Report AFK people under "botting"?

Report AFK people under "botting"?

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Wanze.8410


In my opinion, standing in that spot and not participating in the fight is griefing.
I usually make screenshots of those afkers every 5 min and send an email to, adding the screenshots.

Works like a charm.

What works? Your ability to take screenshots or your ability to send emails? Those are the only things you could be talking about because they are the only things you would have any confirmation of resolution on. Whether ANet did anything with your information to those people is privileged and you are not privy.

Someone i reported for this behaviour (and let him know) sent me a personal message on the forums 3 hours later with a little more grief and verbal abuse because he was been banned for 72 hours.

Tin Foil [HATS]-Hardcore BLTC-PvP Guild
Bloin – Running around, tagging Keeps, getting whack on Scoobie Snacks.

Report AFK people under "botting"?

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Kal Spiro.9745

Kal Spiro.9745

In my opinion, standing in that spot and not participating in the fight is griefing.
I usually make screenshots of those afkers every 5 min and send an email to, adding the screenshots.

Works like a charm.

What works? Your ability to take screenshots or your ability to send emails? Those are the only things you could be talking about because they are the only things you would have any confirmation of resolution on. Whether ANet did anything with your information to those people is privileged and you are not privy.

Someone i reported for this behaviour (and let him know) sent me a personal message on the forums 3 hours later with a little more grief and verbal abuse because he was been banned for 72 hours.

A 72 hour ban doesn’t include posting privileges?

Tarnished Coast Kal Spiro – Ranger (80), LB/S-D, Eagle/Wolf, Signet, M/S/WS #SABorRiot

Report AFK people under "botting"?

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: timmyf.1490


My events DID fail last night with 3-5 AFKers. (Did it twice, both failed.) That could be in part because I’m a “bad” or something, or it could be that 10-20% of the players were standing in a corner. Luckily, I had guild members in a different zone of the fight and went into the instance with them.

No offense to you personally, but zoning out with your guildies when they defeat theirs leaves your platform empty handed. I’ve heard reports of several people doing this, leaving that one last platform short handed at the end and ultimately fails.

Actually, this was a concern of mine. When my guildmate’s platform finished, he asked if we were ready. I told him to give us more time to try to beat it. He kicked it off with 30 seconds left on his window when my group had only 2 minutes left and still had 50% health on the blue holo.

We had already seen a bunch of people leave. I think that splitting groups up is a also a large contributor to failure. Very good point you brought up here.

Karaoke – Guild Leader – [MEGA] Super Mega Happy Fun Time /

Report AFK people under "botting"?

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Malediktus.9250


In my opinion, standing in that spot and not participating in the fight is griefing.
I usually make screenshots of those afkers every 5 min and send an email to, adding the screenshots.

Works like a charm.

What works? Your ability to take screenshots or your ability to send emails? Those are the only things you could be talking about because they are the only things you would have any confirmation of resolution on. Whether ANet did anything with your information to those people is privileged and you are not privy.

Someone i reported for this behaviour (and let him know) sent me a personal message on the forums 3 hours later with a little more grief and verbal abuse because he was been banned for 72 hours.

A 72 hour ban doesn’t include posting privileges?

Forums and ingame use a seperate ban system.
And I still cant fathom why they suspend people for 72h because they afk, but people who dupe thousands gold worth of Omega golems stay untouched. Populist decisions since wvw has no lobby?

1st person worldwide to reach 35,000 achievement points.

(edited by Malediktus.9250)

Report AFK people under "botting"?

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Spiuk.8421


Question: i want to report afkers during the Scarlet hologram fight, which category should I put this under; and can I attach screen shots?

Under the "deal with it" category.

Being away from the keyboard is not against the EULA/CoC, unlike inappropriate reports.

Rubios – Tales of the Sunless [TXS]

(edited by Spiuk.8421)

Report AFK people under "botting"?

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Cloud.5312


Just curious… people staying by the door during the fight, away from the boss range in order to get the achievement… Isn’t that considered an exploit ? In my eyes you’re taking advantage of a flaw of the fight to get the achievement without even tagging the boss.

Report AFK people under "botting"?

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Candacis.7048


The issue is – the only thing you can do is ask. And I may follow … or nor. But both are in accordance with rules.

And just one thing – question is why people are standing doing nothing? Because there is a reward associated with that. Remove the incentive. You are not participating? Fine, no reward for you. Simple as that. No achievement, no killing chest – nothing.

Second that. Anet created the problem with the leechers at the fight in the first place. There should be some participation required to get the chest. I tried calling those people out, saying in the map chat that they should help out, but a majority of them said, they don’t want to help out. Yeah, awsome and nothing I can do against that other than double my own efforts to even finish the hologramm, because we are lacking dps left and right.

Report AFK people under "botting"?

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Ayrilana.1396


The issue is – the only thing you can do is ask. And I may follow … or nor. But both are in accordance with rules.

And just one thing – question is why people are standing doing nothing? Because there is a reward associated with that. Remove the incentive. You are not participating? Fine, no reward for you. Simple as that. No achievement, no killing chest – nothing.
But also the person is not counted for event scaling. Then you can AFK all day long.
Edit : And to avoid dpsing when not counted in scaling – each minute afk you get 1 min debuff – cannot use skills. Wp-ting – remove debuf

I can’t imagine why someone would attempt to AFK the event. Not fight, I can understand, the only way I’ve seen to get the two achievements up there is to not attack anything. If you don’t attack you can’t mess up. But you have to be constantly moving and active.

I just spent my time mimicking Heal-o-Tron.

Lack of skill or willingness to put effort into earning it.

Report AFK people under "botting"?

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Wor Machien.9657

Wor Machien.9657

I’ve been trying to get the achievement the legit way last night. It didn’t work. So I tried to “AFK” once to try to get it. Didn’t work. I’m not trying to leech. I’m just trying to get the achievement out of the way so I can play the event normally again.

(edited by Wor Machien.9657)

Report AFK people under "botting"?

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Fafnir.5124


You don’t even need a full map to do events and to many people will scale events to where they can not be done. So I ask you what is worse being afk at the gate or a safe zone or being afk at an events. Towards completion. Therefore we should report everyone who is downed and doest waypoint. Why cant a guild then report people not in there guild to get them kicked from the event. You opened the fricking door and this is what will happen. 100% garentte it. And for the record these are currently bannable offenses.

And the event is 1 hour long so i think people should be able to go afk if they got to take a kitten or rest there hand from mad button pressing.

My be they are fricking reading up on the evets on how to do them.

Maybe they want to get there map completion done and looking how to get somewhere

You cant force people to do what you want cause everyone is init for themselves. hence the zerging for drops instead of event completion.

Report AFK people under "botting"?

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: timmyf.1490


And the event is 1 hour long so i think people should be able to go afk if they got to take a kitten or rest there hand from mad button pressing.

Except that they walk around occasionally or respond in chat.

My be they are fricking reading up on the evets on how to do them.

“I’m just getting the achievement.”

Maybe they want to get there map completion done and looking how to get somewhere

There is no map completion on the Breechmaker.

You cant force people to do what you want cause everyone is init for themselves. hence the zerging for drops instead of event completion.

This is the philosophy that people like myself are trying to counter.

Karaoke – Guild Leader – [MEGA] Super Mega Happy Fun Time /

Report AFK people under "botting"?

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Wolfey.3407


Quite the difficult issue,
On one hand, you do have the case of irl issues, which is fine and I don’t think anyone with a brain or shred of dignity would be upset over….
But then you have the kitten players who just idle to grab the chest at the end….

I don’t think reporting is a good way to handle either….

Modest Proposal:
When a boss, rather it be World Boss, Living Story Boss, or whatever important boss spawns. Anyone who is within 1500 range of the boss has their idling timers lowered to 5 minutes. At the end of 5 minutes, if you do not deal damage you will be re-directed to your home instance. At the end of 7 minutes, a debuff will be placed on your character preventing you from opening that chest for that event. The curse will go away once the chest despawns.

Former PvP Forum Specialist
Fort Aspenwood

Report AFK people under "botting"?

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Zomaarwat.3912


Its very simple. Make the logout timer shorter (its like what, 20 mins right now outside of minigames?).

Over a year and the forum search is still broken = /

Report AFK people under "botting"?

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Ayrilana.1396


Unfortunately they’re all well protected in the back except for the last part with all of the micro holograms. If several of the holograms were to end up on top of them and explode, they could kill those AFK and they’ll lose all progress. So the AFK method isn’t entirely risk-free. Accidents do happen such as them being pulled over there and accidentally killed.

Report AFK people under "botting"?

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: DeWolfe.2174


Tell you what, since standing still is going to be considered a Bannable Offense now, I’ll make certain to keep attacking the Legendary Knights with my Full Condi Tormment Grenade Engi. Too bad the event will likely fail again and again as I wipe so many people out.

There’s an achievement requiring inaction! Blame the Dev’s for another design that promotes inaction. Which is exactly what they are trying to do to “teach” players. Do NOT blame the players for trying their best to get achievements.

So many complaints because events are failing. Meanwhile, I’ve been targeting my fellow players to check buff statuses and most aren’t using any food/utility buffs. Certainly they are purposefully NOT playing up to their capacity, right? Is that grieving or leeching too??? Can I start wholesale reporting every player on map not playing well? Think about that slippery slope…

[AwM] of Jade Quarry.

Report AFK people under "botting"?

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: timmyf.1490


Tell you what, since standing still is going to be considered a Bannable Offense now, I’ll make certain to keep attacking the Legendary Knights with my Full Condi Tormment Grenade Engi. Too bad the event will likely fail again and again as I wipe so many people out.

This is obviously griefing.

There’s an achievement requiring inaction! Blame the Dev’s for another design that promotes inaction. Which is exactly what they are trying to do to “teach” players. Do NOT blame the players for trying their best to get achievements.

The achievement doesn’t require inaction. The achievement requires you to be aware of what you’re doing.

So many complaints because events are failing. Meanwhile, I’ve been targeting my fellow players to check buff statuses and most aren’t using any food/utility buffs. Certainly they are purposefully NOT playing up to their capacity, right? Is that grieving or leeching too??? Can I start wholesale reporting every player on map not playing well? Think about that slippery slope…

I’m not asking for anybody to play optimally. I’m asking for people to PLAY.

Karaoke – Guild Leader – [MEGA] Super Mega Happy Fun Time /

Report AFK people under "botting"?

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Killface.1896


Most of them are not even AFK they are just doing buggy achievements,Anet just need to remove that save spot and all happy

Report AFK people under "botting"?

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Abellus.2615


While we’re on the topic, I report zergers for griefing, since when they knowingly and intentionally run past events my small group is trying to complete, it bumps up the difficulty scale substantially and then they leave. And they have fun doing it.

By definition, they’re griefing every event they run past and don’t finish. Report them.

Report AFK people under "botting"?

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: timmyf.1490


I hate that dev.


All she did was create a large number of escalated reports for the support team. Goodness I hope that gets her fired, that costs the company money.

Well that’s an entirely inappropriate thing to say.

Karaoke – Guild Leader – [MEGA] Super Mega Happy Fun Time /

Report AFK people under "botting"?

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Cloud.5312


Being AFK is not an offense… Period. Standing on a safe/glitched spot in order to get an achievement is exploiting and can lead to ban unless stated otherwise by the dev team.

If I see anyone standing in that safe spot and not contributing to the fight I’ll report their cheating behind n a jiffy.

(edited by Moderator)

Report AFK people under "botting"?

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Slowpoke.2749


Tell you what, since standing still is going to be considered a Bannable Offense now, I’ll make certain to keep attacking the Legendary Knights with my Full Condi Tormment Grenade Engi. Too bad the event will likely fail again and again as I wipe so many people out.

This is obviously griefing.

Have fun proving that. It could be someone oblivious to the fight mechanic or to their own class. Anet can’t punish people for being bad at the game.

Report AFK people under "botting"?

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: ShiningSquirrel.3751


Tell you what, since standing still is going to be considered a Bannable Offense now, I’ll make certain to keep attacking the Legendary Knights with my Full Condi Tormment Grenade Engi. Too bad the event will likely fail again and again as I wipe so many people out.

This is obviously griefing.

Have fun proving that. It could be someone oblivious to the fight mechanic or to their own class. Anet can’t punish people for being bad at the game.

When a player says he is going to purposely make an event fail and kill other players you do not need to prove a thing, he just he admitted he was going to grief.
So have fun trying to prove he’s not griefing.

Report AFK people under "botting"?

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Blockhead Magee.3092

Blockhead Magee.3092

It’ll be fun when fifty people sit out the fight for an achievement while ten others actually do it. Another nifty design decision.

Being called a leecher is not harassment, its a statement of fact for someone who’s taking up a slot and not contributing.


Report AFK people under "botting"?

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Psychol.5783


Reporting afk as botting should be bannable because they are spamming gm inboxes with bullkitten. I wonder who started this nonsense with reporting afkers as botters, it only slow down investigations in real problems.

(edited by Psychol.5783)

Report AFK people under "botting"?

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: ShiningSquirrel.3751


afking should be bannable because the players are griefing/exploiting.

There, fixed it for you. ;-)

Report AFK people under "botting"?

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: CC Danicia.1394

CC Danicia.1394

Community Coordinator

Actually, that’s an interesting question since we’ve been told by Anet to report AFKers in this instance.

That’s not what that post says at all. People are piling claims of botting and griefing on the AFKers and the response is, “If you think it violates the CoC, report them and let ANet make the call.” It is not confirming nor denying a stance by ANet on AFKing.

Thanks for the assist!

This is correct.

The forum is not a place to discuss exploits, griefing, harassment, or other things which violate our Forum Code of Conduct. If you see anything in-game you feel falls under this umbrella, please report it in-game or submit a ticket. We do not allow these discussions on the Guild Wars 2 forums.