Baruch Bay [SP] 77.929279 Elona Reach [DE] 46.345690 Riverside [DE] 24.093370 Far Shiverpeaks 17.124404 Seafarer's Rest 15.888210 Desolation 12.367102 Jade Sea [FR] 6.141573 Kodash [DE] 0.054944 Piken Square 0.031314 Augury Rock [FR] 0.023929 Gandara 0.000161 Vizunah Square [FR] 0.000022 Abaddon's Mouth [DE] 0.000002 Aurora Glade 0.000000 Dzagonur [DE] 0.000000 Drakkar Lake [DE] 0.000000 Ring of Fire 0.000000 Gunnar's Hold 0.000000 Miller's Sound [DE] 0.000000 Fort Ranik [FR] 0.000000 Whiteside Ridge 0.000000 Arborstone [FR] 0.000000 Fissure of Woe 0.000000 Ruins of Surmia 0.000000 Vabbi 0.000000 Underworld 0.000000 Blacktide Elona Reach [DE] 77.929279 Baruch Bay [SP] 39.029016 Riverside [DE] 22.084041 Far Shiverpeaks 17.530519 Seafarer's Rest 16.722266 Desolation 14.443035 Jade Sea [FR] 10.248599 Kodash [DE] 0.873876 Piken Square 0.587668 Augury Rock [FR] 0.489341 Gandara 0.044931 Vizunah Square [FR] 0.016813 Abaddon's Mouth [DE] 0.000416 Aurora Glade 0.000200 Dzagonur [DE] 0.000000 Drakkar Lake [DE] 0.000000 Ring of Fire 0.000000 Gunnar's Hold 0.000000 Miller's Sound [DE] 0.000000 Fort Ranik [FR] 0.000000 Whiteside Ridge 0.000000 Arborstone [FR] 0.000000 Fissure of Woe 0.000000 Ruins of Surmia 0.000000 Vabbi 0.000000 Underworld 0.000000 Blacktide Riverside [DE] 46.345690 Baruch Bay [SP] 39.029016 Elona Reach [DE] 21.622147 Far Shiverpeaks 20.737090 Seafarer's Rest 20.471428 Desolation 19.683006 Jade Sea [FR] 17.570929 Kodash [DE] 5.370284 Piken Square 4.322927 Augury Rock [FR] 3.894785 Gandara 0.683923 Vizunah Square [FR] 0.257062 Abaddon's Mouth [DE] 0.007468 Aurora Glade 0.004245 Dzagonur [DE] 0.000000 Drakkar Lake [DE] 0.000000 Ring of Fire 0.000000 Gunnar's Hold 0.000000 Miller's Sound [DE] 0.000000 Fort Ranik [FR] 0.000000 Whiteside Ridge 0.000000 Arborstone [FR] 0.000000 Fissure of Woe 0.000000 Ruins of Surmia 0.000000 Vabbi 0.000000 Underworld 0.000000 Blacktide Far Shiverpeaks 24.093370 Baruch Bay [SP] 22.084041 Elona Reach [DE] 21.622147 Riverside [DE] 25.431269 Seafarer's Rest 25.324588 Desolation 24.928308 Jade Sea [FR] 23.490639 Kodash [DE] 10.849458 Piken Square 9.455968 Augury Rock [FR] 8.850722 Gandara 2.561428 Vizunah Square [FR] 1.112698 Abaddon's Mouth [DE] 0.113268 Aurora Glade 0.082096 Dzagonur [DE] 0.000000 Drakkar Lake [DE] 0.000000 Ring of Fire 0.000000 Gunnar's Hold 0.000000 Miller's Sound [DE] 0.000000 Fort Ranik [FR] 0.000000 Whiteside Ridge 0.000000 Arborstone [FR] 0.000000 Fissure of Woe 0.000000 Ruins of Surmia 0.000000 Vabbi 0.000000 Underworld 0.000000 Blacktide Seafarer's Rest 17.124404 Baruch Bay [SP] 17.530519 Elona Reach [DE] 20.737090 Riverside [DE] 25.431269 Far Shiverpeaks 26.118119 Desolation 26.023730 Jade Sea [FR] 25.270799 Kodash [DE] 13.026933 Piken Square 11.534649 Augury Rock [FR] 10.886114 Gandara 3.910505 Vizunah Square [FR] 1.946244 Abaddon's Mouth [DE] 0.265230 Aurora Glade 0.194395 Dzagonur [DE] 0.000000 Drakkar Lake [DE] 0.000000 Ring of Fire 0.000000 Gunnar's Hold 0.000000 Miller's Sound [DE] 0.000000 Fort Ranik [FR] 0.000000 Whiteside Ridge 0.000000 Arborstone [FR] 0.000000 Fissure of Woe 0.000000 Ruins of Surmia 0.000000 Vabbi 0.000000 Underworld 0.000000 Blacktide Desolation 15.888210 Baruch Bay [SP] 16.722266 Elona Reach [DE] 20.471428 Riverside [DE] 25.324588 Far Shiverpeaks 26.118119 Seafarer's Rest 26.142882 Jade Sea [FR] 25.580413 Kodash [DE] 13.481681 Piken Square 11.969689 Augury Rock [FR] 11.313283 Gandara 4.252802 Vizunah Square [FR] 2.191218 Abaddon's Mouth [DE] 0.313131 Aurora Glade 0.230290 Dzagonur [DE] 0.000000 Drakkar Lake [DE] 0.000000 Ring of Fire 0.000000 Gunnar's Hold 0.000000 Miller's Sound [DE] 0.000000 Fort Ranik [FR] 0.000000 Whiteside Ridge 0.000000 Arborstone [FR] 0.000000 Fissure of Woe 0.000000 Ruins of Surmia 0.000000 Vabbi 0.000000 Underworld 0.000000 Blacktide Jade Sea [FR] 12.367102 Baruch Bay [SP] 14.443035 Elona Reach [DE] 19.683006 Riverside [DE] 24.928308 Far Shiverpeaks 26.023730 Seafarer's Rest 26.142882 Desolation 26.494790 Kodash [DE] 14.827136 Piken Square 13.267187 Augury Rock [FR] 12.595832 Gandara 5.336699 Vizunah Square [FR] 3.040168 Abaddon's Mouth [DE] 0.486925 Aurora Glade 0.363200 Dzagonur [DE] 0.000000 Drakkar Lake [DE] 0.000000 Ring of Fire 0.000000 Gunnar's Hold 0.000000 Miller's Sound [DE] 0.000000 Fort Ranik [FR] 0.000000 Whiteside Ridge 0.000000 Arborstone [FR] 0.000000 Fissure of Woe 0.000000 Ruins of Surmia 0.000000 Vabbi 0.000000 Underworld 0.000000 Blacktide Kodash [DE] 6.141573 Baruch Bay [SP] 10.248599 Elona Reach [DE] 17.570929 Riverside [DE] 23.490639 Far Shiverpeaks 25.270799 Seafarer's Rest 25.580413 Desolation 26.494790 Jade Sea [FR] 17.822111 Piken Square 16.217497 Augury Rock [FR] 15.544807 Gandara 8.192175 Vizunah Square [FR] 5.494231 Abaddon's Mouth [DE] 1.103690 Aurora Glade 0.827747 Dzagonur [DE] 0.000000 Drakkar Lake [DE] 0.000000 Ring of Fire 0.000000 Gunnar's Hold 0.000000 Miller's Sound [DE] 0.000000 Fort Ranik [FR] 0.000000 Whiteside Ridge 0.000000 Arborstone [FR] 0.000000 Fissure of Woe 0.000000 Ruins of Surmia 0.000000 Vabbi 0.000000 Underworld 0.000000 Blacktide Piken Square 0.054944 Baruch Bay [SP] 0.873876 Elona Reach [DE] 5.370284 Riverside [DE] 10.849458 Far Shiverpeaks 13.026933 Seafarer's Rest 13.481681 Desolation 14.827136 Jade Sea [FR] 17.822111 Kodash [DE] 26.933491 Augury Rock [FR] 27.369908 Gandara 25.738121 Vizunah Square [FR] 21.082231 Abaddon's Mouth [DE] 11.677247 Aurora Glade 10.892579 Dzagonur [DE] 0.000000 Drakkar Lake [DE] 0.000000 Ring of Fire 0.000000 Gunnar's Hold 0.000000 Miller's Sound [DE] 0.000000 Fort Ranik [FR] 0.000000 Whiteside Ridge 0.000000 Arborstone [FR] 0.000000 Fissure of Woe 0.000000 Ruins of Surmia 0.000000 Vabbi 0.000000 Underworld 0.000000 Blacktide Augury Rock [FR] 0.031314 Baruch Bay [SP] 0.587668 Elona Reach [DE] 4.322927 Riverside [DE] 9.455968 Far Shiverpeaks 11.534649 Seafarer's Rest 11.969689 Desolation 13.267187 Jade Sea [FR] 16.217497 Kodash [DE] 26.933491 Piken Square 28.952448 Gandara 27.389841 Vizunah Square [FR] 22.464909 Abaddon's Mouth [DE] 13.759660 Aurora Glade 13.112752 Dzagonur [DE] 0.000000 Drakkar Lake [DE] 0.000000 Ring of Fire 0.000000 Gunnar's Hold 0.000000 Miller's Sound [DE] 0.000000 Fort Ranik [FR] 0.000000 Whiteside Ridge 0.000000 Arborstone [FR] 0.000000 Fissure of Woe 0.000000 Ruins of Surmia 0.000000 Vabbi 0.000000 Underworld 0.000000 Blacktide Gandara 0.023929 Baruch Bay [SP] 0.489341 Elona Reach [DE] 3.894785 Riverside [DE] 8.850722 Far Shiverpeaks 10.886114 Seafarer's Rest 11.313283 Desolation 12.595832 Jade Sea [FR] 15.544807 Kodash [DE] 27.369908 Piken Square 28.952448 Augury Rock [FR] 28.005276 Vizunah Square [FR] 23.007174 Abaddon's Mouth [DE] 14.812912 Aurora Glade 14.253469 Dzagonur [DE] 0.000000 Drakkar Lake [DE] 0.000000 Ring of Fire 0.000000 Gunnar's Hold 0.000000 Miller's Sound [DE] 0.000000 Fort Ranik [FR] 0.000000 Whiteside Ridge 0.000000 Arborstone [FR] 0.000000 Fissure of Woe 0.000000 Ruins of Surmia 0.000000 Vabbi 0.000000 Underworld 0.000000 Blacktide Vizunah Square [FR] 0.000161 Baruch Bay [SP] 0.044931 Elona Reach [DE] 0.683923 Riverside [DE] 2.561428 Far Shiverpeaks 3.910505 Seafarer's Rest 4.252802 Desolation 5.336699 Jade Sea [FR] 8.192175 Kodash [DE] 25.738121 Piken Square 27.389841 Augury Rock [FR] 28.005276 Gandara 25.812178 Abaddon's Mouth [DE] 33.519280 Aurora Glade 34.552680 Dzagonur [DE] 0.000000 Drakkar Lake [DE] 0.000000 Ring of Fire 0.000000 Gunnar's Hold 0.000000 Miller's Sound [DE] 0.000000 Fort Ranik [FR] 0.000000 Whiteside Ridge 0.000000 Arborstone [FR] 0.000000 Fissure of Woe 0.000000 Ruins of Surmia 0.000000 Vabbi 0.000000 Underworld 0.000000 Blacktide Abaddon's Mouth [DE] 0.000022 Baruch Bay [SP] 0.016813 Elona Reach [DE] 0.257062 Riverside [DE] 1.112698 Far Shiverpeaks 1.946244 Seafarer's Rest 2.191218 Desolation 3.040168 Jade Sea [FR] 5.494231 Kodash [DE] 21.082231 Piken Square 22.464909 Augury Rock [FR] 23.007174 Gandara 25.812178 Vizunah Square [FR] 46.014738 Aurora Glade 47.560314 Dzagonur [DE] 0.000000 Drakkar Lake [DE] 0.000000 Ring of Fire 0.000000 Gunnar's Hold 0.000000 Miller's Sound [DE] 0.000000 Fort Ranik [FR] 0.000000 Whiteside Ridge 0.000000 Arborstone [FR] 0.000000 Fissure of Woe 0.000000 Ruins of Surmia 0.000000 Vabbi 0.000000 Underworld 0.000000 Blacktide Aurora Glade 0.000002 Baruch Bay [SP] 0.000416 Elona Reach [DE] 0.007468 Riverside [DE] 0.113268 Far Shiverpeaks 0.265230 Seafarer's Rest 0.313131 Desolation 0.486925 Jade Sea [FR] 1.103690 Kodash [DE] 11.677247 Piken Square 13.759660 Augury Rock [FR] 14.812912 Gandara 33.519280 Vizunah Square [FR] 46.014738 Abaddon's Mouth [DE] 77.926033 Dzagonur [DE] 0.000000 Drakkar Lake [DE] 0.000000 Ring of Fire 0.000000 Gunnar's Hold 0.000000 Miller's Sound [DE] 0.000000 Fort Ranik [FR] 0.000000 Whiteside Ridge 0.000000 Arborstone [FR] 0.000000 Fissure of Woe 0.000000 Ruins of Surmia 0.000000 Vabbi 0.000000 Underworld 0.000000 Blacktide Dzagonur [DE] 0.000000 Baruch Bay [SP] 0.000200 Elona Reach [DE] 0.004245 Riverside [DE] 0.082096 Far Shiverpeaks 0.194395 Seafarer's Rest 0.230290 Desolation 0.363200 Jade Sea [FR] 0.827747 Kodash [DE] 10.892579 Piken Square 13.112752 Augury Rock [FR] 14.253469 Gandara 34.552680 Vizunah Square [FR] 47.560314 Abaddon's Mouth [DE] 77.926033 Aurora Glade 0.000000 Drakkar Lake [DE] 0.000000 Ring of Fire 0.000000 Gunnar's Hold 0.000000 Miller's Sound [DE] 0.000000 Fort Ranik [FR] 0.000000 Whiteside Ridge 0.000000 Arborstone [FR] 0.000000 Fissure of Woe 0.000000 Ruins of Surmia 0.000000 Vabbi 0.000000 Underworld 0.000000 Blacktide Drakkar Lake [DE] 0.000000 Baruch Bay [SP] 0.000000 Elona Reach [DE] 0.000000 Riverside [DE] 0.000000 Far Shiverpeaks 0.000000 Seafarer's Rest 0.000000 Desolation 0.000000 Jade Sea [FR] 0.000000 Kodash [DE] 0.000000 Piken Square 0.000000 Augury Rock [FR] 0.000000 Gandara 0.000000 Vizunah Square [FR] 0.000000 Abaddon's Mouth [DE] 0.000000 Aurora Glade 0.000000 Dzagonur [DE] 93.748405 Ring of Fire 71.797269 Gunnar's Hold 31.541113 Miller's Sound [DE] 1.342707 Fort Ranik [FR] 0.808757 Whiteside Ridge 0.761749 Arborstone [FR] 0.000000 Fissure of Woe 0.000000 Ruins of Surmia 0.000000 Vabbi 0.000000 Underworld 0.000000 Blacktide Ring of Fire 0.000000 Baruch Bay [SP] 0.000000 Elona Reach [DE] 0.000000 Riverside [DE] 0.000000 Far Shiverpeaks 0.000000 Seafarer's Rest 0.000000 Desolation 0.000000 Jade Sea [FR] 0.000000 Kodash [DE] 0.000000 Piken Square 0.000000 Augury Rock [FR] 0.000000 Gandara 0.000000 Vizunah Square [FR] 0.000000 Abaddon's Mouth [DE] 0.000000 Aurora Glade 0.000000 Dzagonur [DE] 93.748405 Drakkar Lake [DE] 68.165446 Gunnar's Hold 27.909290 Miller's Sound [DE] 4.254912 Fort Ranik [FR] 3.044828 Whiteside Ridge 2.877119 Arborstone [FR] 0.000000 Fissure of Woe 0.000000 Ruins of Surmia 0.000000 Vabbi 0.000000 Underworld 0.000000 Blacktide Gunnar's Hold 0.000000 Baruch Bay [SP] 0.000000 Elona Reach [DE] 0.000000 Riverside [DE] 0.000000 Far Shiverpeaks 0.000000 Seafarer's Rest 0.000000 Desolation 0.000000 Jade Sea [FR] 0.000000 Kodash [DE] 0.000000 Piken Square 0.000000 Augury Rock [FR] 0.000000 Gandara 0.000000 Vizunah Square [FR] 0.000000 Abaddon's Mouth [DE] 0.000000 Aurora Glade 0.000000 Dzagonur [DE] 71.797269 Drakkar Lake [DE] 68.165446 Ring of Fire 6.541558 Miller's Sound [DE] 21.318798 Fort Ranik [FR] 16.549131 Whiteside Ridge 15.627798 Arborstone [FR] 0.000000 Fissure of Woe 0.000000 Ruins of Surmia 0.000000 Vabbi 0.000000 Underworld 0.000000 Blacktide Miller's Sound [DE] 0.000000 Baruch Bay [SP] 0.000000 Elona Reach [DE] 0.000000 Riverside [DE] 0.000000 Far Shiverpeaks 0.000000 Seafarer's Rest 0.000000 Desolation 0.000000 Jade Sea [FR] 0.000000 Kodash [DE] 0.000000 Piken Square 0.000000 Augury Rock [FR] 0.000000 Gandara 0.000000 Vizunah Square [FR] 0.000000 Abaddon's Mouth [DE] 0.000000 Aurora Glade 0.000000 Dzagonur [DE] 31.541113 Drakkar Lake [DE] 27.909290 Ring of Fire 6.541558 Gunnar's Hold 53.441240 Fort Ranik [FR] 41.289638 Whiteside Ridge 39.021021 Arborstone [FR] 0.126354 Fissure of Woe 0.122794 Ruins of Surmia 0.006992 Vabbi 0.000000 Underworld 0.000000 Blacktide Fort Ranik [FR] 0.000000 Baruch Bay [SP] 0.000000 Elona Reach [DE] 0.000000 Riverside [DE] 0.000000 Far Shiverpeaks 0.000000 Seafarer's Rest 0.000000 Desolation 0.000000 Jade Sea [FR] 0.000000 Kodash [DE] 0.000000 Piken Square 0.000000 Augury Rock [FR] 0.000000 Gandara 0.000000 Vizunah Square [FR] 0.000000 Abaddon's Mouth [DE] 0.000000 Aurora Glade 0.000000 Dzagonur [DE] 1.342707 Drakkar Lake [DE] 4.254912 Ring of Fire 21.318798 Gunnar's Hold 53.441240 Miller's Sound [DE] 41.699322 Whiteside Ridge 38.320895 Arborstone [FR] 19.531848 Fissure of Woe 18.986314 Ruins of Surmia 1.103964 Vabbi 0.000000 Underworld 0.000000 Blacktide Whiteside Ridge 0.000000 Baruch Bay [SP] 0.000000 Elona Reach [DE] 0.000000 Riverside [DE] 0.000000 Far Shiverpeaks 0.000000 Seafarer's Rest 0.000000 Desolation 0.000000 Jade Sea [FR] 0.000000 Kodash [DE] 0.000000 Piken Square 0.000000 Augury Rock [FR] 0.000000 Gandara 0.000000 Vizunah Square [FR] 0.000000 Abaddon's Mouth [DE] 0.000000 Aurora Glade 0.000000 Dzagonur [DE] 0.808757 Drakkar Lake [DE] 3.044828 Ring of Fire 16.549131 Gunnar's Hold 41.289638 Miller's Sound [DE] 41.699322 Fort Ranik [FR] 19.939004 Arborstone [FR] 37.794657 Fissure of Woe 36.739044 Ruins of Surmia 2.135619 Vabbi 0.000000 Underworld 0.000000 Blacktide Arborstone [FR] 0.000000 Baruch Bay [SP] 0.000000 Elona Reach [DE] 0.000000 Riverside [DE] 0.000000 Far Shiverpeaks 0.000000 Seafarer's Rest 0.000000 Desolation 0.000000 Jade Sea [FR] 0.000000 Kodash [DE] 0.000000 Piken Square 0.000000 Augury Rock [FR] 0.000000 Gandara 0.000000 Vizunah Square [FR] 0.000000 Abaddon's Mouth [DE] 0.000000 Aurora Glade 0.000000 Dzagonur [DE] 0.761749 Drakkar Lake [DE] 2.877119 Ring of Fire 15.627798 Gunnar's Hold 39.021021 Miller's Sound [DE] 38.320895 Fort Ranik [FR] 19.939004 Whiteside Ridge 41.138780 Fissure of Woe 39.990003 Ruins of Surmia 2.323631 Vabbi 0.000000 Underworld 0.000000 Blacktide Fissure of Woe 0.000000 Baruch Bay [SP] 0.000000 Elona Reach [DE] 0.000000 Riverside [DE] 0.000000 Far Shiverpeaks 0.000000 Seafarer's Rest 0.000000 Desolation 0.000000 Jade Sea [FR] 0.000000 Kodash [DE] 0.000000 Piken Square 0.000000 Augury Rock [FR] 0.000000 Gandara 0.000000 Vizunah Square [FR] 0.000000 Abaddon's Mouth [DE] 0.000000 Aurora Glade 0.000000 Dzagonur [DE] 0.000000 Drakkar Lake [DE] 0.000000 Ring of Fire 0.000000 Gunnar's Hold 0.126354 Miller's Sound [DE] 19.531848 Fort Ranik [FR] 37.794657 Whiteside Ridge 41.138780 Arborstone [FR] 94.429794 Ruins of Surmia 4.161845 Vabbi 1.408361 Underworld 1.408361 Blacktide Ruins of Surmia 0.000000 Baruch Bay [SP] 0.000000 Elona Reach [DE] 0.000000 Riverside [DE] 0.000000 Far Shiverpeaks 0.000000 Seafarer's Rest 0.000000 Desolation 0.000000 Jade Sea [FR] 0.000000 Kodash [DE] 0.000000 Piken Square 0.000000 Augury Rock [FR] 0.000000 Gandara 0.000000 Vizunah Square [FR] 0.000000 Abaddon's Mouth [DE] 0.000000 Aurora Glade 0.000000 Dzagonur [DE] 0.000000 Drakkar Lake [DE] 0.000000 Ring of Fire 0.000000 Gunnar's Hold 0.122794 Miller's Sound [DE] 18.986314 Fort Ranik [FR] 36.739044 Whiteside Ridge 39.990003 Arborstone [FR] 94.429794 Fissure of Woe 1.408361 Vabbi 4.161845 Underworld 4.161845 Blacktide Vabbi 0.000000 Baruch Bay [SP] 0.000000 Elona Reach [DE] 0.000000 Riverside [DE] 0.000000 Far Shiverpeaks 0.000000 Seafarer's Rest 0.000000 Desolation 0.000000 Jade Sea [FR] 0.000000 Kodash [DE] 0.000000 Piken Square 0.000000 Augury Rock [FR] 0.000000 Gandara 0.000000 Vizunah Square [FR] 0.000000 Abaddon's Mouth [DE] 0.000000 Aurora Glade 0.000000 Dzagonur [DE] 0.000000 Drakkar Lake [DE] 0.000000 Ring of Fire 0.000000 Gunnar's Hold 0.006992 Miller's Sound [DE] 1.103964 Fort Ranik [FR] 2.135619 Whiteside Ridge 2.323631 Arborstone [FR] 4.161845 Fissure of Woe 1.408361 Ruins of Surmia 94.429794 Underworld 94.429794 Blacktide Underworld 0.000000 Baruch Bay [SP] 0.000000 Elona Reach [DE] 0.000000 Riverside [DE] 0.000000 Far Shiverpeaks 0.000000 Seafarer's Rest 0.000000 Desolation 0.000000 Jade Sea [FR] 0.000000 Kodash [DE] 0.000000 Piken Square 0.000000 Augury Rock [FR] 0.000000 Gandara 0.000000 Vizunah Square [FR] 0.000000 Abaddon's Mouth [DE] 0.000000 Aurora Glade 0.000000 Dzagonur [DE] 0.000000 Drakkar Lake [DE] 0.000000 Ring of Fire 0.000000 Gunnar's Hold 0.000000 Miller's Sound [DE] 0.000000 Fort Ranik [FR] 0.000000 Whiteside Ridge 0.000000 Arborstone [FR] 1.408361 Fissure of Woe 4.161845 Ruins of Surmia 94.429794 Vabbi 100.000000 Blacktide Blacktide 0.000000 Baruch Bay [SP] 0.000000 Elona Reach [DE] 0.000000 Riverside [DE] 0.000000 Far Shiverpeaks 0.000000 Seafarer's Rest 0.000000 Desolation 0.000000 Jade Sea [FR] 0.000000 Kodash [DE] 0.000000 Piken Square 0.000000 Augury Rock [FR] 0.000000 Gandara 0.000000 Vizunah Square [FR] 0.000000 Abaddon's Mouth [DE] 0.000000 Aurora Glade 0.000000 Dzagonur [DE] 0.000000 Drakkar Lake [DE] 0.000000 Ring of Fire 0.000000 Gunnar's Hold 0.000000 Miller's Sound [DE] 0.000000 Fort Ranik [FR] 0.000000 Whiteside Ridge 0.000000 Arborstone [FR] 1.408361 Fissure of Woe 4.161845 Ruins of Surmia 94.429794 Vabbi 100.000000 Underworld