T6 mat prices
I’m in the same boat as you. Have been playing since launch and I have barely x100 of each t6 mat. This has become an issue worse than precursors and lodestones. Obviously, A-Net doesn’t care about how items are obtained in their game and not to mention TP prices. Making one-time monthly events is more important than the state of their game apperantly.
T6 mats are indeed incredibly painful. However: I noticed a tendency of creatures like risen spiders and reef riders dropping the T6 venom sacs. I’m trying to find and track this pattern, but of course it’s hard to pin down.
Heh, lets not also get started on globs of ectoplasm…oh god. sells kidney on black market
Im glad you made this post and I agree with all of you because I am in the exact same boat. t6 mats are definitely going up faster than i can farm and its making me very sad. I love this game and will continue to play it every day, but please please please arenanet just higher the drop rates on t6 mats and ectos to stabilize the market… Isn’t that a simple fix to this complex problem?
i feel your pain: legendary farmers.
And this is the problem
There’s hundreds, thousands of people all in that boat, and it’s a bit low in the water trying to support you all.
The simple fix is to up drop rate, the question is whether it’s a real problem, or a first world problem that needs intervention. (I’d argue yes, since this situation just makes traders like me filthy rich, and kicks the adventurers in the kittens, adventurers do need to get cut some slack now and then to keep things fun)
Garnished Toast
(edited by Ryuujin.8236)
I think the problem is multi-faceted, which is why a simple answer has to take account its effects on other aspects of the game/economy as well. That OR this high price of t6 mat/ecto is intended (or at least their ideal state of prices). In which case, expect prices to skyrocket and gold to depreciate its value until we get some more gold sinks in game.
Working as intended.
To keep you treading water but not under it. You want something buy gems and convert to gold.
They keep the grind the way it is so you log in every day and do your thing and are about even at the end of it.
Want to lesson the grind – you got it buy gems.
They dont have an incentive to make it easy for players their job is to keep you playing and paying. (consistent loot nerfs every other week)
Fun,fairness and equality do not enter this equation.
Your only other option is to stumble on an exploit and use it. sorry to tell you but that is how things are.
The problem is everyone and their mother is working on legendaries because it’s one of the few things to work towards long term.