Event overflow feedback

Event overflow feedback

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Bricks are cool.6472

Bricks are cool.6472

I’ve only beaten scarlet 3 times but all 3 were on OF’s
so they’re ok with me

“An nullified attribution intended to
convey the absurdity of a statement.”
Said no one ever.

Event overflow feedback

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Smooth Penguin.5294

Smooth Penguin.5294

As long as there’s plenty of people doing it in overflow shouldn’t be much of an issue. First time I did it was in overflow and it didn’t fail once.

Still stuck in overflows, still unable to kill the knights.

[EDIT] Just tried guesting on another server, same story.

This event is a complete and utter joke! Three days now and unable to even get the achievements for killing Scarlet and the Hologram (simple achievements) because of being forced into overflows and groups that cannot even kill one knight, let alone three!

Proposed Fix:
Nerf the bosses in overflows. Simple.

As stated:

Sounds like you’re complaining more about the lack of skill of the players you’re with. Anet shouldn’t be making an “Easy Mode” just because you’re unable to do content. That wouldn’t be fair to those who have to work hard to get the same achievements you’re after.

I would recommend that if you hate failing so much, buy a Commander Tag, and try to lead people to victory. If they don’t listen, you can at least say you tried.

In GW2, Trading Post plays you!

Event overflow feedback

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: SirBigmark.7981


I don’t see any real difference between overflow(s) or main.
People on main are just guys that logged sooner (or are camping afk)?
If event on overflow fail the only possible issue is that there are less players in that specific overflow and since the boss scaling isn’t right the fight is harder.
Then we have a scaling issue.
The suggestion of being able to move from one overflow to another make no sense to me since i dont get how you will be able to tell if the one you choose is filled with “good” or “bad” players.
Random chance is involved with world events, but I found that players a bit less casual tend to guest on some server in particular. That cause the chance to win on those, even if in an overflow, to raise quite a bit.
While guesting on one of those server and while been ALWAYS on some random overflow I won 14 times at least and lost like 2 times.
I’ve tried to explain this to the always present random guy crying in chat that life is so cruel because he is in an overflow but its really hard as english in not my mothertongue, you have to be concise and people don’t really like to accept the fact that their misconception are exposed.

Event overflow feedback

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Jocksy.3415


Problem with overflow is that they might not all be full all the time… Not sure how it works, but when I get on an overflow where we are 15 to fight the knights, then change overflow and get on one where noone fight the knight, then get on yet another overflow that has a zerg finishing the last knight…
I sometimes have to jump OF 10 times before getting on an active one…
OF should get merged when not enough people are on it, and no OF created if not all OF are full…
I have the impression that new OF are created when the last created OF is filled without looking if the OFs before are filled, but that people might still be put in the older OF…

Event overflow feedback

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Alfador.7649


The one benefit of main is you generally know how your server reacts. As a rule, I know how people on TC roll, so I k now what they will find important and what they won’t bother doing. For that reason I prefer main over OF most of the time, but it’s largely irrelevant.

Event overflow feedback

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Tspatula.9086


As stated:

Typing is such chore, isn’t_it? But really, reposting your comments doesn’t give them any greater validity…

To everyone else, unfortunately these LS events are a crap shoot as to whether you get into a good instance or one that isn’t. One thought is to wait a few days for things to cool down, then as much as I dislike the requirement for GTW (Guest to Win) for this stuff, just do that and get into lions arch 15 mins before the hour… if you don’t get into a primary instance, you should still have some chance to get into one that has serious players and a good chance for completion…

edit* lol I had to use isn’t_it because othewise it comes out isn’kitten

Event overflow feedback

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Taygus.4571


As long as there’s plenty of people doing it in overflow shouldn’t be much of an issue. First time I did it was in overflow and it didn’t fail once.

Still stuck in overflows, still unable to kill the knights.

  • Just tried guesting on another server, same story.*

Proposed Fix:
Nerf the bosses in overflows. Simple.

Seems alot of people don’t know this.
It doesn’t matter from which server you are in. If you’re ending up in overflows from your own or guesting.
As overflows are a combination of ALL servers (EU or NA that is)

But yes, Anet really needs to re-organise these events.
A simple scale down if there’s not enough people would be the way .. with a min of maybe 30 people (10 at each knight for example).
(base the scale of the event on total map population if they want… also, SHOW how many people are in the map.
I’ve been in overflows where it felt like there was at most 20 people. Would be nice to know if there were more or not.)

Event overflow feedback

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Gulesave.5073


Has anyzerg tried moving from one assault knight to the next when it’s almost dead, leaving a few behind to finish it slowly? There seems to be a strong buff applied to remaining knights whenever one dies, but splitting up to fight them all outright at the same time doesn’t seem to work. Would whittling them down to a fragment then waiting to kill them off produce better results, and maybe let us get the 6-minute achievement?

I should be writing.

Event overflow feedback

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Rentapest.6503


Another day, another overflow and what a surprise, another failure.

We barely managed to kill ONE knight in the 15min window, and even that didn’t drop loot. sigh

Why are these Knight bosses not nerfed yet? Honestly, they need 50% less hp to be killable in the event.


Event overflow feedback

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Arris.7836


Same here. I just logged in on forum to thank aNet for utterly destroying Knights fight. I can’t believe that none of people that supposedly are paid for their work seriously put thought to recent changes. How increasing toughness, decreasing attunement damage buff and limiting participants to 50 per Knight can make this even better? And while you increase difficulity you reward players with 3x less drop? And that isn’t even what is most dissapointing. Just as Rentapest wrote, forget “6 minutes to knightfall”, entering Scarlet room becomes impossible on overflows. With (supposedly) 50 players on Red (as buff count shows) we manage to kill it in 12 minutes, meanwhile other groups gets 20-25 players and Blue Knight can heal itself. Two fails in a row with not even 2 knights downed as only Red got barely killed in time. Instead of “encouraging” people to split you just discourage players to even try and waste their time on event that on smaller overflows doesn’t reward you and doesn’t give you chance to progress further. Yesterday was “No drop day” but today we have “Only for Chosen Ones day” where only people on main servers or really organised Overflows (with lot of players participating) can actually safely assume they will enter Scarlet fight.

EDIT: Had to censor screenie since let’s say there were words from some players that It is not my place to show.


(edited by Arris.7836)

Event overflow feedback

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Rentapest.6503


Another overflow this evening, another failure.

2x Knight’s actually killed, with green going down as the timer expired! But blue was still on 50% health.

How many more times do we need to ask for these bosses to be nerfed?!


Event overflow feedback

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Smooth Penguin.5294

Smooth Penguin.5294

Another overflow this evening, another failure.

2x Knight’s actually killed, with green going down as the timer expired! But blue was still on 50% health.

How many more times do we need to ask for these bosses to be nerfed?!

See here:


In GW2, Trading Post plays you!

Event overflow feedback

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Dean Calaway.9718

Dean Calaway.9718

Ok first off im not going to bother responding to most of your rant because it is quit obvious that you dont know anything about what your talking about, you probably just like to hear yourself talk.

I do know what I’m talking about, lets see how much you know about what you are talking about.

First some facts:

Yet another long rant only proving again that you dont know what you are talking about and this time that you didnt even read what I wrote. Only enough of it to continue ranting even more.(…)

Can you even read?
You’ve claim I said things I didn’t and you haven’t answered a SINGLE question from my previous posts, not 1.

If that’s your best, your best won’t do.

And unlike you I’ve already made a suggestion that could be implemented and would improve the game experience immensely.

Victoria Cross [VC] – Desolation [EU]

Event overflow feedback

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: linuxotaku.4731


Another overflow this evening, another failure.

2x Knight’s actually killed, with green going down as the timer expired! But blue was still on 50% health.

How many more times do we need to ask for these bosses to be nerfed?!

See here:


The problem with the events isn’t that the knights are really that hard — it’s that they don’t scale down to smaller groups. This is a problem if you’re not on a full map — if you’re on a full map, I don’t think they need to be nerfed. (I haven’t done green, but have done red and blue, as well as seeing them fail due to lack of numbers.)

Yes, players can work around this — but it’s bad design for an open world event. And there’s a simple solution: allow the health to scale down when there are fewer players. There are a few mechanics to learn, but on the whole these are simple DPS tests — reducing the health when you’ve got 5 people on green wouldn’t make it easier for TTS to clean them up in 5m, but it would make the event more fun for people whose worlds can’t muster enough people and who don’t want to camp out to get a slot on a full map elsewhere.

Event overflow feedback

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Mr Grimm.2049

Mr Grimm.2049

Well as much as i like the LS i still haven’t got the chance to face Scarlet and its not because i’m stuck in OF.
I don’t mind being in an OF the problem is just that i can’t choose wich OF i want to join. I have beaten the 3 knights in OF than a “serious error occured” and when i relogged i was in an OF that failed to beat the knights.

Next time i was on an OF and we got to the hologram and when it was almost done a “serious error” occured and when i relogged i was in an OF wich failed at beating the knight.

This is getting annoying so if i maybe could choose to join the OF i was in, even if i have to qeue for that, i may be able to continue where i left of so i would have chance to beat Scarlet once.

Event overflow feedback

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: haviz.1340


How many embers were spawned that day? 150 or a bit less? I can kill lupi in 7 seconds, but it doesn’t mean anet should balance the content (we’re talking about living story) for outliers like those. 7,500 toughness, unscaleable hp, immunity to conditions for half the fight and can’t even stack vulnerability. Anet simply forgot to reduce knights toughness when they changed how attunements work so the fight takes twice as long.

Event overflow feedback

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Vikkela.7261


You don’t need to nerf the knights or get rid of overflows, you only need to get the people form the instance to actually join you in the event against them.
Last night I witnessed for the first time (I guess I’ve been lucky since all my earlier attempts have been a succcess since the start) a failed attempt at knights on the main instance simply because people there were just… Running after Peter and doing other events, which they could do in whatever overflow. Lacked around 20 people at each knight because of this.
I love the event, and the current loot system there but I’d hope there would be a way to “force” or more like concentrate people to the knights event when it starts, instead of filling up the mapchat and running like headless chickens after Peter.

9 Guardians later…