The Minstrel STILL doesn't look legendary...
It’s a lot better than what we had, I wouldn’t complain, and having it on Asura, i’ve had loads of people ask me compared to normal what it was.
It looks much better now, the notes are big and a lot, you basically look like a walking orchestra
The flying notes can be seen for sure now, and it leaves a nice trail like footsteps. Could use more improvement when compared to things like Twilight but definitely better than exotic.
Don’t give us any more special effects, just make it a playable instrument. We still don’t have a lute instrument. Legendaries don’t need to be cookie cutter: aura, footsteps, blah blah blah. Make all Legendaries unique.
Unfortunately the effects get covered up by my bolt -_-
Queen Of The Moors (Blackgate)
Deaths Fear [Fear] / The Hardcore Caravan [HC]
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Deaths Fear [Fear] / The Hardcore Caravan [HC]
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