Eye of the North Combat Music
I may be wrong (I do not frequent WvWvW) but I’m pretty sure all or most of the battle themes are on the EOTN soundtrack, those that are there for sure are:
The Scrying Pool
March Through Norrhart
Claiming Bathazar’s Favor
Iron Footfalls
A Storm Is Comming (Battledepths)
The Great Bear’s Roar
Rise Of The Destroyers
All of them should be on y2b, so give them a search and see if you can recognize them. Mind that some tracks, like Rise of the Destroyers are constructed differently, and only some parts are used for battle themes, so make sure to hear them whole.
There are also Nightfall battle themes, but then again, I don’t know if and which are actually used in GW2.
Gathering Storm
Pride Of The Centaurs (pretty sure not used in GW2)
Sunspear Assault
Corsair Armada
Invasion Of Vabbi
Into The Breach
Desperate Flight
The Cries Of Elona
There’s also this: http://youtu.be/iG2JMxIPNyA
Three tracks I extracted from the client long time ago. Two from Nightfall, one from Togo’s Story. Not sure if I can upload them at all, so I’d like to ask a mod to tell me if I should remove them.
Ahh Rise of the Destroyers does indeed have some of the combat music hidden within it. Thanks!
And those extracted onse… I’ve been trying to find the second one for MONTHS. Used to hear it heaps while playing Hero Battles. Thanks for that
You’re welcome