Ferocity doesn't nerf berserker builds
not all at the same time so…please stop arguing for the sake of arguing….
As i said you can t have sustained damage and defense…even with dagger air 1….
Utilities are most selfish and won t let attack
Arcane shield is totally broken in PvE it doesn t even stop CC…its wonderful to see gravelings stun you with your shield still up not to mention the multyattack of many bosses will go through it.
You lack sustained damage because you spam your attunements without any thought because it looks to be fun. That means you’re out of air attunement most of the time. Get fresh air if you like to rotate out of air attunement that often.
Arcane shield is a block, it stops everything that is blockable so please stop making things up or report a bug, preferably with a video. I never had or heard about this issue.
You have been complaining for over a year now and still haven’t changed or even tried different playstyles that do not include conjures or are not focused around them. If warriors are so strong compared to elementalist that “plays as intended”, why won’t you make a warrior? It’ll save you a lot of nerves because warrior “never gets nerfed”.
Since you seems to know a lot..
May i ask you wich builds did i use the last month?
Also did you test the exact thing i poted on arcane shield?
How do you know i didn t file a bug report?
Can you please tell me in details what i m doing wrong in my execution, since you seems to know how i play?
Finally why did you lose time making a post based on so many baseless assumptions?
P.S.: my contact list seems to suggest i don t play so badly…
A PvE player is supposed to avoid a 1-2 second 1 shotting aoe.
A WWW player is considered uncapable of avoiding a 5,75 second aoe for half his health.
(edited by LordByron.8369)
You said you were running 0/20/0/20/30 in another topic so I should safely assume that’s your build.
I check bug reports bug frequently and I have never seen a report about arcane shield not being able to block gravelings’ cc. I was never knocked down by anything that’s blockable while using arcane shield. I don’t know anyone who had this issue, except you.
You play d/d and pretty much everyone who plays d/d has a certain rotation that’s all about swapping attunements every few seconds. If you’re better than that, I can only congratulate you on being better than the rest, though, then I have no idea why you complain so much since you should be able to pull your weight.
The very notion that volume of a contact list is any indicator of someone’s ability to play is down right absurd. You keep saying you are pugging mostly and we all know the quality of pugs.
You are wrong…
A PvE player is supposed to avoid a 1-2 second 1 shotting aoe.
A WWW player is considered uncapable of avoiding a 5,75 second aoe for half his health.
Think of it logically. Best example is assassin gear. If you are trying to maximise dps and lets assume assassin and beserker are about equal at the moment. If you reduce the crit damage on both which has a greater loss in dps? Obviously it is the gear which relies on crits more. Beserker doesnt get hit as hard because power scales up your damage when critting or not critting. But for heavy precision gear the idea is too maximise crit chance to utilitize that crit damage as much as possible. With lower crit damage, maxing precision becomes much less beneficial compared to boosting power.
Essentially with lower crit damage, precision is weighted as less important and power remains unchanged.
Nike also explains it in this video: http://youtu.be/AYX4f5pehSU
Well thats the thing: It doesn’t sound logically to me at all . If you ask me assasin gear ought to do less damage already which is compensated by the fact that you crit more often, hence you procc on crit effects more often.
The reason is that critchance and critdamage increase your damage almost equally, while power increases it up to several times (depending on how much critchance+critdamage you have). They say both sets will lose 10% overall, which means they will both lose the same amount in % . Peroid. If both dealt equal damage atm, the total loss will be equal. If assasin is already weaker, then assasin will obviously lose less, because 10% of a smaller value is less than 10% of a bigger value (duh). Sorry but the video doesn’t add anything new either.
You’re missing the mark. Crit damage depends on crits to be utilized. So with less crit damage the extra critical hits become less beneficial than the extra power. Beserker will lose lets say 10% damage. But assassins will lose more because its designed to rely on critical hits and critical damage to achieve its damage. Critical damage is tied together with precision so the crit dmg nerf has a bigger impact on gear which uses more precision. Im not sure how i can explain it any better than that.
Its still a needed change imo. But it will be making my assassin pieces on warrior subpar and thats something im not happy about. Seeing as I only made 3 assassin pieces to be optimal.
(edited by spoj.9672)
Your missing my point again. Crit damage depends on crits to be used. So with less crit damage the extra critical hits become less beneficial than the extra power. Beserker will lose lets say 10% damage. But assassins will lose more because its designed to rely on critical hits and critical damage to achieve its damage. Im not sure how i can explain it any better.
I understood your point but this is wrong. Critical damage and the chance of it happening rely on attackdamage as their main value. Assasin doesn’t rely on critical hits, it relies on attackdamage (zerker too). Your basic attack damage is equally increased by crit chance and crit damage in both cases.
If you want to explain this any better, a mathatical proof of your statement, would be much appreciated.
Alright ill do an effective power calc.
Effective Power = Power * ( 1 + crit chance * ( crit dmg + 0.5) ) * dmg multiplier
crit chance = round down ( ( precision – 822 ) / 21 )
Beserker gives 315 power, 224 precision and 16% crit damage currently.
Assassins gives 224 power, 315 precision and 16% crit damage currently.
Base power and precision is 916.
We are going to ignore traits, trinkets, runes and sigils so there is no damage multiplier (it would be equal to 1).
Lets say ferocity change results in 10% less crit damage.
For beserker we get EP = 1231 * ( 1 + 0.15 * ( 0.16 + 0.5)) = 1352.869
With the nerf we get EP = 1231 * ( 1 + 0.15 * ( 0.06 + 0.5)) = 1334.404
So beserker does 1.36% less damage after the change.
For assassins we get EP = 1140 * ( 1 + 0.19 * ( 0.16 + 0.5)) = 1282.956
With the nerf we get EP = 1140 * ( 1 + 0.19 * ( 0.06 + 0.5)) = 1261.296
So assassins does 1.69% less damage after the change.
If you include traits, trinkets, runes and buffs the difference would be widened and we would also have a larger damage loss on both sets. I just used the gear plus base values for simplicity.
PS. The attack power stat in your hero panel is meaningless. It is not used to calculate damage ingame. I have no idea why they added it in the first place.
(edited by spoj.9672)
Are you certain ferocity is going to scale 1:37 to Critical Damage?
224/0,06 = 37,3
Seems a bit too much of a nerf, so much that it might make condition damage a better third damage stat then ferocity ….
No, we dont know how its going to scale. I just used that as an example to show how assassin is affected more than beserker no matter what the actual scaling is.
Anyway if we go by a their stated 10% overall damage reduction to beserker then they need to remove about 30% critical damage from beserker builds. Which is huge. :P
Not a real proof, but thanks I got it now. ^^
Berserker gear will be unaffected by this change decision making wise. They have all 3 damage stats on 1 gear so it’s clearly the best gear for full damage. What this change affects is gear that took 2 damage stats and 1 defensive or 2 defensive 1 damage.
For example Cavalier and Knights both give the same amount of power and toughness but Cavalier gives Crit Damage and Knights gives precision. Some builds may have already bought a lot of Cavalier because they were satisfied with the amount of crit chance they had.
After this change goes through that same person that decided to gear a lot of their pieces Cavalier may want Knights because suddenly Precision is a more valuable stat than Crit Damage. This is just 1 example.
I’d honestly like to see the stats normalized across all modes. There’s so much power creep. Especially in WvW (bloodlust stacking, wvw bloodlust, wvw guard leech, wvw applied fortitude). I’d like to see the stats reduced like they are in sPvP. The amount of stats makes everything so trivial.
Berserker gear will be unaffected by this change decision making wise. They have all 3 damage stats on 1 gear so it’s clearly the best gear for full damage. What this change affects is gear that took 2 damage stats and 1 defensive or 2 defensive 1 damage.
For example Cavalier and Knights both give the same amount of power and toughness but Cavalier gives Crit Damage and Knights gives precision. Some builds may have already bought a lot of Cavalier because they were satisfied with the amount of crit chance they had.
After this change goes through that same person that decided to gear a lot of their pieces Cavalier may want Knights because suddenly Precision is a more valuable stat than Crit Damage. This is just 1 example.
This is the crux of things. Currently crit damage is favourable because you get more crit damage than precision gives crit chance, despite the fact that crit chance should be prioritised since crits by default do 150% damage and thus aiming for 50% crit chance Before raising crit damage would be more efficient. But since crit damage was so easy to obtain, this was not the case. However, after this change precision will be more efficient in pumping damage than crit damage I.e. Cavaliers and Valkyrie worse.
“GW2’s PvE is almost as bad as the PvP.”
So yea, after some thinking, I couldn’t come up with a reason why the ferocity change should hit any precision based prefix harder than berserker. The math provided by Deceiver doesn’t really nail it for me.
Could somebody explain to me why this should be the case? (indepth math preferred)
Think of it logically. Best example is assassin gear. If you are trying to maximise dps and lets assume assassin and beserker are about equal at the moment. If you reduce the crit damage on both which has a greater loss in dps? Obviously it is the gear which relies on crits more. Beserker doesnt get hit as hard because power scales up your damage when critting or not critting. But for heavy precision gear the idea is too maximise crit chance to utilitize that crit damage as much as possible. With lower crit damage, maxing precision becomes much less beneficial compared to boosting power.
Essentially with lower crit damage, precision is weighted as less important and power remains unchanged.
Nike also explains it in this video: http://youtu.be/AYX4f5pehSU
Exactly this.
Not to mention of course that assassin’s gear specs already suffer from lower DPS throughputs than berserkers and will suffer moreso after such nerfs.
its 2 days i forgot to upload here screens of fractal mobs doing 30.000 hits chained (means 3-4 in a row just to be sure u can t evade all of them) and aoe ticking for 13.000
Maybe that s enough of a reason to wear the top dps set and totally ignore defense?
an area healing or how its called hitting for 11.000?
Now how you are supposed to face those numbers if not LOSing, stacking and stuff?
Seems the real reason behind ferocity is introducing the new gear trendmill via infusions…..
A PvE player is supposed to avoid a 1-2 second 1 shotting aoe.
A WWW player is considered uncapable of avoiding a 5,75 second aoe for half his health.
But zerker stackers just stack and auto attack. We dont have control builds so we cant cc.
CC = AOE cap…AND the scenario bug absorbing some targets and many Others known bugs.
try again
I know how zerker stacking works since i usually am one of the 2 players doing all the work…(mesmer and guardian).
A PvE player is supposed to avoid a 1-2 second 1 shotting aoe.
A WWW player is considered uncapable of avoiding a 5,75 second aoe for half his health.
Everywhere you fight you have those issues, right? They reduce your damage significantly by a whole 20%. That’s gamebreaking and will make playing the game impossible.
Again and again, I try to inform you about something but you always ignore that and and continue your complains.
I hope when nerfing the ascended gear ANet will take into account that people like me have limited play time, I have paid real money in order to get the ascended daggers I have now as I thought I will use them in the long run and will not have to grind any more but spent time in the content I like – i.e. pvp and wvw.
If they make me grind for new wepons/armor I will be very mad.
Another point is ANet have released the ascended armor/wepons/trinkets in order to make people play the game and sink their gold/real money/time in order to acquire that gear. I havent asked for it.
Now as they have released it and have seen what they have done, they want to repair it.
Proof for that is the statement that in SPVP the crit dmg is fine and doesnt need to be touched.
But as I said I have invested in that gear not only my time and I can not afford to invest more when I know in few months I will be bulkittened again.
If they mess up with people so hard I have the only option left to dump that game, despite I love it and play it from GW1.
Shame that corporate greed finaly is showing its teefs and they want to cover it.
Devs said -10% to overall damage. This damage reduction ONLY comes to crit damage not base or power…..
So basically it’s a overall -17% nerf to crit damage. So basically just take your current crit damage and multiply by 0.83 to find out your crit damage post patch.
Attack hits for 1000 w/out crit.
Same attack hits for 1000 but crits w/ 100% crit damage
1000 × 2.5 = 2500
2500 × 0.1 = 250
250/1500 = .16666 round that up to 17% decrease in crit damage