Yak's Bend 99.888536 Jade Quarry Blackgate 0.111464 Jade Quarry Tarnished Coast Jade Quarry 99.888536 Yak's Bend Blackgate 0.111464 Yak's Bend Tarnished Coast Blackgate 99.888536 Yak's Bend Jade Quarry 0.111464 Sea of Sorrows Fort Aspenwood Tarnished Coast 0.111464 Yak's Bend Jade Quarry 99.888536 Sea of Sorrows Fort Aspenwood Sea of Sorrows 0.111464 Blackgate Fort Aspenwood 99.888536 Tarnished Coast Fort Aspenwood Fort Aspenwood 0.111464 Blackgate Sea of Sorrows 99.888536 Tarnished Coast Sea of Sorrows Stormbluff Isle 81.359112 Dragonbrand Maguuma 18.544860 Dragonbrand Crystal Desert 0.094086 Dragonbrand Northern Shiverpeaks 0.001942 Maguuma Crystal Desert Dragonbrand 81.359112 Stormbluff Isle Maguuma 18.544860 Stormbluff Isle Crystal Desert 0.094086 Stormbluff Isle Northern Shiverpeaks 0.001282 Northern Shiverpeaks Darkhaven 0.000235 Northern Shiverpeaks Ehmry Bay 0.000192 Northern Shiverpeaks Henge of Denravi 0.000001 Northern Shiverpeaks Sorrow's Furnace 0.000128 Darkhaven Ehmry Bay 0.000094 Darkhaven Henge of Denravi 0.000010 Ehmry Bay Henge of Denravi Maguuma 81.359112 Stormbluff Isle Dragonbrand 0.001942 Stormbluff Isle Crystal Desert 0.070483 Crystal Desert Darkhaven 0.012669 Crystal Desert Ehmry Bay 0.010862 Crystal Desert Henge of Denravi 0.000072 Crystal Desert Sorrow's Furnace 12.196508 Northern Shiverpeaks Darkhaven 2.181361 Northern Shiverpeaks Ehmry Bay 1.896995 Northern Shiverpeaks Henge of Denravi 0.013381 Northern Shiverpeaks Sorrow's Furnace 1.129901 Darkhaven Ehmry Bay 0.960452 Darkhaven Henge of Denravi 0.166262 Ehmry Bay Henge of Denravi Crystal Desert 18.544860 Stormbluff Isle Dragonbrand 0.001942 Stormbluff Isle Maguuma 0.070483 Maguuma Darkhaven 0.012669 Maguuma Ehmry Bay 0.010862 Maguuma Henge of Denravi 0.000072 Maguuma Sorrow's Furnace 53.497289 Northern Shiverpeaks Darkhaven 9.562163 Northern Shiverpeaks Ehmry Bay 8.326553 Northern Shiverpeaks Henge of Denravi 0.058230 Northern Shiverpeaks Sorrow's Furnace 4.959914 Darkhaven Ehmry Bay 4.226576 Darkhaven Henge of Denravi 0.728387 Ehmry Bay Henge of Denravi Northern Shiverpeaks 0.094086 Stormbluff Isle Dragonbrand 0.001282 Dragonbrand Darkhaven 0.000235 Dragonbrand Ehmry Bay 0.000192 Dragonbrand Henge of Denravi 0.000001 Dragonbrand Sorrow's Furnace 12.196508 Maguuma Darkhaven 2.181361 Maguuma Ehmry Bay 1.896995 Maguuma Henge of Denravi 0.013381 Maguuma Sorrow's Furnace 53.497289 Crystal Desert Darkhaven 9.562163 Crystal Desert Ehmry Bay 8.326553 Crystal Desert Henge of Denravi 0.058230 Crystal Desert Sorrow's Furnace 0.484783 Darkhaven Sorrow's Furnace 0.346365 Darkhaven Gate of Madness 0.043761 Darkhaven Borlis Pass 0.019697 Darkhaven Kaineng 0.000053 Darkhaven Sanctum of Rall 2.675359 Ehmry Bay Sorrow's Furnace 1.933535 Ehmry Bay Gate of Madness 0.253041 Ehmry Bay Borlis Pass 0.113987 Ehmry Bay Kaineng 0.000293 Ehmry Bay Sanctum of Rall 0.000009 Ehmry Bay Isle of Janthir 3.124869 Henge of Denravi Sorrow's Furnace 2.254827 Henge of Denravi Gate of Madness 0.296968 Henge of Denravi Borlis Pass 0.133452 Henge of Denravi Kaineng 0.000342 Henge of Denravi Sanctum of Rall 0.000015 Henge of Denravi Isle of Janthir 0.488415 Sorrow's Furnace Gate of Madness 0.001160 Sorrow's Furnace Borlis Pass 0.000793 Gate of Madness Borlis Pass Darkhaven 0.001282 Dragonbrand Northern Shiverpeaks 0.000128 Dragonbrand Ehmry Bay 0.000094 Dragonbrand Henge of Denravi 0.070483 Maguuma Crystal Desert 12.196508 Maguuma Northern Shiverpeaks 1.129901 Maguuma Ehmry Bay 0.960452 Maguuma Henge of Denravi 53.497289 Crystal Desert Northern Shiverpeaks 4.959914 Crystal Desert Ehmry Bay 4.226576 Crystal Desert Henge of Denravi 0.484783 Northern Shiverpeaks Sorrow's Furnace 0.346365 Northern Shiverpeaks Gate of Madness 0.043761 Northern Shiverpeaks Borlis Pass 0.019697 Northern Shiverpeaks Kaineng 0.000053 Northern Shiverpeaks Sanctum of Rall 0.052217 Ehmry Bay Henge of Denravi 5.262698 Ehmry Bay Sorrow's Furnace 3.818130 Ehmry Bay Gate of Madness 0.499785 Ehmry Bay Borlis Pass 0.225113 Ehmry Bay Kaineng 0.000608 Ehmry Bay Sanctum of Rall 0.000030 Ehmry Bay Isle of Janthir 6.012497 Henge of Denravi Sorrow's Furnace 4.353467 Henge of Denravi Gate of Madness 0.572197 Henge of Denravi Borlis Pass 0.259244 Henge of Denravi Kaineng 0.000679 Henge of Denravi Sanctum of Rall 0.000032 Henge of Denravi Isle of Janthir 1.001937 Sorrow's Furnace Gate of Madness 0.002385 Sorrow's Furnace Borlis Pass 0.001695 Gate of Madness Borlis Pass Ehmry Bay 0.000235 Dragonbrand Northern Shiverpeaks 0.000128 Dragonbrand Darkhaven 0.000010 Dragonbrand Henge of Denravi 0.012669 Maguuma Crystal Desert 2.181361 Maguuma Northern Shiverpeaks 1.129901 Maguuma Darkhaven 0.166262 Maguuma Henge of Denravi 9.562163 Crystal Desert Northern Shiverpeaks 4.959914 Crystal Desert Darkhaven 0.728387 Crystal Desert Henge of Denravi 2.675359 Northern Shiverpeaks Sorrow's Furnace 1.933535 Northern Shiverpeaks Gate of Madness 0.253041 Northern Shiverpeaks Borlis Pass 0.113987 Northern Shiverpeaks Kaineng 0.000293 Northern Shiverpeaks Sanctum of Rall 0.000009 Northern Shiverpeaks Isle of Janthir 0.052217 Darkhaven Henge of Denravi 5.262698 Darkhaven Sorrow's Furnace 3.818130 Darkhaven Gate of Madness 0.499785 Darkhaven Borlis Pass 0.225113 Darkhaven Kaineng 0.000608 Darkhaven Sanctum of Rall 0.000030 Darkhaven Isle of Janthir 32.605431 Henge of Denravi Sorrow's Furnace 23.668183 Henge of Denravi Gate of Madness 3.206317 Henge of Denravi Borlis Pass 1.444286 Henge of Denravi Kaineng 0.003900 Henge of Denravi Sanctum of Rall 0.000186 Henge of Denravi Isle of Janthir 0.000001 Henge of Denravi Ferguson's Crossing 2.643742 Sorrow's Furnace Gate of Madness 0.011906 Sorrow's Furnace Borlis Pass 0.000293 Sorrow's Furnace Kaineng 0.000080 Sorrow's Furnace Sanctum of Rall 0.000070 Sorrow's Furnace Isle of Janthir 0.000024 Sorrow's Furnace Ferguson's Crossing 0.008579 Gate of Madness Borlis Pass 0.000418 Gate of Madness Kaineng 0.000103 Gate of Madness Sanctum of Rall 0.000108 Gate of Madness Isle of Janthir 0.000023 Gate of Madness Ferguson's Crossing 1.479238 Borlis Pass Kaineng 0.365551 Borlis Pass Sanctum of Rall 0.322773 Borlis Pass Isle of Janthir 0.111469 Borlis Pass Ferguson's Crossing 0.000007 Borlis Pass Anvil Rock 0.223211 Kaineng Sanctum of Rall 0.193158 Kaineng Isle of Janthir 0.059458 Kaineng Ferguson's Crossing 0.047831 Sanctum of Rall Isle of Janthir 0.014503 Sanctum of Rall Ferguson's Crossing 0.013316 Isle of Janthir Ferguson's Crossing Henge of Denravi 0.000192 Dragonbrand Northern Shiverpeaks 0.000094 Dragonbrand Darkhaven 0.000010 Dragonbrand Ehmry Bay 0.010862 Maguuma Crystal Desert 1.896995 Maguuma Northern Shiverpeaks 0.960452 Maguuma Darkhaven 0.166262 Maguuma Ehmry Bay 8.326553 Crystal Desert Northern Shiverpeaks 4.226576 Crystal Desert Darkhaven 0.728387 Crystal Desert Ehmry Bay 3.124869 Northern Shiverpeaks Sorrow's Furnace 2.254827 Northern Shiverpeaks Gate of Madness 0.296968 Northern Shiverpeaks Borlis Pass 0.133452 Northern Shiverpeaks Kaineng 0.000342 Northern Shiverpeaks Sanctum of Rall 0.000015 Northern Shiverpeaks Isle of Janthir 0.052217 Darkhaven Ehmry Bay 6.012497 Darkhaven Sorrow's Furnace 4.353467 Darkhaven Gate of Madness 0.572197 Darkhaven Borlis Pass 0.259244 Darkhaven Kaineng 0.000679 Darkhaven Sanctum of Rall 0.000032 Darkhaven Isle of Janthir 32.605431 Ehmry Bay Sorrow's Furnace 23.668183 Ehmry Bay Gate of Madness 3.206317 Ehmry Bay Borlis Pass 1.444286 Ehmry Bay Kaineng 0.003900 Ehmry Bay Sanctum of Rall 0.000186 Ehmry Bay Isle of Janthir 0.000001 Ehmry Bay Ferguson's Crossing 2.172170 Sorrow's Furnace Gate of Madness 0.000490 Sorrow's Furnace Borlis Pass 0.007136 Sorrow's Furnace Kaineng 0.001746 Sorrow's Furnace Sanctum of Rall 0.001569 Sorrow's Furnace Isle of Janthir 0.000497 Sorrow's Furnace Ferguson's Crossing 0.000371 Gate of Madness Borlis Pass 0.009780 Gate of Madness Kaineng 0.002566 Gate of Madness Sanctum of Rall 0.002121 Gate of Madness Isle of Janthir 0.000713 Gate of Madness Ferguson's Crossing 1.829398 Borlis Pass Kaineng 0.449171 Borlis Pass Sanctum of Rall 0.398318 Borlis Pass Isle of Janthir 0.138058 Borlis Pass Ferguson's Crossing 0.000014 Borlis Pass Anvil Rock 0.275376 Kaineng Sanctum of Rall 0.238916 Kaineng Isle of Janthir 0.073213 Kaineng Ferguson's Crossing 0.058856 Sanctum of Rall Isle of Janthir 0.017697 Sanctum of Rall Ferguson's Crossing 0.016331 Isle of Janthir Ferguson's Crossing Sorrow's Furnace 0.000001 Dragonbrand Northern Shiverpeaks 0.000072 Maguuma Crystal Desert 0.013381 Maguuma Northern Shiverpeaks 0.058230 Crystal Desert Northern Shiverpeaks 0.484783 Northern Shiverpeaks Darkhaven 2.675359 Northern Shiverpeaks Ehmry Bay 3.124869 Northern Shiverpeaks Henge of Denravi 0.488415 Northern Shiverpeaks Gate of Madness 0.001160 Northern Shiverpeaks Borlis Pass 5.262698 Darkhaven Ehmry Bay 6.012497 Darkhaven Henge of Denravi 1.001937 Darkhaven Gate of Madness 0.002385 Darkhaven Borlis Pass 32.605431 Ehmry Bay Henge of Denravi 2.643742 Ehmry Bay Gate of Madness 0.011906 Ehmry Bay Borlis Pass 0.000293 Ehmry Bay Kaineng 0.000080 Ehmry Bay Sanctum of Rall 0.000070 Ehmry Bay Isle of Janthir 0.000024 Ehmry Bay Ferguson's Crossing 2.172170 Henge of Denravi Gate of Madness 0.000490 Henge of Denravi Borlis Pass 0.007136 Henge of Denravi Kaineng 0.001746 Henge of Denravi Sanctum of Rall 0.001569 Henge of Denravi Isle of Janthir 0.000497 Henge of Denravi Ferguson's Crossing 1.473727 Gate of Madness Borlis Pass 3.029212 Gate of Madness Kaineng 1.154857 Gate of Madness Sanctum of Rall 1.000596 Gate of Madness Isle of Janthir 0.307952 Gate of Madness Ferguson's Crossing 0.000011 Gate of Madness Anvil Rock 18.640176 Borlis Pass Kaineng 4.736635 Borlis Pass Sanctum of Rall 4.185814 Borlis Pass Isle of Janthir 1.453398 Borlis Pass Ferguson's Crossing 0.000128 Borlis Pass Anvil Rock 2.994484 Kaineng Sanctum of Rall 2.595133 Kaineng Isle of Janthir 0.788331 Kaineng Ferguson's Crossing 0.000019 Kaineng Anvil Rock 0.663661 Sanctum of Rall Isle of Janthir 0.199982 Sanctum of Rall Ferguson's Crossing 0.000250 Sanctum of Rall Anvil Rock 0.200095 Isle of Janthir Ferguson's Crossing 0.003424 Isle of Janthir Anvil Rock 0.001174 Ferguson's Crossing Anvil Rock Gate of Madness 0.346365 Northern Shiverpeaks Darkhaven 1.933535 Northern Shiverpeaks Ehmry Bay 2.254827 Northern Shiverpeaks Henge of Denravi 0.488415 Northern Shiverpeaks Sorrow's Furnace 0.000793 Northern Shiverpeaks Borlis Pass 3.818130 Darkhaven Ehmry Bay 4.353467 Darkhaven Henge of Denravi 1.001937 Darkhaven Sorrow's Furnace 0.001695 Darkhaven Borlis Pass 23.668183 Ehmry Bay Henge of Denravi 2.643742 Ehmry Bay Sorrow's Furnace 0.008579 Ehmry Bay Borlis Pass 0.000418 Ehmry Bay Kaineng 0.000103 Ehmry Bay Sanctum of Rall 0.000108 Ehmry Bay Isle of Janthir 0.000023 Ehmry Bay Ferguson's Crossing 2.172170 Henge of Denravi Sorrow's Furnace 0.000371 Henge of Denravi Borlis Pass 0.009780 Henge of Denravi Kaineng 0.002566 Henge of Denravi Sanctum of Rall 0.002121 Henge of Denravi Isle of Janthir 0.000713 Henge of Denravi Ferguson's Crossing 1.473727 Sorrow's Furnace Borlis Pass 3.029212 Sorrow's Furnace Kaineng 1.154857 Sorrow's Furnace Sanctum of Rall 1.000596 Sorrow's Furnace Isle of Janthir 0.307952 Sorrow's Furnace Ferguson's Crossing 0.000011 Sorrow's Furnace Anvil Rock 25.535286 Borlis Pass Kaineng 6.497532 Borlis Pass Sanctum of Rall 5.766426 Borlis Pass Isle of Janthir 2.021060 Borlis Pass Ferguson's Crossing 0.001959 Borlis Pass Anvil Rock 4.069295 Kaineng Sanctum of Rall 3.549536 Kaineng Isle of Janthir 1.103214 Kaineng Ferguson's Crossing 0.002709 Kaineng Anvil Rock 0.914870 Sanctum of Rall Isle of Janthir 0.370490 Sanctum of Rall Ferguson's Crossing 0.018207 Sanctum of Rall Anvil Rock 0.424229 Isle of Janthir Ferguson's Crossing 0.033623 Isle of Janthir Anvil Rock 0.017168 Ferguson's Crossing Anvil Rock Borlis Pass 0.043761 Northern Shiverpeaks Darkhaven 0.253041 Northern Shiverpeaks Ehmry Bay 0.296968 Northern Shiverpeaks Henge of Denravi 0.001160 Northern Shiverpeaks Sorrow's Furnace 0.000793 Northern Shiverpeaks Gate of Madness 0.499785 Darkhaven Ehmry Bay 0.572197 Darkhaven Henge of Denravi 0.002385 Darkhaven Sorrow's Furnace 0.001695 Darkhaven Gate of Madness 3.206317 Ehmry Bay Henge of Denravi 0.011906 Ehmry Bay Sorrow's Furnace 0.008579 Ehmry Bay Gate of Madness 1.479238 Ehmry Bay Kaineng 0.365551 Ehmry Bay Sanctum of Rall 0.322773 Ehmry Bay Isle of Janthir 0.111469 Ehmry Bay Ferguson's Crossing 0.000007 Ehmry Bay Anvil Rock 0.000490 Henge of Denravi Sorrow's Furnace 0.000371 Henge of Denravi Gate of Madness 1.829398 Henge of Denravi Kaineng 0.449171 Henge of Denravi Sanctum of Rall 0.398318 Henge of Denravi Isle of Janthir 0.138058 Henge of Denravi Ferguson's Crossing 0.000014 Henge of Denravi Anvil Rock 1.473727 Sorrow's Furnace Gate of Madness 18.640176 Sorrow's Furnace Kaineng 4.736635 Sorrow's Furnace Sanctum of Rall 4.185814 Sorrow's Furnace Isle of Janthir 1.453398 Sorrow's Furnace Ferguson's Crossing 0.000128 Sorrow's Furnace Anvil Rock 25.535286 Gate of Madness Kaineng 6.497532 Gate of Madness Sanctum of Rall 5.766426 Gate of Madness Isle of Janthir 2.021060 Gate of Madness Ferguson's Crossing 0.001959 Gate of Madness Anvil Rock 0.584407 Kaineng Sanctum of Rall 0.542661 Kaineng Isle of Janthir 1.382793 Kaineng Ferguson's Crossing 0.399364 Kaineng Anvil Rock 1.746219 Sanctum of Rall Isle of Janthir 5.290871 Sanctum of Rall Ferguson's Crossing 1.282762 Sanctum of Rall Anvil Rock 6.118735 Isle of Janthir Ferguson's Crossing 1.466340 Isle of Janthir Anvil Rock 0.880262 Ferguson's Crossing Anvil Rock Kaineng 0.019697 Northern Shiverpeaks Darkhaven 0.113987 Northern Shiverpeaks Ehmry Bay 0.133452 Northern Shiverpeaks Henge of Denravi 0.225113 Darkhaven Ehmry Bay 0.259244 Darkhaven Henge of Denravi 1.444286 Ehmry Bay Henge of Denravi 0.000293 Ehmry Bay Sorrow's Furnace 0.000418 Ehmry Bay Gate of Madness 1.479238 Ehmry Bay Borlis Pass 0.223211 Ehmry Bay Sanctum of Rall 0.193158 Ehmry Bay Isle of Janthir 0.059458 Ehmry Bay Ferguson's Crossing 0.007136 Henge of Denravi Sorrow's Furnace 0.009780 Henge of Denravi Gate of Madness 1.829398 Henge of Denravi Borlis Pass 0.275376 Henge of Denravi Sanctum of Rall 0.238916 Henge of Denravi Isle of Janthir 0.073213 Henge of Denravi Ferguson's Crossing 3.029212 Sorrow's Furnace Gate of Madness 18.640176 Sorrow's Furnace Borlis Pass 2.994484 Sorrow's Furnace Sanctum of Rall 2.595133 Sorrow's Furnace Isle of Janthir 0.788331 Sorrow's Furnace Ferguson's Crossing 0.000019 Sorrow's Furnace Anvil Rock 25.535286 Gate of Madness Borlis Pass 4.069295 Gate of Madness Sanctum of Rall 3.549536 Gate of Madness Isle of Janthir 1.103214 Gate of Madness Ferguson's Crossing 0.002709 Gate of Madness Anvil Rock 0.584407 Borlis Pass Sanctum of Rall 0.542661 Borlis Pass Isle of Janthir 1.382793 Borlis Pass Ferguson's Crossing 0.399364 Borlis Pass Anvil Rock 3.261563 Sanctum of Rall Isle of Janthir 8.756512 Sanctum of Rall Ferguson's Crossing 2.229303 Sanctum of Rall Anvil Rock 9.961754 Isle of Janthir Ferguson's Crossing 2.506143 Isle of Janthir Anvil Rock 1.482152 Ferguson's Crossing Anvil Rock 0.000579 Devona's Rest Eredon Terrace Sanctum of Rall 0.000053 Northern Shiverpeaks Darkhaven 0.000293 Northern Shiverpeaks Ehmry Bay 0.000342 Northern Shiverpeaks Henge of Denravi 0.000608 Darkhaven Ehmry Bay 0.000679 Darkhaven Henge of Denravi 0.003900 Ehmry Bay Henge of Denravi 0.000080 Ehmry Bay Sorrow's Furnace 0.000103 Ehmry Bay Gate of Madness 0.365551 Ehmry Bay Borlis Pass 0.223211 Ehmry Bay Kaineng 0.047831 Ehmry Bay Isle of Janthir 0.014503 Ehmry Bay Ferguson's Crossing 0.001746 Henge of Denravi Sorrow's Furnace 0.002566 Henge of Denravi Gate of Madness 0.449171 Henge of Denravi Borlis Pass 0.275376 Henge of Denravi Kaineng 0.058856 Henge of Denravi Isle of Janthir 0.017697 Henge of Denravi Ferguson's Crossing 1.154857 Sorrow's Furnace Gate of Madness 4.736635 Sorrow's Furnace Borlis Pass 2.994484 Sorrow's Furnace Kaineng 0.663661 Sorrow's Furnace Isle of Janthir 0.199982 Sorrow's Furnace Ferguson's Crossing 0.000250 Sorrow's Furnace Anvil Rock 6.497532 Gate of Madness Borlis Pass 4.069295 Gate of Madness Kaineng 0.914870 Gate of Madness Isle of Janthir 0.370490 Gate of Madness Ferguson's Crossing 0.018207 Gate of Madness Anvil Rock 0.584407 Borlis Pass Kaineng 1.746219 Borlis Pass Isle of Janthir 5.290871 Borlis Pass Ferguson's Crossing 1.282762 Borlis Pass Anvil Rock 3.261563 Kaineng Isle of Janthir 8.756512 Kaineng Ferguson's Crossing 2.229303 Kaineng Anvil Rock 38.665952 Isle of Janthir Ferguson's Crossing 8.138668 Isle of Janthir Anvil Rock 2.472018 Ferguson's Crossing Anvil Rock 4.488896 Devona's Rest Eredon Terrace Isle of Janthir 0.000009 Northern Shiverpeaks Ehmry Bay 0.000015 Northern Shiverpeaks Henge of Denravi 0.000030 Darkhaven Ehmry Bay 0.000032 Darkhaven Henge of Denravi 0.000186 Ehmry Bay Henge of Denravi 0.000070 Ehmry Bay Sorrow's Furnace 0.000108 Ehmry Bay Gate of Madness 0.322773 Ehmry Bay Borlis Pass 0.193158 Ehmry Bay Kaineng 0.047831 Ehmry Bay Sanctum of Rall 0.013316 Ehmry Bay Ferguson's Crossing 0.001569 Henge of Denravi Sorrow's Furnace 0.002121 Henge of Denravi Gate of Madness 0.398318 Henge of Denravi Borlis Pass 0.238916 Henge of Denravi Kaineng 0.058856 Henge of Denravi Sanctum of Rall 0.016331 Henge of Denravi Ferguson's Crossing 1.000596 Sorrow's Furnace Gate of Madness 4.185814 Sorrow's Furnace Borlis Pass 2.595133 Sorrow's Furnace Kaineng 0.663661 Sorrow's Furnace Sanctum of Rall 0.200095 Sorrow's Furnace Ferguson's Crossing 0.003424 Sorrow's Furnace Anvil Rock 5.766426 Gate of Madness Borlis Pass 3.549536 Gate of Madness Kaineng 0.914870 Gate of Madness Sanctum of Rall 0.424229 Gate of Madness Ferguson's Crossing 0.033623 Gate of Madness Anvil Rock 0.542661 Borlis Pass Kaineng 1.746219 Borlis Pass Sanctum of Rall 6.118735 Borlis Pass Ferguson's Crossing 1.466340 Borlis Pass Anvil Rock 3.261563 Kaineng Sanctum of Rall 9.961754 Kaineng Ferguson's Crossing 2.506143 Kaineng Anvil Rock 38.665952 Sanctum of Rall Ferguson's Crossing 8.138668 Sanctum of Rall Anvil Rock 2.723748 Ferguson's Crossing Anvil Rock 4.237171 Devona's Rest Eredon Terrace Ferguson's Crossing 0.000001 Ehmry Bay Henge of Denravi 0.000024 Ehmry Bay Sorrow's Furnace 0.000023 Ehmry Bay Gate of Madness 0.111469 Ehmry Bay Borlis Pass 0.059458 Ehmry Bay Kaineng 0.014503 Ehmry Bay Sanctum of Rall 0.013316 Ehmry Bay Isle of Janthir 0.000497 Henge of Denravi Sorrow's Furnace 0.000713 Henge of Denravi Gate of Madness 0.138058 Henge of Denravi Borlis Pass 0.073213 Henge of Denravi Kaineng 0.017697 Henge of Denravi Sanctum of Rall 0.016331 Henge of Denravi Isle of Janthir 0.307952 Sorrow's Furnace Gate of Madness 1.453398 Sorrow's Furnace Borlis Pass 0.788331 Sorrow's Furnace Kaineng 0.199982 Sorrow's Furnace Sanctum of Rall 0.200095 Sorrow's Furnace Isle of Janthir 0.001174 Sorrow's Furnace Anvil Rock 2.021060 Gate of Madness Borlis Pass 1.103214 Gate of Madness Kaineng 0.370490 Gate of Madness Sanctum of Rall 0.424229 Gate of Madness Isle of Janthir 0.017168 Gate of Madness Anvil Rock 1.382793 Borlis Pass Kaineng 5.290871 Borlis Pass Sanctum of Rall 6.118735 Borlis Pass Isle of Janthir 0.880262 Borlis Pass Anvil Rock 8.756512 Kaineng Sanctum of Rall 9.961754 Kaineng Isle of Janthir 1.482152 Kaineng Anvil Rock 38.665952 Sanctum of Rall Isle of Janthir 2.472018 Sanctum of Rall Anvil Rock 2.723748 Isle of Janthir Anvil Rock 14.932807 Devona's Rest Eredon Terrace Anvil Rock 0.000007 Ehmry Bay Borlis Pass 0.000014 Henge of Denravi Borlis Pass 0.000011 Sorrow's Furnace Gate of Madness 0.000128 Sorrow's Furnace Borlis Pass 0.000019 Sorrow's Furnace Kaineng 0.000250 Sorrow's Furnace Sanctum of Rall 0.003424 Sorrow's Furnace Isle of Janthir 0.001174 Sorrow's Furnace Ferguson's Crossing 0.001959 Gate of Madness Borlis Pass 0.002709 Gate of Madness Kaineng 0.018207 Gate of Madness Sanctum of Rall 0.033623 Gate of Madness Isle of Janthir 0.017168 Gate of Madness Ferguson's Crossing 0.399364 Borlis Pass Kaineng 1.282762 Borlis Pass Sanctum of Rall 1.466340 Borlis Pass Isle of Janthir 0.880262 Borlis Pass Ferguson's Crossing 2.229303 Kaineng Sanctum of Rall 2.506143 Kaineng Isle of Janthir 1.482152 Kaineng Ferguson's Crossing 8.138668 Sanctum of Rall Isle of Janthir 2.472018 Sanctum of Rall Ferguson's Crossing 2.723748 Isle of Janthir Ferguson's Crossing 76.340547 Devona's Rest Eredon Terrace Devona's Rest 0.000579 Kaineng Eredon Terrace 4.488896 Sanctum of Rall Eredon Terrace 4.237171 Isle of Janthir Eredon Terrace 14.932807 Ferguson's Crossing Eredon Terrace 76.340547 Anvil Rock Eredon Terrace Eredon Terrace 0.000579 Kaineng Devona's Rest 4.488896 Sanctum of Rall Devona's Rest 4.237171 Isle of Janthir Devona's Rest 14.932807 Ferguson's Crossing Devona's Rest 76.340547 Anvil Rock Devona's Rest