Blackgate 60.242416 Tarnished Coast Yak's Bend 28.625844 Tarnished Coast Dragonbrand 3.973217 Tarnished Coast Fort Aspenwood 2.354838 Tarnished Coast Jade Quarry 0.628447 Tarnished Coast Maguuma 3.888713 Yak's Bend Dragonbrand 0.018535 Yak's Bend Fort Aspenwood 0.008207 Dragonbrand Fort Aspenwood 0.099353 Fort Aspenwood Jade Quarry 0.062085 Fort Aspenwood Maguuma 0.012810 Fort Aspenwood Sea of Sorrows 0.009488 Fort Aspenwood Stormbluff Isle 0.048275 Jade Quarry Maguuma 0.009545 Jade Quarry Sea of Sorrows 0.006997 Jade Quarry Stormbluff Isle 0.005899 Maguuma Sea of Sorrows 0.004322 Maguuma Stormbluff Isle 0.001009 Sea of Sorrows Stormbluff Isle Tarnished Coast 60.242416 Blackgate Yak's Bend 28.625844 Blackgate Dragonbrand 3.973217 Blackgate Fort Aspenwood 2.354838 Blackgate Jade Quarry 0.628447 Blackgate Maguuma 0.259783 Yak's Bend Dragonbrand 0.004400 Yak's Bend Jade Quarry 0.002766 Yak's Bend Maguuma 0.000509 Yak's Bend Sea of Sorrows 0.000398 Yak's Bend Stormbluff Isle 0.009185 Dragonbrand Jade Quarry 0.005998 Dragonbrand Maguuma 0.001151 Dragonbrand Sea of Sorrows 0.000816 Dragonbrand Stormbluff Isle 1.485342 Fort Aspenwood Jade Quarry 0.929513 Fort Aspenwood Maguuma 0.190745 Fort Aspenwood Sea of Sorrows 0.143911 Fort Aspenwood Stormbluff Isle 0.722790 Jade Quarry Maguuma 0.142526 Jade Quarry Sea of Sorrows 0.106303 Jade Quarry Stormbluff Isle 0.088198 Maguuma Sea of Sorrows 0.065023 Maguuma Stormbluff Isle 0.015881 Sea of Sorrows Stormbluff Isle Yak's Bend 60.242416 Blackgate Tarnished Coast 3.888713 Blackgate Dragonbrand 0.018535 Blackgate Fort Aspenwood 0.259783 Tarnished Coast Dragonbrand 0.004400 Tarnished Coast Jade Quarry 0.002766 Tarnished Coast Maguuma 0.000509 Tarnished Coast Sea of Sorrows 0.000398 Tarnished Coast Stormbluff Isle 1.423130 Dragonbrand Fort Aspenwood 2.103975 Dragonbrand Jade Quarry 2.036216 Dragonbrand Maguuma 0.457312 Dragonbrand Sea of Sorrows 0.334819 Dragonbrand Stormbluff Isle 10.671714 Fort Aspenwood Jade Quarry 6.955548 Fort Aspenwood Maguuma 1.439394 Fort Aspenwood Sea of Sorrows 1.084136 Fort Aspenwood Stormbluff Isle 5.628587 Jade Quarry Maguuma 1.095502 Jade Quarry Sea of Sorrows 0.809849 Jade Quarry Stormbluff Isle 0.698605 Maguuma Sea of Sorrows 0.508586 Maguuma Stormbluff Isle 0.335107 Sea of Sorrows Stormbluff Isle Dragonbrand 28.625844 Blackgate Tarnished Coast 3.888713 Blackgate Yak's Bend 0.008207 Blackgate Fort Aspenwood 0.259783 Tarnished Coast Yak's Bend 0.009185 Tarnished Coast Jade Quarry 0.005998 Tarnished Coast Maguuma 0.001151 Tarnished Coast Sea of Sorrows 0.000816 Tarnished Coast Stormbluff Isle 1.423130 Yak's Bend Fort Aspenwood 2.103975 Yak's Bend Jade Quarry 2.036216 Yak's Bend Maguuma 0.457312 Yak's Bend Sea of Sorrows 0.334819 Yak's Bend Stormbluff Isle 21.724114 Fort Aspenwood Jade Quarry 13.875859 Fort Aspenwood Maguuma 3.021512 Fort Aspenwood Sea of Sorrows 2.332272 Fort Aspenwood Stormbluff Isle 10.912947 Jade Quarry Maguuma 2.290252 Jade Quarry Sea of Sorrows 1.763675 Jade Quarry Stormbluff Isle 1.472570 Maguuma Sea of Sorrows 1.165840 Maguuma Stormbluff Isle 2.285810 Sea of Sorrows Stormbluff Isle Fort Aspenwood 3.973217 Blackgate Tarnished Coast 0.018535 Blackgate Yak's Bend 0.008207 Blackgate Dragonbrand 0.099353 Blackgate Jade Quarry 0.062085 Blackgate Maguuma 0.012810 Blackgate Sea of Sorrows 0.009488 Blackgate Stormbluff Isle 1.485342 Tarnished Coast Jade Quarry 0.929513 Tarnished Coast Maguuma 0.190745 Tarnished Coast Sea of Sorrows 0.143911 Tarnished Coast Stormbluff Isle 1.423130 Yak's Bend Dragonbrand 10.671714 Yak's Bend Jade Quarry 6.955548 Yak's Bend Maguuma 1.439394 Yak's Bend Sea of Sorrows 1.084136 Yak's Bend Stormbluff Isle 21.724114 Dragonbrand Jade Quarry 13.875859 Dragonbrand Maguuma 3.021512 Dragonbrand Sea of Sorrows 2.332272 Dragonbrand Stormbluff Isle 2.090132 Jade Quarry Maguuma 1.745851 Jade Quarry Sea of Sorrows 2.284147 Jade Quarry Stormbluff Isle 2.777628 Maguuma Sea of Sorrows 3.666123 Maguuma Stormbluff Isle 17.975234 Sea of Sorrows Stormbluff Isle Jade Quarry 2.354838 Blackgate Tarnished Coast 0.099353 Blackgate Fort Aspenwood 0.048275 Blackgate Maguuma 0.009545 Blackgate Sea of Sorrows 0.006997 Blackgate Stormbluff Isle 0.004400 Tarnished Coast Yak's Bend 0.009185 Tarnished Coast Dragonbrand 1.485342 Tarnished Coast Fort Aspenwood 0.722790 Tarnished Coast Maguuma 0.142526 Tarnished Coast Sea of Sorrows 0.106303 Tarnished Coast Stormbluff Isle 2.103975 Yak's Bend Dragonbrand 10.671714 Yak's Bend Fort Aspenwood 5.628587 Yak's Bend Maguuma 1.095502 Yak's Bend Sea of Sorrows 0.809849 Yak's Bend Stormbluff Isle 21.724114 Dragonbrand Fort Aspenwood 10.912947 Dragonbrand Maguuma 2.290252 Dragonbrand Sea of Sorrows 1.763675 Dragonbrand Stormbluff Isle 2.090132 Fort Aspenwood Maguuma 1.745851 Fort Aspenwood Sea of Sorrows 2.284147 Fort Aspenwood Stormbluff Isle 3.758062 Maguuma Sea of Sorrows 4.921366 Maguuma Stormbluff Isle 23.210273 Sea of Sorrows Stormbluff Isle Maguuma 0.628447 Blackgate Tarnished Coast 0.062085 Blackgate Fort Aspenwood 0.048275 Blackgate Jade Quarry 0.005899 Blackgate Sea of Sorrows 0.004322 Blackgate Stormbluff Isle 0.002766 Tarnished Coast Yak's Bend 0.005998 Tarnished Coast Dragonbrand 0.929513 Tarnished Coast Fort Aspenwood 0.722790 Tarnished Coast Jade Quarry 0.088198 Tarnished Coast Sea of Sorrows 0.065023 Tarnished Coast Stormbluff Isle 2.036216 Yak's Bend Dragonbrand 6.955548 Yak's Bend Fort Aspenwood 5.628587 Yak's Bend Jade Quarry 0.698605 Yak's Bend Sea of Sorrows 0.508586 Yak's Bend Stormbluff Isle 13.875859 Dragonbrand Fort Aspenwood 10.912947 Dragonbrand Jade Quarry 1.472570 Dragonbrand Sea of Sorrows 1.165840 Dragonbrand Stormbluff Isle 2.090132 Fort Aspenwood Jade Quarry 2.777628 Fort Aspenwood Sea of Sorrows 3.666123 Fort Aspenwood Stormbluff Isle 3.758062 Jade Quarry Sea of Sorrows 4.921366 Jade Quarry Stormbluff Isle 36.968615 Sea of Sorrows Stormbluff Isle Sea of Sorrows 0.012810 Blackgate Fort Aspenwood 0.009545 Blackgate Jade Quarry 0.005899 Blackgate Maguuma 0.001009 Blackgate Stormbluff Isle 0.000509 Tarnished Coast Yak's Bend 0.001151 Tarnished Coast Dragonbrand 0.190745 Tarnished Coast Fort Aspenwood 0.142526 Tarnished Coast Jade Quarry 0.088198 Tarnished Coast Maguuma 0.015881 Tarnished Coast Stormbluff Isle 0.457312 Yak's Bend Dragonbrand 1.439394 Yak's Bend Fort Aspenwood 1.095502 Yak's Bend Jade Quarry 0.698605 Yak's Bend Maguuma 0.335107 Yak's Bend Stormbluff Isle 3.021512 Dragonbrand Fort Aspenwood 2.290252 Dragonbrand Jade Quarry 1.472570 Dragonbrand Maguuma 2.285810 Dragonbrand Stormbluff Isle 1.745851 Fort Aspenwood Jade Quarry 2.777628 Fort Aspenwood Maguuma 17.975234 Fort Aspenwood Stormbluff Isle 3.758062 Jade Quarry Maguuma 23.210273 Jade Quarry Stormbluff Isle 36.968615 Maguuma Stormbluff Isle Stormbluff Isle 0.009488 Blackgate Fort Aspenwood 0.006997 Blackgate Jade Quarry 0.004322 Blackgate Maguuma 0.001009 Blackgate Sea of Sorrows 0.000398 Tarnished Coast Yak's Bend 0.000816 Tarnished Coast Dragonbrand 0.143911 Tarnished Coast Fort Aspenwood 0.106303 Tarnished Coast Jade Quarry 0.065023 Tarnished Coast Maguuma 0.015881 Tarnished Coast Sea of Sorrows 0.334819 Yak's Bend Dragonbrand 1.084136 Yak's Bend Fort Aspenwood 0.809849 Yak's Bend Jade Quarry 0.508586 Yak's Bend Maguuma 0.335107 Yak's Bend Sea of Sorrows 2.332272 Dragonbrand Fort Aspenwood 1.763675 Dragonbrand Jade Quarry 1.165840 Dragonbrand Maguuma 2.285810 Dragonbrand Sea of Sorrows 2.284147 Fort Aspenwood Jade Quarry 3.666123 Fort Aspenwood Maguuma 17.975234 Fort Aspenwood Sea of Sorrows 4.921366 Jade Quarry Maguuma 23.210273 Jade Quarry Sea of Sorrows 36.968615 Maguuma Sea of Sorrows Crystal Desert 100.000000 Sorrow's Furnace Darkhaven Sorrow's Furnace 100.000000 Crystal Desert Darkhaven Darkhaven 100.000000 Crystal Desert Sorrow's Furnace