Sales Tax in Tyria?

Sales Tax in Tyria?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: stpetemermaid.5947


Don’t forget The Vigil, The Order of Whispers, and The Priory folks. They must get funding from somewhere. They probably have pretty powerful lobbyists.

Sales Tax in Tyria?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Maxxian.3980


I propose a full audit of the BLTP. I believe the BLTP is in bed with Anet because when the TP was unstable for two weeks…who bailed Black Lion out? Thats right, Anet…the governing body of Tyria.

As stated by others I believe the BLTP is speding the millions of gold they “sinked” out of the econmy to lobby against Anet to keep the mystic forge drop rates as low as possible. I mean, you buy a thousand items from the TP, pay your 15%, throw them into the mystic forge and what do you get? Thats right, another trip to the BLTP…brilliant!

…eh I am trying too hard…

Sales Tax in Tyria?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: SparkStormrider.4512


This thead is flawed. Hilarious, but flawed.

The 15% is not a tax, but a commission to Black Lion Trading Company. They are the only service provider (and have somehow managed to disable even direct barter between people) so they can charge what they want. And as a private company, they can also spend the profits as they see fit. If it’s narcotics and w… courtesans, they are entitled to it (as long as both are legal in Tyria).

Live with it or don’t trade

Tyria needs to have something to stop the monopoly strangle hold that the Black Lion Trading Company has. This 15% tax, is keeping us down! I’m part of the 100%!!!!

In war the worst thing you could do is die for your country, make the other jerk die for his!

Sales Tax in Tyria?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Munrock.3092


This thread makes me want to see a rival trade company set up in a future expansion. They companies could dynamically adjust their rates in response to who was getting more business, and trading posts all over the world could open up or shut down depending on how business was doing, which could open up dynamic events and affect the world in other ways.

Sales Tax in Tyria?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Snoring Sleepwalker.9073

Snoring Sleepwalker.9073

This thread makes me want to see a rival trade company set up in a future expansion. They companies could dynamically adjust their rates in response to who was getting more business, and trading posts all over the world could open up or shut down depending on how business was doing, which could open up dynamic events and affect the world in other ways.

So a series of bribes and hostile takeovers until one of the trade companies figures out how to bribe a dragon into helping with hostile takeovers.

Sales Tax in Tyria?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: dirtyklingon.2918


what do you guys think pays for all those guards in every town and outpost? those guards have families you know. and they want to retire some day.

who doesn’t love wow clones?

Sales Tax in Tyria?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Anka.5086


Queen Jennah is planning to use the funds gathered from TP for the new goal she set for all Tyria. Her highness wants us to send a Charr, Quggan and Human at the end of the decade to The Eternal Alchemy. The plan is for these brave explorers to stay there until they find some ground breaking results to help us better understand The Eternal Alchemy and defeat elder dragons.
And on a side note the Quaggan is there to better understand if The Eternal Alchemy’s properties can improve food taste. Her highness wants special main course for her next jubilee. Human and charr explorer are there to make sure taste is up to high standard. xD

Sales Tax in Tyria?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: mtpelion.4562


Holy Thread Necro Batman!

Server: Devona’s Rest

Sales Tax in Tyria?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: cattylac.6512


The tax is used to clean up after the pigeons. Birds are messy eaters and leave a lot of chaff. Also the statues might need cleaned.