Mystic Forge + Trident

Mystic Forge + Trident

in Crafting

Posted by: Dusk NL.9561

Dusk NL.9561

So, today i reached my 30 mystic coins, and seeing how i already had Mystic weapons, i decided id try and get my trident upgraded aswell.

went out, bought mats for trident parts, went for the mystic forge and found that you CAN add Orichalcum Trident heads + mystic coins. but the shaft was unavailable (ancient wood shaft).

Went on, googled abit about it and found there is no mystic trident, why would it let me use the trident heads + mystic coin. then block off the shaft? … i spend a good 1.5g on the mats for those 5 shafts + heads …

Mystic Forge + Trident

in Crafting

Posted by: MosquitoMan.6514


The same thing happened to me with the Mystic Shield. I saw the patch notes that said the Mystic items should properly be level 80 now. So I went to make myself the Mystic Shield and it won’t let me put the Orichalcum Backing in.

Mystic Forge + Trident

in Crafting

Posted by: ratatonga.9468


ahhhhh, i’m getting mad xD

i have another thread about the issue but there is no response from anet a bout that problelm :’(

any statement from you guys? =)


Mystic Forge + Trident

in Crafting

Posted by: ThundernLightning.7508


Obviously there is another recipe that involves trident heads and mystic coins

Mystic Forge + Trident

in Crafting

Posted by: ratatonga.9468


you mean the recipe is implemented, its just different to the other 10 weapons that follow the same pattern? oO

makes no sense to me


Mystic Forge + Trident

in Crafting

Posted by: LinseyMurdock


Game Designer


Looks like there is a bug in both the shield and trident recipes, I’m looking into it. I’ll do a pass on all the Mystic weapon recipes and see if I can catch any other bugs while I am at it.

Lead Designer – Living World

Mystic Forge + Trident

in Crafting

Posted by: LinseyMurdock



Game Designer


The focus is also bugged, everything else looks good. I’m working on getting a fix in for these three recipes in an upcoming Live build. Thanks for the report guys and just hang tight, your money was not wasted on those materials!

Also, as a quick note, please do try to be patient with us when you report issues like this. We have a lot going on and are doing our best to be as responsive as possible. We absolutely care about these issues even if it takes a little while to get a response from us! <3

Lead Designer – Living World

Mystic Forge + Trident

in Crafting

Posted by: ratatonga.9468


thanks a lot! =)


Mystic Forge + Trident

in Crafting

Posted by: Strenif.4935


You rock Linsey! Nice to see the Devs scanning the boards.

Mystic Forge + Trident

in Crafting

Posted by: ratatonga.9468


no new build since 4 days… whyyyyyyyyyyy? :’-(

you spammed builds much more often the last weeks and now, still bugs everywhere but no fixes?

i saw a dev post mention something about 1st october for a live build? can’t be that long??


Mystic Forge + Trident

in Crafting

Posted by: fyren.9032


Hello, there was a patch yesterday but nothing about the mystic focus / trident are mentionned in it.

Are they debug ?

Mystic Forge + Trident

in Crafting

Posted by: LinseyMurdock



Game Designer

  • Fixed recipes for the Mystic Artifact, Mystic Barricade, and Mystic Trident.

In the 9/25 build

Lead Designer – Living World