Kiel Won - Deal with it

Kiel Won - Deal with it

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: Junkfist.1760


i did voted for Kiel

Spoken like a Kiel supporter.

Nobody should care about the dumb RP reasons for voting for a generic Mary Sue white woman.

They should care about the content they deliver.

And hers is crap.

The slim minority of players who spend more time and money on this game are embittered because the slim majority made a dumb decision and this will have an effect on their relationship with the game in the future.

And the game will have no choice but to deal with that.

Kiel Won - Deal with it

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: Denial Of Service.5732

Denial Of Service.5732

i did voted for Kiel

Spoken like a Kiel supporter.

Nobody should care about the dumb RP reasons for voting for a generic Mary Sue white woman.

They should care about the content they deliver.

And hers is crap.

The slim minority of players who spend more time and money on this game are embittered because the slim majority made a dumb decision and this will have an effect on their relationship with the game in the future.

And the game will have no choice but to deal with that.

So “apocaliptic”

I LOL at people like this, “if you dont share my point of view about what i like and dislike it means you are not allowed to vote”

PLEASE!!! show me a chart where it proves that theory i have put a lot of effort and money on this game too

Kiel Won - Deal with it

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: OtakuDFifty.2965


Do you seriously believe that “majority” won? The vote was rigged from the start. 52/48 breakdown over 2 weeks, I’m guessing they will post the results and they will still be 52/48.

More people disagree with me than agree with me = rigged.

Kiel Won - Deal with it

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: Junkfist.1760


So “apocaliptic”

I LOL at people like this, “if you dont share my point of view about what i like and dislike it means you are not allowed to vote”

PLEASE!!! show me a chart where it proves that theory i have put a lot of effort and money on this game too

Considering how you post and spell, I doubt you’d understand any chart I give you.

Kiel Won - Deal with it

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: Gabby.3205


Wolf’s teeth, people, this is nothing game breaking (for now) O_o
It is just one fractal. One tiny piece of the history of Tyria.
Why does it matter so much? I understand that you guys wanted to see Abaddon’s fall, I wanted both fractals tbh, but we can’t always get what we want. Win some, lose some.
Maybe you guys will enjoy the new fractal after giving it a try. Who knows? Maybe you will even hope for it to show up, like how I always hope for Cliffside because it is so epic.

Tarnished Coast
Astrid Strongheart, Norn Ranger.
“I wish juvenile wolves were bigger”

Kiel Won - Deal with it

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: DarksunG.9537


It means WE as a majority selected what we tought would be the most fittest character to that position and thats what voting means, the majority selects a leader.

Actually this election was not based on majority rules.

Anyways, I’ll laugh so hard if Kiel ends up being Scarlet.

It'll also be more realistic than the "People who make profit are evil" Kiel party line. It will at least make her character more interesting.

Kiel Won - Deal with it

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: Kirschwasser.3972


It means WE as a majority selected what we tought would be the most fittest character to that position and thats what voting means, the majority selects a leader.

Actually this election was not based on majority rules.

Anyways, I’ll laugh so hard if Kiel ends up being Scarlet.

It'll also be more realistic than the "People who make profit are evil" Kiel party line. It will at least make her character more interesting.

It was profit at the expense of other’s lives, to be fair.

Kiel Won - Deal with it

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: Denial Of Service.5732

Denial Of Service.5732

So “apocaliptic”

I LOL at people like this, “if you dont share my point of view about what i like and dislike it means you are not allowed to vote”

PLEASE!!! show me a chart where it proves that theory i have put a lot of effort and money on this game too

Considering how you post and spell, I doubt you’d understand any chart I give you.

Oh right because i dont speak MURICAN good? come on i know 3 languages im allowed to not type properly sometimes.

or would you rather speak in spanish with me?