Weapon Skin Ticket Chance

Weapon Skin Ticket Chance

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: Necro Lazarus.5697

Necro Lazarus.5697

Small suggestion, wouldn’t it have made better sense for the weapon ticket drops to be 1 in 300 chance, that would tie nicely in with the killing of 300 minions. Kill 300 minions you’ve got the achievement and you’ve got a ticket.

Atleast you’d know that the grind was completely worth it. I’ve killed my 300 minions now and probably opened double that in coffers, and still no ticket. I would of loved 1 ticket, but there’s no need for me to kill minions now, I’ll have to rely on the regular mobs for my ticket.

Weapon Skin Ticket Chance

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: jokke.6239


Higher chance of receiving the ticket would gain A Net less profit. I’m not trying to argue with you, but that is just the way it is. There is still many players buying gem store RNG boxes.

And even if they give us a higher chance of getting the ticket there will still be the 1% who doesn’t get the ticket in 100000 coffers.

Still, this month has been very improved in the way of obtaining a ticket. Compared to fused and sclerite tickets, the odds of getting the tickets has been very much improved. At least we can appreciate that.

Weapon Skin Ticket Chance

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: Bern.9613


So the thing about 1 in X number chance to get something is, every time you click an event coffer/box/item/whatever, you reset the chance. Case and point. I saved up 100 coffers, zip; 250 coffers, zip; 1 coffer, weapon ticket. True story. After opening 250 in a row and nothing but candy to make me sick (asurans are hilarious) I started to open each one as I got them.

So to those that are saving thousands upon thousands thinking their chances to get tickets/wings/minis have increased. Ummmm no. Think of it as rolling dice and not playing BINGO. Each time you roll the dice, you pick them up and roll again.

Sorry to burst your bubble bud but that’s the truth of the matter.

Weapon Skin Ticket Chance

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: Red Storm.6430

Red Storm.6430

I’m very disappointed with the chances of getting Dragon Weapon Skin tickets! I spent $50.00 on 4,000 gems and bought 50 Rich Coffers and didn’t get a Dragon Weapon Skin ticket, all I got was candy! I would think if I’m spending hard earned cash, enough to buy a new game, I should have gotten that ticket!

I was talking with someone in game and he got 2 in like 5 min he said. He got them so easily, he didn’t realize how rare they were, so he deleted them.

I want my Dragon Weapon Skin ticket!

(edited by Red Storm.6430)

Weapon Skin Ticket Chance

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: Jam.4521


As the above poster said, chance is chance, some people have got it in less than 50, less than 10, some in more than 1000. It doesn’t matter what the actual number is, its still chance and therefore not guarantee’d no matter how many you open.


Weapon Skin Ticket Chance

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: Minevra.3270


I won’t lie, I’m also slightly disappointed that the drop for the tickets isn’t more generous, the jade skin are super attractive and would look very fetching on some of my alts. I consider myself fortunate to have gotten a ticket from a batch of 50 rich coffers I purchased the other day, I would have probably continued to purchase more of the rich coffers until I had each of the various skins I wanted, but since I only wanted them for my alts (who I really don’t play all that often) I decided against wasting my money, which works out better for me in the long run.

At least we are able to try to get tickets from regular coffers, and I’ve had no problem getting an abundance of those. I’ve yet to get a ticket from the regular coffers, however I have made quite a few silver selling extra candies. Once again, good for me in the long run.

I just wish I could sell off some of my extra fireworks. :/

Weapon Skin Ticket Chance

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: Kaizz.7306


I spent $50.00 on 4,000 gems and bought 50 Rich Coffers

Stop doing that. Seriously. This is the reason ANet is going this route because people are still not understanding how big of a real money sink that is. I, personally, didn’t mind wasting $30 on a game. I have a separate bank account that I use to blow on games. The rich coffers just have a [slightly, if any] higher chance of getting a ticket. They never said “If you buy a rich coffer you will get a ticket.” I got my ticket off a regular dragon Coffer, as did most of the people I hear with the ticket.