*--> Crash <--* Assertion: (m_dims.x == highResDims.x >> 1) && (m_dims.y == highResDims.y >> 1) File: ..\..\..\Engine\Gr\Dx9\Dx9Tex.cpp(1153) App: Gw2.exe Pid: 3992 Cmdline: BaseAddr: 00400000 ProgramId: 101 Build: 16419 When: 2013-01-05T16:35:52Z 2013-01-06T00:35:52+08:00 Uptime: 0 days 1:31:21 Flags: 0 *--> System <--* Name: IpAddr: Processors: 8 [GenuineIntel:6:10:7] OSVersion: Windows 6.2 (64 bit) *--> System Memory <--* Physical: 5216MB/ 8169MB 63% Paged: 6482MB/ 9385MB 69% Virtual: 1865MB/ 4095MB 45% Load: 36% CommitTotal: 2903MB CommitLimit: 9385MB CommitPeak: 3466MB SystemCache: 3443MB HandleCount: 19974 ProcessCount: 48 ThreadCount: 732 *--> Process Memory <--* Private: 1583MB WorkingSet: 1533MB PeakWorkingSet: 1622MB PageFaults: 6944258 *--> Game Context <--* MapId: 872 Flags: 0x241 ElapsedTime: 00:09:49 *--> World State <--* [DbgHelp.dll is C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\dbghelp.dll] [DbgHelp.dll version 6.2.9200.16384 (64/32-bit compatible)] *--> ClientContextThreadProc Thread 0x6bc <--* *--> Trace <--* Pc:00719c5b Fr:3769fcf4 Rt:0071a15e Arg:00000019 15a666d0 00000400 00000400 Pc:0071a15e Fr:3769fd10 Rt:006ece8e Arg:15a666d0 00000400 00000400 00000001 Pc:006ece8e Fr:3769fd2c Rt:006a5ad7 Arg:15a666d0 00000400 00000400 00000001 Pc:006a5ad7 Fr:3769fd54 Rt:006ab919 Arg:15a666a0 00000001 00000001 00000001 Pc:006ab919 Fr:3769fd7c Rt:006a7403 Arg:15a666a0 00000019 00000400 00000400 Pc:006a7403 Fr:3769fdb8 Rt:006a990b Arg:00000019 00000400 00000400 00000001 Pc:006a990b Fr:3769fde8 Rt:006a9ac8 Arg:00000000 0902b19c 06cd9100 0000001f Pc:006a9ac8 Fr:3769fe0c Rt:006a9b66 Arg:00412ce7 08e03b6c 3769fe6c 0000000c Pc:006a9b66 Fr:3769fe30 Rt:0041638f Arg:3d01529c 00ab766f 06cd9f18 06cd9af0 Pc:0041638f Fr:3769fe78 Rt:00ab3a2d Arg:06cd9af0 06cd9b44 08e03b60 00000008 Pc:00ab3a2d Fr:3769fee8 Rt:00ab3d89 Arg:8e636c31 00000001 005e084d 00215368 Pc:00ab3d89 Fr:3769ff20 Rt:00ab3e5f Arg:00000000 06ce23f0 0066c80f 00000000 Pc:00ab3e5f Fr:3769ff40 Rt:008c6f2d Arg:06ce23f0 8e636c69 00000000 00215368 Pc:008c6f2d Fr:3769ff78 Rt:008c6fd5 Arg:00000000 3769ff90 74f78543 00215368 Pc:008c6fd5 Fr:3769ff84 Rt:74f78543 Arg:00215368 3769ffd4 778fac69 00215368 Pc:74f78543 Fr:3769ff90 Rt:778fac69 Arg:00215368 b8c9a554 00000000 00000000 Pc:778fac69 Fr:3769ffd4 Rt:778fac3c Arg:008c6f53 00215368 ffffffff 77971d8e Pc:778fac3c Fr:3769ffec Rt:00000000 Arg:008c6f53 00215368 00000000 00000000 *--> Thread registers <--* eax=3769f8a0 ebx=00000000 ecx=00000000 edx=0000003c esi=00000000 edi=00000000 eip=00719c5b esp=3769fcbc ebp=3769fcf4 cs=0023 ss=002b ds=002b es=002b fs=0053 gs=002b efl=00200246 eax-32 3769F880 3769f8a0 00672435 00000000 3769f8f8 eax-16 3769F890 77744b62 3769f8f8 77744b32 3769f8a0 eax +0 3769F8A0 80000003 00000000 00000000 77744b32 eax+16 3769F8B0 00000002 00000002 10ee1140 008caae3 eax+32 3769F8C0 3769f9b0 00000280 007102e8 0000003c eax+48 3769F8D0 3769fc30 3769f9b0 3769f8fc 008cab2f *--> Code <--* 00719C3B d1e83946 18750a8b 4d14d1e9 394e1c74 ..9F.u..M...9N.t 00719C4B 14688104 0000ba74 2c3001b9 30303001 .h.....t,0..000. 00719C5B e89089f5 ff538b5d 088d55e4 52538bce .....S.]..U.RS.. 00719C6B e860f6ff ff394628 74146883 040000ba .`...9F(t.h..... 00719C7B 742c3001 b9fc2f30 01e86789 f5fff746 t,0.../0..g....F 00719C8B 24000068 00741468 84040000 ba742c30 $..h.t.h.....t,0 *--> Stack <--* 3769FCBC 00719c60 00000481 00000400 00000000 `.q............. 3769FCCC 00000000 3769fce4 006c0df1 00000004 ......i7..l..... 3769FCDC 11cf8828 00000009 00000000 3769fdc4 (.............i7 3769FCEC 006c213a 00000000 3769fd10 0071a15e :!l.......i7^.q. 3769FCFC 00000019 15a666d0 00000400 00000400 .....f.......... 3769FD0C 00000019 3769fd2c 006ece8e 15a666d0 ....,.i7..n..f.. 3769FD1C 00000400 00000400 00000001 20550340 ............@.U 3769FD2C 3769fd54 006a5ad7 15a666d0 00000400 T.i7.Zj..f...... 3769FD3C 00000400 00000001 20550340 00000000 ........@.U .... 3769FD4C 00002b14 0087cf12 3769fd7c 006ab919 .+......|.i7..j. 3769FD5C 15a666a0 00000001 00000001 00000001 .f.............. 3769FD6C 00000001 20550104 118f0ff8 00000000 ......U ........ 3769FD7C 3769fdb8 006a7403 15a666a0 00000019 ..i7.tj..f...... 3769FD8C 00000400 00000400 00000001 00000001 ................ 3769FD9C 00000001 00000001 3769fdd0 00000079 ..........i7y... 3769FDAC 0000000d 20550104 118f0ff8 3769fde8 ......U ......i7 3769FDBC 006a990b 00000019 00000400 00000400 ..j............. 3769FDCC 00000001 00000000 20550104 118f0ff8 ..........U .... 3769FDDC 1429d6e0 006ee06f 0faed280 3769fe0c ..).o.n.......i7 3769FDEC 006a9ac8 00000000 0902b19c 06cd9100 ..j............. 3769FDFC 0000001f 06cd9110 0000001f 0902b150 ............P... 3769FE0C 3769fe30 006a9b66 00412ce7 08e03b6c 0.i7f.j..,A.l;.. 3769FE1C 3769fe6c 0000000c 3d01529c 3cfdf3b6 l.i7.....R.=...< 3769FE2C 3cfdf3b6 3769fe78 0041638f 3d01529c ......... 3769FF2C 06ce23f0 0066c80f 00000000 00215368 .#....f.....hS!. 3769FF3C 00000000 3769ff78 008c6f2d 06ce23f0 ....x.i7-o...#.. 3769FF4C 8e636c69 00000000 00215368 00215368 ilc.....hS!.hS!. 3769FF5C 3769ff4c 3769ff4c 3769ffc4 3769ffc4 L.i7L.i7..i7..i7 3769FF6C 008c7090 b85d39e1 00000000 3769ff84 .p...9].......i7 3769FF7C 008c6fd5 00000000 3769ff90 74f78543 .o........i7C..t 3769FF8C 00215368 3769ffd4 778fac69 00215368 hS!...i7i..whS!. 3769FF9C b8c9a554 00000000 00000000 00215368 T...........hS!. 3769FFAC ad17de4f fffff801 00000000 00000000 O............... 3769FFBC 3769ff9c 00000000 3769ffe4 779835f2 ..i7......i7.5.w 3769FFCC f82eb280 00000000 3769ffec 778fac3c ..........i7<..w 3769FFDC 008c6f53 00215368 ffffffff 77971d8e So..hS!........w 3769FFEC 00000000 00000000 008c6f53 00215368 ........So..hS!. *--> Error Logs <--* bone with that name. Model '0x0070a3': Missing anim or fallbacks: rgtrunrrunl Model '0x010752': Can't link child '0x00df68' to parent bone 'root', there's no bone with that name. Linking to root instead Model '0x010752': Can't unlink child '0x00df68' from parent bone 'root', there's no bone with that name. Model '0x0106af': Can't link child '0x00df68' to parent bone 'root', there's no bone with that name. Linking to root instead Model '0x0106af': Can't unlink child '0x00df68' from parent bone 'root', there's no bone with that name. Model '0x00ea88': Can't link child '0x00df62' to parent bone 'aura', there's no bone with that name. Linking to root instead Model '0x007209': Missing anim or fallbacks: cgtrunlrunr Model '0x00ea88': Can't unlink child '0x00df62' from parent bone 'aura', there's no bone with that name. Model '0x007209': Missing anim or fallbacks: cgtrunrrunl Model '0x00dfd9': Missing anim or fallbacks: impacts Model '0x0070a3': Missing anim or fallbacks: rgtrunlrunr Model '0x00feaa': Can't link child '0x00df9a' to parent bone 'root', there's no bone with that name. Linking to root instead Model '0x00ea88': Can't link child '0x00df76' to parent bone 'aura', there's no bone with that name. Linking to root instead Model '0x00ea88': Can't link child '0x00d74a' to parent bone 'aura', there's no bone with that name. Linking to root instead Model '0x010752': Can't link child '0x00df68' to parent bone 'root', there's no bone with that name. Linking to root instead Model '0x010752': Can't unlink child '0x00df68' from parent bone 'root', there's no bone with that name. Model '0x00feaa': Can't unlink child '0x00df9a' from parent bone 'root', there's no bone with that name. Model '0x00ea88': Can't unlink child '0x00df76' from parent bone 'aura', there's no bone with that name. Model '0x0075ae': Missing anim or fallbacks: cgtrunlrunr Model '0x07d019': Missing anim or fallbacks: sgtrunfalt Model '0x00ea88': Can't unlink child '0x00d74a' from parent bone 'aura', there's no bone with that name. *--> DirectX Device Info <--* VendorId = 0x10de DeviceId = 0x1251 Version = 9.18.0013.1070 Description = NVIDIA GeForce GTX 560M Compat = 0x00100000 VidMem = 4048 MB