Yak's Bend 99.906983 Jade Quarry Blackgate 0.093017 Jade Quarry Tarnished Coast Jade Quarry 99.906983 Yak's Bend Blackgate 0.093017 Yak's Bend Tarnished Coast Blackgate 99.906983 Yak's Bend Jade Quarry 0.093017 Sea of Sorrows Fort Aspenwood Tarnished Coast 0.093017 Yak's Bend Jade Quarry 99.906983 Sea of Sorrows Fort Aspenwood Sea of Sorrows 0.093017 Blackgate Fort Aspenwood 99.906983 Tarnished Coast Fort Aspenwood Fort Aspenwood 0.093017 Blackgate Sea of Sorrows 99.906983 Tarnished Coast Sea of Sorrows Stormbluff Isle 81.408857 Dragonbrand Maguuma 9.592097 Dragonbrand Crystal Desert 8.999046 Maguuma Crystal Desert Dragonbrand 81.408857 Stormbluff Isle Maguuma 9.592097 Stormbluff Isle Crystal Desert 5.219253 Northern Shiverpeaks Darkhaven 1.864094 Northern Shiverpeaks Ehmry Bay 0.913634 Northern Shiverpeaks Henge of Denravi 0.032153 Northern Shiverpeaks Sorrow's Furnace 0.623357 Darkhaven Ehmry Bay 0.256408 Darkhaven Henge of Denravi 0.090147 Ehmry Bay Henge of Denravi Maguuma 81.408857 Stormbluff Isle Dragonbrand 8.999046 Stormbluff Isle Crystal Desert 5.560319 Northern Shiverpeaks Darkhaven 1.990357 Northern Shiverpeaks Ehmry Bay 0.974439 Northern Shiverpeaks Henge of Denravi 0.034265 Northern Shiverpeaks Sorrow's Furnace 0.664431 Darkhaven Ehmry Bay 0.272685 Darkhaven Henge of Denravi 0.095601 Ehmry Bay Henge of Denravi Crystal Desert 9.592097 Stormbluff Isle Dragonbrand 8.999046 Stormbluff Isle Maguuma 47.213216 Northern Shiverpeaks Darkhaven 16.871083 Northern Shiverpeaks Ehmry Bay 8.263425 Northern Shiverpeaks Henge of Denravi 0.291380 Northern Shiverpeaks Sorrow's Furnace 5.635097 Darkhaven Ehmry Bay 2.320749 Darkhaven Henge of Denravi 0.813907 Ehmry Bay Henge of Denravi Northern Shiverpeaks 5.219253 Dragonbrand Darkhaven 1.864094 Dragonbrand Ehmry Bay 0.913634 Dragonbrand Henge of Denravi 0.032153 Dragonbrand Sorrow's Furnace 5.560319 Maguuma Darkhaven 1.990357 Maguuma Ehmry Bay 0.974439 Maguuma Henge of Denravi 0.034265 Maguuma Sorrow's Furnace 47.213216 Crystal Desert Darkhaven 16.871083 Crystal Desert Ehmry Bay 8.263425 Crystal Desert Henge of Denravi 0.291380 Crystal Desert Sorrow's Furnace 0.667219 Darkhaven Sorrow's Furnace 0.270355 Darkhaven Gate of Madness 0.049129 Darkhaven Kaineng 0.012911 Darkhaven Borlis Pass 0.000041 Darkhaven Isle of Janthir 1.872960 Ehmry Bay Sorrow's Furnace 0.764462 Ehmry Bay Gate of Madness 0.140605 Ehmry Bay Kaineng 0.036858 Ehmry Bay Borlis Pass 0.000100 Ehmry Bay Isle of Janthir 4.435673 Henge of Denravi Sorrow's Furnace 1.811550 Henge of Denravi Gate of Madness 0.341167 Henge of Denravi Kaineng 0.089717 Henge of Denravi Borlis Pass 0.000219 Henge of Denravi Isle of Janthir 0.275432 Sorrow's Furnace Gate of Madness 0.002927 Sorrow's Furnace Kaineng 0.001057 Gate of Madness Kaineng Darkhaven 5.219253 Dragonbrand Northern Shiverpeaks 0.623357 Dragonbrand Ehmry Bay 0.256408 Dragonbrand Henge of Denravi 5.560319 Maguuma Northern Shiverpeaks 0.664431 Maguuma Ehmry Bay 0.272685 Maguuma Henge of Denravi 47.213216 Crystal Desert Northern Shiverpeaks 5.635097 Crystal Desert Ehmry Bay 2.320749 Crystal Desert Henge of Denravi 0.667219 Northern Shiverpeaks Sorrow's Furnace 0.270355 Northern Shiverpeaks Gate of Madness 0.049129 Northern Shiverpeaks Kaineng 0.012911 Northern Shiverpeaks Borlis Pass 0.000041 Northern Shiverpeaks Isle of Janthir 0.305366 Ehmry Bay Henge of Denravi 6.650115 Ehmry Bay Sorrow's Furnace 2.769427 Ehmry Bay Gate of Madness 0.504223 Ehmry Bay Kaineng 0.132561 Ehmry Bay Borlis Pass 0.000319 Ehmry Bay Isle of Janthir 13.225300 Henge of Denravi Sorrow's Furnace 5.432332 Henge of Denravi Gate of Madness 1.026635 Henge of Denravi Kaineng 0.269556 Henge of Denravi Borlis Pass 0.000675 Henge of Denravi Isle of Janthir 0.905550 Sorrow's Furnace Gate of Madness 0.009332 Sorrow's Furnace Kaineng 0.003439 Gate of Madness Kaineng Ehmry Bay 1.864094 Dragonbrand Northern Shiverpeaks 0.623357 Dragonbrand Darkhaven 0.090147 Dragonbrand Henge of Denravi 1.990357 Maguuma Northern Shiverpeaks 0.664431 Maguuma Darkhaven 0.095601 Maguuma Henge of Denravi 16.871083 Crystal Desert Northern Shiverpeaks 5.635097 Crystal Desert Darkhaven 0.813907 Crystal Desert Henge of Denravi 1.872960 Northern Shiverpeaks Sorrow's Furnace 0.764462 Northern Shiverpeaks Gate of Madness 0.140605 Northern Shiverpeaks Kaineng 0.036858 Northern Shiverpeaks Borlis Pass 0.000100 Northern Shiverpeaks Isle of Janthir 0.305366 Darkhaven Henge of Denravi 6.650115 Darkhaven Sorrow's Furnace 2.769427 Darkhaven Gate of Madness 0.504223 Darkhaven Kaineng 0.132561 Darkhaven Borlis Pass 0.000319 Darkhaven Isle of Janthir 36.636349 Henge of Denravi Sorrow's Furnace 15.119991 Henge of Denravi Gate of Madness 2.875463 Henge of Denravi Kaineng 0.756859 Henge of Denravi Borlis Pass 0.001902 Henge of Denravi Isle of Janthir 2.069570 Sorrow's Furnace Gate of Madness 0.025448 Sorrow's Furnace Kaineng 0.009691 Gate of Madness Kaineng 0.283946 Kaineng Borlis Pass 0.100276 Kaineng Isle of Janthir 0.071073 Kaineng Ferguson's Crossing 0.060535 Kaineng Sanctum of Rall 0.004911 Kaineng Anvil Rock 0.053661 Borlis Pass Isle of Janthir 0.037711 Borlis Pass Ferguson's Crossing 0.031445 Borlis Pass Sanctum of Rall 0.001507 Borlis Pass Anvil Rock 0.013633 Isle of Janthir Ferguson's Crossing 0.011406 Isle of Janthir Sanctum of Rall 0.000526 Isle of Janthir Anvil Rock 0.008248 Ferguson's Crossing Sanctum of Rall 0.000414 Ferguson's Crossing Anvil Rock 0.000365 Sanctum of Rall Anvil Rock Henge of Denravi 0.913634 Dragonbrand Northern Shiverpeaks 0.256408 Dragonbrand Darkhaven 0.090147 Dragonbrand Ehmry Bay 0.974439 Maguuma Northern Shiverpeaks 0.272685 Maguuma Darkhaven 0.095601 Maguuma Ehmry Bay 8.263425 Crystal Desert Northern Shiverpeaks 2.320749 Crystal Desert Darkhaven 0.813907 Crystal Desert Ehmry Bay 4.435673 Northern Shiverpeaks Sorrow's Furnace 1.811550 Northern Shiverpeaks Gate of Madness 0.341167 Northern Shiverpeaks Kaineng 0.089717 Northern Shiverpeaks Borlis Pass 0.000219 Northern Shiverpeaks Isle of Janthir 0.305366 Darkhaven Ehmry Bay 13.225300 Darkhaven Sorrow's Furnace 5.432332 Darkhaven Gate of Madness 1.026635 Darkhaven Kaineng 0.269556 Darkhaven Borlis Pass 0.000675 Darkhaven Isle of Janthir 36.636349 Ehmry Bay Sorrow's Furnace 15.119991 Ehmry Bay Gate of Madness 2.875463 Ehmry Bay Kaineng 0.756859 Ehmry Bay Borlis Pass 0.001902 Ehmry Bay Isle of Janthir 0.497515 Sorrow's Furnace Gate of Madness 0.007837 Sorrow's Furnace Borlis Pass 0.002676 Sorrow's Furnace Isle of Janthir 0.001915 Sorrow's Furnace Ferguson's Crossing 0.001624 Sorrow's Furnace Sanctum of Rall 0.000129 Sorrow's Furnace Anvil Rock 0.019941 Gate of Madness Borlis Pass 0.006969 Gate of Madness Isle of Janthir 0.004957 Gate of Madness Ferguson's Crossing 0.004166 Gate of Madness Sanctum of Rall 0.000292 Gate of Madness Anvil Rock 1.299705 Kaineng Borlis Pass 0.460293 Kaineng Isle of Janthir 0.327031 Kaineng Ferguson's Crossing 0.278064 Kaineng Sanctum of Rall 0.022893 Kaineng Anvil Rock 0.248632 Borlis Pass Isle of Janthir 0.174454 Borlis Pass Ferguson's Crossing 0.144885 Borlis Pass Sanctum of Rall 0.007024 Borlis Pass Anvil Rock 0.062513 Isle of Janthir Ferguson's Crossing 0.052765 Isle of Janthir Sanctum of Rall 0.002267 Isle of Janthir Anvil Rock 0.038358 Ferguson's Crossing Sanctum of Rall 0.001729 Ferguson's Crossing Anvil Rock 0.001617 Sanctum of Rall Anvil Rock Sorrow's Furnace 0.032153 Dragonbrand Northern Shiverpeaks 0.034265 Maguuma Northern Shiverpeaks 0.291380 Crystal Desert Northern Shiverpeaks 0.667219 Northern Shiverpeaks Darkhaven 1.872960 Northern Shiverpeaks Ehmry Bay 4.435673 Northern Shiverpeaks Henge of Denravi 0.275432 Northern Shiverpeaks Gate of Madness 0.002927 Northern Shiverpeaks Kaineng 6.650115 Darkhaven Ehmry Bay 13.225300 Darkhaven Henge of Denravi 0.905550 Darkhaven Gate of Madness 0.009332 Darkhaven Kaineng 36.636349 Ehmry Bay Henge of Denravi 2.069570 Ehmry Bay Gate of Madness 0.025448 Ehmry Bay Kaineng 0.497515 Henge of Denravi Gate of Madness 0.007837 Henge of Denravi Borlis Pass 0.002676 Henge of Denravi Isle of Janthir 0.001915 Henge of Denravi Ferguson's Crossing 0.001624 Henge of Denravi Sanctum of Rall 0.000129 Henge of Denravi Anvil Rock 0.714127 Gate of Madness Kaineng 2.487021 Gate of Madness Borlis Pass 1.143286 Gate of Madness Isle of Janthir 0.805762 Gate of Madness Ferguson's Crossing 0.672822 Gate of Madness Sanctum of Rall 0.043792 Gate of Madness Anvil Rock 10.633509 Kaineng Borlis Pass 3.873831 Kaineng Isle of Janthir 2.747980 Kaineng Ferguson's Crossing 2.338201 Kaineng Sanctum of Rall 0.193577 Kaineng Anvil Rock 2.278760 Borlis Pass Isle of Janthir 1.579726 Borlis Pass Ferguson's Crossing 1.302120 Borlis Pass Sanctum of Rall 0.062222 Borlis Pass Anvil Rock 0.584976 Isle of Janthir Ferguson's Crossing 0.487822 Isle of Janthir Sanctum of Rall 0.021035 Isle of Janthir Anvil Rock 0.353292 Ferguson's Crossing Sanctum of Rall 0.016004 Ferguson's Crossing Anvil Rock 0.014766 Sanctum of Rall Anvil Rock Gate of Madness 0.270355 Northern Shiverpeaks Darkhaven 0.764462 Northern Shiverpeaks Ehmry Bay 1.811550 Northern Shiverpeaks Henge of Denravi 0.275432 Northern Shiverpeaks Sorrow's Furnace 0.001057 Northern Shiverpeaks Kaineng 2.769427 Darkhaven Ehmry Bay 5.432332 Darkhaven Henge of Denravi 0.905550 Darkhaven Sorrow's Furnace 0.003439 Darkhaven Kaineng 15.119991 Ehmry Bay Henge of Denravi 2.069570 Ehmry Bay Sorrow's Furnace 0.009691 Ehmry Bay Kaineng 0.497515 Henge of Denravi Sorrow's Furnace 0.019941 Henge of Denravi Borlis Pass 0.006969 Henge of Denravi Isle of Janthir 0.004957 Henge of Denravi Ferguson's Crossing 0.004166 Henge of Denravi Sanctum of Rall 0.000292 Henge of Denravi Anvil Rock 0.714127 Sorrow's Furnace Kaineng 2.487021 Sorrow's Furnace Borlis Pass 1.143286 Sorrow's Furnace Isle of Janthir 0.805762 Sorrow's Furnace Ferguson's Crossing 0.672822 Sorrow's Furnace Sanctum of Rall 0.043792 Sorrow's Furnace Anvil Rock 25.026459 Kaineng Borlis Pass 9.170634 Kaineng Isle of Janthir 6.596145 Kaineng Ferguson's Crossing 5.686398 Kaineng Sanctum of Rall 0.510764 Kaineng Anvil Rock 5.137478 Borlis Pass Isle of Janthir 3.669544 Borlis Pass Ferguson's Crossing 3.129350 Borlis Pass Sanctum of Rall 0.215333 Borlis Pass Anvil Rock 1.540911 Isle of Janthir Ferguson's Crossing 1.453337 Isle of Janthir Sanctum of Rall 0.206896 Isle of Janthir Anvil Rock 1.351741 Ferguson's Crossing Sanctum of Rall 0.222836 Ferguson's Crossing Anvil Rock 0.248668 Sanctum of Rall Anvil Rock Kaineng 0.049129 Northern Shiverpeaks Darkhaven 0.140605 Northern Shiverpeaks Ehmry Bay 0.341167 Northern Shiverpeaks Henge of Denravi 0.002927 Northern Shiverpeaks Sorrow's Furnace 0.001057 Northern Shiverpeaks Gate of Madness 0.504223 Darkhaven Ehmry Bay 1.026635 Darkhaven Henge of Denravi 0.009332 Darkhaven Sorrow's Furnace 0.003439 Darkhaven Gate of Madness 2.875463 Ehmry Bay Henge of Denravi 0.025448 Ehmry Bay Sorrow's Furnace 0.009691 Ehmry Bay Gate of Madness 0.283946 Ehmry Bay Borlis Pass 0.100276 Ehmry Bay Isle of Janthir 0.071073 Ehmry Bay Ferguson's Crossing 0.060535 Ehmry Bay Sanctum of Rall 0.004911 Ehmry Bay Anvil Rock 1.299705 Henge of Denravi Borlis Pass 0.460293 Henge of Denravi Isle of Janthir 0.327031 Henge of Denravi Ferguson's Crossing 0.278064 Henge of Denravi Sanctum of Rall 0.022893 Henge of Denravi Anvil Rock 0.714127 Sorrow's Furnace Gate of Madness 10.633509 Sorrow's Furnace Borlis Pass 3.873831 Sorrow's Furnace Isle of Janthir 2.747980 Sorrow's Furnace Ferguson's Crossing 2.338201 Sorrow's Furnace Sanctum of Rall 0.193577 Sorrow's Furnace Anvil Rock 25.026459 Gate of Madness Borlis Pass 9.170634 Gate of Madness Isle of Janthir 6.596145 Gate of Madness Ferguson's Crossing 5.686398 Gate of Madness Sanctum of Rall 0.510764 Gate of Madness Anvil Rock 1.597410 Borlis Pass Isle of Janthir 1.579620 Borlis Pass Ferguson's Crossing 1.679569 Borlis Pass Sanctum of Rall 1.186765 Borlis Pass Anvil Rock 3.116275 Isle of Janthir Ferguson's Crossing 3.709385 Isle of Janthir Sanctum of Rall 2.217304 Isle of Janthir Anvil Rock 4.899335 Ferguson's Crossing Sanctum of Rall 2.140540 Ferguson's Crossing Anvil Rock 2.347814 Sanctum of Rall Anvil Rock 0.136515 Devona's Rest Eredon Terrace Borlis Pass 0.012911 Northern Shiverpeaks Darkhaven 0.036858 Northern Shiverpeaks Ehmry Bay 0.089717 Northern Shiverpeaks Henge of Denravi 0.132561 Darkhaven Ehmry Bay 0.269556 Darkhaven Henge of Denravi 0.756859 Ehmry Bay Henge of Denravi 0.283946 Ehmry Bay Kaineng 0.053661 Ehmry Bay Isle of Janthir 0.037711 Ehmry Bay Ferguson's Crossing 0.031445 Ehmry Bay Sanctum of Rall 0.001507 Ehmry Bay Anvil Rock 0.007837 Henge of Denravi Sorrow's Furnace 0.019941 Henge of Denravi Gate of Madness 1.299705 Henge of Denravi Kaineng 0.248632 Henge of Denravi Isle of Janthir 0.174454 Henge of Denravi Ferguson's Crossing 0.144885 Henge of Denravi Sanctum of Rall 0.007024 Henge of Denravi Anvil Rock 2.487021 Sorrow's Furnace Gate of Madness 10.633509 Sorrow's Furnace Kaineng 2.278760 Sorrow's Furnace Isle of Janthir 1.579726 Sorrow's Furnace Ferguson's Crossing 1.302120 Sorrow's Furnace Sanctum of Rall 0.062222 Sorrow's Furnace Anvil Rock 25.026459 Gate of Madness Kaineng 5.137478 Gate of Madness Isle of Janthir 3.669544 Gate of Madness Ferguson's Crossing 3.129350 Gate of Madness Sanctum of Rall 0.215333 Gate of Madness Anvil Rock 1.597410 Kaineng Isle of Janthir 1.579620 Kaineng Ferguson's Crossing 1.679569 Kaineng Sanctum of Rall 1.186765 Kaineng Anvil Rock 5.880028 Isle of Janthir Ferguson's Crossing 6.911484 Isle of Janthir Sanctum of Rall 4.089908 Isle of Janthir Anvil Rock 8.994690 Ferguson's Crossing Sanctum of Rall 3.832781 Ferguson's Crossing Anvil Rock 4.180060 Sanctum of Rall Anvil Rock 0.936953 Devona's Rest Eredon Terrace Isle of Janthir 0.000041 Northern Shiverpeaks Darkhaven 0.000100 Northern Shiverpeaks Ehmry Bay 0.000219 Northern Shiverpeaks Henge of Denravi 0.000319 Darkhaven Ehmry Bay 0.000675 Darkhaven Henge of Denravi 0.001902 Ehmry Bay Henge of Denravi 0.100276 Ehmry Bay Kaineng 0.053661 Ehmry Bay Borlis Pass 0.013633 Ehmry Bay Ferguson's Crossing 0.011406 Ehmry Bay Sanctum of Rall 0.000526 Ehmry Bay Anvil Rock 0.002676 Henge of Denravi Sorrow's Furnace 0.006969 Henge of Denravi Gate of Madness 0.460293 Henge of Denravi Kaineng 0.248632 Henge of Denravi Borlis Pass 0.062513 Henge of Denravi Ferguson's Crossing 0.052765 Henge of Denravi Sanctum of Rall 0.002267 Henge of Denravi Anvil Rock 1.143286 Sorrow's Furnace Gate of Madness 3.873831 Sorrow's Furnace Kaineng 2.278760 Sorrow's Furnace Borlis Pass 0.584976 Sorrow's Furnace Ferguson's Crossing 0.487822 Sorrow's Furnace Sanctum of Rall 0.021035 Sorrow's Furnace Anvil Rock 9.170634 Gate of Madness Kaineng 5.137478 Gate of Madness Borlis Pass 1.540911 Gate of Madness Ferguson's Crossing 1.453337 Gate of Madness Sanctum of Rall 0.206896 Gate of Madness Anvil Rock 1.597410 Kaineng Borlis Pass 3.116275 Kaineng Ferguson's Crossing 3.709385 Kaineng Sanctum of Rall 2.217304 Kaineng Anvil Rock 5.880028 Borlis Pass Ferguson's Crossing 6.911484 Borlis Pass Sanctum of Rall 4.089908 Borlis Pass Anvil Rock 23.621146 Ferguson's Crossing Sanctum of Rall 6.623495 Ferguson's Crossing Anvil Rock 6.991095 Sanctum of Rall Anvil Rock 8.324631 Devona's Rest Eredon Terrace Ferguson's Crossing 0.071073 Ehmry Bay Kaineng 0.037711 Ehmry Bay Borlis Pass 0.013633 Ehmry Bay Isle of Janthir 0.008248 Ehmry Bay Sanctum of Rall 0.000414 Ehmry Bay Anvil Rock 0.001915 Henge of Denravi Sorrow's Furnace 0.004957 Henge of Denravi Gate of Madness 0.327031 Henge of Denravi Kaineng 0.174454 Henge of Denravi Borlis Pass 0.062513 Henge of Denravi Isle of Janthir 0.038358 Henge of Denravi Sanctum of Rall 0.001729 Henge of Denravi Anvil Rock 0.805762 Sorrow's Furnace Gate of Madness 2.747980 Sorrow's Furnace Kaineng 1.579726 Sorrow's Furnace Borlis Pass 0.584976 Sorrow's Furnace Isle of Janthir 0.353292 Sorrow's Furnace Sanctum of Rall 0.016004 Sorrow's Furnace Anvil Rock 6.596145 Gate of Madness Kaineng 3.669544 Gate of Madness Borlis Pass 1.540911 Gate of Madness Isle of Janthir 1.351741 Gate of Madness Sanctum of Rall 0.222836 Gate of Madness Anvil Rock 1.579620 Kaineng Borlis Pass 3.116275 Kaineng Isle of Janthir 4.899335 Kaineng Sanctum of Rall 2.140540 Kaineng Anvil Rock 5.880028 Borlis Pass Isle of Janthir 8.994690 Borlis Pass Sanctum of Rall 3.832781 Borlis Pass Anvil Rock 23.621146 Isle of Janthir Sanctum of Rall 6.623495 Isle of Janthir Anvil Rock 4.027778 Sanctum of Rall Anvil Rock 15.073359 Devona's Rest Eredon Terrace Sanctum of Rall 0.060535 Ehmry Bay Kaineng 0.031445 Ehmry Bay Borlis Pass 0.011406 Ehmry Bay Isle of Janthir 0.008248 Ehmry Bay Ferguson's Crossing 0.000365 Ehmry Bay Anvil Rock 0.001624 Henge of Denravi Sorrow's Furnace 0.004166 Henge of Denravi Gate of Madness 0.278064 Henge of Denravi Kaineng 0.144885 Henge of Denravi Borlis Pass 0.052765 Henge of Denravi Isle of Janthir 0.038358 Henge of Denravi Ferguson's Crossing 0.001617 Henge of Denravi Anvil Rock 0.672822 Sorrow's Furnace Gate of Madness 2.338201 Sorrow's Furnace Kaineng 1.302120 Sorrow's Furnace Borlis Pass 0.487822 Sorrow's Furnace Isle of Janthir 0.353292 Sorrow's Furnace Ferguson's Crossing 0.014766 Sorrow's Furnace Anvil Rock 5.686398 Gate of Madness Kaineng 3.129350 Gate of Madness Borlis Pass 1.453337 Gate of Madness Isle of Janthir 1.351741 Gate of Madness Ferguson's Crossing 0.248668 Gate of Madness Anvil Rock 1.679569 Kaineng Borlis Pass 3.709385 Kaineng Isle of Janthir 4.899335 Kaineng Ferguson's Crossing 2.347814 Kaineng Anvil Rock 6.911484 Borlis Pass Isle of Janthir 8.994690 Borlis Pass Ferguson's Crossing 4.180060 Borlis Pass Anvil Rock 23.621146 Isle of Janthir Ferguson's Crossing 6.991095 Isle of Janthir Anvil Rock 4.027778 Ferguson's Crossing Anvil Rock 14.965649 Devona's Rest Eredon Terrace Anvil Rock 0.004911 Ehmry Bay Kaineng 0.001507 Ehmry Bay Borlis Pass 0.000526 Ehmry Bay Isle of Janthir 0.000414 Ehmry Bay Ferguson's Crossing 0.000365 Ehmry Bay Sanctum of Rall 0.000129 Henge of Denravi Sorrow's Furnace 0.000292 Henge of Denravi Gate of Madness 0.022893 Henge of Denravi Kaineng 0.007024 Henge of Denravi Borlis Pass 0.002267 Henge of Denravi Isle of Janthir 0.001729 Henge of Denravi Ferguson's Crossing 0.001617 Henge of Denravi Sanctum of Rall 0.043792 Sorrow's Furnace Gate of Madness 0.193577 Sorrow's Furnace Kaineng 0.062222 Sorrow's Furnace Borlis Pass 0.021035 Sorrow's Furnace Isle of Janthir 0.016004 Sorrow's Furnace Ferguson's Crossing 0.014766 Sorrow's Furnace Sanctum of Rall 0.510764 Gate of Madness Kaineng 0.215333 Gate of Madness Borlis Pass 0.206896 Gate of Madness Isle of Janthir 0.222836 Gate of Madness Ferguson's Crossing 0.248668 Gate of Madness Sanctum of Rall 1.186765 Kaineng Borlis Pass 2.217304 Kaineng Isle of Janthir 2.140540 Kaineng Ferguson's Crossing 2.347814 Kaineng Sanctum of Rall 4.089908 Borlis Pass Isle of Janthir 3.832781 Borlis Pass Ferguson's Crossing 4.180060 Borlis Pass Sanctum of Rall 6.623495 Isle of Janthir Ferguson's Crossing 6.991095 Isle of Janthir Sanctum of Rall 4.027778 Ferguson's Crossing Sanctum of Rall 60.562893 Devona's Rest Eredon Terrace Devona's Rest 0.136515 Kaineng Eredon Terrace 0.936953 Borlis Pass Eredon Terrace 8.324631 Isle of Janthir Eredon Terrace 15.073359 Ferguson's Crossing Eredon Terrace 14.965649 Sanctum of Rall Eredon Terrace 60.562893 Anvil Rock Eredon Terrace Eredon Terrace 0.136515 Kaineng Devona's Rest 0.936953 Borlis Pass Devona's Rest 8.324631 Isle of Janthir Devona's Rest 15.073359 Ferguson's Crossing Devona's Rest 14.965649 Sanctum of Rall Devona's Rest 60.562893 Anvil Rock Devona's Rest