Damage- Of the three roles this one has by far the simplest concept. KILL! KILL! KILL! But that isn’t all there are lots of ways to deal death to ones foe's.
       1. Single Target- You want to kill fast? Then work with weapons and skills that deal damage to single enemies. These attacks tend to deal more damage. You may already know this as Spike Damage and from what I can tell it’s pretty effective. This is useful against bosses and other tough foes that might cause trouble for your group if they aren't taken out fast enough.
       2. AoE- Nothing wipes out a mob of foes like a well-placed Meteor Shower.  Many other skills exist in the game that can do equally devastating damage to groups and they are of great use to a party. AoE Damage can easily turn the tide of battle by destroying boss summons and weaker mob monsters. Keeping your allies from being overwhelmed. These can also be useful in PvP as they can break off a Melee skirmish.
       3. DoT- There is allot of skills in GW2 that have DoT's on them. These skill can be useful in order to keep a steady flow of damage output on enemies even when the group is forced onto the defensive. This in many battles can mean the difference between life and death.
       In conclusion The Damage role isn't all that hard to figure out. Just remember to dodge and you should be fine.

       Support- "I need HEALZ!" -_- RLY? I know what your all thinking there is NO devoted healer in GW2. Everyone has a self-heal, But sometimes that’s not enough to keep a party alive, and while there is no dedicated healer there are quite allot of other support options than just healing though healing itself is an option.
       1. Healing- The oldest and maybe the least interesting of all support options. A healer in most games doesn't really do anything but play a game of magical whackamole with His/hers teammates health bars. Not saying Whackamole isn't fun but take away the funny looking mammalian creates in hardhats and you don't have much left. That's why the GW 2 team has re-imagined the role. It’s not the "Healers" Job to constantly watch your health bar. It's yours however that doesn't mean there is not any way for you to get a heal from others. Their a number of abilities that drop healing AoE's. It’s up to you to learn to recognize these and take a dip in that magical Geyser when you’re running low on the will to live. If someone has popped a AoE heal and you didn't get any of the gift that keeps on giving then odds are it’s your fault. Adding heals to your build can make you a useful party member and add that little bit of survivability a group might otherwise lack.
       2. Damage-Negation- "GETS IN THE BUBBLE IF YOU WANT TO LIVE!!!" The next time you see a big shinny bubble don't stare at it and say "Ooooh... pretty" get in in it. Especial if you’re a ranged character. Of course it’s usually pretty smart to watch the ground in PvP. Shields can act as walls between you and oncoming damage so it’s not all that smart to stand in harm’s way when theirs a shield nearby. Adding Shields to your build is a good Idea for anyone who hates to watch party members take a nasty hit.
       3. Cure- I've been BITTEN!!! Go on with... oh wait I feel fine. Those pesky DoT's and DeBuff's are nothing compared to the almighty power of your CURES!!! Cleansing your allies of their ailment's with the wave of your hand is not only satisfying but useful. You can save a party member from death with a cure, and trust me I can think of a few times when I died from an DoT so cures are a must!
       4. Buff's- Want to support you allies but don't want to feel the pressure of life and death? Maybe you just want something to give your party that extra little oomph. Don't be afraid to put a Buff on your bar. They can literally turn the tide of combat in your favor. It is kinda what they are made for.
       In Conclusion don't be afraid to put these skills on your bar if you find yourself in a group. They can really save lives! That is only when allies pay enough attention to realize that all they need to stay alive is only a dodge roll away.

       Control- Ever wanted to feel in control? Know is your chance! The fighting in GW2 can get pretty hectic. That's why there are control skills. You know Crowd Control CC. These skills are meant to allow players to take control of combat and bring about a method to the madness.
       1. The Front Line- Don't you just hate it when that squishy of yours gets a war-hammer to the face? That's why we have those guys in big heavy armor and melee weapons. They’re there to pin down the enemy’s melee enemies. What does it take to make Front Linemen though? Usually just a melee weapon as long as you paying attention to enemy movements and the ranged enemies don't focus on the guy your holding making it impossible to see what he's going to do next. You should be able to Dodge or block most anything he throws at you as long as you have a melee weapon. Unless you’re a spell caster that is (There is a possible exception for the Mesmer). Also Rangers, Necromancer's, and possible Mesmer's have pets that should be able to hold off melee enemies. Keeping the Ranged specked part members from getting pummeled. However this is not a tank. You are not meant to agro massive mobs of foes with AoE's and Taunt's. Your job is to keep melee enemies at bay a job that is impossible unless you have at least two preferably three people working on it in one way shape or form. Also note it’s always smart to bring a stun breaker.
       2. Stun’s, Hold's, and Slows- There are a number of Stun's, Hold's, and Slows that can be used to keep enemies at bay. These are used to keep Melee Enemies off longer ranged character, As well as halt damage from ranged enemies. They are also useful in keeping foes still so your party can pummel them into dust.
       3. Cancels- Stop powerful attacks dead in their tracks with a powerful knock skill and see you allies health bars stay still. It’s actually quite gratifying and useful for a party.
       4. DeBuff's- DeBuffs are an excellent way to give your party an edge lowering enemy attack power and defense you can turn the tide of battle in you favor. You know like Buff's only you put them on enemies.
       In conclusion Control is a very important aspect of a successful group as it allows you to keep you allies safe.