Blackgate 59.597191 Tarnished Coast Yak's Bend 22.733037 Tarnished Coast Dragonbrand 11.956666 Tarnished Coast Jade Quarry 0.216611 Tarnished Coast Maguuma 0.003178 Tarnished Coast Fort Aspenwood 3.661753 Yak's Bend Dragonbrand 1.350038 Yak's Bend Jade Quarry 0.481526 Dragonbrand Jade Quarry Tarnished Coast 59.597191 Blackgate Yak's Bend 22.733037 Blackgate Dragonbrand 11.956666 Blackgate Jade Quarry 0.216611 Blackgate Maguuma 0.003178 Blackgate Fort Aspenwood 0.260060 Yak's Bend Maguuma 0.160561 Yak's Bend Fort Aspenwood 0.032806 Yak's Bend Sea of Sorrows 0.028050 Yak's Bend Stormbluff Isle 0.714491 Dragonbrand Maguuma 0.443672 Dragonbrand Fort Aspenwood 0.091462 Dragonbrand Sea of Sorrows 0.078016 Dragonbrand Stormbluff Isle 1.883290 Jade Quarry Maguuma 1.169618 Jade Quarry Fort Aspenwood 0.246410 Jade Quarry Sea of Sorrows 0.211866 Jade Quarry Stormbluff Isle 0.156477 Maguuma Fort Aspenwood 0.006399 Maguuma Sea of Sorrows 0.003804 Maguuma Stormbluff Isle 0.003747 Fort Aspenwood Sea of Sorrows 0.002310 Fort Aspenwood Stormbluff Isle 0.000278 Sea of Sorrows Stormbluff Isle Yak's Bend 59.597191 Blackgate Tarnished Coast 3.661753 Blackgate Dragonbrand 1.350038 Blackgate Jade Quarry 0.260060 Tarnished Coast Maguuma 0.160561 Tarnished Coast Fort Aspenwood 0.032806 Tarnished Coast Sea of Sorrows 0.028050 Tarnished Coast Stormbluff Isle 0.170638 Dragonbrand Jade Quarry 6.296148 Dragonbrand Maguuma 3.951923 Dragonbrand Fort Aspenwood 0.812715 Dragonbrand Sea of Sorrows 0.695604 Dragonbrand Stormbluff Isle 11.613427 Jade Quarry Maguuma 7.240576 Jade Quarry Fort Aspenwood 1.533765 Jade Quarry Sea of Sorrows 1.316957 Jade Quarry Stormbluff Isle 1.160430 Maguuma Fort Aspenwood 0.044002 Maguuma Sea of Sorrows 0.026513 Maguuma Stormbluff Isle 0.026481 Fort Aspenwood Sea of Sorrows 0.016163 Fort Aspenwood Stormbluff Isle 0.004199 Sea of Sorrows Stormbluff Isle Dragonbrand 22.733037 Blackgate Tarnished Coast 3.661753 Blackgate Yak's Bend 0.481526 Blackgate Jade Quarry 0.714491 Tarnished Coast Maguuma 0.443672 Tarnished Coast Fort Aspenwood 0.091462 Tarnished Coast Sea of Sorrows 0.078016 Tarnished Coast Stormbluff Isle 0.170638 Yak's Bend Jade Quarry 6.296148 Yak's Bend Maguuma 3.951923 Yak's Bend Fort Aspenwood 0.812715 Yak's Bend Sea of Sorrows 0.695604 Yak's Bend Stormbluff Isle 29.999729 Jade Quarry Maguuma 18.788871 Jade Quarry Fort Aspenwood 4.035049 Jade Quarry Sea of Sorrows 3.458277 Jade Quarry Stormbluff Isle 2.270198 Maguuma Fort Aspenwood 0.112953 Maguuma Sea of Sorrows 0.068466 Maguuma Stormbluff Isle 0.068851 Fort Aspenwood Sea of Sorrows 0.041317 Fort Aspenwood Stormbluff Isle 1.025304 Sea of Sorrows Stormbluff Isle Jade Quarry 11.956666 Blackgate Tarnished Coast 1.350038 Blackgate Yak's Bend 0.481526 Blackgate Dragonbrand 1.883290 Tarnished Coast Maguuma 1.169618 Tarnished Coast Fort Aspenwood 0.246410 Tarnished Coast Sea of Sorrows 0.211866 Tarnished Coast Stormbluff Isle 0.170638 Yak's Bend Dragonbrand 11.613427 Yak's Bend Maguuma 7.240576 Yak's Bend Fort Aspenwood 1.533765 Yak's Bend Sea of Sorrows 1.316957 Yak's Bend Stormbluff Isle 29.999729 Dragonbrand Maguuma 18.788871 Dragonbrand Fort Aspenwood 4.035049 Dragonbrand Sea of Sorrows 3.458277 Dragonbrand Stormbluff Isle 0.757908 Maguuma Fort Aspenwood 0.059809 Maguuma Sea of Sorrows 0.099090 Maguuma Stormbluff Isle 0.099611 Fort Aspenwood Sea of Sorrows 0.164735 Fort Aspenwood Stormbluff Isle 3.362144 Sea of Sorrows Stormbluff Isle Maguuma 0.216611 Blackgate Tarnished Coast 0.260060 Tarnished Coast Yak's Bend 0.714491 Tarnished Coast Dragonbrand 1.883290 Tarnished Coast Jade Quarry 0.156477 Tarnished Coast Fort Aspenwood 0.006399 Tarnished Coast Sea of Sorrows 0.003804 Tarnished Coast Stormbluff Isle 6.296148 Yak's Bend Dragonbrand 11.613427 Yak's Bend Jade Quarry 1.160430 Yak's Bend Fort Aspenwood 0.044002 Yak's Bend Sea of Sorrows 0.026513 Yak's Bend Stormbluff Isle 29.999729 Dragonbrand Jade Quarry 2.270198 Dragonbrand Fort Aspenwood 0.112953 Dragonbrand Sea of Sorrows 0.068466 Dragonbrand Stormbluff Isle 0.757908 Jade Quarry Fort Aspenwood 0.059809 Jade Quarry Sea of Sorrows 0.099090 Jade Quarry Stormbluff Isle 5.787923 Fort Aspenwood Sea of Sorrows 6.750815 Fort Aspenwood Stormbluff Isle 31.711457 Sea of Sorrows Stormbluff Isle Fort Aspenwood 0.003178 Blackgate Tarnished Coast 0.160561 Tarnished Coast Yak's Bend 0.443672 Tarnished Coast Dragonbrand 1.169618 Tarnished Coast Jade Quarry 0.156477 Tarnished Coast Maguuma 0.003747 Tarnished Coast Sea of Sorrows 0.002310 Tarnished Coast Stormbluff Isle 3.951923 Yak's Bend Dragonbrand 7.240576 Yak's Bend Jade Quarry 1.160430 Yak's Bend Maguuma 0.026481 Yak's Bend Sea of Sorrows 0.016163 Yak's Bend Stormbluff Isle 18.788871 Dragonbrand Jade Quarry 2.270198 Dragonbrand Maguuma 0.068851 Dragonbrand Sea of Sorrows 0.041317 Dragonbrand Stormbluff Isle 0.757908 Jade Quarry Maguuma 0.099611 Jade Quarry Sea of Sorrows 0.164735 Jade Quarry Stormbluff Isle 5.787923 Maguuma Sea of Sorrows 6.750815 Maguuma Stormbluff Isle 50.934635 Sea of Sorrows Stormbluff Isle Sea of Sorrows 0.032806 Tarnished Coast Yak's Bend 0.091462 Tarnished Coast Dragonbrand 0.246410 Tarnished Coast Jade Quarry 0.006399 Tarnished Coast Maguuma 0.003747 Tarnished Coast Fort Aspenwood 0.000278 Tarnished Coast Stormbluff Isle 0.812715 Yak's Bend Dragonbrand 1.533765 Yak's Bend Jade Quarry 0.044002 Yak's Bend Maguuma 0.026481 Yak's Bend Fort Aspenwood 0.004199 Yak's Bend Stormbluff Isle 4.035049 Dragonbrand Jade Quarry 0.112953 Dragonbrand Maguuma 0.068851 Dragonbrand Fort Aspenwood 1.025304 Dragonbrand Stormbluff Isle 0.059809 Jade Quarry Maguuma 0.099611 Jade Quarry Fort Aspenwood 3.362144 Jade Quarry Stormbluff Isle 5.787923 Maguuma Fort Aspenwood 31.711457 Maguuma Stormbluff Isle 50.934635 Fort Aspenwood Stormbluff Isle Stormbluff Isle 0.028050 Tarnished Coast Yak's Bend 0.078016 Tarnished Coast Dragonbrand 0.211866 Tarnished Coast Jade Quarry 0.003804 Tarnished Coast Maguuma 0.002310 Tarnished Coast Fort Aspenwood 0.000278 Tarnished Coast Sea of Sorrows 0.695604 Yak's Bend Dragonbrand 1.316957 Yak's Bend Jade Quarry 0.026513 Yak's Bend Maguuma 0.016163 Yak's Bend Fort Aspenwood 0.004199 Yak's Bend Sea of Sorrows 3.458277 Dragonbrand Jade Quarry 0.068466 Dragonbrand Maguuma 0.041317 Dragonbrand Fort Aspenwood 1.025304 Dragonbrand Sea of Sorrows 0.099090 Jade Quarry Maguuma 0.164735 Jade Quarry Fort Aspenwood 3.362144 Jade Quarry Sea of Sorrows 6.750815 Maguuma Fort Aspenwood 31.711457 Maguuma Sea of Sorrows 50.934635 Fort Aspenwood Sea of Sorrows Henge of Denravi 100.000000 Northern Shiverpeaks Darkhaven Northern Shiverpeaks 100.000000 Henge of Denravi Darkhaven Darkhaven 100.000000 Henge of Denravi Northern Shiverpeaks