9/19 TP outage and how it has affected my gameplay today

9/19 TP outage and how it has affected my gameplay today

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: RaidBoss.4712


I didn’t get paid for the orichalcum ore and ancient wood I posted on the TP. I lost almost 15G. None of the mod’s have posted an explaination as to when we will receive our items/gold.
Therefore, I think its best if someone posted this on “Reddit” and publized this problem only then will Anet care. From what I have seen unless they see a huge reaction from the general public which shows them in negative light they don’t do anything.

9/19 TP outage and how it has affected my gameplay today

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: azurrei.5691


@ Arciel – I had the EXACT same string of events occur – and I even have some things I “purchased” in my order history but never actually received…Anet better get on top of this – this is THEIR mistake that needs to be corrected or compensated for in some fashion.

9/19 TP outage and how it has affected my gameplay today

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Spoolooni.6712


@Arciel, you described it better than I did. Except I cancelled the orders because I placed 6x of one item + another item leaving me to invest 26 gold and when I cancelled the orders to receive my refund, I never got it til this day.

(edited by Spoolooni.6712)

9/19 TP outage and how it has affected my gameplay today

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Sir Primus.1768

Sir Primus.1768

I’m still missing a bunch of ectos I bought right before tp went down – it show up in the “Items Bought” tab but I never received them. Does anyone else have his vanished items show in the “Items Bought” tab?

9/19 TP outage and how it has affected my gameplay today

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Boscolover.7305


^^ Yep and items I sold right before it went down (like 50s worth) but i bought like 3g worth of ectos apparently before the crash and never got them…..

9/19 TP outage and how it has affected my gameplay today

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: TobZero.6902


^^ Yep and items I sold right before it went down (like 50s worth) but i bought like 3g worth of ectos apparently before the crash and never got them…..

same for me.
ectos were the item i wanted to buy. gold gone, no ectos in pickup.

9/19 TP outage and how it has affected my gameplay today

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: jque.6940


Same problem many have described. I tried to put in a purchase on Wednesday night after the twitter post saying the trading post was back up. Nothing went through. 3 hours later after the trading post went down I noticed 7.5 gold missing. I assumed like many that it would be caught up once the trading post came back online. However 18 hours after the trading post is back in working order nothing has shown up in my “Items I’m Buying” queue or my “Items I have bought” queue nor has any of the gold been returned in my pickup window.

Like many I am hopeful this issue gets resolved and given the volume of posts (not just in this forum but in the “Game Bugs” and “Personal Account” forums) I assume they are working on it. However the last reply to this post from ANet stated that the trading post reconciles all trades so what is the time frame? Is this an under the radar issue that is not being resolved.

I know it doesn’t seem like much but 7.5g represents several nights of causal play time for me and would be a set back if not recovered.

9/19 TP outage and how it has affected my gameplay today

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Manachanter.9208


I’m also still missing both items and gold from before the outage. Looking over my sold items I see 78 Bolts of Gossamer, 1 Superior Rune of the Centaur, 109 Copper Ore, 1 Superior Rune of the Citadel having sold before/during the outage, the gold from those hasn’t shown up in the pickup tab (6g58 from the Gossamer alone) with at least 192 Gossamer Scraps missing from the Items I’ve Bought list.

Any transaction I place now goes through with no issues whatsoever.

Ticket #120921-004753 has been opened. Honestly, I wouldn’t be as annoyed if it was only ‘virtual gold’ or we were still in beta but I’m currently missing gold and items which have a real world value since RMT is officially in the game. And there’s been NO official communication regarding items still missing nearly 20 hours after the BLTP came back up.

9/19 TP outage and how it has affected my gameplay today

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Manachanter.9208


I know it doesn’t seem like much but 7.5g represents several nights of causal play time for me and would be a set back if not recovered.

And has an actual dollar value

9/19 TP outage and how it has affected my gameplay today

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Crimmy.6418


I’m still missing the 75% of my gold that disappeared when the TP went sideways the other day.

It took the gold for my bids, never showed that my bids went thorough, and never refunded anything.

9/19 TP outage and how it has affected my gameplay today

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: jque.6940


I know it doesn’t seem like much but 7.5g represents several nights of causal play time for me and would be a set back if not recovered.

And has an actual dollar value

Agreed and if I had used actual dollars to acquire that gold I would be furious.

Although it seems like only a piece of the game the Black Lion Trading Co. and Trading Post represent the whole of the game economy and the backbone of Anet’s monetizing plan post release. If this system cannot be trusted it casts a serious shadow over the games feature money making possibilities. I know based on the posts in this thread I am highly unlikely to use RMT in the near future although it was something I had planned on from release as a simple way to support a game that I very much enjoy.

9/19 TP outage and how it has affected my gameplay today

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Thunderbones.3290


I have this same problem, happened at same time and I have waited since wed night now to get stuff. I checked the buying tabs and canceled some items there, no luck. Not sure what to do.

I submitted a bug report but it said they wont respond to individual reports. How/When will i get my money/items?

9/19 TP outage and how it has affected my gameplay today

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Manachanter.9208


I have this same problem, happened at same time and I have waited since wed night now to get stuff. I checked the buying tabs and canceled some items there, no luck. Not sure what to do.

I submitted a bug report but it said they wont respond to individual reports. How/When will i get my money/items?

Open a support ticket from http://en.support.guildwars2.com/ though you need to create a separate account (silly idea, why not link to your main?) to open one.

9/19 TP outage and how it has affected my gameplay today

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Manachanter.9208


On top of that, anyone who has submitted a ticket for their issue, make sure you check the auto-response and then submit an update to get an actual live person to look at it, the auto-response is from the issue at the start of the month and doesn’t seem to have been updated for the issue this week.:

Missing Items
Please be aware that we have been experiencing issues with the Trading Post where some purchases are not visible right away. Please check your account again at a later time if you do not see your item(s) immediately after you make a purchase.

9/19 TP outage and how it has affected my gameplay today

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: shipwhreck.9167


Updated timeline at the top.

I’ve tried everything suggested.

*Open a ticket
*Delete log file
*Place a bid on an item and cancel it
*Clicking on the pickup items tab even though there is nothing present

Hopefully we hear something soon. Stay positive guys!

9/19 TP outage and how it has affected my gameplay today

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Manachanter.9208


Yeah, same, if ANet can’t promise that items/gold won’t be lost at random times then their entire gem market can’t be trusted either, and that’s what their longterm profit is based on.

9/19 TP outage and how it has affected my gameplay today

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: yasef.5824


i invested over 170 dollars including game purchase already, i bought gold with real money in the trading post to get a capital , and this is not our fault is the bugged bazar that took our items and gold

9/19 TP outage and how it has affected my gameplay today

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: yasef.5824


48 hours later still missing 40 golds in materias and sold items no answers

9/19 TP outage and how it has affected my gameplay today

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: zaerk.2305


Let’s be patient.

The TP is down again, hopefully this will give them a opportunity to correct the mistake. Even if that is not possible, all it would take would be an acknowledgement and apology if possible to make this correct in my eyes. If not I’ll just vote with my wallet.

(edited by zaerk.2305)

9/19 TP outage and how it has affected my gameplay today

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Silvard.3469


I understand there are issues right now with the TP. So far I’ve been an avid user of it when it’s been up, and most of my money has come from it, but right now I’m in a precarious situation that has hindered my gaming goals because of whatever is going with the TP. Before the TP started having problems and going for maintenance I put up a bunch of buy orders. I even took a pic when I did (attached in the ticket I submited #120921-000818 , it includes all the buy orders and the total amount I had left after them, you can compare it to the amount of gold I have now minus the gold I I’ve made in the process of leveling and completing a couple of zones) , because I wanted reference of how much I was paying for each mat for when I sold them later.
Then at some point as you know TP went down for a long time, but I busied myself with playing the game. I got more coin, finished a zone, lots of events, gained 5 levels. I was still out playing when it came back up momentarily, during which I saw that a bunch of my orders had filled and were indeed in my pick up tab, but a good amount had not, so I cancelled those orders. I also put some gear I’ve found on sale. Shortly thereafter the TP went down again until got fixed for good.
When I went to pick up everything at a TP guy I got the mats from the buy orders that had been filled, but I never got the gold or the mats for the orders that had been cancelled, which was a lot of gold and a considerable portion of the total I had. I also believe that I didn’t get the gold for the equipment that I sold, but I’m not 100% sure.
I know that I will probably be told to wait, but it’s been quite a while now and I’ve had successful sales since then, but I haven’t seen the gold I’m missing at all.
So now, I’m missing a lot of gold that I had saved up to buy equipment for when I got to 80 and quite frankly I don’t know what to do. Please help me.

9/19 TP outage and how it has affected my gameplay today

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Hippocampus.8470


I believe that’s about a completely different outage, which happened last night and, as far as I could tell, seems to have just reset the entire game to an earlier state. So if you got some super awesome item during that time, you won’t have it any more. But if you bought it at the TP, you’ll at least have your gold back.

9/19 TP outage and how it has affected my gameplay today

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: TemperHoof.6438


Well, the BLTC has been having a lot of issues this past week. Several days ago it went up and then went down only moments later. During that time I submitted at massive order for Large Claws for roughly 2.5 Gold. Personally I had 3.8 Gold on one of my characters which I withdrew from my bank just to make that transaction.

Low and behold, nothing happened. But my Gold remained on the character and the BLTC went down. I figured no harm done and I went on my marry way and decided to play some SPVP for several days.

Now I return and ALL my gold is gone. There is no remainder!! I normally keep an average of 50+ silver on my characters, but ALL of that is gone too! All I have left is mere pennies, just 80c and 22s on my most recent character which normally held 80s. All traces of Gold and Silver on my other characters have been removed entirely and I’m flat broke.

All I can say is.. Where the heck did my 3.8 gold go? Where did my 50s caches on my characters go!? I’m confident my account wasn’t hacked because I didn’t lost any items, bags, or anything like that. Just my bank is empty and my characters have nothing.

I really hate working hard to sustain myself and my characters only to have that effort just vanish into thin air.

Please, please, please help me.

9/19 TP outage and how it has affected my gameplay today

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Thunderbones.3290


Still no response to my ticket, still no items/gold going on 72 hours now, they need to fix this esp considering gold is linked to gems and real money!

9/19 TP outage and how it has affected my gameplay today

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Vawn.3041


Hey guys,

Since approximately 6pm EST, Friday Sep 21, I no longer receive payment for items I sell. I can replicate this at will by posting a single copper ore at the highest bidder’s price. I choose this item because it is cheap (i.e., I can perform the test many times with negligible loss) and has liquidity such that the sale occurs almost instantly.

Seconds later I observe the sale has moved into my “Items I’ve sold” tab, but there is no payment in the Pickup Tab. This has not changed in over 24 hours, my total receive funds holds at zero.

If someone else is interested and is kind enough to volunteer their time, it might be useful (for us all) to have someone take a video recording of the copper-sale experiment described above and post it on our favorite video-sharing site (YouKnow the one I’m talking about). But be careful to idle in the Pickup tab long enough to make it clear that no payment is coming if you do. That would publicly document the phenomena for everyone’s reference, and hopefully serve well for the sake of non-repudiation.

Anyway, I hope this problem is resolved. I am the Quark of Guild Wars 2 – BLTC is the game for me and I sincerely hope to be able to enjoy it. (how many of you understood the Quark reference? Look in the mirror, point, and say “Nerd” if you did)

Rule of Acquisition #314: When the Black Lion Trading Company bars you from engaging in trade – Game Over.


9/19 TP outage and how it has affected my gameplay today

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: TemperHoof.6438


I did some record digging and I found out where all my gold went to! Indeed, my orders for Large Claws DID go through. They are clearly listed in mass under “Items I’ve Bought” —- however, they have YET to delivered to me!


9/19 TP outage and how it has affected my gameplay today

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Shy.2473


I purchased 10g worth of gems on the morning of the TP outage, around 6:30am UK time. The transaction did not go through but when I logged the next day, the money had been taken from my account and the gems were not credited.

9/19 TP outage and how it has affected my gameplay today

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: KingSteven.9752


I just lost about 400 gem today from TP being glitchy, I will appreciate it if I get the amount back since i did charge it with cash, but I will understand if it wont happen, 400 Gem isnt alot but its still something.

9/19 TP outage and how it has affected my gameplay today

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: jamescowhen.1562


This trading glitch on Thursday caused an unnatural dive in prices. Those that were able to get buy orders in that day had upwards of 20copper more margin to play with. Was awesome =S

9/19 TP outage and how it has affected my gameplay today

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Bibidiboo.6409


I’ve been missing like 30 globs of ectoplasms from ages ago, items are definitely still missing..

9/19 TP outage and how it has affected my gameplay today

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Keahi.3620


Items and Gold are never lost, the maintenance may have caused a delay in your orders. When the TP is back up just look out for those orders.

I am having a hard time believing this is the case… 21-22 days ago now i lost all of my gold by cancelling buy orders before a maintenance, i still have not seen a cent of it and the best the support team could do was tell me they don’t have the tools to restore it (tough luck?). Very disappointing.

9/19 TP outage and how it has affected my gameplay today

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: zaerk.2305


I just thought I’ll post this since I just got the email. Good response in my opinion, thank you aNet.

Response Antoine via Email 09/25/2012 07:35 PM
Greetings Zachary,

I apologize for my delayed response; we have a high ticket volume which we are working through as quickly as possible.

We’re aware of some of the recent issues with Trading Post purchases. This was caused by the sheer volume of activities with our system. We are taking steps to prevent that issue in the future but in the meantime we are actively looking into these unfulfilled purchases and will resolve them within a few days. But please note that we are unable to guarantee that your items will arrive, or that your gold will be refunded due to these issues, as the data may be lost. We’ll continue to investigate this for everyone affected and try to have an outcome as quickly as possible.

But if you have any other concerns, feel free to let us know.

GM Onyx
Guild Wars 2 Support Team

9/19 TP outage and how it has affected my gameplay today

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Logun.5360


That’s the first encouraging thing I’ve seen to date.

9/19 TP outage and how it has affected my gameplay today

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Netko.9271


Get response today too:
Hi there,
Thanks for contacting the Guild Wars 2 Support Team.

There were some cases where gems were successfully purchased, but the delivery of the gems was delayed. This was caused by the sheer volume of activities with our system. We are taking steps to prevent that issue in the future but in the meantime we are actively looking into these unfulfilled purchases and will resolve them within a few days. This means you should receive your gems or get your gold refund soon.

If you are still awaiting a resolution in five days, please let us know so that we can investigate further.


9/19 TP outage and how it has affected my gameplay today

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Boscolover.7305


I made a ticket a while back got this response thought i would share as it seems they are saying the see a problem now!!


Thank you for contacting the Guild Wars 2 Support Team!

We would like to apologize for the time it has taken to get to your question regarding the Trading Post.

We are aware that there is some confusion over how to pick up money made or items purchased on the Trading Post and the associated costs for using this service. I know this may be something you are already aware of, but just to make sure we cover all our basses let me walk through it. You see, in order to pick up anything from the trading post, you need to first go to a Trading Post NPC. These are the ones that have the little scale over their heads. When you speak to these NPCs you can then access the pickup tab on the bottom of the Trading Post window. Once there you are able to take all your profits.

So now that we have talked about how to get the profits and items, let me briefly mention costs as there is a lot of confusion about that. To clarify, for everything you sell there is about a 15% cut taken out of your profits by the Trading Post. This is the cost of doing business in the Trading Post and some of those fees are non- refundable even if you cancel your transaction. If you want to get more information on the specifics of how this works you may want to check out our wiki at http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Trading_Post#Fees. Like I said though this is actually working normally, we are terribly sorry for the confusion it may have cause though.

Now finally if you are aware of how to get your items/profits and you know about the costs, but you are still running into issues with missing items or funds there could be a technical issue at work. We actually have seen some transactions getting stuck or delayed so that people never get their items or profits for their sales/purchases. This is something development is aware of though and we are getting it corrected. So in the very near future you should be receiving your items or money if your transaction was delayed. Please give it about seven days and it should arrive to you within that timeframe.

Hopefully that clears up the issue for you, but should anything else pop up; please don’t hesitate to hit us up. Thanks so much for your time and you have a great day!

GM Mourdyth
Guild Wars Support Team"

Looks like they found an issue and are working on fixing it. Anyone else get similar responses?

9/19 TP outage and how it has affected my gameplay today

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Silvard.3469


Has anyone that had this issue actually gotten their gold back, either from the TP or a GM, or at least gotten another answer past the initial “wait 7 days” response?

9/19 TP outage and how it has affected my gameplay today

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: MF Panda.5874

MF Panda.5874

None of the above. I was hopeful when they said they were working on a problem with delayed transactions, but that was weeks ago. Also, it has been made clear that ANet will absolutely not return gold or items lost as they have not built the functionality into the game. So unless our gold and items are sitting in some buffer in the TP waiting to be released, we are not getting anything back.

9/19 TP outage and how it has affected my gameplay today

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Logun.5360


I just realized that the moderators deleted 9 of my posts regarding their customers service and the chain of responses that I got from them. I guess showing that their customer service is Kittens does not add to the thread. For anyone who have not realized it yet, they will not be replacing your items or gold.

9/19 TP outage and how it has affected my gameplay today

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: TemperHoof.6438


After 20 emails, mainly back and forth from ANet and me getting switched to several departments. I finally got refunded my gold for the lost transaction. It took nearly a month, but I am content.

9/19 TP outage and how it has affected my gameplay today

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: VendettaDFA.9368


@ John Smith What he describes is absolutely valid. I got the same “order did not go through” message on a dye purchase and I re-attempted and was successful …BUT when I went to pick up my order I had both orders there. I didnt intend to spend double my outlay and didnt need double my order. IF my order didnt go through then dont take my funds … but if it processed dont tell me it didnt.

There was NO outage or maintenence associated with this …… YOU have an issue.

(edited by VendettaDFA.9368)

9/19 TP outage and how it has affected my gameplay today

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Silvard.3469


After 20 emails, mainly back and forth from ANet and me getting switched to several departments. I finally got refunded my gold for the lost transaction. It took nearly a month, but I am content.

Can you share with us the steps you took to get this satisfactory outcome?

9/19 TP outage and how it has affected my gameplay today

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: DefMatrixUltra.8590


After 20 emails, mainly back and forth from ANet and me getting switched to several departments. I finally got refunded my gold for the lost transaction. It took nearly a month, but I am content.

I’m also very interested in how you did this, who you emailed, the response chain etc.

9/19 TP outage and how it has affected my gameplay today

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Joshmans.8937


Just out of curiosity, why would you buy such an expensive armor piece? Its cosmetic appearance is the same of the lesser rare exotic set which goes for 60s-2g.

I.e Exotic Nika’s chest for 15g looks exactly the same as the duelist coat, worth 1-2g.

The stats may differ but you would most likely have picked up Fine xmute stones by now and you can get the stats you require from dungeon merchants.

Just curious as i said, ive made alot of gold forging named bits of armor but it still baffles me as to why people actually spend a ridiculous amount of gold on something which stats wise could be obtained with a short amount of time dungeon farming, or cosmetic wise obtained for a small fraction of the cost.


9/19 TP outage and how it has affected my gameplay today

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Player.9621


consider its beta, use at your own risk.
never put anything into it you’re not willing to lose.

OP used a word i dont think he understands: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rectification_%28law%29

9/19 TP outage and how it has affected my gameplay today

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: TemperHoof.6438


If you guys are curious how the process went, it was simple but extremely time consuming.

To my benefit, I had paid real money to purchase Gems in the past. These Gems went into Gold, and this Gold was used on failed transactions.

I recommended to the Support person emailing me that instead of trying to recover my lost gold or items from the Black Lion Trading Post, simply either refund me Gems or Real Money. They opted to just refund me the Gems which was equal to the amount of gold I had lost. That was perfectly acceptable to me.

9/19 TP outage and how it has affected my gameplay today

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: dirtyklingon.2918


Items and Gold are never lost, the maintenance may have caused a delay in your orders. When the TP is back up just look out for those orders.

the ticket i got last night from your cs department says otherwise.

i clearly lost 50s from trying to buy copper ore twice in the first few hours of headstart.

i’m sur eif you look at my gold total if you have the tools to do so, you will see that there is a 50s~ discrkittency between my credits and debits that cannot be accounted for.

i waited patiently for a month because you or one of your reps said that as you say in this post, and i never recieved my copper ore or my silver, so i made a ticket, and nearly a month later i am told i will not get my silver or my copper ore because you guys have no record of the transactions.

i’m far from the only one that has had this issue.

i’ve been waiting nearly 2 months now for my copper ore to show up in my pick up tab as promised it would since “items and gold are never lost”. your cs department says otherwise.

which is it?

who doesn’t love wow clones?

9/19 TP outage and how it has affected my gameplay today

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: dirtyklingon.2918


Unfortunately the Guild Wars Support Team is unable to grant in-game currencies such as gold, dungeon tokens, or karma at this time. Because we are unable to verify an error with the Trading Post, we are also unable to grant gems in this case.

this is what your csr emailed me last night.

i’ve been waiting nearly 2 months for my copper ore, bought with gold, which was bought with gems.

i didn’t ask for a gem refund, i asked for my copper ore to be delivered or my silver to be returned.

nevermind that the idea that the tp has no errors is frankly hilarious.

who doesn’t love wow clones?

9/19 TP outage and how it has affected my gameplay today

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: TemperHoof.6438


Ask for a refund in the form of Gems, you may get a better result.

9/19 TP outage and how it has affected my gameplay today

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: DefMatrixUltra.8590


I tried this with support and they said that I’m not eligible for compensation because I haven’t spent any real money on gems. Which ironically reinforces to me that I should not spend real money on gems.

9/19 TP outage and how it has affected my gameplay today

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Antiriad.7160


Gems are equal to real money though, because they offer a way to exchange between the two, so it would seem logical that it doesn’t matter if you spent real money on gems or not, you still lost a real money value there, because gems can be exchanged for real money.
Imho they would only be eligible to say “hey you didn’t spend real money” if they didn’t allow those real money transfers in their game.

Colin ‘The Liar’ Johanson: “Everyone, including casual gamers, by 80 should have the
best statistical loot in the game. We want everyone on equal power base.”

9/19 TP outage and how it has affected my gameplay today

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: DefMatrixUltra.8590


Gems are equal to real money though

The fact that buying gems with gold encourages others to buy gems with real money is apparently lost on them. If you haven’t forked up your credit card (that 60 bucks you spent already doesn’t count) a second time, you are a second class customer and will receive second class support.