Marjory is really beautiful.
Please, Anet, listen to the players.
I definitely would buy a make up kit to copy marjory delaqua face. In fact, it is missing more eastern face options in the game.
I prefer Marjory.
Kasmeer is too much of a barbie-doll for my tastes.
Can we get an in-game playboy magazine of her and her blonde friend, whatever her name is?
You know, for the articles.
This was straight hilarious… just saying…. lol
Is there some rule that beautiful women can’t be strong and sarcastic or something?
There is nothing beautiful about sarcasm.
Set a man on fire, and he’ll be warm the rest of his life.
– Unknown Fire Elementalist
Is there some rule that beautiful women can’t be strong and sarcastic or something?
There is nothing beautiful about sarcasm.
Oh I don’t know, I’ve met a few women that were sarcastic and I thought they were beautiful because of it.
They were sharp in the mind too, that might have been a factor.
Also I’m sorry for that, but… Delaqua, Velazquez… Am I the only one seeing similarities in those surnames? Doern was even hinting something that he’s Canthan.
I thought Cantha was Asian-themed. Velazquez is more Hispanic sounding and Delaqua, that sounds French to me, but it may be a made up surname, not sure.
As for Doern, I’d have to go back and confirm, but I though he was from Elona, not Cantha.
Marjory’s very cute, but I’m more attracted to Kasmeer.
All these posts and noone has a screen of what she looks like?
It’s all I got unless I can play the cinematic again.
She’s beautiful because she’s Canthan.
Am I the only one who thinks Lady Kasmeer at the end of the cutscene has a case of kitten face? Love this cut scene though otherwise
As for Doern, I’d have to go back and confirm, but I though he was from Elona, not Cantha.
Please do, I’d appreciate that, because I dumped all my screenshots from that convo. I did used wrong words though, he was rather hinting he’s from somewhere else than Kryta. I thought Cantha, because he looks canthan rather than elonian to me (I mean, IMO he doesn’t look elonian at all).
Both surnames sound similar, I’m a bit homesick for Cantha, thus I made this quick assumption.