Eternity-When Will It Be Worthwhile?

Eternity-When Will It Be Worthwhile?

in Crafting

Posted by: hazenvirus.8154


I’ve been observing all the changes to Eternity and it feels like they just took the easy way out, not that it turned out badly. The major problems ANet seemed to have that delayed Eternity was the inability to change footstep effects with the day night changes as well as the auras being a little buggy. (The Sunrise aura appearing briefly before switching to Twilight aura at night.)Throwing the weapon, Bladetrail, also appeared to be broken for the same reason. Maybe the current code doesn’t support the ability changing as the weapon does?

How did arena net fix this?
- One footstep effect for both, no more effect swapping.
- One aura, no more effect swapping.
- Bladetrail (Warrior #4 Skill), still not fixed. (for the same reasons the were forced to go without the swapping effects?).
- No more burst when drawing/equiping the weapon. (for the same reasons the were forced to go without the swapping effects?).
- The burst could be fixed if the burst was just the footstep image, but if it is tied to the actual blade effect then it might make sense why this wasn’t implemented.
- Gem on pommel to differentiate from standard Twilight/Sunrise user.

My thoughts on Eternity

- The pommel gem is a little gaudy. People look like candle sticks as they run around.
- The aura and footstep effects are great, but I think they are supposed to be some sort of amalgamation between Sunrise and Twilight, since ANet can’t manage changing auras /footsteps with the day/night cycle properly. They couldn’t get two separate effects working, so they took the halfway route and it turned out very good.
- I would also rather have a new sword model that didn’t switch and had the footsteps image on the blade with a more interesting hilt (drop the candle stick gem and keep it more elegant)
- Fix player animations when throwing their legendary (this goes for the shield too!)

What I’m waiting for before I craft Eternity. (I can even look past the candlestick handle pommel gem if they get these two things right)

-Burst on drawing the weapon
-Throw Skill Fix (Warrior #4 Skill, Bladetrail)

Finally, one more thing that should be done, but probably won’t. Just give us a drop down menu to choose which one we want when we want!

(edited by hazenvirus.8154)

Eternity-When Will It Be Worthwhile?

in Crafting

Posted by: Lonewolf Kai.3682

Lonewolf Kai.3682

Yeah, I’m still not sure if it’s worth going for an Eternity.

The pommel change was nice, though I’m still undecided on the firework sparkler glow. To me, the pommel gem is a good change but needs to be bigger.

The hilt needs to be different, either a larger, more elaborate version of the two legendaries that it looks like, maybe longer wings or something. Blade is fine; that’s what makes both Twilight and Sunrise so cool, but maybe make it longer too. It’d be nice if it was more pointier rather than bluntly pointed.

The switching is what makes this weapon unique too, but I do like the idea of it being chooseable too.

“Be like water” – Bruce Lee

Eternity-When Will It Be Worthwhile?

in Crafting

Posted by: hazenvirus.8154


Yeah, I’m still not sure if it’s worth going for an Eternity.

The pommel change was nice, though I’m still undecided on the firework sparkler glow. To me, the pommel gem is a good change but needs to be bigger.

The hilt needs to be different, either a larger, more elaborate version of the two legendaries that it looks like, maybe longer wings or something. Blade is fine; that’s what makes both Twilight and Sunrise so cool, but maybe make it longer too. It’d be nice if it was more pointier rather than bluntly pointed.

The switching is what makes this weapon unique too, but I do like the idea of it being chooseable too.

I like the shape myself, but I agree that the hilt could use a change. maybe a new hilt that appears on both blades. I also am starting to think that the blade itself could be slightly enlarged on Eternity.

If I could get one thing changed though about the current Eternity though, it would be to have us dual wield Twilight and Sunrise instead of swapping between the two during the night/day cycle

Eternity-When Will It Be Worthwhile?

in Crafting

Posted by: Hearte.6852


On a side note, the transition effect from day to night or night to day is still at least partially bugged; while making the video it wouldn’t change at dusk until I zoned.

The bottom line is that it’s now different than Sunrise/Twilight, but not necessarily better. Now it’s like 1 + 1 = 1.2 or 0.8, depending on your level of enthusiasm. It took them over a year to change it just to this version from being utterly broken before. Now that it’s noticeably “unique” I wouldn’t hold my breath for another year. I wish Eternity worked with these fancy new transmutation splitters to return Sunrise and Twilight, but they don’t.