Tarnished Coast 66.199301 Blackgate Dragonbrand 17.561593 Blackgate Jade Quarry 1.166729 Blackgate Yak's Bend 0.290190 Blackgate Fort Aspenwood 0.001130 Blackgate Maguuma 0.000147 Blackgate Sea of Sorrows 0.000106 Blackgate Stormbluff Isle 7.397398 Dragonbrand Jade Quarry 0.101091 Dragonbrand Yak's Bend 0.011130 Dragonbrand Fort Aspenwood 0.005630 Dragonbrand Maguuma 0.000828 Dragonbrand Sea of Sorrows 0.000505 Dragonbrand Stormbluff Isle 0.021364 Jade Quarry Yak's Bend 0.050919 Jade Quarry Fort Aspenwood 0.025572 Jade Quarry Maguuma 0.003649 Jade Quarry Sea of Sorrows 0.002444 Jade Quarry Stormbluff Isle 3.492817 Yak's Bend Fort Aspenwood 1.688322 Yak's Bend Maguuma 0.269253 Yak's Bend Sea of Sorrows 0.184928 Yak's Bend Stormbluff Isle 1.135675 Fort Aspenwood Maguuma 0.158135 Fort Aspenwood Sea of Sorrows 0.102673 Fort Aspenwood Stormbluff Isle 0.072786 Maguuma Sea of Sorrows 0.046318 Maguuma Stormbluff Isle 0.009367 Sea of Sorrows Stormbluff Isle Blackgate 66.199301 Tarnished Coast Dragonbrand 17.561593 Tarnished Coast Jade Quarry 1.166729 Tarnished Coast Yak's Bend 0.290190 Tarnished Coast Fort Aspenwood 0.001130 Tarnished Coast Maguuma 0.000147 Tarnished Coast Sea of Sorrows 0.000106 Tarnished Coast Stormbluff Isle 7.157982 Dragonbrand Jade Quarry 0.084876 Dragonbrand Yak's Bend 0.013438 Dragonbrand Fort Aspenwood 0.006413 Dragonbrand Maguuma 0.000895 Dragonbrand Sea of Sorrows 0.000618 Dragonbrand Stormbluff Isle 0.018093 Jade Quarry Yak's Bend 0.060855 Jade Quarry Fort Aspenwood 0.030240 Jade Quarry Maguuma 0.004319 Jade Quarry Sea of Sorrows 0.002940 Jade Quarry Stormbluff Isle 3.608553 Yak's Bend Fort Aspenwood 1.746034 Yak's Bend Maguuma 0.278660 Yak's Bend Sea of Sorrows 0.190652 Yak's Bend Stormbluff Isle 1.174451 Fort Aspenwood Maguuma 0.162868 Fort Aspenwood Sea of Sorrows 0.106360 Fort Aspenwood Stormbluff Isle 0.075486 Maguuma Sea of Sorrows 0.047627 Maguuma Stormbluff Isle 0.009444 Sea of Sorrows Stormbluff Isle Dragonbrand 66.199301 Tarnished Coast Blackgate 7.397398 Tarnished Coast Jade Quarry 0.101091 Tarnished Coast Yak's Bend 0.011130 Tarnished Coast Fort Aspenwood 0.005630 Tarnished Coast Maguuma 0.000828 Tarnished Coast Sea of Sorrows 0.000505 Tarnished Coast Stormbluff Isle 7.157982 Blackgate Jade Quarry 0.084876 Blackgate Yak's Bend 0.013438 Blackgate Fort Aspenwood 0.006413 Blackgate Maguuma 0.000895 Blackgate Sea of Sorrows 0.000618 Blackgate Stormbluff Isle 0.186751 Jade Quarry Yak's Bend 0.695782 Jade Quarry Fort Aspenwood 0.432414 Jade Quarry Maguuma 0.060265 Jade Quarry Sea of Sorrows 0.039840 Jade Quarry Stormbluff Isle 8.532103 Yak's Bend Fort Aspenwood 4.144117 Yak's Bend Maguuma 0.663296 Yak's Bend Sea of Sorrows 0.455533 Yak's Bend Stormbluff Isle 2.842478 Fort Aspenwood Maguuma 0.393167 Fort Aspenwood Sea of Sorrows 0.254839 Fort Aspenwood Stormbluff Isle 0.181471 Maguuma Sea of Sorrows 0.114860 Maguuma Stormbluff Isle 0.022979 Sea of Sorrows Stormbluff Isle Jade Quarry 17.561593 Tarnished Coast Blackgate 7.397398 Tarnished Coast Dragonbrand 0.021364 Tarnished Coast Yak's Bend 0.050919 Tarnished Coast Fort Aspenwood 0.025572 Tarnished Coast Maguuma 0.003649 Tarnished Coast Sea of Sorrows 0.002444 Tarnished Coast Stormbluff Isle 7.157982 Blackgate Dragonbrand 0.018093 Blackgate Yak's Bend 0.060855 Blackgate Fort Aspenwood 0.030240 Blackgate Maguuma 0.004319 Blackgate Sea of Sorrows 0.002940 Blackgate Stormbluff Isle 0.186751 Dragonbrand Yak's Bend 0.695782 Dragonbrand Fort Aspenwood 0.432414 Dragonbrand Maguuma 0.060265 Dragonbrand Sea of Sorrows 0.039840 Dragonbrand Stormbluff Isle 31.710303 Yak's Bend Fort Aspenwood 15.457705 Yak's Bend Maguuma 2.497677 Yak's Bend Sea of Sorrows 1.715003 Yak's Bend Stormbluff Isle 10.513236 Fort Aspenwood Maguuma 1.486460 Fort Aspenwood Sea of Sorrows 0.964988 Fort Aspenwood Stormbluff Isle 0.690044 Maguuma Sea of Sorrows 0.435606 Maguuma Stormbluff Isle 0.776558 Sea of Sorrows Stormbluff Isle Yak's Bend 1.166729 Tarnished Coast Blackgate 0.101091 Tarnished Coast Dragonbrand 0.021364 Tarnished Coast Jade Quarry 3.492817 Tarnished Coast Fort Aspenwood 1.688322 Tarnished Coast Maguuma 0.269253 Tarnished Coast Sea of Sorrows 0.184928 Tarnished Coast Stormbluff Isle 0.084876 Blackgate Dragonbrand 0.018093 Blackgate Jade Quarry 3.608553 Blackgate Fort Aspenwood 1.746034 Blackgate Maguuma 0.278660 Blackgate Sea of Sorrows 0.190652 Blackgate Stormbluff Isle 0.186751 Dragonbrand Jade Quarry 8.532103 Dragonbrand Fort Aspenwood 4.144117 Dragonbrand Maguuma 0.663296 Dragonbrand Sea of Sorrows 0.455533 Dragonbrand Stormbluff Isle 31.710303 Jade Quarry Fort Aspenwood 15.457705 Jade Quarry Maguuma 2.497677 Jade Quarry Sea of Sorrows 1.715003 Jade Quarry Stormbluff Isle 0.770069 Fort Aspenwood Maguuma 0.644411 Fort Aspenwood Sea of Sorrows 1.019787 Fort Aspenwood Stormbluff Isle 1.434890 Maguuma Sea of Sorrows 2.210162 Maguuma Stormbluff Isle 15.706821 Sea of Sorrows Stormbluff Isle Fort Aspenwood 0.290190 Tarnished Coast Blackgate 0.011130 Tarnished Coast Dragonbrand 0.050919 Tarnished Coast Jade Quarry 3.492817 Tarnished Coast Yak's Bend 1.135675 Tarnished Coast Maguuma 0.158135 Tarnished Coast Sea of Sorrows 0.102673 Tarnished Coast Stormbluff Isle 0.013438 Blackgate Dragonbrand 0.060855 Blackgate Jade Quarry 3.608553 Blackgate Yak's Bend 1.174451 Blackgate Maguuma 0.162868 Blackgate Sea of Sorrows 0.106360 Blackgate Stormbluff Isle 0.695782 Dragonbrand Jade Quarry 8.532103 Dragonbrand Yak's Bend 2.842478 Dragonbrand Maguuma 0.393167 Dragonbrand Sea of Sorrows 0.254839 Dragonbrand Stormbluff Isle 31.710303 Jade Quarry Yak's Bend 10.513236 Jade Quarry Maguuma 1.486460 Jade Quarry Sea of Sorrows 0.964988 Jade Quarry Stormbluff Isle 0.770069 Yak's Bend Maguuma 0.644411 Yak's Bend Sea of Sorrows 1.019787 Yak's Bend Stormbluff Isle 2.586539 Maguuma Sea of Sorrows 3.769457 Maguuma Stormbluff Isle 23.448317 Sea of Sorrows Stormbluff Isle Maguuma 0.001130 Tarnished Coast Blackgate 0.005630 Tarnished Coast Dragonbrand 0.025572 Tarnished Coast Jade Quarry 1.688322 Tarnished Coast Yak's Bend 1.135675 Tarnished Coast Fort Aspenwood 0.072786 Tarnished Coast Sea of Sorrows 0.046318 Tarnished Coast Stormbluff Isle 0.006413 Blackgate Dragonbrand 0.030240 Blackgate Jade Quarry 1.746034 Blackgate Yak's Bend 1.174451 Blackgate Fort Aspenwood 0.075486 Blackgate Sea of Sorrows 0.047627 Blackgate Stormbluff Isle 0.432414 Dragonbrand Jade Quarry 4.144117 Dragonbrand Yak's Bend 2.842478 Dragonbrand Fort Aspenwood 0.181471 Dragonbrand Sea of Sorrows 0.114860 Dragonbrand Stormbluff Isle 15.457705 Jade Quarry Yak's Bend 10.513236 Jade Quarry Fort Aspenwood 0.690044 Jade Quarry Sea of Sorrows 0.435606 Jade Quarry Stormbluff Isle 0.770069 Yak's Bend Fort Aspenwood 1.434890 Yak's Bend Sea of Sorrows 2.210162 Yak's Bend Stormbluff Isle 2.586539 Fort Aspenwood Sea of Sorrows 3.769457 Fort Aspenwood Stormbluff Isle 48.361268 Sea of Sorrows Stormbluff Isle Sea of Sorrows 0.000147 Tarnished Coast Blackgate 0.000828 Tarnished Coast Dragonbrand 0.003649 Tarnished Coast Jade Quarry 0.269253 Tarnished Coast Yak's Bend 0.158135 Tarnished Coast Fort Aspenwood 0.072786 Tarnished Coast Maguuma 0.009367 Tarnished Coast Stormbluff Isle 0.000895 Blackgate Dragonbrand 0.004319 Blackgate Jade Quarry 0.278660 Blackgate Yak's Bend 0.162868 Blackgate Fort Aspenwood 0.075486 Blackgate Maguuma 0.009444 Blackgate Stormbluff Isle 0.060265 Dragonbrand Jade Quarry 0.663296 Dragonbrand Yak's Bend 0.393167 Dragonbrand Fort Aspenwood 0.181471 Dragonbrand Maguuma 0.022979 Dragonbrand Stormbluff Isle 2.497677 Jade Quarry Yak's Bend 1.486460 Jade Quarry Fort Aspenwood 0.690044 Jade Quarry Maguuma 0.776558 Jade Quarry Stormbluff Isle 0.644411 Yak's Bend Fort Aspenwood 1.434890 Yak's Bend Maguuma 15.706821 Yak's Bend Stormbluff Isle 2.586539 Fort Aspenwood Maguuma 23.448317 Fort Aspenwood Stormbluff Isle 48.361268 Maguuma Stormbluff Isle Stormbluff Isle 0.000106 Tarnished Coast Blackgate 0.000505 Tarnished Coast Dragonbrand 0.002444 Tarnished Coast Jade Quarry 0.184928 Tarnished Coast Yak's Bend 0.102673 Tarnished Coast Fort Aspenwood 0.046318 Tarnished Coast Maguuma 0.009367 Tarnished Coast Sea of Sorrows 0.000618 Blackgate Dragonbrand 0.002940 Blackgate Jade Quarry 0.190652 Blackgate Yak's Bend 0.106360 Blackgate Fort Aspenwood 0.047627 Blackgate Maguuma 0.009444 Blackgate Sea of Sorrows 0.039840 Dragonbrand Jade Quarry 0.455533 Dragonbrand Yak's Bend 0.254839 Dragonbrand Fort Aspenwood 0.114860 Dragonbrand Maguuma 0.022979 Dragonbrand Sea of Sorrows 1.715003 Jade Quarry Yak's Bend 0.964988 Jade Quarry Fort Aspenwood 0.435606 Jade Quarry Maguuma 0.776558 Jade Quarry Sea of Sorrows 1.019787 Yak's Bend Fort Aspenwood 2.210162 Yak's Bend Maguuma 15.706821 Yak's Bend Sea of Sorrows 3.769457 Fort Aspenwood Maguuma 23.448317 Fort Aspenwood Sea of Sorrows 48.361268 Maguuma Sea of Sorrows Crystal Desert 100.000000 Sorrow's Furnace Darkhaven Sorrow's Furnace 100.000000 Crystal Desert Darkhaven Darkhaven 100.000000 Crystal Desert Sorrow's Furnace