Baruch Bay [SP] 62.503775 Elona Reach [DE] 43.975255 Desolation 43.753934 Riverside [DE] 24.753098 Kodash [DE] 15.635571 Jade Sea [FR] 6.589235 Seafarer's Rest 2.312610 Far Shiverpeaks 0.313481 Augury Rock [FR] 0.104246 Vizunah Square [FR] 0.051975 Piken Square 0.006441 Abaddon's Mouth [DE] 0.000363 Gandara 0.000013 Aurora Glade 0.000003 Dzagonur [DE] 0.000000 Drakkar Lake [DE] 0.000000 Gunnar's Hold 0.000000 Ring of Fire 0.000000 Miller's Sound [DE] 0.000000 Fort Ranik [FR] 0.000000 Arborstone [FR] 0.000000 Whiteside Ridge 0.000000 Ruins of Surmia 0.000000 Fissure of Woe 0.000000 Vabbi 0.000000 Blacktide 0.000000 Underworld Elona Reach [DE] 62.503775 Baruch Bay [SP] 37.273857 Desolation 37.105702 Riverside [DE] 25.089202 Kodash [DE] 19.040590 Jade Sea [FR] 11.148675 Seafarer's Rest 5.834751 Far Shiverpeaks 1.118921 Augury Rock [FR] 0.472395 Vizunah Square [FR] 0.298566 Piken Square 0.102071 Abaddon's Mouth [DE] 0.010747 Gandara 0.000627 Aurora Glade 0.000121 Dzagonur [DE] 0.000000 Drakkar Lake [DE] 0.000000 Gunnar's Hold 0.000000 Ring of Fire 0.000000 Miller's Sound [DE] 0.000000 Fort Ranik [FR] 0.000000 Arborstone [FR] 0.000000 Whiteside Ridge 0.000000 Ruins of Surmia 0.000000 Fissure of Woe 0.000000 Vabbi 0.000000 Blacktide 0.000000 Underworld Desolation 43.975255 Baruch Bay [SP] 37.273857 Elona Reach [DE] 30.643815 Riverside [DE] 28.295229 Kodash [DE] 24.521981 Jade Sea [FR] 16.538198 Seafarer's Rest 10.520304 Far Shiverpeaks 3.767294 Augury Rock [FR] 2.110594 Vizunah Square [FR] 1.565496 Piken Square 0.706173 Abaddon's Mouth [DE] 0.076394 Gandara 0.004486 Aurora Glade 0.000924 Dzagonur [DE] 0.000000 Drakkar Lake [DE] 0.000000 Gunnar's Hold 0.000000 Ring of Fire 0.000000 Miller's Sound [DE] 0.000000 Fort Ranik [FR] 0.000000 Arborstone [FR] 0.000000 Whiteside Ridge 0.000000 Ruins of Surmia 0.000000 Fissure of Woe 0.000000 Vabbi 0.000000 Blacktide 0.000000 Underworld Riverside [DE] 43.753934 Baruch Bay [SP] 37.105702 Elona Reach [DE] 30.643815 Desolation 28.356018 Kodash [DE] 24.590682 Jade Sea [FR] 16.603810 Seafarer's Rest 10.578938 Far Shiverpeaks 3.820226 Augury Rock [FR] 2.148567 Vizunah Square [FR] 1.594013 Piken Square 0.721088 Abaddon's Mouth [DE] 0.077655 Gandara 0.004528 Aurora Glade 0.001024 Dzagonur [DE] 0.000000 Drakkar Lake [DE] 0.000000 Gunnar's Hold 0.000000 Ring of Fire 0.000000 Miller's Sound [DE] 0.000000 Fort Ranik [FR] 0.000000 Arborstone [FR] 0.000000 Whiteside Ridge 0.000000 Ruins of Surmia 0.000000 Fissure of Woe 0.000000 Vabbi 0.000000 Blacktide 0.000000 Underworld Kodash [DE] 24.753098 Baruch Bay [SP] 25.089202 Elona Reach [DE] 28.295229 Desolation 28.356018 Riverside [DE] 29.683973 Jade Sea [FR] 21.274104 Seafarer's Rest 16.533431 Far Shiverpeaks 9.782549 Augury Rock [FR] 7.044083 Vizunah Square [FR] 5.824491 Piken Square 2.986240 Abaddon's Mouth [DE] 0.337869 Gandara 0.029175 Aurora Glade 0.010538 Dzagonur [DE] 0.000000 Drakkar Lake [DE] 0.000000 Gunnar's Hold 0.000000 Ring of Fire 0.000000 Miller's Sound [DE] 0.000000 Fort Ranik [FR] 0.000000 Arborstone [FR] 0.000000 Whiteside Ridge 0.000000 Ruins of Surmia 0.000000 Fissure of Woe 0.000000 Vabbi 0.000000 Blacktide 0.000000 Underworld Jade Sea [FR] 15.635571 Baruch Bay [SP] 19.040590 Elona Reach [DE] 24.521981 Desolation 24.590682 Riverside [DE] 29.683973 Kodash [DE] 22.180454 Seafarer's Rest 20.880821 Far Shiverpeaks 14.906244 Augury Rock [FR] 11.505882 Vizunah Square [FR] 9.941115 Piken Square 5.930493 Abaddon's Mouth [DE] 0.934740 Gandara 0.166314 Aurora Glade 0.081140 Dzagonur [DE] 0.000000 Drakkar Lake [DE] 0.000000 Gunnar's Hold 0.000000 Ring of Fire 0.000000 Miller's Sound [DE] 0.000000 Fort Ranik [FR] 0.000000 Arborstone [FR] 0.000000 Whiteside Ridge 0.000000 Ruins of Surmia 0.000000 Fissure of Woe 0.000000 Vabbi 0.000000 Blacktide 0.000000 Underworld Seafarer's Rest 6.589235 Baruch Bay [SP] 11.148675 Elona Reach [DE] 16.538198 Desolation 16.603810 Riverside [DE] 21.274104 Kodash [DE] 22.180454 Jade Sea [FR] 30.526028 Far Shiverpeaks 23.292267 Augury Rock [FR] 18.656212 Vizunah Square [FR] 16.661243 Piken Square 11.561896 Abaddon's Mouth [DE] 3.500117 Gandara 0.960323 Aurora Glade 0.507438 Dzagonur [DE] 0.000000 Drakkar Lake [DE] 0.000000 Gunnar's Hold 0.000000 Ring of Fire 0.000000 Miller's Sound [DE] 0.000000 Fort Ranik [FR] 0.000000 Arborstone [FR] 0.000000 Whiteside Ridge 0.000000 Ruins of Surmia 0.000000 Fissure of Woe 0.000000 Vabbi 0.000000 Blacktide 0.000000 Underworld Far Shiverpeaks 2.312610 Baruch Bay [SP] 5.834751 Elona Reach [DE] 10.520304 Desolation 10.578938 Riverside [DE] 16.533431 Kodash [DE] 20.880821 Jade Sea [FR] 30.526028 Seafarer's Rest 28.045995 Augury Rock [FR] 23.410009 Vizunah Square [FR] 21.659458 Piken Square 17.138891 Abaddon's Mouth [DE] 7.876758 Gandara 2.992110 Aurora Glade 1.689896 Dzagonur [DE] 0.000000 Drakkar Lake [DE] 0.000000 Gunnar's Hold 0.000000 Ring of Fire 0.000000 Miller's Sound [DE] 0.000000 Fort Ranik [FR] 0.000000 Arborstone [FR] 0.000000 Whiteside Ridge 0.000000 Ruins of Surmia 0.000000 Fissure of Woe 0.000000 Vabbi 0.000000 Blacktide 0.000000 Underworld Augury Rock [FR] 0.313481 Baruch Bay [SP] 1.118921 Elona Reach [DE] 3.767294 Desolation 3.820226 Riverside [DE] 9.782549 Kodash [DE] 14.906244 Jade Sea [FR] 23.292267 Seafarer's Rest 28.045995 Far Shiverpeaks 27.541780 Vizunah Square [FR] 27.769192 Piken Square 26.327786 Abaddon's Mouth [DE] 15.594015 Gandara 9.711026 Aurora Glade 8.009224 Dzagonur [DE] 0.000000 Drakkar Lake [DE] 0.000000 Gunnar's Hold 0.000000 Ring of Fire 0.000000 Miller's Sound [DE] 0.000000 Fort Ranik [FR] 0.000000 Arborstone [FR] 0.000000 Whiteside Ridge 0.000000 Ruins of Surmia 0.000000 Fissure of Woe 0.000000 Vabbi 0.000000 Blacktide 0.000000 Underworld Vizunah Square [FR] 0.104246 Baruch Bay [SP] 0.472395 Elona Reach [DE] 2.110594 Desolation 2.148567 Riverside [DE] 7.044083 Kodash [DE] 11.505882 Jade Sea [FR] 18.656212 Seafarer's Rest 23.410009 Far Shiverpeaks 27.541780 Augury Rock [FR] 30.935385 Piken Square 30.082657 Abaddon's Mouth [DE] 18.630395 Gandara 14.186026 Aurora Glade 13.171769 Dzagonur [DE] 0.000000 Drakkar Lake [DE] 0.000000 Gunnar's Hold 0.000000 Ring of Fire 0.000000 Miller's Sound [DE] 0.000000 Fort Ranik [FR] 0.000000 Arborstone [FR] 0.000000 Whiteside Ridge 0.000000 Ruins of Surmia 0.000000 Fissure of Woe 0.000000 Vabbi 0.000000 Blacktide 0.000000 Underworld Piken Square 0.051975 Baruch Bay [SP] 0.298566 Elona Reach [DE] 1.565496 Desolation 1.594013 Riverside [DE] 5.824491 Kodash [DE] 9.941115 Jade Sea [FR] 16.661243 Seafarer's Rest 21.659458 Far Shiverpeaks 27.769192 Augury Rock [FR] 30.935385 Vizunah Square [FR] 31.477330 Abaddon's Mouth [DE] 19.892524 Gandara 16.462329 Aurora Glade 15.866883 Dzagonur [DE] 0.000000 Drakkar Lake [DE] 0.000000 Gunnar's Hold 0.000000 Ring of Fire 0.000000 Miller's Sound [DE] 0.000000 Fort Ranik [FR] 0.000000 Arborstone [FR] 0.000000 Whiteside Ridge 0.000000 Ruins of Surmia 0.000000 Fissure of Woe 0.000000 Vabbi 0.000000 Blacktide 0.000000 Underworld Abaddon's Mouth [DE] 0.006441 Baruch Bay [SP] 0.102071 Elona Reach [DE] 0.706173 Desolation 0.721088 Riverside [DE] 2.986240 Kodash [DE] 5.930493 Jade Sea [FR] 11.561896 Seafarer's Rest 17.138891 Far Shiverpeaks 26.327786 Augury Rock [FR] 30.082657 Vizunah Square [FR] 31.477330 Piken Square 22.453027 Gandara 24.640752 Aurora Glade 25.865155 Dzagonur [DE] 0.000000 Drakkar Lake [DE] 0.000000 Gunnar's Hold 0.000000 Ring of Fire 0.000000 Miller's Sound [DE] 0.000000 Fort Ranik [FR] 0.000000 Arborstone [FR] 0.000000 Whiteside Ridge 0.000000 Ruins of Surmia 0.000000 Fissure of Woe 0.000000 Vabbi 0.000000 Blacktide 0.000000 Underworld Gandara 0.000363 Baruch Bay [SP] 0.010747 Elona Reach [DE] 0.076394 Desolation 0.077655 Riverside [DE] 0.337869 Kodash [DE] 0.934740 Jade Sea [FR] 3.500117 Seafarer's Rest 7.876758 Far Shiverpeaks 15.594015 Augury Rock [FR] 18.630395 Vizunah Square [FR] 19.892524 Piken Square 22.453027 Abaddon's Mouth [DE] 53.330901 Aurora Glade 57.284495 Dzagonur [DE] 0.000000 Drakkar Lake [DE] 0.000000 Gunnar's Hold 0.000000 Ring of Fire 0.000000 Miller's Sound [DE] 0.000000 Fort Ranik [FR] 0.000000 Arborstone [FR] 0.000000 Whiteside Ridge 0.000000 Ruins of Surmia 0.000000 Fissure of Woe 0.000000 Vabbi 0.000000 Blacktide 0.000000 Underworld Aurora Glade 0.000013 Baruch Bay [SP] 0.000627 Elona Reach [DE] 0.004486 Desolation 0.004528 Riverside [DE] 0.029175 Kodash [DE] 0.166314 Jade Sea [FR] 0.960323 Seafarer's Rest 2.992110 Far Shiverpeaks 9.711026 Augury Rock [FR] 14.186026 Vizunah Square [FR] 16.462329 Piken Square 24.640752 Abaddon's Mouth [DE] 53.330901 Gandara 77.511390 Dzagonur [DE] 0.000000 Drakkar Lake [DE] 0.000000 Gunnar's Hold 0.000000 Ring of Fire 0.000000 Miller's Sound [DE] 0.000000 Fort Ranik [FR] 0.000000 Arborstone [FR] 0.000000 Whiteside Ridge 0.000000 Ruins of Surmia 0.000000 Fissure of Woe 0.000000 Vabbi 0.000000 Blacktide 0.000000 Underworld Dzagonur [DE] 0.000003 Baruch Bay [SP] 0.000121 Elona Reach [DE] 0.000924 Desolation 0.001024 Riverside [DE] 0.010538 Kodash [DE] 0.081140 Jade Sea [FR] 0.507438 Seafarer's Rest 1.689896 Far Shiverpeaks 8.009224 Augury Rock [FR] 13.171769 Vizunah Square [FR] 15.866883 Piken Square 25.865155 Abaddon's Mouth [DE] 57.284495 Gandara 77.511390 Aurora Glade 0.000000 Drakkar Lake [DE] 0.000000 Gunnar's Hold 0.000000 Ring of Fire 0.000000 Miller's Sound [DE] 0.000000 Fort Ranik [FR] 0.000000 Arborstone [FR] 0.000000 Whiteside Ridge 0.000000 Ruins of Surmia 0.000000 Fissure of Woe 0.000000 Vabbi 0.000000 Blacktide 0.000000 Underworld Drakkar Lake [DE] 0.000000 Baruch Bay [SP] 0.000000 Elona Reach [DE] 0.000000 Desolation 0.000000 Riverside [DE] 0.000000 Kodash [DE] 0.000000 Jade Sea [FR] 0.000000 Seafarer's Rest 0.000000 Far Shiverpeaks 0.000000 Augury Rock [FR] 0.000000 Vizunah Square [FR] 0.000000 Piken Square 0.000000 Abaddon's Mouth [DE] 0.000000 Gandara 0.000000 Aurora Glade 0.000000 Dzagonur [DE] 91.118187 Gunnar's Hold 82.090664 Ring of Fire 26.234051 Miller's Sound [DE] 0.338447 Fort Ranik [FR] 0.185827 Arborstone [FR] 0.028906 Whiteside Ridge 0.003918 Ruins of Surmia 0.000000 Fissure of Woe 0.000000 Vabbi 0.000000 Blacktide 0.000000 Underworld Gunnar's Hold 0.000000 Baruch Bay [SP] 0.000000 Elona Reach [DE] 0.000000 Desolation 0.000000 Riverside [DE] 0.000000 Kodash [DE] 0.000000 Jade Sea [FR] 0.000000 Seafarer's Rest 0.000000 Far Shiverpeaks 0.000000 Augury Rock [FR] 0.000000 Vizunah Square [FR] 0.000000 Piken Square 0.000000 Abaddon's Mouth [DE] 0.000000 Gandara 0.000000 Aurora Glade 0.000000 Dzagonur [DE] 91.118187 Drakkar Lake [DE] 73.637881 Ring of Fire 17.781268 Miller's Sound [DE] 8.632721 Fort Ranik [FR] 7.507413 Arborstone [FR] 1.161069 Whiteside Ridge 0.161461 Ruins of Surmia 0.000000 Fissure of Woe 0.000000 Vabbi 0.000000 Blacktide 0.000000 Underworld Ring of Fire 0.000000 Baruch Bay [SP] 0.000000 Elona Reach [DE] 0.000000 Desolation 0.000000 Riverside [DE] 0.000000 Kodash [DE] 0.000000 Jade Sea [FR] 0.000000 Seafarer's Rest 0.000000 Far Shiverpeaks 0.000000 Augury Rock [FR] 0.000000 Vizunah Square [FR] 0.000000 Piken Square 0.000000 Abaddon's Mouth [DE] 0.000000 Gandara 0.000000 Aurora Glade 0.000000 Dzagonur [DE] 82.090664 Drakkar Lake [DE] 73.637881 Gunnar's Hold 9.009881 Miller's Sound [DE] 17.235830 Fort Ranik [FR] 15.326301 Arborstone [FR] 2.369330 Whiteside Ridge 0.330113 Ruins of Surmia 0.000000 Fissure of Woe 0.000000 Vabbi 0.000000 Blacktide 0.000000 Underworld Miller's Sound [DE] 0.000000 Baruch Bay [SP] 0.000000 Elona Reach [DE] 0.000000 Desolation 0.000000 Riverside [DE] 0.000000 Kodash [DE] 0.000000 Jade Sea [FR] 0.000000 Seafarer's Rest 0.000000 Far Shiverpeaks 0.000000 Augury Rock [FR] 0.000000 Vizunah Square [FR] 0.000000 Piken Square 0.000000 Abaddon's Mouth [DE] 0.000000 Gandara 0.000000 Aurora Glade 0.000000 Dzagonur [DE] 26.234051 Drakkar Lake [DE] 17.781268 Gunnar's Hold 9.009881 Ring of Fire 72.038957 Fort Ranik [FR] 63.709343 Arborstone [FR] 9.855148 Whiteside Ridge 1.371352 Ruins of Surmia 0.000000 Fissure of Woe 0.000000 Vabbi 0.000000 Blacktide 0.000000 Underworld Fort Ranik [FR] 0.000000 Baruch Bay [SP] 0.000000 Elona Reach [DE] 0.000000 Desolation 0.000000 Riverside [DE] 0.000000 Kodash [DE] 0.000000 Jade Sea [FR] 0.000000 Seafarer's Rest 0.000000 Far Shiverpeaks 0.000000 Augury Rock [FR] 0.000000 Vizunah Square [FR] 0.000000 Piken Square 0.000000 Abaddon's Mouth [DE] 0.000000 Gandara 0.000000 Aurora Glade 0.000000 Dzagonur [DE] 0.338447 Drakkar Lake [DE] 8.632721 Gunnar's Hold 17.235830 Ring of Fire 72.038957 Miller's Sound [DE] 84.625089 Arborstone [FR] 11.502662 Whiteside Ridge 3.744181 Ruins of Surmia 1.700907 Fissure of Woe 0.180645 Vabbi 0.000561 Blacktide 0.000000 Underworld Arborstone [FR] 0.000000 Baruch Bay [SP] 0.000000 Elona Reach [DE] 0.000000 Desolation 0.000000 Riverside [DE] 0.000000 Kodash [DE] 0.000000 Jade Sea [FR] 0.000000 Seafarer's Rest 0.000000 Far Shiverpeaks 0.000000 Augury Rock [FR] 0.000000 Vizunah Square [FR] 0.000000 Piken Square 0.000000 Abaddon's Mouth [DE] 0.000000 Gandara 0.000000 Aurora Glade 0.000000 Dzagonur [DE] 0.185827 Drakkar Lake [DE] 7.507413 Gunnar's Hold 15.326301 Ring of Fire 63.709343 Miller's Sound [DE] 84.625089 Fort Ranik [FR] 3.746569 Whiteside Ridge 11.517501 Ruins of Surmia 12.089165 Fissure of Woe 1.288876 Vabbi 0.003916 Blacktide 0.000000 Underworld Whiteside Ridge 0.000000 Baruch Bay [SP] 0.000000 Elona Reach [DE] 0.000000 Desolation 0.000000 Riverside [DE] 0.000000 Kodash [DE] 0.000000 Jade Sea [FR] 0.000000 Seafarer's Rest 0.000000 Far Shiverpeaks 0.000000 Augury Rock [FR] 0.000000 Vizunah Square [FR] 0.000000 Piken Square 0.000000 Abaddon's Mouth [DE] 0.000000 Gandara 0.000000 Aurora Glade 0.000000 Dzagonur [DE] 0.028906 Drakkar Lake [DE] 1.161069 Gunnar's Hold 2.369330 Ring of Fire 9.855148 Miller's Sound [DE] 11.502662 Fort Ranik [FR] 3.746569 Arborstone [FR] 84.735930 Ruins of Surmia 78.252846 Fissure of Woe 8.321647 Vabbi 0.025893 Blacktide 0.000000 Underworld Ruins of Surmia 0.000000 Baruch Bay [SP] 0.000000 Elona Reach [DE] 0.000000 Desolation 0.000000 Riverside [DE] 0.000000 Kodash [DE] 0.000000 Jade Sea [FR] 0.000000 Seafarer's Rest 0.000000 Far Shiverpeaks 0.000000 Augury Rock [FR] 0.000000 Vizunah Square [FR] 0.000000 Piken Square 0.000000 Abaddon's Mouth [DE] 0.000000 Gandara 0.000000 Aurora Glade 0.000000 Dzagonur [DE] 0.003918 Drakkar Lake [DE] 0.161461 Gunnar's Hold 0.330113 Ring of Fire 1.371352 Miller's Sound [DE] 3.744181 Fort Ranik [FR] 11.517501 Arborstone [FR] 84.735930 Whiteside Ridge 88.673754 Fissure of Woe 9.432528 Vabbi 0.029262 Blacktide 0.000000 Underworld Fissure of Woe 0.000000 Baruch Bay [SP] 0.000000 Elona Reach [DE] 0.000000 Desolation 0.000000 Riverside [DE] 0.000000 Kodash [DE] 0.000000 Jade Sea [FR] 0.000000 Seafarer's Rest 0.000000 Far Shiverpeaks 0.000000 Augury Rock [FR] 0.000000 Vizunah Square [FR] 0.000000 Piken Square 0.000000 Abaddon's Mouth [DE] 0.000000 Gandara 0.000000 Aurora Glade 0.000000 Dzagonur [DE] 0.000000 Drakkar Lake [DE] 0.000000 Gunnar's Hold 0.000000 Ring of Fire 0.000000 Miller's Sound [DE] 1.700907 Fort Ranik [FR] 12.089165 Arborstone [FR] 78.252846 Whiteside Ridge 88.673754 Ruins of Surmia 0.029816 Vabbi 9.611848 Blacktide 9.641664 Underworld Vabbi 0.000000 Baruch Bay [SP] 0.000000 Elona Reach [DE] 0.000000 Desolation 0.000000 Riverside [DE] 0.000000 Kodash [DE] 0.000000 Jade Sea [FR] 0.000000 Seafarer's Rest 0.000000 Far Shiverpeaks 0.000000 Augury Rock [FR] 0.000000 Vizunah Square [FR] 0.000000 Piken Square 0.000000 Abaddon's Mouth [DE] 0.000000 Gandara 0.000000 Aurora Glade 0.000000 Dzagonur [DE] 0.000000 Drakkar Lake [DE] 0.000000 Gunnar's Hold 0.000000 Ring of Fire 0.000000 Miller's Sound [DE] 0.180645 Fort Ranik [FR] 1.288876 Arborstone [FR] 8.321647 Whiteside Ridge 9.432528 Ruins of Surmia 0.029816 Fissure of Woe 90.358336 Blacktide 90.388152 Underworld Blacktide 0.000000 Baruch Bay [SP] 0.000000 Elona Reach [DE] 0.000000 Desolation 0.000000 Riverside [DE] 0.000000 Kodash [DE] 0.000000 Jade Sea [FR] 0.000000 Seafarer's Rest 0.000000 Far Shiverpeaks 0.000000 Augury Rock [FR] 0.000000 Vizunah Square [FR] 0.000000 Piken Square 0.000000 Abaddon's Mouth [DE] 0.000000 Gandara 0.000000 Aurora Glade 0.000000 Dzagonur [DE] 0.000000 Drakkar Lake [DE] 0.000000 Gunnar's Hold 0.000000 Ring of Fire 0.000000 Miller's Sound [DE] 0.000561 Fort Ranik [FR] 0.003916 Arborstone [FR] 0.025893 Whiteside Ridge 0.029262 Ruins of Surmia 9.611848 Fissure of Woe 90.358336 Vabbi 99.970184 Underworld Underworld 0.000000 Baruch Bay [SP] 0.000000 Elona Reach [DE] 0.000000 Desolation 0.000000 Riverside [DE] 0.000000 Kodash [DE] 0.000000 Jade Sea [FR] 0.000000 Seafarer's Rest 0.000000 Far Shiverpeaks 0.000000 Augury Rock [FR] 0.000000 Vizunah Square [FR] 0.000000 Piken Square 0.000000 Abaddon's Mouth [DE] 0.000000 Gandara 0.000000 Aurora Glade 0.000000 Dzagonur [DE] 0.000000 Drakkar Lake [DE] 0.000000 Gunnar's Hold 0.000000 Ring of Fire 0.000000 Miller's Sound [DE] 0.000000 Fort Ranik [FR] 0.000000 Arborstone [FR] 0.000000 Whiteside Ridge 0.000000 Ruins of Surmia 9.641664 Fissure of Woe 90.388152 Vabbi 99.970184 Blacktide