That’s right. They control the supply….NOT the price. The price, in this case, is STILL determined by overabundance of DEMAND!!!
I’m not neglecting that possibility….but it would also require the supply to be great enough to outweigh the current demand for the item. Doubling, tripling, or even, quadrupling the supply at this point would probably barely touch whether the price comes down…..again….based on the demand for the item. I guarantee you if they were to increase the supply of precursors, the price of Venom would fall because the demand for it just isn’t there to support the price it’s at now. As for Dusk / Dawn….there may be a reduction, but it would most likely be negligible.Precursors….ALL precursors….are meant to be rare. Rarity usually comes with a price. I’m sure the intent of the low world and Mystic Forge drop rate was to keep precursors rare. I doubt ArenaNet could have predicted the disparity between Venom and Dusk…..but the fact is, the demand for Dusk is much higher than the demand for Venom, therefore, the price players are willing to pay for it is higher. If players didn’t want the item as badly as they do, the price wouldn’t be as high as it is.
Please take the time and read this article:
In particular, the section on “Excess Demand”. Maybe then you’ll truly understand what’s going on with these highly popular precursors.
I think you should reread the title of this topic(which you wrote). Supply and demand have an impact on price. If supply is increase price surely will drop.
How does tripling the mystic forge rate not cause the price to drop. If it cost an average of 200 gold to make a precursor, it will sell for 200 gold on TP. If Anet release more precursor in every event the price will be lower already. If the super adventure box event actually drop precursor the price will be low already.
Anet keep precursor price high because they want to sell more gem and they do want people to grind. Anet is doing exactly what every f2p games I played is doing. Make enormous gold sink so some people will buy gem. And making grindy content because they dont’ have infinit resource to make infinit content.
So can you stop with the obvious that item supply do have an impact on price and the more supply the lower the price will be.
And please stop telling me demand have an impact on price. Yes I get it, I said I agree so many times already. But so does the supply of item which you neglect it the entire time.
And you keep saying Anet don’t control the price. Oh wait, ya they don’t. They just take a back seat. Keep the price high because they want it so they can sell more gem and keep people playing their game because they don’t have enough content. Seriously it take 1500 cof runs to get a legendary. Don’t you think that number is a bit absurd?
There is also the double edge sword of people leaving the game because of precursors. And it is not like it is rare for that to happen ether, i know personally of many cases of people that left the game that where regular buyers of gems cause of how soul crushing anet made precursors. And you can tell that player base in general is not happy with how precursors are being handled.
(edited by Shinji.2063)