Vizunah Square [FR] 42.980806 Desolation 33.413357 Jade Sea [FR] 33.306384 Far Shiverpeaks 26.299416 Kodash [DE] 24.815770 Seafarer's Rest 15.845721 Riverside [DE] 11.051140 Baruch Bay [SP] 7.003236 Gandara 5.093764 Piken Square 0.149154 Elona Reach [DE] 0.034752 Aurora Glade 0.005103 Augury Rock [FR] 0.001241 Abaddon's Mouth [DE] 0.000156 Gunnar's Hold 0.000000 Drakkar Lake [DE] 0.000000 Dzagonur [DE] 0.000000 Miller's Sound [DE] 0.000000 Ring of Fire 0.000000 Arborstone [FR] 0.000000 Vabbi 0.000000 Ruins of Surmia 0.000000 Whiteside Ridge 0.000000 Fort Ranik [FR] 0.000000 Fissure of Woe 0.000000 Underworld 0.000000 Blacktide Desolation 42.980806 Vizunah Square [FR] 29.222613 Jade Sea [FR] 29.140117 Far Shiverpeaks 24.412059 Kodash [DE] 23.416300 Seafarer's Rest 17.307146 Riverside [DE] 13.749329 Baruch Bay [SP] 10.340054 Gandara 8.464184 Piken Square 0.682923 Elona Reach [DE] 0.200972 Aurora Glade 0.059408 Augury Rock [FR] 0.021341 Abaddon's Mouth [DE] 0.002748 Gunnar's Hold 0.000000 Drakkar Lake [DE] 0.000000 Dzagonur [DE] 0.000000 Miller's Sound [DE] 0.000000 Ring of Fire 0.000000 Arborstone [FR] 0.000000 Vabbi 0.000000 Ruins of Surmia 0.000000 Whiteside Ridge 0.000000 Fort Ranik [FR] 0.000000 Fissure of Woe 0.000000 Underworld 0.000000 Blacktide Jade Sea [FR] 33.413357 Vizunah Square [FR] 29.222613 Desolation 25.748338 Far Shiverpeaks 23.496612 Kodash [DE] 22.969699 Seafarer's Rest 19.443176 Riverside [DE] 16.876334 Baruch Bay [SP] 13.834640 Gandara 11.892594 Piken Square 1.917059 Elona Reach [DE] 0.731726 Aurora Glade 0.314036 Augury Rock [FR] 0.123771 Abaddon's Mouth [DE] 0.016045 Gunnar's Hold 0.000000 Drakkar Lake [DE] 0.000000 Dzagonur [DE] 0.000000 Miller's Sound [DE] 0.000000 Ring of Fire 0.000000 Arborstone [FR] 0.000000 Vabbi 0.000000 Ruins of Surmia 0.000000 Whiteside Ridge 0.000000 Fort Ranik [FR] 0.000000 Fissure of Woe 0.000000 Underworld 0.000000 Blacktide Far Shiverpeaks 33.306384 Vizunah Square [FR] 29.140117 Desolation 25.748338 Jade Sea [FR] 23.481036 Kodash [DE] 22.952732 Seafarer's Rest 19.463892 Riverside [DE] 16.908204 Baruch Bay [SP] 13.884781 Gandara 11.932065 Piken Square 1.959995 Elona Reach [DE] 0.751822 Aurora Glade 0.325996 Augury Rock [FR] 0.127969 Abaddon's Mouth [DE] 0.016669 Gunnar's Hold 0.000000 Drakkar Lake [DE] 0.000000 Dzagonur [DE] 0.000000 Miller's Sound [DE] 0.000000 Ring of Fire 0.000000 Arborstone [FR] 0.000000 Vabbi 0.000000 Ruins of Surmia 0.000000 Whiteside Ridge 0.000000 Fort Ranik [FR] 0.000000 Fissure of Woe 0.000000 Underworld 0.000000 Blacktide Kodash [DE] 26.299416 Vizunah Square [FR] 24.412059 Desolation 23.496612 Jade Sea [FR] 23.481036 Far Shiverpeaks 22.972306 Seafarer's Rest 21.438238 Riverside [DE] 19.589229 Baruch Bay [SP] 16.718648 Gandara 14.612377 Piken Square 3.797607 Elona Reach [DE] 1.828201 Aurora Glade 0.931121 Augury Rock [FR] 0.374585 Abaddon's Mouth [DE] 0.048565 Gunnar's Hold 0.000000 Drakkar Lake [DE] 0.000000 Dzagonur [DE] 0.000000 Miller's Sound [DE] 0.000000 Ring of Fire 0.000000 Arborstone [FR] 0.000000 Vabbi 0.000000 Ruins of Surmia 0.000000 Whiteside Ridge 0.000000 Fort Ranik [FR] 0.000000 Fissure of Woe 0.000000 Underworld 0.000000 Blacktide Seafarer's Rest 24.815770 Vizunah Square [FR] 23.416300 Desolation 22.969699 Jade Sea [FR] 22.952732 Far Shiverpeaks 22.972306 Kodash [DE] 21.846170 Riverside [DE] 20.169351 Baruch Bay [SP] 17.321850 Gandara 15.180744 Piken Square 4.381019 Elona Reach [DE] 2.254855 Aurora Glade 1.181098 Augury Rock [FR] 0.476596 Abaddon's Mouth [DE] 0.061510 Gunnar's Hold 0.000000 Drakkar Lake [DE] 0.000000 Dzagonur [DE] 0.000000 Miller's Sound [DE] 0.000000 Ring of Fire 0.000000 Arborstone [FR] 0.000000 Vabbi 0.000000 Ruins of Surmia 0.000000 Whiteside Ridge 0.000000 Fort Ranik [FR] 0.000000 Fissure of Woe 0.000000 Underworld 0.000000 Blacktide Riverside [DE] 15.845721 Vizunah Square [FR] 17.307146 Desolation 19.443176 Jade Sea [FR] 19.463892 Far Shiverpeaks 21.438238 Kodash [DE] 21.846170 Seafarer's Rest 23.474114 Baruch Bay [SP] 20.797593 Gandara 18.371205 Piken Square 9.446448 Elona Reach [DE] 6.719505 Aurora Glade 4.013008 Augury Rock [FR] 1.623657 Abaddon's Mouth [DE] 0.210127 Gunnar's Hold 0.000000 Drakkar Lake [DE] 0.000000 Dzagonur [DE] 0.000000 Miller's Sound [DE] 0.000000 Ring of Fire 0.000000 Arborstone [FR] 0.000000 Vabbi 0.000000 Ruins of Surmia 0.000000 Whiteside Ridge 0.000000 Fort Ranik [FR] 0.000000 Fissure of Woe 0.000000 Underworld 0.000000 Blacktide Baruch Bay [SP] 11.051140 Vizunah Square [FR] 13.749329 Desolation 16.876334 Jade Sea [FR] 16.908204 Far Shiverpeaks 19.589229 Kodash [DE] 20.169351 Seafarer's Rest 23.474114 Riverside [DE] 21.514672 Gandara 19.107535 Piken Square 14.738651 Elona Reach [DE] 11.710996 Aurora Glade 7.614172 Augury Rock [FR] 3.094660 Abaddon's Mouth [DE] 0.400952 Gunnar's Hold 0.000661 Drakkar Lake [DE] 0.000000 Dzagonur [DE] 0.000000 Miller's Sound [DE] 0.000000 Ring of Fire 0.000000 Arborstone [FR] 0.000000 Vabbi 0.000000 Ruins of Surmia 0.000000 Whiteside Ridge 0.000000 Fort Ranik [FR] 0.000000 Fissure of Woe 0.000000 Underworld 0.000000 Blacktide Gandara 7.003236 Vizunah Square [FR] 10.340054 Desolation 13.834640 Jade Sea [FR] 13.884781 Far Shiverpeaks 16.718648 Kodash [DE] 17.321850 Seafarer's Rest 20.797593 Riverside [DE] 21.514672 Baruch Bay [SP] 18.185845 Piken Square 22.626537 Elona Reach [DE] 18.817070 Aurora Glade 12.762796 Augury Rock [FR] 5.396982 Abaddon's Mouth [DE] 0.771098 Gunnar's Hold 0.024198 Drakkar Lake [DE] 0.000000 Dzagonur [DE] 0.000000 Miller's Sound [DE] 0.000000 Ring of Fire 0.000000 Arborstone [FR] 0.000000 Vabbi 0.000000 Ruins of Surmia 0.000000 Whiteside Ridge 0.000000 Fort Ranik [FR] 0.000000 Fissure of Woe 0.000000 Underworld 0.000000 Blacktide Piken Square 5.093764 Vizunah Square [FR] 8.464184 Desolation 11.892594 Jade Sea [FR] 11.932065 Far Shiverpeaks 14.612377 Kodash [DE] 15.180744 Seafarer's Rest 18.371205 Riverside [DE] 19.107535 Baruch Bay [SP] 18.185845 Gandara 28.655282 Elona Reach [DE] 23.856755 Aurora Glade 16.269567 Augury Rock [FR] 7.154064 Abaddon's Mouth [DE] 1.149918 Gunnar's Hold 0.074101 Drakkar Lake [DE] 0.000000 Dzagonur [DE] 0.000000 Miller's Sound [DE] 0.000000 Ring of Fire 0.000000 Arborstone [FR] 0.000000 Vabbi 0.000000 Ruins of Surmia 0.000000 Whiteside Ridge 0.000000 Fort Ranik [FR] 0.000000 Fissure of Woe 0.000000 Underworld 0.000000 Blacktide Elona Reach [DE] 0.149154 Vizunah Square [FR] 0.682923 Desolation 1.917059 Jade Sea [FR] 1.959995 Far Shiverpeaks 3.797607 Kodash [DE] 4.381019 Seafarer's Rest 9.446448 Riverside [DE] 14.738651 Baruch Bay [SP] 22.626537 Gandara 28.655282 Piken Square 41.167574 Aurora Glade 27.494158 Augury Rock [FR] 21.392625 Abaddon's Mouth [DE] 17.185175 Gunnar's Hold 4.405793 Drakkar Lake [DE] 0.000000 Dzagonur [DE] 0.000000 Miller's Sound [DE] 0.000000 Ring of Fire 0.000000 Arborstone [FR] 0.000000 Vabbi 0.000000 Ruins of Surmia 0.000000 Whiteside Ridge 0.000000 Fort Ranik [FR] 0.000000 Fissure of Woe 0.000000 Underworld 0.000000 Blacktide Aurora Glade 0.034752 Vizunah Square [FR] 0.200972 Desolation 0.731726 Jade Sea [FR] 0.751822 Far Shiverpeaks 1.828201 Kodash [DE] 2.254855 Seafarer's Rest 6.719505 Riverside [DE] 11.710996 Baruch Bay [SP] 18.817070 Gandara 23.856755 Piken Square 41.167574 Elona Reach [DE] 23.566932 Augury Rock [FR] 29.652300 Abaddon's Mouth [DE] 30.177992 Gunnar's Hold 8.528548 Drakkar Lake [DE] 0.000000 Dzagonur [DE] 0.000000 Miller's Sound [DE] 0.000000 Ring of Fire 0.000000 Arborstone [FR] 0.000000 Vabbi 0.000000 Ruins of Surmia 0.000000 Whiteside Ridge 0.000000 Fort Ranik [FR] 0.000000 Fissure of Woe 0.000000 Underworld 0.000000 Blacktide Augury Rock [FR] 0.005103 Vizunah Square [FR] 0.059408 Desolation 0.314036 Jade Sea [FR] 0.325996 Far Shiverpeaks 0.931121 Kodash [DE] 1.181098 Seafarer's Rest 4.013008 Riverside [DE] 7.614172 Baruch Bay [SP] 12.762796 Gandara 16.269567 Piken Square 27.494158 Elona Reach [DE] 23.566932 Aurora Glade 45.590160 Abaddon's Mouth [DE] 46.145673 Gunnar's Hold 13.133510 Drakkar Lake [DE] 0.284663 Dzagonur [DE] 0.220183 Miller's Sound [DE] 0.085181 Ring of Fire 0.003235 Arborstone [FR] 0.000000 Vabbi 0.000000 Ruins of Surmia 0.000000 Whiteside Ridge 0.000000 Fort Ranik [FR] 0.000000 Fissure of Woe 0.000000 Underworld 0.000000 Blacktide Abaddon's Mouth [DE] 0.001241 Vizunah Square [FR] 0.021341 Desolation 0.123771 Jade Sea [FR] 0.127969 Far Shiverpeaks 0.374585 Kodash [DE] 0.476596 Seafarer's Rest 1.623657 Riverside [DE] 3.094660 Baruch Bay [SP] 5.396982 Gandara 7.154064 Piken Square 21.392625 Elona Reach [DE] 29.652300 Aurora Glade 45.590160 Augury Rock [FR] 62.235803 Gunnar's Hold 15.848532 Drakkar Lake [DE] 3.302730 Dzagonur [DE] 2.556726 Miller's Sound [DE] 0.988726 Ring of Fire 0.037532 Arborstone [FR] 0.000000 Vabbi 0.000000 Ruins of Surmia 0.000000 Whiteside Ridge 0.000000 Fort Ranik [FR] 0.000000 Fissure of Woe 0.000000 Underworld 0.000000 Blacktide Gunnar's Hold 0.000156 Vizunah Square [FR] 0.002748 Desolation 0.016045 Jade Sea [FR] 0.016669 Far Shiverpeaks 0.048565 Kodash [DE] 0.061510 Seafarer's Rest 0.210127 Riverside [DE] 0.400952 Baruch Bay [SP] 0.771098 Gandara 1.149918 Piken Square 17.185175 Elona Reach [DE] 30.177992 Aurora Glade 46.145673 Augury Rock [FR] 62.235803 Abaddon's Mouth [DE] 3.520601 Drakkar Lake [DE] 18.253802 Dzagonur [DE] 14.131013 Miller's Sound [DE] 5.463745 Ring of Fire 0.208408 Arborstone [FR] 0.000000 Vabbi 0.000000 Ruins of Surmia 0.000000 Whiteside Ridge 0.000000 Fort Ranik [FR] 0.000000 Fissure of Woe 0.000000 Underworld 0.000000 Blacktide Drakkar Lake [DE] 0.000000 Vizunah Square [FR] 0.000000 Desolation 0.000000 Jade Sea [FR] 0.000000 Far Shiverpeaks 0.000000 Kodash [DE] 0.000000 Seafarer's Rest 0.000000 Riverside [DE] 0.000661 Baruch Bay [SP] 0.024198 Gandara 0.074101 Piken Square 4.405793 Elona Reach [DE] 8.528548 Aurora Glade 13.133510 Augury Rock [FR] 15.848532 Abaddon's Mouth [DE] 3.520601 Gunnar's Hold 74.093047 Dzagonur [DE] 57.336686 Miller's Sound [DE] 22.188152 Ring of Fire 0.846171 Arborstone [FR] 0.000000 Vabbi 0.000000 Ruins of Surmia 0.000000 Whiteside Ridge 0.000000 Fort Ranik [FR] 0.000000 Fissure of Woe 0.000000 Underworld 0.000000 Blacktide Dzagonur [DE] 0.000000 Vizunah Square [FR] 0.000000 Desolation 0.000000 Jade Sea [FR] 0.000000 Far Shiverpeaks 0.000000 Kodash [DE] 0.000000 Seafarer's Rest 0.000000 Riverside [DE] 0.000000 Baruch Bay [SP] 0.000000 Gandara 0.000000 Piken Square 0.000000 Elona Reach [DE] 0.000000 Aurora Glade 0.284663 Augury Rock [FR] 3.302730 Abaddon's Mouth [DE] 18.253802 Gunnar's Hold 74.093047 Drakkar Lake [DE] 70.178850 Miller's Sound [DE] 24.660046 Ring of Fire 5.056285 Arborstone [FR] 2.513879 Vabbi 1.454169 Ruins of Surmia 0.114921 Whiteside Ridge 0.064195 Fort Ranik [FR] 0.023413 Fissure of Woe 0.000000 Underworld 0.000000 Blacktide Miller's Sound [DE] 0.000000 Vizunah Square [FR] 0.000000 Desolation 0.000000 Jade Sea [FR] 0.000000 Far Shiverpeaks 0.000000 Kodash [DE] 0.000000 Seafarer's Rest 0.000000 Riverside [DE] 0.000000 Baruch Bay [SP] 0.000000 Gandara 0.000000 Piken Square 0.000000 Elona Reach [DE] 0.000000 Aurora Glade 0.220183 Augury Rock [FR] 2.556726 Abaddon's Mouth [DE] 14.131013 Gunnar's Hold 57.336686 Drakkar Lake [DE] 70.178850 Dzagonur [DE] 5.161104 Ring of Fire 24.014050 Arborstone [FR] 15.927787 Vabbi 9.187392 Ruins of Surmia 0.731326 Whiteside Ridge 0.405974 Fort Ranik [FR] 0.148909 Fissure of Woe 0.000000 Underworld 0.000000 Blacktide Ring of Fire 0.000000 Vizunah Square [FR] 0.000000 Desolation 0.000000 Jade Sea [FR] 0.000000 Far Shiverpeaks 0.000000 Kodash [DE] 0.000000 Seafarer's Rest 0.000000 Riverside [DE] 0.000000 Baruch Bay [SP] 0.000000 Gandara 0.000000 Piken Square 0.000000 Elona Reach [DE] 0.000000 Aurora Glade 0.085181 Augury Rock [FR] 0.988726 Abaddon's Mouth [DE] 5.463745 Gunnar's Hold 22.188152 Drakkar Lake [DE] 24.660046 Dzagonur [DE] 5.161104 Miller's Sound [DE] 68.334997 Arborstone [FR] 44.100828 Vabbi 25.457482 Ruins of Surmia 2.022423 Whiteside Ridge 1.125417 Fort Ranik [FR] 0.411899 Fissure of Woe 0.000000 Underworld 0.000000 Blacktide Arborstone [FR] 0.000000 Vizunah Square [FR] 0.000000 Desolation 0.000000 Jade Sea [FR] 0.000000 Far Shiverpeaks 0.000000 Kodash [DE] 0.000000 Seafarer's Rest 0.000000 Riverside [DE] 0.000000 Baruch Bay [SP] 0.000000 Gandara 0.000000 Piken Square 0.000000 Elona Reach [DE] 0.000000 Aurora Glade 0.003235 Augury Rock [FR] 0.037532 Abaddon's Mouth [DE] 0.208408 Gunnar's Hold 0.846171 Drakkar Lake [DE] 5.056285 Dzagonur [DE] 24.014050 Miller's Sound [DE] 68.334997 Ring of Fire 58.610352 Vabbi 32.761153 Ruins of Surmia 4.794748 Whiteside Ridge 3.426106 Fort Ranik [FR] 1.906963 Fissure of Woe 0.000000 Underworld 0.000000 Blacktide Vabbi 0.000000 Vizunah Square [FR] 0.000000 Desolation 0.000000 Jade Sea [FR] 0.000000 Far Shiverpeaks 0.000000 Kodash [DE] 0.000000 Seafarer's Rest 0.000000 Riverside [DE] 0.000000 Baruch Bay [SP] 0.000000 Gandara 0.000000 Piken Square 0.000000 Elona Reach [DE] 0.000000 Aurora Glade 0.000000 Augury Rock [FR] 0.000000 Abaddon's Mouth [DE] 0.000000 Gunnar's Hold 0.000000 Drakkar Lake [DE] 2.513879 Dzagonur [DE] 15.927787 Miller's Sound [DE] 44.100828 Ring of Fire 58.610352 Arborstone [FR] 7.308459 Ruins of Surmia 26.493227 Whiteside Ridge 25.794988 Fort Ranik [FR] 18.907896 Fissure of Woe 0.171292 Underworld 0.171292 Blacktide Ruins of Surmia 0.000000 Vizunah Square [FR] 0.000000 Desolation 0.000000 Jade Sea [FR] 0.000000 Far Shiverpeaks 0.000000 Kodash [DE] 0.000000 Seafarer's Rest 0.000000 Riverside [DE] 0.000000 Baruch Bay [SP] 0.000000 Gandara 0.000000 Piken Square 0.000000 Elona Reach [DE] 0.000000 Aurora Glade 0.000000 Augury Rock [FR] 0.000000 Abaddon's Mouth [DE] 0.000000 Gunnar's Hold 0.000000 Drakkar Lake [DE] 1.454169 Dzagonur [DE] 9.187392 Miller's Sound [DE] 25.457482 Ring of Fire 32.761153 Arborstone [FR] 7.308459 Vabbi 45.873058 Whiteside Ridge 43.995940 Fort Ranik [FR] 31.856469 Fissure of Woe 1.052939 Underworld 1.052939 Blacktide Whiteside Ridge 0.000000 Vizunah Square [FR] 0.000000 Desolation 0.000000 Jade Sea [FR] 0.000000 Far Shiverpeaks 0.000000 Kodash [DE] 0.000000 Seafarer's Rest 0.000000 Riverside [DE] 0.000000 Baruch Bay [SP] 0.000000 Gandara 0.000000 Piken Square 0.000000 Elona Reach [DE] 0.000000 Aurora Glade 0.000000 Augury Rock [FR] 0.000000 Abaddon's Mouth [DE] 0.000000 Gunnar's Hold 0.000000 Drakkar Lake [DE] 0.114921 Dzagonur [DE] 0.731326 Miller's Sound [DE] 2.022423 Ring of Fire 4.794748 Arborstone [FR] 26.493227 Vabbi 45.873058 Ruins of Surmia 46.447972 Fort Ranik [FR] 27.405757 Fissure of Woe 23.058284 Underworld 23.058284 Blacktide Fort Ranik [FR] 0.000000 Vizunah Square [FR] 0.000000 Desolation 0.000000 Jade Sea [FR] 0.000000 Far Shiverpeaks 0.000000 Kodash [DE] 0.000000 Seafarer's Rest 0.000000 Riverside [DE] 0.000000 Baruch Bay [SP] 0.000000 Gandara 0.000000 Piken Square 0.000000 Elona Reach [DE] 0.000000 Aurora Glade 0.000000 Augury Rock [FR] 0.000000 Abaddon's Mouth [DE] 0.000000 Gunnar's Hold 0.000000 Drakkar Lake [DE] 0.064195 Dzagonur [DE] 0.405974 Miller's Sound [DE] 1.125417 Ring of Fire 3.426106 Arborstone [FR] 25.794988 Vabbi 43.995940 Ruins of Surmia 46.447972 Whiteside Ridge 23.321566 Fissure of Woe 27.708921 Underworld 27.708921 Blacktide Fissure of Woe 0.000000 Vizunah Square [FR] 0.000000 Desolation 0.000000 Jade Sea [FR] 0.000000 Far Shiverpeaks 0.000000 Kodash [DE] 0.000000 Seafarer's Rest 0.000000 Riverside [DE] 0.000000 Baruch Bay [SP] 0.000000 Gandara 0.000000 Piken Square 0.000000 Elona Reach [DE] 0.000000 Aurora Glade 0.000000 Augury Rock [FR] 0.000000 Abaddon's Mouth [DE] 0.000000 Gunnar's Hold 0.000000 Drakkar Lake [DE] 0.023413 Dzagonur [DE] 0.148909 Miller's Sound [DE] 0.411899 Ring of Fire 1.906963 Arborstone [FR] 18.907896 Vabbi 31.856469 Ruins of Surmia 27.405757 Whiteside Ridge 23.321566 Fort Ranik [FR] 48.008564 Underworld 48.008564 Blacktide Underworld 0.000000 Vizunah Square [FR] 0.000000 Desolation 0.000000 Jade Sea [FR] 0.000000 Far Shiverpeaks 0.000000 Kodash [DE] 0.000000 Seafarer's Rest 0.000000 Riverside [DE] 0.000000 Baruch Bay [SP] 0.000000 Gandara 0.000000 Piken Square 0.000000 Elona Reach [DE] 0.000000 Aurora Glade 0.000000 Augury Rock [FR] 0.000000 Abaddon's Mouth [DE] 0.000000 Gunnar's Hold 0.000000 Drakkar Lake [DE] 0.000000 Dzagonur [DE] 0.000000 Miller's Sound [DE] 0.000000 Ring of Fire 0.000000 Arborstone [FR] 0.171292 Vabbi 1.052939 Ruins of Surmia 23.058284 Whiteside Ridge 27.708921 Fort Ranik [FR] 48.008564 Fissure of Woe 100.000000 Blacktide Blacktide 0.000000 Vizunah Square [FR] 0.000000 Desolation 0.000000 Jade Sea [FR] 0.000000 Far Shiverpeaks 0.000000 Kodash [DE] 0.000000 Seafarer's Rest 0.000000 Riverside [DE] 0.000000 Baruch Bay [SP] 0.000000 Gandara 0.000000 Piken Square 0.000000 Elona Reach [DE] 0.000000 Aurora Glade 0.000000 Augury Rock [FR] 0.000000 Abaddon's Mouth [DE] 0.000000 Gunnar's Hold 0.000000 Drakkar Lake [DE] 0.000000 Dzagonur [DE] 0.000000 Miller's Sound [DE] 0.000000 Ring of Fire 0.000000 Arborstone [FR] 0.171292 Vabbi 1.052939 Ruins of Surmia 23.058284 Whiteside Ridge 27.708921 Fort Ranik [FR] 48.008564 Fissure of Woe 100.000000 Underworld