*--> Crash <--* Assertion: (m_dims.x == highResDims.x >> 1) && (m_dims.y == highResDims.y >> 1) File: ..\..\..\Engine\Gr\Dx9\Dx9Tex.cpp(1153) App: Gw2.exe Pid: 3968 Cmdline: BaseAddr: 00400000 ProgramId: 101 Build: 15544 When: 2012-09-23T17:42:00Z 2012-09-23T07:42:00-10:00 Uptime: 0 days 0:07:22 Flags: 0 *--> System <--* Name: EDWARD-PC IpAddr: Processors: 8 [GenuineIntel:6:14:5] OSVersion: Windows 6.1 (64 bit) *--> System Memory <--* Physical: 3502MB/ 6132MB 57% Paged: 8809MB/12263MB 71% Virtual: 2598MB/ 4095MB 63% Load: 42% CommitTotal: 3453MB CommitLimit: 12263MB CommitPeak: 3556MB SystemCache: 1768MB HandleCount: 37503 ProcessCount: 77 ThreadCount: 1284 *--> Process Memory <--* Private: 1123MB WorkingSet: 737MB PeakWorkingSet: 737MB PageFaults: 1314668 *--> Game Context <--* MapId: 35 Flags: 0x241 ElapsedTime: 00:05:58 *--> World State <--* [DbgHelp.dll is C:\Windows\system32\dbghelp.dll] [DbgHelp.dll version 6.1.7601.17514 (64/32-bit compatible)] *--> ClientContextThreadProc Thread 0x52c <--* *--> Trace <--* Pc:006ef97b Fr:37cdfcfc Rt:006efe7e Arg:00000019 15a92d50 00000100 00000100 Pc:006efe7e Fr:37cdfd18 Rt:006c416e Arg:15a92d50 00000100 00000100 00000001 Pc:006c416e Fr:37cdfd34 Rt:00680177 Arg:15a92d50 00000100 00000100 00000001 Pc:00680177 Fr:37cdfd5c Rt:00685629 Arg:15a92d20 00000001 00000001 00000001 Pc:00685629 Fr:37cdfd84 Rt:006803e3 Arg:15a92d20 00000019 00000100 00000100 Pc:006803e3 Fr:37cdfdc0 Rt:006822b9 Arg:00000019 00000100 00000100 00000001 Pc:006822b9 Fr:37cdfdf0 Rt:006824e8 Arg:00000000 070d55ac 06fb99c0 00000014 Pc:006824e8 Fr:37cdfe10 Rt:00682756 Arg:00413bdb 08f8f60c 37cdfe70 0000000c Pc:00682756 Fr:37cdfe34 Rt:0041708f Arg:3cbad667 00a86d6f 06fba7c8 06fba3a0 Pc:0041708f Fr:37cdfe7c Rt:00a8312d Arg:06fba3a0 06fba3f4 08f8f600 00000008 Pc:00a8312d Fr:37cdfeec Rt:00a83489 Arg:9009b53c 00000001 00097454 00315588 Pc:00a83489 Fr:37cdff24 Rt:00a8355f Arg:00000000 06fc3280 006486cf 00000000 Pc:00a8355f Fr:37cdff44 Rt:0089b2fd Arg:06fc3280 9009b564 00000000 00315588 Pc:0089b2fd Fr:37cdff7c Rt:0089b3a5 Arg:00000000 37cdff94 74b6339a 00315588 Pc:0089b3a5 Fr:37cdff88 Rt:74b6339a Arg:00315588 37cdffd4 772d9ef2 00315588 Pc:74b6339a Fr:37cdff94 Rt:772d9ef2 Arg:00315588 40f50172 00000000 00000000 Pc:772d9ef2 Fr:37cdffd4 Rt:772d9ec5 Arg:0089b323 00315588 00000000 00000000 Pc:772d9ec5 Fr:37cdffec Rt:00000000 Arg:0089b323 00315588 00000000 00000000 *--> Thread registers <--* eax=37cdf8b0 ebx=00000000 ecx=00000000 edx=00000044 esi=00000000 edi=00000000 eip=006ef97b esp=37cdfcc4 ebp=37cdfcfc cs=0023 ss=002b ds=002b es=002b fs=0053 gs=002b efl=00200246 eax-32 37CDF890 00000000 fffffd34 000002e4 fffffd34 eax-16 37CDF8A0 000002cc 00000019 00000000 37cdf8b0 eax +0 37CDF8B0 80000003 00000000 00000000 74cab9bc eax+16 37CDF8C0 00000002 00000002 101e0b60 00000280 eax+32 37CDF8D0 0f8a6a58 00000044 37cdfc30 37cdf9b0 eax+48 37CDF8E0 37cdf904 0089ef03 37cdf9b0 00000000 *--> Code <--* 006EF95B d1e83946 1c750a8b 4d14d1e9 394e2074 ..9F.u..M...9N t 006EF96B 14688104 0000ba24 322c01b9 e0352c01 .h.....$2,...5,. 006EF97B e840eaf5 ff538b5d 088d55e4 52538bce .@...S.]..U.RS.. 006EF98B e860f6ff ff39462c 74146883 040000ba .`...9F,t.h..... 006EF99B 24322c01 b9ac352c 01e817ea f5fff746 $2,...5,.......F 006EF9AB 28000068 00741468 84040000 ba24322c (..h.t.h.....$2, *--> Stack <--* 37CDFCC4 006ef980 00000481 00000100 222f9f40 ..n.........@./" 37CDFCD4 225e83d0 37cdfcf4 007d20b6 30463360 ..^"...7. }.`3F0 37CDFCE4 225e8400 00000001 222f9f40 00000005 ..^"....@./".... 37CDFCF4 37cdfdc8 007d3140 37cdfd18 006efe7e ...7@1}....7~.n. 37CDFD04 00000019 15a92d50 00000100 00000100 ....P-.......... 37CDFD14 00000019 37cdfd34 006c416e 15a92d50 ....4..7nAl.P-.. 37CDFD24 00000100 00000100 00000001 0394e720 ............ ... 37CDFD34 37cdfd5c 00680177 15a92d50 00000100 \..7w.h.P-...... 37CDFD44 00000100 00000001 0394e720 00000000 ........ ....... 37CDFD54 00001a90 00851332 37cdfd84 00685629 ....2......7)Vh. 37CDFD64 15a92d20 00000001 00000001 00000001 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................ *--> Error Logs <--* ed on CModel without LinkComponent Model '0x010293': UnlinkModel called on CModel without LinkComponent Model '0x006e1b': Missing anim or fallbacks: tgtrunlrunr Model '0x0197f9': Missing anim or fallbacks: ugtrunfidl Model '0x010293': UnlinkModel called on CModel without LinkComponent Model '0x0197f9': Can't link child '0x00dc04' to parent bone 'aura', there's no bone with that name. Linking to root instead Model '0x0197f9': Can't link child '0x00ce69' to parent bone 'aura', there's no bone with that name. Linking to root instead Model '0x0197f9': Can't link child '0x00ce0b' to parent bone 'aura', there's no bone with that name. Linking to root instead Model '0x0197f9': Can't unlink child '0x00ce0b' from parent bone 'aura', there's no bone with that name. Model '0x0197f9': Can't unlink child '0x00ce69' from parent bone 'aura', there's no bone with that name. Model '0x0197f9': Can't unlink child '0x00dc04' from parent bone 'aura', there's no bone with that name. Model '0x0197f9': Missing anim or fallbacks: ugtrunfidl Model '0x010293': UnlinkModel called on CModel without LinkComponent Model '0x0197f9': Can't link child '0x00ce8f' to parent bone 'aura', there's no bone with that name. Linking to root instead Model '0x054cab': Missing anim or fallbacks: rgtrunfidl Model '0x0197f9': Can't unlink child '0x00ce8f' from parent bone 'aura', there's no bone with that name. Model '0x0197f9': Missing anim or fallbacks: ugtrunfidl Model '0x0197f9': Can't link child '0x00ce8f' to parent bone 'aura', there's no bone with that name. Linking to root instead Model '0x010293': UnlinkModel called on CModel without LinkComponent Model '0x0197f9': Can't unlink child '0x00ce8f' from parent bone 'aura', there's no bone with that name. Model '0x0197f9': Missing anim or fallbacks: ugtrunfidl Model '0x0197f9': Missing anim or fallbacks: ugtrunfidl Model '0x054cab': Missing anim or fallbacks: rgtrunfidl Model '0x0197f9': Missing anim or fallbacks: ugtrunfidl Model '0x0197f9': Missing anim or fallbacks: ugtrunfidl *--> DirectX Device Info <--* VendorId = 0x10de DeviceId = 0x060a Version = 9.18.0013.0623 Description = NVIDIA GeForce GTX 280M Compat = 0x00100800 VidMem = 1024 MB