New boon!

New boon!

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Epidemix Revenge.4862

Epidemix Revenge.4862

Summed up:

There is no condition meta.

Condis are virtually non-existent in PvE

Condis are not overpowered, and in fact may very well be underpowered and underrepresented in soloQ spvp

Condis are underperforming and underrepresented in team Q spvp

Condis are insta cleansed in blob/zerg/large group WvW and rendered useless

Condis may be overpowered in 1v1 dueling. The game is not balanced around dueling.

Condis may be overpowered in small group/solo roaming WvW. Well… kitten happens. Easy fix though. Nerf Plexity and kittencan condi duration +- food

New boon!

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Spicyhash.7605


How about a boon where if you have the reverse of a corrupted boon, you can’t receive that condition? i.e. if you have aegis, no burning, if you have fury, no blind, etc.


New boon!

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Drarnor Kunoram.5180

Drarnor Kunoram.5180

How about a boon where if you have the reverse of a corrupted boon, you can’t receive that condition? i.e. if you have aegis, no burning, if you have fury, no blind, etc.

Guardian pops Save Yourselves, doesn’t suffer the drawback.

Dragonbrand |Drarnor Kunoram: Charr Necro
I’m a Geeleiver

New boon!

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Carighan.6758


How about a boon where if you have the reverse of a corrupted boon, you can’t receive that condition? i.e. if you have aegis, no burning, if you have fury, no blind, etc.

And if that boon gets corrupted, any incoming boon gets applied as a condition instead? :P

The strength of heart to face oneself has been made manifest. The persona Carighan has appeared.

New boon!

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Liewec.2896


Nothing multiplies condition damage, either in a positive or negative direction. This is fine for balance.

thats what duration enhancement does.
when a 1 second burn is turned into a 3 second burn it is essentially multiplying the damage by 200%.

and again its pretty much a one way deal, with rune of melandru being the only rune set that reduces condition duration and only by 25% and you have to sacrifice all other (more useful runes) to use them,

to negate direct damage all you need to do is pop protection or add some toughness to your build.

spec as tanky as you like and eviscerate will hit you for a tiny amount, conditions will always deal full damage.

imho condis need to be made like all other damage, remove the caps but make them effected by armour, toughness and all other damage mitigation.

New boon!

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Tim.6450


thats what duration enhancement does.
when a 1 second burn is turned into a 3 second burn it is essentially multiplying the damage by 200%.

First this is impossible there is a cap limit on duration at 100%. So you can only double your damage with duration.

and again its pretty much a one way deal, with rune of melandru being the only rune set that reduces condition duration and only by 25% and you have to sacrifice all other (more useful runes) to use them,

Don’t forget resistance/ hoelbrak/sunless/antitoxin. On top of that we have food, traits that reduce duration like automated response and diamond skin and traits that reduce non damging conditions.

to negate direct damage all you need to do is pop protection or add some toughness to your build.

to negate condition damage all you need to do is pop condition removal after the hit.

spec as tanky as you like and eviscerate will hit you for a tiny amount, conditions will always deal full damage.

Unless you cleanse them/ wear -condition duration.

imho condis need to be made like all other damage, remove the caps but make them effected by armour, toughness and all other damage mitigation.

Then we will have the toughness meta. Btw caps are not a balance change just a mechanical problem.

and all other damage mitigation.

The only things left are protection/weakness/-X% damage. They in return are affected by cleanses/-X% duration but don’t work with vulnerability and + X% damage (which can become quite nasty since necromancers have ‘target the weak’ +2% damage for every condition on the opponent or ‘close to death’ +20% damage when opponent is below 50%).


(edited by Tim.6450)

New boon!

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Kukchi.6173


Summed up:

There is no condition meta.

Condis are virtually non-existent in PvE

Condis are not overpowered, and in fact may very well be underpowered and underrepresented in soloQ spvp

Condis are underperforming and underrepresented in team Q spvp

Condis are insta cleansed in blob/zerg/large group WvW and rendered useless

Condis may be overpowered in 1v1 dueling. The game is not balanced around dueling.

Condis may be overpowered in small group/solo roaming WvW. Well… kitten happens. Easy fix though. Nerf Plexity and kittencan condi duration +- food

The condi meta is REAL, are you an engineer main perhaps?

Human thief lvl 80 pistol dagger pistol sword cheese extreme.
Anet fix thief plz its boring now :(

New boon!

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Drarnor Kunoram.5180

Drarnor Kunoram.5180

Summed up:

There is no condition meta.

Condis are virtually non-existent in PvE

Condis are not overpowered, and in fact may very well be underpowered and underrepresented in soloQ spvp

Condis are underperforming and underrepresented in team Q spvp

Condis are insta cleansed in blob/zerg/large group WvW and rendered useless

Condis may be overpowered in 1v1 dueling. The game is not balanced around dueling.

Condis may be overpowered in small group/solo roaming WvW. Well… kitten happens. Easy fix though. Nerf Plexity and kittencan condi duration +- food

The condi meta is REAL, are you an engineer main perhaps?

Where? PvE, where conditions are avoided most of the time due to the stack cap and the fact Power builds just kill so much quicker? In tPvP where teams sometimes run a single condition build (and just as often, none at all)? In WvW where mass cleansing makes condition builds nigh useless?

If the Condi meta is real, then why isn’t it present anywhere?

Dragonbrand |Drarnor Kunoram: Charr Necro
I’m a Geeleiver

New boon!

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Liewec.2896


Don’t forget resistance/ hoelbrak/sunless/antitoxin. On top of that we have food, traits that reduce duration like automated response and diamond skin and traits that reduce non damging conditions.

i’m talking from a pvp perspective so there is no food, and i left out the runes that we don’t have, also those runes all have less effect than Melandru’s 25% so i don’t see why you listed them ;-)

to negate condition damage all you need to do is pop condition removal after the hit.

all you need to do? you have 3 utility slots, one will undoubtedly be for a stunbreaker,
one should be used for some form of stability/invulnerability, so you have one utility slot.
so you expect one condi removal every 30+ seconds is going to do anything in a fight against a class who’d auto attacks spam multiple stacks of conditions on you?

do you sacrifice your stunbreaker and stability? why must we sacrifice everything else just to not melt under a pile of conditions?

Unless you cleanse them/ wear -condition duration.

see above. – condi gear only offers -25% duration max.
and against a class whos autos cause conditions with every hit, you will never slot enough condi cleanses.

i’ll leave you with this, a few of the death breakdown pics i took in a single night of pvp


New boon!

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Tim.6450


all you need to do? you have 3 utility slots, one will undoubtedly be for a stunbreaker,
one should be used for some form of stability/invulnerability, so you have one utility slot.
so you expect one condi removal every 30+ seconds is going to do anything in a fight against a class who’d auto attacks spam multiple stacks of conditions on you?

do you sacrifice your stunbreaker and stability? why must we sacrifice everything else just to not melt under a pile of conditions?

You have sigil, runes, healing skills, traits, utility skills which can be used for condition removal.

see above. – condi gear only offers -25% duration max.

only 25% ?? A reduction of 25% of normal damage on a light armor class requires to increase your armor from 1804 to 2405. It also functions on effects like cripple,fear, chill, vulnerability, etc.

and against a class whos autos cause conditions with every hit, you will never slot enough condi cleanses.

Oh no fear the 2K auto attack from the warriot which takes 16 seconds to do it’s full damage. Oh the horror.

i’ll leave you with this, a few of the death breakdown pics i took in a single night of pvp

Oh the humanity, 50928 damage over 68 seconds which is 748 damage/second. Fear it , fear it, fear the dps of 748.


New boon!

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Drarnor Kunoram.5180

Drarnor Kunoram.5180

i’ll leave you with this, a few of the death breakdown pics i took in a single night of pvp

All I see here is that you gave your opponent exactly what he wanted and he won because of that. You were fighting for over a minute against a build that needs time to work at full potential.

TLDR: You tried to fight someone else on their terms and lost. Congrats on your failure.

Dragonbrand |Drarnor Kunoram: Charr Necro
I’m a Geeleiver