Breakdown of GW2 balance

Breakdown of GW2 balance

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Drarnor Kunoram.5180

Drarnor Kunoram.5180

i’m soley a pvper, i rarely pve except for living story once in 2 weeks.
i play my necro with a power setup focusing on huge crits, keeping deathshroud up as long as possible and causing lots of small life steal damage ticks.

i’ve gotta say its one of my favourite characters.
life blast hits like a truck and has 100% crit chance,
if i activate locust swarm, drop wells and hit deathshroud 5+4, everything dies
and while all of that is critting away i’m actually gaining life force instead of losing it, no matter how many of them are swinging away at me!

Have you tried this against non-idiots who dodge/walk out of your wells?

Dragonbrand |Drarnor Kunoram: Charr Necro
I’m a Geeleiver

Breakdown of GW2 balance

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Kilger.5490


Actually, no matter with what I play, the only thing that annoys me are Hambows. They are not necessarily overpowered. They simply are strong by design against everything. I met some very good hambows and some weaker ones. But I never met one, that I could run over, no matter if I go with necro, warrior myself, guardian or mesmer. Of all other professions I met players, who sucked. But hambow warriors seem to be strong by design or no hambow warrior I met sucked (latter I find unlikely, still possible).

From my experience they have virtually now weaknesses when it comes to the conquest game mode. Even if theoretically they have not that high of an armor and could, if played perfectly, outconditioned, in practice they are ridiculous.

Wanna destroy hambow?
Try running;
Trapper Ranger, BM condi bunker or glassbow Ranger
P/P Venom Thief (it just demolishes anything really)
S/F fresh air ele

Trapper ranger? Gonna hurt with no stun breaks… Jus’ sayin…!

Kilger – Human Ranger
alts: Fangyre (Necro), Hardrawk (Ele);
Jade Quarry

Breakdown of GW2 balance

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Kande.1930


8-12 cd on each weapon skill? Did you ever play one? and they cant do that all in one spec…


No one plays that… and you completly ignore your wrong statement that you can get a 12cd on each weapon skill. You even post it with cleric amulett and vampiric runes, things that no one uses. Its some squishy VERY WEIRD power build that is not meta at all in sPvP. No speedy kits etc… very strange trait selection no engi would use, ever. Also stealth and stability is not something you can spam with that build. Please play a class for some month bevor you post some weird kitten build to proof your point.

You seem to spread alot of engi hate in every thread you post because of some unexplained personal problem against the class.

I don’t like engineers so much be cause they are the obvious favorite class of the devs.

Thanks for the laugh. I really needed that.

Breakdown of GW2 balance

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Prysin.8542


Trapper ranger? Gonna hurt with no stun breaks… Jus’ sayin…!

Sword + Dagger and dodges = 4 evades. More then enough to keep as safe as possible.

Lv 80 Guard, Ranger, Ele, Thief, warr, engi
Currently @ some T1 server in EU

Breakdown of GW2 balance

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Liewec.2896


Have you tried this against non-idiots who dodge/walk out of your wells?

why yes ,
i have .
plus when my immobilize skills are on CD i have constantly ticking cripple from locust swarm allowing me to easily manoeuvre around them and fear them back in.

Breakdown of GW2 balance

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Dirame.8521


Now what about opponents who cannot evade and port like S/D thieves?

Opponents who can’t evade or teleport like thieves, already have their dodges locked out by immobilize. Which is why I think it’s only fair for Thieves, Rangers, Eles and GS Warriors to get the same treatment.

I make guides to builds you may not have heard of;

Breakdown of GW2 balance

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Prysin.8542


Now what about opponents who cannot evade and port like S/D thieves?

Opponents who can’t evade or teleport like thieves, already have their dodges locked out by immobilize. Which is why I think it’s only fair for Thieves, Rangers, Eles and GS Warriors to get the same treatment.

Ranger or warrior have no ports. They can cleanse, but cleanses are on fairly medium cd

Lv 80 Guard, Ranger, Ele, Thief, warr, engi
Currently @ some T1 server in EU

Breakdown of GW2 balance

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Zenith.7301


Hammer/axe+mace warrior when played well with stances is pretty much unbeatable by anything except a competent thief, particularly sword/dagger.

Which is pretty obvious that in WvW the top dog classes are both warrior and thief because they have the highest, easiest to execute and low cooldown burst, on top of a litany of active immunities (thieves love to act as if stealth isn’t immunity, but black powder used well is pretty much immunity).

And then in group play Guardians break the game in all format because they enable all the other classes, particularly warriors, to not give a kitten about anything because a guardian can fart stability and protection and cleanses and create CC ground effects to enable warriors to demolish anything in their melee train.

This game has been out, what, 2+ years and the warrior/guardian/thief dominance has hardly changed. Ranger/Necro/Engineer are still crappy PvE classes while Ele/Mesmer are gimmick classes (mesmer time warp/reflects, and ele GFS).