Escape from Lion's Arch - Trailer discussion
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: LanfearShadowflame.3189
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: LanfearShadowflame.3189
ponders quietly
Not quite sure how I feel about this honestly. I mean, yeah sure I’m all for things changing in the world, but… yeah I don’t know. I guess we’ll just see how it turns out I guess.
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: JakeG.9620
1 word
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: kristof.7182
Sorry, if you didn’t know it’s coming, it looks like you read only achievement tab, not the dialogue. I was 100% sure this is coming after interview where dev told us, that we’ll get exciting living story related to Sylvari.
And about trailer, if it’s really real, it will be awesome. Finally, living story in world plagued by dragons not by another mini-game. Amazing!
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: Manuhell.2759
You had one job, Ellen Kiel. One Job.
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: Antara.3189
You had one job, Ellen Kiel. One Job.
She’s been off “Saving the world” again, well. not this time KIEL.
Should had voted Evon
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: Nick.6972
I haven’t touched Living Story since the Tequati update, and I don’t care about the achievements, they’re all 0/0 to me.
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: lakdav.3694
Im mostly interested how this will fit into the personal story. Not because i have characters camping in their PS just after the racial stories, but because this will pretty much show us how ANet plans to make PS and LS work together… or collide.
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: Verow.6904
this is the most exciting patch preview so far for me at least, but man its killing me that they dont put up those previe pages like they used to.
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: Atra Culpa.5012
If Snake Plissken isn’t there, I will be very disappointed!
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: Tobias Trueflight.8350
Our favorite mechanized marvel takes on a new title…
Bravely throwing himself in the face of danger to rescue citizens because…YOLO!!!
(Not official…but should be
You know it’s going to be named “Oh-No Tron”. You know it.
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: Dalanor.5387
You had one job, Ellen Kiel. One Job.
The only character i want to see annihilated in the most violent way …
And a bro hug from Evon after that.
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: Ouimette.5902
Couldn’t care any less what happened to LA.
Are we getting any new real content? Dungeon? Instance?This.
Congratulations, Anet, you’re doing exactly what most people expected you to do, destroy LA. You’re now jumping on the bandwagon that Blizzard started with Catacylsm, ableit a few years late.
And that’s all fine and dandy, but what does that mean for the players? Is LA going to become a new dungeon? Is this a new explorable “elite” area like the Tower of Nightmares was? What’s going to happen when this update is gone, is LA just going to be a smoldering ruin with a few angry mobs that no one will bother going to outside of world completion?
And the most important question of all: Is this the big, epic, sweeping change to the world that will rock Tyria to it’s core? Because if it is…Than once again, I am dissappoint.
It also doesn’t help that this is part 3 of 4 of the finale, and unless there’s some big, epic reveal at the end of it regarding Scarlet’s motives, than hey guess what, we’ll be going into the final update completely blind of what Scarlet’s plan is, and I’m sure you’ll shove it down our throats in one big paragraph instead of telling it a crossed the past year like you should have.
It’s really difficult to get excited for an update when the trailer posted for it has one minute of “Oh look pretty LA views with recap” and 15 seconds of actual new content featured. And as others have said, destroying a capital city in an MMO is nothing new, nor novel.
It would be really nice if we could go back to how things were prior to Origins of Madness, and have a nice preview page of what the update will entail a week before, instead of a minute long trailer that usually doesn’t even show anything other than 10-15 seconds of content.
It’s teaser trailer. Not meant to give us everything in advance. Living story is finally starting to get a foothold and give us player a more intersting story than some mario jumping 8-bit world(in 3d) or a dragon festival. I’ve seen and studied enough cinematography to see that Guild Wars 2 is for certain making a story not unpredictable. But Anet has done a well job to keep some key elements that still makes the upcoming events in season 1 a mystery.
But this is what I believe will most likely happen.
<Scarlet will die but probably become Ceara in her final moments.
<Destiny’s Edge 2.0 will lose one of it’s members(probably Kasmeer or Delaqua)
<New enemy will reveal itself. Since Scarlet is probably sane deep down. This new enemy is just downright evil or has a very egoistic agenda.
<The enemy is so strong that Tyria has to once again unite.
And with all that. We now have a pretty solid ground to start from regarding season 2. Since season 1 has been played out like this, been slow paced and with more character development(in the most recent releases). Season 2 could most likely be more filled with content and eventfull releases. This is only concerning the story. All holiday releases such a Super Adventure Box, Dragon Bash and Halloween is probably just gonna be a ctrl+c ctrl+v were we get to experience the same thing as last year but some new added things.
Season 1 was just a year with a lot of W T F moments blended into a patch that released every 14 days.
Just like the personal story, were we knew what the conclusion would come down to.
Season 2 of living story will deliver the same thing. Anet will have a good red thread to follow and build around and we players will now probably a year in advance wait for what will happen in the end. Let’s just hope Season 2 will be better than personal story
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: Walhalla.5473
You had one job, Ellen Kiel. One Job.
We should have helped the Aetherblades to kill the rest of the council. They are the ones who wouldn’t lift a finger. Kiel wants to build up the defenses of Lion’s Arch, but the other Councilors don’t want to hear such things because Lion’s Arch has withstood many attacks and of course, Scarlet will not attack again cough.
Can somebody please kill at least one more councilor, so we can have both Evon and Kiel? Both posess common sense and Evon has more money than all players together.
Speaking of money, couldn’t he just convince the council that Lion’s Arch needs to be defended? With a few extra gold
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: Delvoire.8930
Couldn’t care any less what happened to LA.
Are we getting any new real content? Dungeon? Instance?This.
Congratulations, Anet, you’re doing exactly what most people expected you to do, destroy LA. You’re now jumping on the bandwagon that Blizzard started with Catacylsm, ableit a few years late.
And that’s all fine and dandy, but what does that mean for the players? Is LA going to become a new dungeon? Is this a new explorable “elite” area like the Tower of Nightmares was? What’s going to happen when this update is gone, is LA just going to be a smoldering ruin with a few angry mobs that no one will bother going to outside of world completion?
And the most important question of all: Is this the big, epic, sweeping change to the world that will rock Tyria to it’s core? Because if it is…Than once again, I am dissappoint.
It also doesn’t help that this is part 3 of 4 of the finale, and unless there’s some big, epic reveal at the end of it regarding Scarlet’s motives, than hey guess what, we’ll be going into the final update completely blind of what Scarlet’s plan is, and I’m sure you’ll shove it down our throats in one big paragraph instead of telling it a crossed the past year like you should have.
It’s really difficult to get excited for an update when the trailer posted for it has one minute of “Oh look pretty LA views with recap” and 15 seconds of actual new content featured. And as others have said, destroying a capital city in an MMO is nothing new, nor novel.
It would be really nice if we could go back to how things were prior to Origins of Madness, and have a nice preview page of what the update will entail a week before, instead of a minute long trailer that usually doesn’t even show anything other than 10-15 seconds of content.
Everyone already know’s the “big” reveal that’s going to happen thanks to reddit and data miners. Expect the most predictable thing.
Here’s a hint, look at the GW2 logo.
I don’t use reddit. Can you link this or any information on the reddit string and data mine?
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: Rebound.3409
I would personally be impressed if this is a permanent change. No more coming back to LA (except some kind of instance to get the main story). If it’s temporary…it will be indeed massive…but nothing to care for….knowing in my mind that “doesn’t matter…give it a few weeks and it will be the same stuff all over again”.
Better start making permanent changes if u want to your LS to have a permanent impact on the world and the player himself. Till u do this.. nothing really matters.
I still hope they somehow learned what permanent changes mean in an MMO.
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: JayMack.8295
I’ve avoided the ‘big reveal’ spoiler, but considering the words people are using to describe it, which I now can’t unread, I’ve pretty much figured it out.
Still, will be interesting to see how badly destroyed LA gets.
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: Simonoly.4352
As long as this isn’t accompanied with the same technical issues that ruined the Karka assault on LA, it should be a blast.
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: Elestian.6134
Based just on the video, I can tell nothing of what kind of content this update will bring, and since ANet no longer does the splash pages (a big mistake — I loved reading them and looked forward to those more than these videos), I don’t know what new items/features there will be, if any.
That said, just in terms of the LS arc, this is one of the few updates I feel like I can get excited about. This is the attack we’ve been expecting. This is the beginning of what the entire LS has (hopefully) been building up to.
It’s make-or-break time for ANet, and I really hope they deliver.
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: Elric.6971
<Scarlet will die but probably become Ceara in her final moments.
<Destiny’s Edge 2.0 will lose one of it’s members(probably Kasmeer or Delaqua)
<New enemy will reveal itself. Since Scarlet is probably sane deep down. This new enemy is just downright evil or has a very egoistic agenda.
<The enemy is so strong that Tyria has to once again unite.
Something about all this made me throw up in my mouth a bit.
Enough of this half-baked living story stuff the developers insist on running as some “Grand epic” storyline. Please, just let us have normal GW1 style expansions, permanent content, bug fixes, and so forth.
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: IlMattoCavaliere.4013
I will hope that Lion Arch will be destroyed, and the forge moved on an istance or a place full of mob, not that easy to use like now.
And wich will be the new city?
Dunno, mabe the Silvary Capital or Divine Reach… a wonderfull city.
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: Celestina.2894
I will hope that Lion Arch will be destroyed, and the forge moved on an istance or a place full of mob, not that easy to use like now.
And wich will be the new city?
Dunno, mabe the Silvary Capital or Divine Reach… a wonderfull city.
It sounds like Vigil Keep will be the new location for portals, forge, fractals etc.
So I imagine that will become the new gathering spot? I didn’t think of that tbh.
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: lakdav.3694
This will be the update where Zommoros comes out of the Forge and rain some hell down on Scarlet with the massive amounts of exotic weaponry we have been feeding to the toilet.
If this doesnt happen, i want to see the forge broken and Zommoros a lootable corpse with 1 guaranteed exotic XD
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: Delvoire.8930
Couldn’t care any less what happened to LA.
Are we getting any new real content? Dungeon? Instance?This.
Congratulations, Anet, you’re doing exactly what most people expected you to do, destroy LA. You’re now jumping on the bandwagon that Blizzard started with Catacylsm, ableit a few years late.
And that’s all fine and dandy, but what does that mean for the players? Is LA going to become a new dungeon? Is this a new explorable “elite” area like the Tower of Nightmares was? What’s going to happen when this update is gone, is LA just going to be a smoldering ruin with a few angry mobs that no one will bother going to outside of world completion?
And the most important question of all: Is this the big, epic, sweeping change to the world that will rock Tyria to it’s core? Because if it is…Than once again, I am dissappoint.
It also doesn’t help that this is part 3 of 4 of the finale, and unless there’s some big, epic reveal at the end of it regarding Scarlet’s motives, than hey guess what, we’ll be going into the final update completely blind of what Scarlet’s plan is, and I’m sure you’ll shove it down our throats in one big paragraph instead of telling it a crossed the past year like you should have.
It’s really difficult to get excited for an update when the trailer posted for it has one minute of “Oh look pretty LA views with recap” and 15 seconds of actual new content featured. And as others have said, destroying a capital city in an MMO is nothing new, nor novel.
It would be really nice if we could go back to how things were prior to Origins of Madness, and have a nice preview page of what the update will entail a week before, instead of a minute long trailer that usually doesn’t even show anything other than 10-15 seconds of content.
Everyone already know’s the “big” reveal that’s going to happen thanks to reddit and data miners. Expect the most predictable thing.
Here’s a hint, look at the GW2 logo.I don’t use reddit. Can you link this or any information on the reddit string and data mine?
And….. i just read the spoiler and data mined stuff…
All I can say is wow…. I can’t wait
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: Abhorsen.2187
Hm, a bit annoyed about LA hanging in the balance as it is the main hub for the game, and moving the main hub is very very risky. I also personally find it works well as such and has all we need for a hub and allows you to rp and so forth in it. And with the possibility of everything being moved to the vigil keep..the vigil keep is hardly a city map so in my eyes not suitable unless it is enlarged, as it is just to small
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: Asmodeus.5782
I would love LA to burn… It’s a beautiful place, yes, but it’s silly that we basically have to live there in order to play the game efficiently. Every single capital city needs its Mystic Forge… Y’know, it would be great to see Charr actually LIVING in their kitten citadel. :P
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: Khisanth.2948
If Snake Plissken isn’t there, I will be very disappointed!
That is pretty much the only thing I care about for the release.
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: JJBigs.8456
i will be extremly upset if LA is destroyed or broken and becomes a unusable or unviable city. In GW1, Kamadan was an acceptable city replacement for LA and eventually surpassed LA’s popularity (by far) but if in GW2 they destroy LA, oh wow will i be mad and will have bad repercussions unless the replacement city is as good as Kama and even then it seems not the same
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: Nat.4029
I’ve got no problem with them doing this. The problem I have is, will this be all that we can expect from Anet on the Living World? Will they just continuously change existing zones and not really add any meaningful content to the game? I’m ready for this season to end so that we can see what they’ve been doing “behind the scenes”.
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: Kos Luftar.9214
@ArenaNet, please do not listen to JJBigs.
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: Caerulei.7159
Burn baby burn. I really enjoy the Living World more every update, and I look forward to the changes incoming. I was really glad the last one was WvW, so for a couple weeks I could play something ELSE for once, but I will be running back for this event. Then only one more chapter and Scarlet is finished!!! I am super excited for what the second season of the living world is going to be.
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: Zepher.7803
OMG LA shoulda been destroyed by the Karka, but only the fountain got physically hurt?
let’s get this game into real-mode and have some actual damage NPC’s dying buildings unusable bridges all broke.
if it’s just a token graphical damage that doesn’t really stop anything then whats the point
come to Hoelbrak Scarlet wouldn’t dare touch it
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: Kos Luftar.9214
Fountain was destroyed by Mad King Thorn.
Karak only destroyed the light house. They probably would have destroyed more but all the players were there to drive the Karka back to Southsun.
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: Ashadow.6874
Too bad dude, LA is toast.
Long live Lion’s Arch!
Lion’s Arch is dead!
Long live the NEW Lion’s Arch ( – insert new city name here – ) !!!
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: MastaNeenja.1537
If Snake Plissken isn’t there, I will be very disappointed!
That is pretty much the only thing I care about for the release.
Can he possibly be in every over flow? Maybe he is Snake Plissken after all.
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: Rabe.2456
I don’t mind if Scarlet destroys LA. I just want to watch the world burn…
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: Trolaw.7095
So LA is destroyed but where would all the the refugees go? to the closest possible city most likely, which by a happy co incidence is the TENGU city, all hail our new race
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: Chidori.9483
It would be nice if they replaced it with a new city in orr since zhaitan is dead
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: Kos Luftar.9214
You guys notice Evon Gnashblade running away in the trailer? It seemed like he was running away from the Black Lion Trading Post building which was destroyed and on fire. I think LA is going to be just an explorable mode till at some point we get it back. I hope when we get it back we get to rebuild it and it looks different.
I do not mind if we do not get it back if it becomes a cool new explorable area with totally new DEs after we deal with Scarlet.
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: Delvoire.8930
i will be extremly upset if LA is destroyed or broken and becomes a unusable or unviable city. In GW1, Kamadan was an acceptable city replacement for LA and eventually surpassed LA’s popularity (by far) but if in GW2 they destroy LA, oh wow will i be mad and will have bad repercussions unless the replacement city is as good as Kama and even then it seems not the same
I hope you’re ready to spend a lot of time at the Vigil Keep
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: the L egend.8150
This all looks awesome and personally i don’t mind if the city gets blown to smithereens but I can only wonder what will happen to the personal story missions in lion’s arch like the whispers one where you have to sneak through the city…
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: ArchCalder.3258
Finally, something of major consequence happening to our world!
It was eerie to see a combined assault of the Molten, the Aetherblades, and the Toxic on LA, even if it was just a few seconds in the trailer. About bloody time they get back at us for killing them over and over in both instanced and uninstanced zones. I’m still not sure what Scarlet’s true motives are for this, but I feel certain we’ll find out soon enough (hoping it isn’t a massive text block reveal; let’s get some events underway!).
I feel that ANet is also making an update like this to spark the RP communities serverwide. Even the taverns across DR have been seeing fewer members (and much lower quality RP), and if those major hubs are going, then there is a serious problem (mind you, that’s on Tarnished Coast server). An attack on LA should easily bring the RP back into the game.
New instances? New dungeons? GUILD HALLS? So we don’t see them in this LS. But, come on, this game has a strong future ahead of it. They’ll get to it.
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: Silvercyclone.1462
Too bad dude, LA is toast.
Long live Lion’s Arch!
Lion’s Arch is dead!
Long live the NEW Lion’s Arch ( – insert new city name here – ) !!!
The new city will be name Douglas.
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: aspirine.6852
i will be extremly upset if LA is destroyed or broken and becomes a unusable or unviable city. In GW1, Kamadan was an acceptable city replacement for LA and eventually surpassed LA’s popularity (by far) but if in GW2 they destroy LA, oh wow will i be mad and will have bad repercussions unless the replacement city is as good as Kama and even then it seems not the same
Kamadan, gw2 expansion in elona confirmed.
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: Zhaneel.9208
Meh, sounds like more of their same tired “Out with the old, in with the new” flavoring.
New what exactly? There are no new lands to explore, no expanded areas. It’s like the game is landlocked in it’s own territory.
Maybe the citizens of LA will be forced to seek the aid of the Tengu and go banging on their door yelling and screaming. Yeah, I can keep dreaming. :p
But it’s more likely that this is the last of the temporary content, and people will be able to go back to LA as a town hub after the Scarlet arc ends.
You could have entirely new continents to explore, yet people are excited about one city getting a makeover? Seriously?
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: Dalanor.5387
You could have entirely new continents to explore, yet people are excited about one city getting a makeover? Seriously?
If Anet introduce a new map / zone / whatever, would it be really good? I mean you explore it in a few hours and thats all. Almost all of the current maps has 0 re playable value, that is more important to change, than adding another totally useless zone coughsouthsuncough … And if you exclude world bosses, which are damaging farming nodes basically, there is no point to going out if you done with exploring.
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: Baron Von Graymouse.7801
Our favorite mechanized marvel takes on a new title…
Bravely throwing himself in the face of danger to rescue citizens because…YOLO!!!
(Not official…but should be
You know it’s going to be named “Oh-No Tron”. You know it.
I think he will be named Hero-TRON. The name was “leaked” by one of the developers during the last developer video.
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: Cometknight.9473
Im more excited about the prospects of tearing down by that tengu wall in LA. Still super excited im going knock out map completion with all my toons then repark them in the Vigil keep
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: Vol.7601
Hm, a bit annoyed about LA hanging in the balance as it is the main hub for the game, and moving the main hub is very very risky. I also personally find it works well as such and has all we need for a hub and allows you to rp and so forth in it. And with the possibility of everything being moved to the vigil keep..the vigil keep is hardly a city map so in my eyes not suitable unless it is enlarged, as it is just to small
This won’t change for RP’ers. RP’ers will now have to adjust to the settings around them. They’re now refugees, so they should act like refugees.
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: Avariz.8241
Escape From L.A., coming new content, wait haven’t I see this film before way back years ago…Escape From L.A.
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: wookiee.4631
Some thoughts:
1. Were they implying that Scarlet’s invasion would be worse than the Cataclysm? I’ve seen the spoilers too, but it can’t be worse than the sinking of an entire city all at once.
2. LA really is the New York City of this world, isn’kitten Everyone is out to destroy it!
3. I hope the changes are permanent, but I’m happy that big things will happen either way.
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