[Guardian] List of useless traits and skills

[Guardian] List of useless traits and skills

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Mightymealworm.8409


Signet of resolve is no longer 2 conditions with perfect inscriptions, it was reduced to 1 per 8 seconds.

[Guardian] List of useless traits and skills

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Mikau.6920


I had an idea to “aid” the condition problem that Guardian have.

Supreme Justice and Permeating Wrath have no sense to be in Virtue line – that is mainly focused on support and they can help a little bit to to do some sort of condition build. Supreme Justice should be in Adept tier on Virtue line and Permeating Wrath should be in Master tier in Zeal line (does not makes sense in Radiance line becouse its focus on activating VoJ and Permeating Wrath focus on passive effect, also if Kindled Zeal is changed to something useful, could have some synergy for condition builds, this without the mention that Zeal line is too weak).

This would’t be too powerful since you would have to trade AoE blind/vulnerability/might spamming for AoE Burning. In that way a condition build would be bad like Staff Ele , which is better than non existent.

Sorry for my english.

(edited by Mikau.6920)

[Guardian] List of useless traits and skills

in Profession Balance

Posted by: fadeaway.2807


As others have already pointed out, the new proposed healing changes don’t make sense.
Healing breeze is a frontal cone heal for a character supposed to be in the front lines. What? Which way will the guardian be facing?

I could understand healing breeze if I were supposed to be in the back lines.. but this just feels like poor design. At the very least it should be an explosion based on the guard rather than frontal cone. I’ve tried it out in my cleric gear and was extremely pleased at the amount of healing when it actually worked.

Litany, as others have said, is awful by design.
In PvP as soon as you pop it (at the loss to your own dps, 1 sec of wasted time is crucial in clutch moments) people will kite you, back off, stealth, cc you etc. It’s too easy to counter. The guard would need to do nearly 60k damage in the litany timeframe just to keep up with healing signet. It needs to be instant and come with stability.

[Guardian] List of useless traits and skills

in Profession Balance

Posted by: XarOneZeroNine.2374


In regards to Searing Flames. Does it still go on cooldown whenever you apply burning regardless of wheter or not a boon is stripped?

Haven’t tested it in a long while. If it would only proc the cooldown when a boon was actually stripped this might see some more play.

Just a quick 2 cents…

In answer to query above.

This one is more of a bug fix, but will help out nonetheless:
Searing Flames: This trait now activates only if the target has a boon on them.


[Guardian] List of useless traits and skills

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Tarsius.3170


iirc Healer’s Retribution used to have synergy with Healing Breeze, where you’d get 3 secs of retal with every heal tick ( about 20 secs in all with related traits ) – which actually was one of the few ( the only? ) good reasons to use Healing Breeze.

Unfortunately it got fixed.

Warhaft Tarsius – Asura Guardian ( Desolation ) – [NUKE]

[Guardian] List of useless traits and skills

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Dahkeus.8243


Yea, there are a lot of useless skills/traits, just as with any class…

But some of the skills/traits the OP listed makes me wonder how long they’ve been playing the class. Have you never played a PvP DPS meditation build? Tournament players like Itty Bitty Bunker have been making good use of meditations for a good while.

Also, you’re knocking Resolute Healer? Have you ever played a bunker in PvP? This trait is so clutch in so many games because of the knockback. I’ve prevented stomps and pulled off rezes so many times because of this trait. Yes, the mesmer ability is nice for PvE, but this one is incredibly clutch for PvP.

[Guardian] List of useless traits and skills

in Profession Balance

Posted by: raubvogel.5071


I agree with #1. But there are more traits that are not great. E. g. the GS +5% + little heal. Several grandmaster traits.

[Guardian] List of useless traits and skills

in Profession Balance

Posted by: xFireize.6318


Yea, there are a lot of useless skills/traits, just as with any class…

But some of the skills/traits the OP listed makes me wonder how long they’ve been playing the class. Have you never played a PvP DPS meditation build? Tournament players like Itty Bitty Bunker have been making good use of meditations for a good while.

Also, you’re knocking Resolute Healer? Have you ever played a bunker in PvP? This trait is so clutch in so many games because of the knockback. I’ve prevented stomps and pulled off rezes so many times because of this trait. Yes, the mesmer ability is nice for PvE, but this one is incredibly clutch for PvP.

You should read the first paragraph again. We’re already over that on the first page.

Bloo Foefire [RAM]
Yak’s Bend
Why bother being a Guardian if you don’t guard anyone?

[Guardian] List of useless traits and skills

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Aedrion.6483


Some valid points.

Many classes have useless traits.

Much of this thread is QQ or simply not true. Mace is a beast of a weapon in PvP and symbols are awesome to nail down areas.

[Guardian] List of useless traits and skills

in Profession Balance

Posted by: raubvogel.5071


yeah whats great in PVP is bad in PVE in vice versa. And the wish for separation is as old as this game.

Those who spent most of their time in PVE wont join PVP an again vice versa.

[Guardian] List of useless traits and skills

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Dirame.8521


Kindled zeal : We don’t have enough conditions to care enough about 13% condition damage.

I’m an advocate for this trait’s usefuleness. You guys may believe that it’s insignificant and unimportant and doesn’t do much. But I can assure you, you’re mistaken.

Gain condition dmg equal or exceeding what you’d get if you put 30 points in Radiance? Whilst also gaining 30% condition duration on top of that? Sign me the heck up.

If you guys can’t come up with a way to use the trait effectively, then I really feel like you’re missing out.

I make guides to builds you may not have heard of;

[Guardian] List of useless traits and skills

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Black Box.9312

Black Box.9312

Kindled zeal : We don’t have enough conditions to care enough about 13% condition damage.

I’m an advocate for this trait’s usefuleness. You guys may believe that it’s insignificant and unimportant and doesn’t do much. But I can assure you, you’re mistaken.

Gain condition dmg equal or exceeding what you’d get if you put 30 points in Radiance? Whilst also gaining 30% condition duration on top of that? Sign me the heck up.

If you guys can’t come up with a way to use the trait effectively, then I really feel like you’re missing out.

It doesn’t matter how much condition damage you do when you have one condition applied every ~30 seconds that can easily be cleansed. Theoretically it seems like it could add some substantial damage, but in practice it’s little more than 20 more points than you’d ever want in zeal.

[Guardian] List of useless traits and skills

in Profession Balance

Posted by: fadeaway.2807


Hoping some of these will be addressed in the patch!