0.000000 Vabbi 0.000000 Ruins of Surmia 0.000000 Fort Ranik [FR] 0.000000 Whiteside Ridge 0.000000 Fissure of Woe 0.000000 Underworld 0.000000 Blacktide Kodash [DE] 18.596660 Desolation 18.906556 Vizunah Square [FR] 19.981504 Seafarer's Rest 22.237657 Far Shiverpeaks 23.214503 Jade Sea [FR] 23.260836 Riverside [DE] 21.948155 Baruch Bay [SP] 21.486356 Gandara 16.745565 Piken Square 6.864320 Elona Reach [DE] 2.536793 Augury Rock [FR] 1.917512 Aurora Glade 1.784387 Abaddon's Mouth [DE] 0.517887 Gunnar's Hold 0.001309 Drakkar Lake [DE] 0.000000 Dzagonur [DE] 0.000000 Miller's Sound [DE] 0.000000 Ring of Fire 0.000000 Arborstone [FR] 0.000000 Vabbi 0.000000 Ruins of Surmia 0.000000 Fort Ranik [FR] 0.000000 Whiteside Ridge 0.000000 Fissure of Woe 0.000000 Underworld 0.000000 Blacktide Baruch Bay [SP] 7.213864 Desolation 10.691908 Vizunah Square [FR] 13.837821 Seafarer's Rest 18.376472 Far Shiverpeaks 20.549404 Jade Sea [FR] 20.633655 Riverside [DE] 21.948155 Kodash [DE] 23.332246 Gandara 18.317177 Piken Square 17.525483 Elona Reach [DE] 10.254047 Augury Rock [FR] 7.863498 Aurora Glade 7.326034 Abaddon's Mouth [DE] 2.124810 Gunnar's Hold 0.005426 Drakkar Lake [DE] 0.000000 Dzagonur [DE] 0.000000 Miller's Sound [DE] 0.000000 Ring of Fire 0.000000 Arborstone [FR] 0.000000 Vabbi 0.000000 Ruins of Surmia 0.000000 Fort Ranik [FR] 0.000000 Whiteside Ridge 0.000000 Fissure of Woe 0.000000 Underworld 0.000000 Blacktide Gandara 6.477718 Desolation 10.090487 Vizunah Square [FR] 13.305834 Seafarer's Rest 17.898254 Far Shiverpeaks 20.080890 Jade Sea [FR] 20.152698 Riverside [DE] 21.486356 Kodash [DE] 23.332246 Baruch Bay [SP] 18.106286 Piken Square 18.859740 Elona Reach [DE] 11.218194 Augury Rock [FR] 8.613647 Aurora Glade 8.040706 Abaddon's Mouth [DE] 2.330612 Gunnar's Hold 0.006332 Drakkar Lake [DE] 0.000000 Dzagonur [DE] 0.000000 Miller's Sound [DE] 0.000000 Ring of Fire 0.000000 Arborstone [FR] 0.000000 Vabbi 0.000000 Ruins of Surmia 0.000000 Fort Ranik [FR] 0.000000 Whiteside Ridge 0.000000 Fissure of Woe 0.000000 Underworld 0.000000 Blacktide Piken Square 2.717282 Desolation 6.305360 Vizunah Square [FR] 9.420901 Seafarer's Rest 13.666368 Far Shiverpeaks 15.550759 Jade Sea [FR] 15.621999 Riverside [DE] 16.745565 Kodash [DE] 18.317177 Baruch Bay [SP] 18.106286 Gandara 31.291405 Elona Reach [DE] 19.123306 Augury Rock [FR] 14.845286 Aurora Glade 13.934076 Abaddon's Mouth [DE] 4.304090 Gunnar's Hold 0.050140 Drakkar Lake [DE] 0.000000 Dzagonur [DE] 0.000000 Miller's Sound [DE] 0.000000 Ring of Fire 0.000000 Arborstone [FR] 0.000000 Vabbi 0.000000 Ruins of Surmia 0.000000 Fort Ranik [FR] 0.000000 Whiteside Ridge 0.000000 Fissure of Woe 0.000000 Underworld 0.000000 Blacktide Elona Reach [DE] 0.049624 Desolation 0.406541 Vizunah Square [FR] 1.136297 Seafarer's Rest 3.404881 Far Shiverpeaks 5.227267 Jade Sea [FR] 5.285684 Riverside [DE] 6.864320 Kodash [DE] 17.525483 Baruch Bay [SP] 18.859740 Gandara 31.291405 Piken Square 33.556368 Augury Rock [FR] 27.856297 Aurora Glade 26.958162 Abaddon's Mouth [DE] 18.991878 Gunnar's Hold 2.586053 Drakkar Lake [DE] 0.000000 Dzagonur [DE] 0.000000 Miller's Sound [DE] 0.000000 Ring of Fire 0.000000 Arborstone [FR] 0.000000 Vabbi 0.000000 Ruins of Surmia 0.000000 Fort Ranik [FR] 0.000000 Whiteside Ridge 0.000000 Fissure of Woe 0.000000 Underworld 0.000000 Blacktide Augury Rock [FR] 0.000696 Desolation 0.020052 Vizunah Square [FR] 0.119324 Seafarer's Rest 0.754892 Far Shiverpeaks 1.600019 Jade Sea [FR] 1.629683 Riverside [DE] 2.536793 Kodash [DE] 10.254047 Baruch Bay [SP] 11.218194 Gandara 19.123306 Piken Square 33.556368 Elona Reach [DE] 33.094449 Aurora Glade 34.252618 Abaddon's Mouth [DE] 42.552751 Gunnar's Hold 8.194506 Drakkar Lake [DE] 0.506020 Dzagonur [DE] 0.394232 Miller's Sound [DE] 0.183601 Ring of Fire 0.008449 Arborstone [FR] 0.000000 Vabbi 0.000000 Ruins of Surmia 0.000000 Fort Ranik [FR] 0.000000 Whiteside Ridge 0.000000 Fissure of Woe 0.000000 Underworld 0.000000 Blacktide Aurora Glade 0.000105 Desolation 0.012345 Vizunah Square [FR] 0.083907 Seafarer's Rest 0.564100 Far Shiverpeaks 1.204703 Jade Sea [FR] 1.224587 Riverside [DE] 1.917512 Kodash [DE] 7.863498 Baruch Bay [SP] 8.613647 Gandara 14.845286 Piken Square 27.856297 Elona Reach [DE] 33.094449 Augury Rock [FR] 40.381847 Abaddon's Mouth [DE] 49.632541 Gunnar's Hold 8.861390 Drakkar Lake [DE] 1.782318 Dzagonur [DE] 1.386502 Miller's Sound [DE] 0.644930 Ring of Fire 0.030036 Arborstone [FR] 0.000000 Vabbi 0.000000 Ruins of Surmia 0.000000 Fort Ranik [FR] 0.000000 Whiteside Ridge 0.000000 Fissure of Woe 0.000000 Underworld 0.000000 Blacktide Abaddon's Mouth [DE] 0.000071 Desolation 0.011318 Vizunah Square [FR] 0.077896 Seafarer's Rest 0.525066 Far Shiverpeaks 1.122158 Jade Sea [FR] 1.141234 Riverside [DE] 1.784387 Kodash [DE] 7.326034 Baruch Bay [SP] 8.040706 Gandara 13.934076 Piken Square 26.958162 Elona Reach [DE] 34.252618 Augury Rock [FR] 40.381847 Aurora Glade 51.521767 Gunnar's Hold 9.227166 Drakkar Lake [DE] 1.713180 Dzagonur [DE] 1.333036 Miller's Sound [DE] 0.620306 Ring of Fire 0.028972 Arborstone [FR] 0.000000 Vabbi 0.000000 Ruins of Surmia 0.000000 Fort Ranik [FR] 0.000000 Whiteside Ridge 0.000000 Fissure of Woe 0.000000 Underworld 0.000000 Blacktide Gunnar's Hold 0.000021 Desolation 0.003418 Vizunah Square [FR] 0.022972 Seafarer's Rest 0.153043 Far Shiverpeaks 0.326138 Jade Sea [FR] 0.331424 Riverside [DE] 0.517887 Kodash [DE] 2.124810 Baruch Bay [SP] 2.330612 Gandara 4.304090 Piken Square 18.991878 Elona Reach [DE] 42.552751 Augury Rock [FR] 49.632541 Aurora Glade 51.521767 Abaddon's Mouth [DE] 3.441854 Drakkar Lake [DE] 11.008660 Dzagonur [DE] 8.566588 Miller's Sound [DE] 3.982924 Ring of Fire 0.186622 Arborstone [FR] 0.000000 Vabbi 0.000000 Ruins of Surmia 0.000000 Fort Ranik [FR] 0.000000 Whiteside Ridge 0.000000 Fissure of Woe 0.000000 Underworld 0.000000 Blacktide Drakkar Lake [DE] 0.000000 Desolation 0.000007 Vizunah Square [FR] 0.000053 Seafarer's Rest 0.000403 Far Shiverpeaks 0.000825 Jade Sea [FR] 0.000912 Riverside [DE] 0.001309 Kodash [DE] 0.005426 Baruch Bay [SP] 0.006332 Gandara 0.050140 Piken Square 2.586053 Elona Reach [DE] 8.194506 Augury Rock [FR] 8.861390 Aurora Glade 9.227166 Abaddon's Mouth [DE] 3.441854 Gunnar's Hold 77.711185 Dzagonur [DE] 60.477863 Miller's Sound [DE] 28.121428 Ring of Fire 1.313148 Arborstone [FR] 0.000000 Vabbi 0.000000 Ruins of Surmia 0.000000 Fort Ranik [FR] 0.000000 Whiteside Ridge 0.000000 Fissure of Woe 0.000000 Underworld 0.000000 Blacktide Dzagonur [DE] 0.000000 Desolation 0.000000 Vizunah Square [FR] 0.000000 Seafarer's Rest 0.000000 Far Shiverpeaks 0.000000 Jade Sea [FR] 0.000000 Riverside [DE] 0.000000 Kodash [DE] 0.000000 Baruch Bay [SP] 0.000000 Gandara 0.000000 Piken Square 0.000000 Elona Reach [DE] 0.506020 Augury Rock [FR] 1.782318 Aurora Glade 1.713180 Abaddon's Mouth [DE] 11.008660 Gunnar's Hold 77.711185 Drakkar Lake [DE] 64.881384 Miller's Sound [DE] 26.279630 Ring of Fire 8.639158 Arborstone [FR] 4.996580 Vabbi 2.211811 Ruins of Surmia 0.236288 Fort Ranik [FR] 0.024946 Whiteside Ridge 0.008840 Fissure of Woe 0.000000 Underworld 0.000000 Blacktide Miller's Sound [DE] 0.000000 Desolation 0.000000 Vizunah Square [FR] 0.000000 Seafarer's Rest 0.000000 Far Shiverpeaks 0.000000 Jade Sea [FR] 0.000000 Riverside [DE] 0.000000 Kodash [DE] 0.000000 Baruch Bay [SP] 0.000000 Gandara 0.000000 Piken Square 0.000000 Elona Reach [DE] 0.394232 Augury Rock [FR] 1.386502 Aurora Glade 1.333036 Abaddon's Mouth [DE] 8.566588 Gunnar's Hold 60.477863 Drakkar Lake [DE] 64.881384 Dzagonur [DE] 8.838986 Ring of Fire 25.552633 Arborstone [FR] 19.117258 Vabbi 8.423356 Ruins of Surmia 0.899613 Fort Ranik [FR] 0.094711 Whiteside Ridge 0.033838 Fissure of Woe 0.000000 Underworld 0.000000 Blacktide Ring of Fire 0.000000 Desolation 0.000000 Vizunah Square [FR] 0.000000 Seafarer's Rest 0.000000 Far Shiverpeaks 0.000000 Jade Sea [FR] 0.000000 Riverside [DE] 0.000000 Kodash [DE] 0.000000 Baruch Bay [SP] 0.000000 Gandara 0.000000 Piken Square 0.000000 Elona Reach [DE] 0.183601 Augury Rock [FR] 0.644930 Aurora Glade 0.620306 Abaddon's Mouth [DE] 3.982924 Gunnar's Hold 28.121428 Drakkar Lake [DE] 26.279630 Dzagonur [DE] 8.838986 Miller's Sound [DE] 63.076222 Arborstone [FR] 45.636685 Vabbi 20.154879 Ruins of Surmia 2.152125 Fort Ranik [FR] 0.227497 Whiteside Ridge 0.080787 Fissure of Woe 0.000000 Underworld 0.000000 Blacktide Arborstone [FR] 0.000000 Desolation 0.000000 Vizunah Square [FR] 0.000000 Seafarer's Rest 0.000000 Far Shiverpeaks 0.000000 Jade Sea [FR] 0.000000 Riverside [DE] 0.000000 Kodash [DE] 0.000000 Baruch Bay [SP] 0.000000 Gandara 0.000000 Piken Square 0.000000 Elona Reach [DE] 0.008449 Augury Rock [FR] 0.030036 Aurora Glade 0.028972 Abaddon's Mouth [DE] 0.186622 Gunnar's Hold 1.313148 Drakkar Lake [DE] 8.639158 Dzagonur [DE] 25.552633 Miller's Sound [DE] 63.076222 Ring of Fire 64.886464 Vabbi 27.170853 Ruins of Surmia 5.557085 Fort Ranik [FR] 2.034694 Whiteside Ridge 1.515664 Fissure of Woe 0.000000 Underworld 0.000000 Blacktide Vabbi 0.000000 Desolation 0.000000 Vizunah Square [FR] 0.000000 Seafarer's Rest 0.000000 Far Shiverpeaks 0.000000 Jade Sea [FR] 0.000000 Riverside [DE] 0.000000 Kodash [DE] 0.000000 Baruch Bay [SP] 0.000000 Gandara 0.000000 Piken Square 0.000000 Elona Reach [DE] 0.000000 Augury Rock [FR] 0.000000 Aurora Glade 0.000000 Abaddon's Mouth [DE] 0.000000 Gunnar's Hold 0.000000 Drakkar Lake [DE] 4.996580 Dzagonur [DE] 19.117258 Miller's Sound [DE] 45.636685 Ring of Fire 64.886464 Arborstone [FR] 6.306357 Ruins of Surmia 24.158805 Fort Ranik [FR] 19.087310 Whiteside Ridge 15.771225 Fissure of Woe 0.019658 Underworld 0.019658 Blacktide Ruins of Surmia 0.000000 Desolation 0.000000 Vizunah Square [FR] 0.000000 Seafarer's Rest 0.000000 Far Shiverpeaks 0.000000 Jade Sea [FR] 0.000000 Riverside [DE] 0.000000 Kodash [DE] 0.000000 Baruch Bay [SP] 0.000000 Gandara 0.000000 Piken Square 0.000000 Elona Reach [DE] 0.000000 Augury Rock [FR] 0.000000 Aurora Glade 0.000000 Abaddon's Mouth [DE] 0.000000 Gunnar's Hold 0.000000 Drakkar Lake [DE] 2.211811 Dzagonur [DE] 8.423356 Miller's Sound [DE] 20.154879 Ring of Fire 27.170853 Arborstone [FR] 6.306357 Vabbi 56.728154 Fort Ranik [FR] 42.421721 Whiteside Ridge 34.997401 Fissure of Woe 0.792734 Underworld 0.792734 Blacktide Fort Ranik [FR] 0.000000 Desolation 0.000000 Vizunah Square [FR] 0.000000 Seafarer's Rest 0.000000 Far Shiverpeaks 0.000000 Jade Sea [FR] 0.000000 Riverside [DE] 0.000000 Kodash [DE] 0.000000 Baruch Bay [SP] 0.000000 Gandara 0.000000 Piken Square 0.000000 Elona Reach [DE] 0.000000 Augury Rock [FR] 0.000000 Aurora Glade 0.000000 Abaddon's Mouth [DE] 0.000000 Gunnar's Hold 0.000000 Drakkar Lake [DE] 0.236288 Dzagonur [DE] 0.899613 Miller's Sound [DE] 2.152125 Ring of Fire 5.557085 Arborstone [FR] 24.158805 Vabbi 56.728154 Ruins of Surmia 47.236997 Whiteside Ridge 36.805067 Fissure of Woe 13.112933 Underworld 13.112933 Blacktide Whiteside Ridge 0.000000 Desolation 0.000000 Vizunah Square [FR] 0.000000 Seafarer's Rest 0.000000 Far Shiverpeaks 0.000000 Jade Sea [FR] 0.000000 Riverside [DE] 0.000000 Kodash [DE] 0.000000 Baruch Bay [SP] 0.000000 Gandara 0.000000 Piken Square 0.000000 Elona Reach [DE] 0.000000 Augury Rock [FR] 0.000000 Aurora Glade 0.000000 Abaddon's Mouth [DE] 0.000000 Gunnar's Hold 0.000000 Drakkar Lake [DE] 0.024946 Dzagonur [DE] 0.094711 Miller's Sound [DE] 0.227497 Ring of Fire 2.034694 Arborstone [FR] 19.087310 Vabbi 42.421721 Ruins of Surmia 47.236997 Fort Ranik [FR] 13.754976 Fissure of Woe 37.558574 Underworld 37.558574 Blacktide Fissure of Woe 0.000000 Desolation 0.000000 Vizunah Square [FR] 0.000000 Seafarer's Rest 0.000000 Far Shiverpeaks 0.000000 Jade Sea [FR] 0.000000 Riverside [DE] 0.000000 Kodash [DE] 0.000000 Baruch Bay [SP] 0.000000 Gandara 0.000000 Piken Square 0.000000 Elona Reach [DE] 0.000000 Augury Rock [FR] 0.000000 Aurora Glade 0.000000 Abaddon's Mouth [DE] 0.000000 Gunnar's Hold 0.000000 Drakkar Lake [DE] 0.008840 Dzagonur [DE] 0.033838 Miller's Sound [DE] 0.080787 Ring of Fire 1.515664 Arborstone [FR] 15.771225 Vabbi 34.997401 Ruins of Surmia 36.805067 Fort Ranik [FR] 13.754976 Whiteside Ridge 48.516101 Underworld 48.516101 Blacktide Underworld 0.000000 Desolation 0.000000 Vizunah Square [FR] 0.000000 Seafarer's Rest 0.000000 Far Shiverpeaks 0.000000 Jade Sea [FR] 0.000000 Riverside [DE] 0.000000 Kodash [DE] 0.000000 Baruch Bay [SP] 0.000000 Gandara 0.000000 Piken Square 0.000000 Elona Reach [DE] 0.000000 Augury Rock [FR] 0.000000 Aurora Glade 0.000000 Abaddon's Mouth [DE] 0.000000 Gunnar's Hold 0.000000 Drakkar Lake [DE] 0.000000 Dzagonur [DE] 0.000000 Miller's Sound [DE] 0.000000 Ring of Fire 0.000000 Arborstone [FR] 0.019658 Vabbi 0.792734 Ruins of Surmia 13.112933 Fort Ranik [FR] 37.558574 Whiteside Ridge 48.516101 Fissure of Woe 100.000000 Blacktide Blacktide 0.000000 Desolation 0.000000 Vizunah Square [FR] 0.000000 Seafarer's Rest 0.000000 Far Shiverpeaks 0.000000 Jade Sea [FR] 0.000000 Riverside [DE] 0.000000 Kodash [DE] 0.000000 Baruch Bay [SP] 0.000000 Gandara 0.000000 Piken Square 0.000000 Elona Reach [DE] 0.000000 Augury Rock [FR] 0.000000 Aurora Glade 0.000000 Abaddon's Mouth [DE] 0.000000 Gunnar's Hold 0.000000 Drakkar Lake [DE] 0.000000 Dzagonur [DE] 0.000000 Miller's Sound [DE] 0.000000 Ring of Fire 0.000000 Arborstone [FR] 0.019658 Vabbi 0.792734 Ruins of Surmia 13.112933 Fort Ranik [FR] 37.558574 Whiteside Ridge 48.516101 Fissure of Woe 100.000000 Underworld