Blackgate 59.485208 Tarnished Coast Yak's Bend 26.590243 Tarnished Coast Dragonbrand 3.784509 Tarnished Coast Jade Quarry 0.036316 Tarnished Coast Maguuma 9.227072 Yak's Bend Dragonbrand 0.616048 Yak's Bend Jade Quarry 0.260604 Dragonbrand Jade Quarry Tarnished Coast 59.485208 Blackgate Yak's Bend 26.590243 Blackgate Dragonbrand 3.784509 Blackgate Jade Quarry 0.036316 Blackgate Maguuma 0.140886 Yak's Bend Maguuma 0.089717 Yak's Bend Fort Aspenwood 0.014873 Yak's Bend Sea of Sorrows 0.015128 Yak's Bend Stormbluff Isle 0.329437 Dragonbrand Maguuma 0.211767 Dragonbrand Fort Aspenwood 0.035583 Dragonbrand Sea of Sorrows 0.035483 Dragonbrand Stormbluff Isle 4.460518 Jade Quarry Maguuma 2.867059 Jade Quarry Fort Aspenwood 0.517843 Jade Quarry Sea of Sorrows 0.514574 Jade Quarry Stormbluff Isle 0.662280 Maguuma Fort Aspenwood 0.061451 Maguuma Sea of Sorrows 0.062145 Maguuma Stormbluff Isle 0.038926 Fort Aspenwood Sea of Sorrows 0.039979 Fort Aspenwood Stormbluff Isle 0.006075 Sea of Sorrows Stormbluff Isle Yak's Bend 59.485208 Blackgate Tarnished Coast 9.227072 Blackgate Dragonbrand 0.616048 Blackgate Jade Quarry 0.140886 Tarnished Coast Maguuma 0.089717 Tarnished Coast Fort Aspenwood 0.014873 Tarnished Coast Sea of Sorrows 0.015128 Tarnished Coast Stormbluff Isle 0.026186 Dragonbrand Jade Quarry 2.021666 Dragonbrand Maguuma 1.307781 Dragonbrand Fort Aspenwood 0.219759 Dragonbrand Sea of Sorrows 0.218543 Dragonbrand Stormbluff Isle 12.792669 Jade Quarry Maguuma 8.236806 Jade Quarry Fort Aspenwood 1.491432 Jade Quarry Sea of Sorrows 1.483139 Jade Quarry Stormbluff Isle 1.992772 Maguuma Fort Aspenwood 0.182035 Maguuma Sea of Sorrows 0.185070 Maguuma Stormbluff Isle 0.117068 Fort Aspenwood Sea of Sorrows 0.117646 Fort Aspenwood Stormbluff Isle 0.018496 Sea of Sorrows Stormbluff Isle Dragonbrand 26.590243 Blackgate Tarnished Coast 9.227072 Blackgate Yak's Bend 0.260604 Blackgate Jade Quarry 0.329437 Tarnished Coast Maguuma 0.211767 Tarnished Coast Fort Aspenwood 0.035583 Tarnished Coast Sea of Sorrows 0.035483 Tarnished Coast Stormbluff Isle 0.026186 Yak's Bend Jade Quarry 2.021666 Yak's Bend Maguuma 1.307781 Yak's Bend Fort Aspenwood 0.219759 Yak's Bend Sea of Sorrows 0.218543 Yak's Bend Stormbluff Isle 28.478622 Jade Quarry Maguuma 18.376492 Jade Quarry Fort Aspenwood 3.341212 Jade Quarry Sea of Sorrows 3.317236 Jade Quarry Stormbluff Isle 4.415677 Maguuma Fort Aspenwood 0.410488 Maguuma Sea of Sorrows 0.416813 Maguuma Stormbluff Isle 0.262576 Fort Aspenwood Sea of Sorrows 0.265603 Fort Aspenwood Stormbluff Isle 0.231157 Sea of Sorrows Stormbluff Isle Jade Quarry 3.784509 Blackgate Tarnished Coast 0.616048 Blackgate Yak's Bend 0.260604 Blackgate Dragonbrand 4.460518 Tarnished Coast Maguuma 2.867059 Tarnished Coast Fort Aspenwood 0.517843 Tarnished Coast Sea of Sorrows 0.514574 Tarnished Coast Stormbluff Isle 0.026186 Yak's Bend Dragonbrand 12.792669 Yak's Bend Maguuma 8.236806 Yak's Bend Fort Aspenwood 1.491432 Yak's Bend Sea of Sorrows 1.483139 Yak's Bend Stormbluff Isle 28.478622 Dragonbrand Maguuma 18.376492 Dragonbrand Fort Aspenwood 3.341212 Dragonbrand Sea of Sorrows 3.317236 Dragonbrand Stormbluff Isle 0.225060 Maguuma Fort Aspenwood 0.423228 Maguuma Sea of Sorrows 0.418570 Maguuma Stormbluff Isle 0.664674 Fort Aspenwood Sea of Sorrows 0.654629 Fort Aspenwood Stormbluff Isle 7.048890 Sea of Sorrows Stormbluff Isle Maguuma 0.036316 Blackgate Tarnished Coast 0.140886 Tarnished Coast Yak's Bend 0.329437 Tarnished Coast Dragonbrand 4.460518 Tarnished Coast Jade Quarry 0.662280 Tarnished Coast Fort Aspenwood 0.061451 Tarnished Coast Sea of Sorrows 0.062145 Tarnished Coast Stormbluff Isle 2.021666 Yak's Bend Dragonbrand 12.792669 Yak's Bend Jade Quarry 1.992772 Yak's Bend Fort Aspenwood 0.182035 Yak's Bend Sea of Sorrows 0.185070 Yak's Bend Stormbluff Isle 28.478622 Dragonbrand Jade Quarry 4.415677 Dragonbrand Fort Aspenwood 0.410488 Dragonbrand Sea of Sorrows 0.416813 Dragonbrand Stormbluff Isle 0.225060 Jade Quarry Fort Aspenwood 0.423228 Jade Quarry Sea of Sorrows 0.418570 Jade Quarry Stormbluff Isle 5.583457 Fort Aspenwood Sea of Sorrows 5.620047 Fort Aspenwood Stormbluff Isle 31.080793 Sea of Sorrows Stormbluff Isle Fort Aspenwood 0.089717 Tarnished Coast Yak's Bend 0.211767 Tarnished Coast Dragonbrand 2.867059 Tarnished Coast Jade Quarry 0.662280 Tarnished Coast Maguuma 0.038926 Tarnished Coast Sea of Sorrows 0.039979 Tarnished Coast Stormbluff Isle 1.307781 Yak's Bend Dragonbrand 8.236806 Yak's Bend Jade Quarry 1.992772 Yak's Bend Maguuma 0.117068 Yak's Bend Sea of Sorrows 0.117646 Yak's Bend Stormbluff Isle 18.376492 Dragonbrand Jade Quarry 4.415677 Dragonbrand Maguuma 0.262576 Dragonbrand Sea of Sorrows 0.265603 Dragonbrand Stormbluff Isle 0.225060 Jade Quarry Maguuma 0.664674 Jade Quarry Sea of Sorrows 0.654629 Jade Quarry Stormbluff Isle 5.583457 Maguuma Sea of Sorrows 5.620047 Maguuma Stormbluff Isle 48.249984 Sea of Sorrows Stormbluff Isle Sea of Sorrows 0.014873 Tarnished Coast Yak's Bend 0.035583 Tarnished Coast Dragonbrand 0.517843 Tarnished Coast Jade Quarry 0.061451 Tarnished Coast Maguuma 0.038926 Tarnished Coast Fort Aspenwood 0.006075 Tarnished Coast Stormbluff Isle 0.219759 Yak's Bend Dragonbrand 1.491432 Yak's Bend Jade Quarry 0.182035 Yak's Bend Maguuma 0.117068 Yak's Bend Fort Aspenwood 0.018496 Yak's Bend Stormbluff Isle 3.341212 Dragonbrand Jade Quarry 0.410488 Dragonbrand Maguuma 0.262576 Dragonbrand Fort Aspenwood 0.231157 Dragonbrand Stormbluff Isle 0.423228 Jade Quarry Maguuma 0.664674 Jade Quarry Fort Aspenwood 7.048890 Jade Quarry Stormbluff Isle 5.583457 Maguuma Fort Aspenwood 31.080793 Maguuma Stormbluff Isle 48.249984 Fort Aspenwood Stormbluff Isle Stormbluff Isle 0.015128 Tarnished Coast Yak's Bend 0.035483 Tarnished Coast Dragonbrand 0.514574 Tarnished Coast Jade Quarry 0.062145 Tarnished Coast Maguuma 0.039979 Tarnished Coast Fort Aspenwood 0.006075 Tarnished Coast Sea of Sorrows 0.218543 Yak's Bend Dragonbrand 1.483139 Yak's Bend Jade Quarry 0.185070 Yak's Bend Maguuma 0.117646 Yak's Bend Fort Aspenwood 0.018496 Yak's Bend Sea of Sorrows 3.317236 Dragonbrand Jade Quarry 0.416813 Dragonbrand Maguuma 0.265603 Dragonbrand Fort Aspenwood 0.231157 Dragonbrand Sea of Sorrows 0.418570 Jade Quarry Maguuma 0.654629 Jade Quarry Fort Aspenwood 7.048890 Jade Quarry Sea of Sorrows 5.620047 Maguuma Fort Aspenwood 31.080793 Maguuma Sea of Sorrows 48.249984 Fort Aspenwood Sea of Sorrows Henge of Denravi 100.000000 Northern Shiverpeaks Darkhaven Northern Shiverpeaks 100.000000 Henge of Denravi Darkhaven Darkhaven 100.000000 Henge of Denravi Northern Shiverpeaks