Do oiled sacks really hold junk? Why not consumables?
I use an oiled bag for junk. Put it at the bottom of your inventory tabs and make your window small so you never have to see the junk items in your bag again. The only way I see junk items is by scrolling down my inventory.
It is nice because then I don’t have to sell junk every time I go to a vendor. I can just let them build up and get a some nice payouts when I do finally go to sell them.
Stack of 250 bones for 15s? Ya Ill take that money now!
Teulux I can just click the ‘sell junk’ whenever I see a vender and voilà, no more junk in my inventory; I agree that the oiled bag is functionally obselete
I understand that button is there but the point is now I don’t HAVE to click that button every time I go to a vendor to buy something. There is more then enough room in the bags to put 1 Oiled at the bottom of the list and then never worry about junk again.
Um i think there is a bag you can craft that prioritizes craftable mats.
Um i think there is a bag you can craft that prioritizes craftable mats.
Are you implying that this is the same as consumables?
Um i think there is a bag you can craft that prioritizes craftable mats.
Are you implying that this is the same as consumables?
Eh sorry i misread. I read it as craftables for some reason. Carry on and ignore the sleepy SiNoS.
im sorry but this is crazy. what other game lets you have specific bags for stuff. why are you complaining exactly? i mean is it that hard to hit deposit collectibles, sell all junk, and compact? its 3 freakin button clicks and BAMM managed inventory.
im sorry but this is crazy. what other game lets you have specific bags for stuff.
WoW does <.<
At least there the specialized bags are bigger since they only hold that type of item :/
im sorry but this is crazy. what other game lets you have specific bags for stuff. why are you complaining exactly? i mean is it that hard to hit deposit collectibles, sell all junk, and compact? its 3 freakin button clicks and BAMM managed inventory.
Did you read the thread before posting? The point is that these features you describe make special junk bags obsolete. I am proposing an update to make these bags useful again -noone was complaining how efficient Anet has made inventory management.
Currently leatherworkers are stuck with a crafting option (oiled bags) that nobody really wants or needs because of the sell junk button. An oiled bag that carried food by default would be much more useful item for them to craft.
(edited by Rain King.5914)
Trying to remember what the invisible bags do… That for crafting?
Invisible bags keep stuff from being compacted or showing up on the ‘sell’ list at a vendor