Blackgate 63.227103 Tarnished Coast Dragonbrand 13.511472 Tarnished Coast Jade Quarry 12.267851 Tarnished Coast Yak's Bend 1.601608 Tarnished Coast Fort Aspenwood 0.127044 Tarnished Coast Maguuma 0.002831 Tarnished Coast Sea of Sorrows 0.002138 Tarnished Coast Stormbluff Isle 3.360323 Dragonbrand Jade Quarry 2.970056 Dragonbrand Yak's Bend 0.124551 Dragonbrand Fort Aspenwood 0.047723 Dragonbrand Maguuma 0.008632 Dragonbrand Sea of Sorrows 0.006358 Dragonbrand Stormbluff Isle 0.562375 Jade Quarry Yak's Bend 0.548093 Jade Quarry Fort Aspenwood 0.272932 Jade Quarry Maguuma 0.052946 Jade Quarry Sea of Sorrows 0.039843 Jade Quarry Stormbluff Isle 0.634546 Yak's Bend Fort Aspenwood 0.317520 Yak's Bend Maguuma 0.062200 Yak's Bend Sea of Sorrows 0.046800 Yak's Bend Stormbluff Isle 0.165787 Fort Aspenwood Maguuma 0.016314 Fort Aspenwood Sea of Sorrows 0.009613 Fort Aspenwood Stormbluff Isle 0.007828 Maguuma Sea of Sorrows 0.004681 Maguuma Stormbluff Isle 0.000832 Sea of Sorrows Stormbluff Isle Tarnished Coast 63.227103 Blackgate Dragonbrand 13.511472 Blackgate Jade Quarry 12.267851 Blackgate Yak's Bend 1.601608 Blackgate Fort Aspenwood 0.127044 Blackgate Maguuma 0.002831 Blackgate Sea of Sorrows 0.002138 Blackgate Stormbluff Isle 1.176731 Dragonbrand Jade Quarry 1.000098 Dragonbrand Yak's Bend 0.336981 Dragonbrand Fort Aspenwood 0.171983 Dragonbrand Maguuma 0.030738 Dragonbrand Sea of Sorrows 0.023002 Dragonbrand Stormbluff Isle 0.177674 Jade Quarry Yak's Bend 1.604951 Jade Quarry Fort Aspenwood 0.815062 Jade Quarry Maguuma 0.158543 Jade Quarry Sea of Sorrows 0.120031 Jade Quarry Stormbluff Isle 1.792128 Yak's Bend Fort Aspenwood 0.905952 Yak's Bend Maguuma 0.176813 Yak's Bend Sea of Sorrows 0.135056 Yak's Bend Stormbluff Isle 0.512799 Fort Aspenwood Maguuma 0.049967 Fort Aspenwood Sea of Sorrows 0.029559 Fort Aspenwood Stormbluff Isle 0.024750 Maguuma Sea of Sorrows 0.014514 Maguuma Stormbluff Isle 0.002621 Sea of Sorrows Stormbluff Isle Dragonbrand 63.227103 Blackgate Tarnished Coast 3.360323 Blackgate Jade Quarry 2.970056 Blackgate Yak's Bend 0.124551 Blackgate Fort Aspenwood 0.047723 Blackgate Maguuma 0.008632 Blackgate Sea of Sorrows 0.006358 Blackgate Stormbluff Isle 1.176731 Tarnished Coast Jade Quarry 1.000098 Tarnished Coast Yak's Bend 0.336981 Tarnished Coast Fort Aspenwood 0.171983 Tarnished Coast Maguuma 0.030738 Tarnished Coast Sea of Sorrows 0.023002 Tarnished Coast Stormbluff Isle 1.119669 Jade Quarry Yak's Bend 6.510485 Jade Quarry Fort Aspenwood 3.621554 Jade Quarry Maguuma 0.695936 Jade Quarry Sea of Sorrows 0.521027 Jade Quarry Stormbluff Isle 7.064520 Yak's Bend Fort Aspenwood 3.863780 Yak's Bend Maguuma 0.745989 Yak's Bend Sea of Sorrows 0.561753 Yak's Bend Stormbluff Isle 2.215041 Fort Aspenwood Maguuma 0.219069 Fort Aspenwood Sea of Sorrows 0.129807 Fort Aspenwood Stormbluff Isle 0.115583 Maguuma Sea of Sorrows 0.067553 Maguuma Stormbluff Isle 0.063955 Sea of Sorrows Stormbluff Isle Jade Quarry 13.511472 Blackgate Tarnished Coast 3.360323 Blackgate Dragonbrand 0.562375 Blackgate Yak's Bend 0.548093 Blackgate Fort Aspenwood 0.272932 Blackgate Maguuma 0.052946 Blackgate Sea of Sorrows 0.039843 Blackgate Stormbluff Isle 1.176731 Tarnished Coast Dragonbrand 0.177674 Tarnished Coast Yak's Bend 1.604951 Tarnished Coast Fort Aspenwood 0.815062 Tarnished Coast Maguuma 0.158543 Tarnished Coast Sea of Sorrows 0.120031 Tarnished Coast Stormbluff Isle 1.119669 Dragonbrand Yak's Bend 6.510485 Dragonbrand Fort Aspenwood 3.621554 Dragonbrand Maguuma 0.695936 Dragonbrand Sea of Sorrows 0.521027 Dragonbrand Stormbluff Isle 30.842595 Yak's Bend Fort Aspenwood 15.868549 Yak's Bend Maguuma 3.351629 Yak's Bend Sea of Sorrows 2.593093 Yak's Bend Stormbluff Isle 4.539716 Fort Aspenwood Maguuma 0.680931 Fort Aspenwood Sea of Sorrows 0.588021 Fort Aspenwood Stormbluff Isle 0.575448 Maguuma Sea of Sorrows 0.691532 Maguuma Stormbluff Isle 5.398839 Sea of Sorrows Stormbluff Isle Yak's Bend 12.267851 Blackgate Tarnished Coast 2.970056 Blackgate Dragonbrand 0.562375 Blackgate Jade Quarry 0.634546 Blackgate Fort Aspenwood 0.317520 Blackgate Maguuma 0.062200 Blackgate Sea of Sorrows 0.046800 Blackgate Stormbluff Isle 1.000098 Tarnished Coast Dragonbrand 0.177674 Tarnished Coast Jade Quarry 1.792128 Tarnished Coast Fort Aspenwood 0.905952 Tarnished Coast Maguuma 0.176813 Tarnished Coast Sea of Sorrows 0.135056 Tarnished Coast Stormbluff Isle 1.119669 Dragonbrand Jade Quarry 7.064520 Dragonbrand Fort Aspenwood 3.863780 Dragonbrand Maguuma 0.745989 Dragonbrand Sea of Sorrows 0.561753 Dragonbrand Stormbluff Isle 30.842595 Jade Quarry Fort Aspenwood 15.868549 Jade Quarry Maguuma 3.351629 Jade Quarry Sea of Sorrows 2.593093 Jade Quarry Stormbluff Isle 3.879713 Fort Aspenwood Maguuma 0.605917 Fort Aspenwood Sea of Sorrows 0.583257 Fort Aspenwood Stormbluff Isle 0.646507 Maguuma Sea of Sorrows 0.843014 Maguuma Stormbluff Isle 6.380946 Sea of Sorrows Stormbluff Isle Fort Aspenwood 1.601608 Blackgate Tarnished Coast 0.124551 Blackgate Dragonbrand 0.548093 Blackgate Jade Quarry 0.634546 Blackgate Yak's Bend 0.165787 Blackgate Maguuma 0.016314 Blackgate Sea of Sorrows 0.009613 Blackgate Stormbluff Isle 0.336981 Tarnished Coast Dragonbrand 1.604951 Tarnished Coast Jade Quarry 1.792128 Tarnished Coast Yak's Bend 0.512799 Tarnished Coast Maguuma 0.049967 Tarnished Coast Sea of Sorrows 0.029559 Tarnished Coast Stormbluff Isle 6.510485 Dragonbrand Jade Quarry 7.064520 Dragonbrand Yak's Bend 2.215041 Dragonbrand Maguuma 0.219069 Dragonbrand Sea of Sorrows 0.129807 Dragonbrand Stormbluff Isle 30.842595 Jade Quarry Yak's Bend 4.539716 Jade Quarry Maguuma 0.680931 Jade Quarry Sea of Sorrows 0.588021 Jade Quarry Stormbluff Isle 3.879713 Yak's Bend Maguuma 0.605917 Yak's Bend Sea of Sorrows 0.583257 Yak's Bend Stormbluff Isle 4.012464 Maguuma Sea of Sorrows 5.230383 Maguuma Stormbluff Isle 25.471184 Sea of Sorrows Stormbluff Isle Maguuma 0.127044 Blackgate Tarnished Coast 0.047723 Blackgate Dragonbrand 0.272932 Blackgate Jade Quarry 0.317520 Blackgate Yak's Bend 0.165787 Blackgate Fort Aspenwood 0.007828 Blackgate Sea of Sorrows 0.004681 Blackgate Stormbluff Isle 0.171983 Tarnished Coast Dragonbrand 0.815062 Tarnished Coast Jade Quarry 0.905952 Tarnished Coast Yak's Bend 0.512799 Tarnished Coast Fort Aspenwood 0.024750 Tarnished Coast Sea of Sorrows 0.014514 Tarnished Coast Stormbluff Isle 3.621554 Dragonbrand Jade Quarry 3.863780 Dragonbrand Yak's Bend 2.215041 Dragonbrand Fort Aspenwood 0.115583 Dragonbrand Sea of Sorrows 0.067553 Dragonbrand Stormbluff Isle 15.868549 Jade Quarry Yak's Bend 4.539716 Jade Quarry Fort Aspenwood 0.575448 Jade Quarry Sea of Sorrows 0.691532 Jade Quarry Stormbluff Isle 3.879713 Yak's Bend Fort Aspenwood 0.646507 Yak's Bend Sea of Sorrows 0.843014 Yak's Bend Stormbluff Isle 4.012464 Fort Aspenwood Sea of Sorrows 5.230383 Fort Aspenwood Stormbluff Isle 50.440588 Sea of Sorrows Stormbluff Isle Sea of Sorrows 0.002831 Blackgate Tarnished Coast 0.008632 Blackgate Dragonbrand 0.052946 Blackgate Jade Quarry 0.062200 Blackgate Yak's Bend 0.016314 Blackgate Fort Aspenwood 0.007828 Blackgate Maguuma 0.000832 Blackgate Stormbluff Isle 0.030738 Tarnished Coast Dragonbrand 0.158543 Tarnished Coast Jade Quarry 0.176813 Tarnished Coast Yak's Bend 0.049967 Tarnished Coast Fort Aspenwood 0.024750 Tarnished Coast Maguuma 0.002621 Tarnished Coast Stormbluff Isle 0.695936 Dragonbrand Jade Quarry 0.745989 Dragonbrand Yak's Bend 0.219069 Dragonbrand Fort Aspenwood 0.115583 Dragonbrand Maguuma 0.063955 Dragonbrand Stormbluff Isle 3.351629 Jade Quarry Yak's Bend 0.680931 Jade Quarry Fort Aspenwood 0.575448 Jade Quarry Maguuma 5.398839 Jade Quarry Stormbluff Isle 0.605917 Yak's Bend Fort Aspenwood 0.646507 Yak's Bend Maguuma 6.380946 Yak's Bend Stormbluff Isle 4.012464 Fort Aspenwood Maguuma 25.471184 Fort Aspenwood Stormbluff Isle 50.440588 Maguuma Stormbluff Isle Stormbluff Isle 0.002138 Blackgate Tarnished Coast 0.006358 Blackgate Dragonbrand 0.039843 Blackgate Jade Quarry 0.046800 Blackgate Yak's Bend 0.009613 Blackgate Fort Aspenwood 0.004681 Blackgate Maguuma 0.000832 Blackgate Sea of Sorrows 0.023002 Tarnished Coast Dragonbrand 0.120031 Tarnished Coast Jade Quarry 0.135056 Tarnished Coast Yak's Bend 0.029559 Tarnished Coast Fort Aspenwood 0.014514 Tarnished Coast Maguuma 0.002621 Tarnished Coast Sea of Sorrows 0.521027 Dragonbrand Jade Quarry 0.561753 Dragonbrand Yak's Bend 0.129807 Dragonbrand Fort Aspenwood 0.067553 Dragonbrand Maguuma 0.063955 Dragonbrand Sea of Sorrows 2.593093 Jade Quarry Yak's Bend 0.588021 Jade Quarry Fort Aspenwood 0.691532 Jade Quarry Maguuma 5.398839 Jade Quarry Sea of Sorrows 0.583257 Yak's Bend Fort Aspenwood 0.843014 Yak's Bend Maguuma 6.380946 Yak's Bend Sea of Sorrows 5.230383 Fort Aspenwood Maguuma 25.471184 Fort Aspenwood Sea of Sorrows 50.440588 Maguuma Sea of Sorrows Crystal Desert 100.000000 Sorrow's Furnace Darkhaven Sorrow's Furnace 100.000000 Crystal Desert Darkhaven Darkhaven 100.000000 Crystal Desert Sorrow's Furnace