Hobo-Tron backpiece adjustments (Feedback)

Hobo-Tron backpiece adjustments (Feedback)

in Audio

Posted by: Kain Francois.4328

Kain Francois.4328

HI, I really love the Hobo-Tron backpiece, but I have just a few adjustment ideas I feel will improve it.

1) Reduce the volume just slightly. Just slightly. I find it louder than most other SFX. While I love hearing his lovable voice, I do find it odd it would be so much louder than other voices.

2) Remove the textbox when it talks. It’s distracting.

3) Switch it to player instruments category, for those who do not like it.

Hobo-Tron backpiece adjustments (Feedback)

in Audio

Posted by: Cross.6437


I’d really like to echo the third point.

I mean, it’s adoreable in small numbers, but at Teq… no. Too many backpacks. I’d like the option to turn it off just like with instruments.

Hobo-Tron backpiece adjustments (Feedback)

in Audio

Posted by: Zaxares.5419


“Boing! Boing! Boing! Boing! Boing! Boing! Boing! Boing! Boing! Boing! Boing! Boing!”

“Your grawl impression is really coming along.”

Hobo-Tron backpiece adjustments (Feedback)

in Audio

Posted by: Silmar Alech.4305

Silmar Alech.4305

Is it possible to mute the chatter from the backpiece, as well as the voice from the Copper-Fed Salvage-o-Matic? It really gets on my nerves after hearing the Salvage-o-Matic over and over again, and now I am haunted by talking backpieces from other players as well. The chatter from the players is already thick enough – all these calls that I am mighty, the shouts, etc. All this is really, really enough even without these additional sources of unwanted noise.
I only found out that I can mute all dialogs, but this would include every voice-acting in the game. If you could move the backpiece and Salvage-o-Matic chatter to the instruments category, I could mute them and would only loose audio of minor interest with it.

I was so glad when the Copper-Fed Salvage-o-Matic was muted some recent update ago, but unfortunately this was classified as a bug and reversed.

Hobo-Tron backpiece adjustments (Feedback)

in Audio

Posted by: Narrrz.7532


They should really just make a new category for these things – flavour dialogue or something similar. Then just give us a mute toggle for it.

Hobo-Tron backpiece adjustments (Feedback)

in Audio

Posted by: Nathanael.4398


A new toggle switch would be the best choice for this kind of things because the instrument toggle is a bad idea (if you want to listen to instruments) and the dalogue-toggle is a bad idea too when you want to listen to NPCs/Events etc.

Hobo-Tron backpiece adjustments (Feedback)

in Audio

Posted by: Koloyuki.3940


I agree with this.

Running in a wvw zerg with a couple of these backpacks is annoying and distracting.
And worst of all are those speech bubbles that you can’t remove and can see through walls so you know where the enemy is. You can’t lay ambushes anymore with these backpacks.

I’d love to have an option to mute the sound and remove the bubble. But it has to be an option because I know a lot of people like to hear it as well.