If you meeb it you weep it.
Meep is amazing. I bet on her cause there’s either a moa or a person in Queensdale named Mrs. Meep, won first twice in a row. When she lost i knew better to pick her again for a little while so I randomly selected some of the other choices (never pick Mystery) and won first and second most of the time. But MEEEEEEP is my favorite.
Hah I think Meep does have the best name though. Just saying it is fun! MEEEEEEEP
Mortt is the best Moa, though maybe I’m somehow biased towards that one…
First bet on him/her/it got me 2nd place. That’s as far as I’m gambling with this.
I am The No.
Very interesting analysis. Thanks!
Chops Mcgee, of Anvil Rock