(edited by Lopez.7369)
Six Minutes to Knightfall still bugged
Six Minutes to Knightfall still bugged
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: Adminir.8140
I have no words for this……why implement something if it can’t be done properly? You put in a difficult achievement that is TIME sensitive. Two nights in a row we are successful and not awarded this PITA AP. You had people randomly acquiring the AP for killing a random knight, not even meeting the criteria, but when it is killed legitimately, 140+ people get completely screwed. How can this still be bugged AFTER it was reported last night and somehow did not make the patch this evening?
(edited by Adminir.8140)
Six Minutes to Knightfall still bugged
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: Mega Messiah.1734
Yup. Just got done doing it within 4 minutes with TTS and, lo and behold, no achievement even though all 3 Knights died well within 6 minutes. Second time I’ve had this happen after successfully killing them within 6 minutes.
In all honestly Anet, if you guys can’t get this thing to work just cut the tumor off and get rid of the achievement. I don’t think anybody will mourn the loss of some small 10 AP achievement.
Here is a story for the most annoying part of this achievement bug:
This is not like a easy achievement you can grab anytime you want by yourself.
It actually require a full map of 150ppl that willing to put effort and listen to commanders on TS with all kinds of stuff like buffs and consumable.
And in order to do that, you need to join a Mega Guild like TTS, which is only the first part of this quest.
Now you need to make time for the raid, which can only be held on an Overflow which you need to race with another 200 ppl that is trying to join in on TS and would be hardcap within 2min. If you are slow? Goodluck wasting an hour to join in, because Anet don’t support guild raid channel but they create content that requires them.
Now when you finally in, you will need to separate groups of professionals perfectly in order to get this achievement. I am not even gonna mention gears, foods, embers and stuff.
And when you finally successfully killed them within 6min. Guess what? Its bugged.
Now 150 ppl’s time and effort has been wasted, but it’s okay, everyone makes mistake. We know bug happens, we will give it another try after the patch.
Rise and Repeat, BANG, Bug again, Now this is really getting on my nerves.
We all know what happen next, Another patch, and its still bugged.
So…are we your players? or your beta testers?
How many hrs and efforts do you want us to waste on this?
(edited by Horo.7395)
Six Minutes to Knightfall still bugged
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: Captain H J Fluffington Jr.9378
It’s getting pretty frustrating, to be honest. I now should have had it on about 8 different occasions. The fact that this bug was reported on day 1, and still isn’t fixed going onto 4 days later is an outright shame. To make it even more frustrating, a bunch of random people keep getting it on maps that are failing to even complete the event.
It’s time to get kitten together, and if that isn’t possible the 2 week release cadence needs to be reconsidered as it’s clearly not allowing for quality work.
Six Minutes to Knightfall still bugged
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: ZilentNight.5089
I dont know how many hours I have utterly wasted, managed to kill the knight twice now under 6 mins and still not achievement.
Six Minutes to Knightfall still bugged
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: Followedbyrocks.8751
Still bugged? Are you serious?
Look Anet, if you can’t fix it, just remove it.
ANET will tell you “hey, now we finally fix it, what you have to do is do it in 6 mins again, what you do before just let them become a dream, forget it! This achievement just start now!”
Six Minutes to Knightfall still bugged
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: Apoteka.6471
No fix till monday anyways its weekend….
Six Minutes to Knightfall still bugged
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: Vague Memory.2817
They should have left this as it was originally. Since the changes, this event has failed for all groups I’ve been with either due to not having enough players for last knight or it bugs out on the last knight. I don’t even receive any deluxe gear boxes any more when we kill individual knights despite outputting huge amounts of dps on them. So as it stands now you invest a lot of time to get nothing at all. The signs of a bad event.
TTS doing 6 min run every day – no achievement for anyone participating
All people I know of got achievement randomly due to some bug.
Achievement hunters are crying river over that – this is the only achievement currently awarded randomly due to a bug. Might as well rename it – participate in knights event, 1% chance to get an achievement
-Carlos Castaneda
Skady Valda
i honestly believe that they should have left it how it was, there’s no point in going and trying to help the other group when you finished yours because it’s maxed out and well.. you can’t damage/contribute to the fight.
~ I taught cows how to Moo! ~
Six Minutes to Knightfall still bugged
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: Rebound.3409
The first problem i see here is in order to succesfully finish ingame content u need third party programs like TS. That means either the achievement itself is bugged…or..if working as intended (it does reward u at 6 min) it’s way to hard. U expect 150ppl to do this on a constant basis..have the right gear..the right food..the right buff…never miss a dodge etc? every single hour? No? That means u made this achievement for a select handful of ppl.
Why not put this achievement under the cash shop for 800 gems pls. I know for a fact u would love that so much.
I will tell u THE REAL WORLD conditions for that achievement, not the double rainbow pony world u devs seem to live in:
1. Achievement if timebased has to offer u enough time to be able to finish the event for that achievement. Sounds funny but u didn’t offer that…or u offered it to a select few in extremely rare and special circumstances (huge guilds coordinating 150ppl…getting them on the same overflow and even on time…thing that happens 1/week at best if everything is picture perfect…so u offered this to 150ppl from how many players?).
2. Achievement should NOT require a third party program. It should only use what the game offers atm.
3. Achievement should NOT require the most elite of the elite in your game. Otherwise u kitten off atleast…AT LEAST! 90% of your player database. U have excelled at that statistic so far. Why? U can’t expect everyone to be some major guild that organizes and has the sole purpose of that achievemet.
4. Which brings us to NEVER make players unite for just 1 gole on a map. U gave us a whole map with multiple events happening in paralel to the main event. That means someone who wants the 6 min achiev will auto-fail if not every single person on the map is:
a) at the event
b) correctly geared (oh so now u force us to waste gold on new gear we normally don’t use for ex zerker, to make this achievement?..u so nice..who pays for that gear? what if we don’t have 70g+ to change our gear?)
c) has correct food and buff FOR HIS CLASS
d) has correct build
e) does not fk up dodges
f) is on time to start the event at precisely xx:00 min (ALL 150 PLAYERS).
5. You clearly intended this achievement ONLY for lvl80s. We can’t have lower level scrubs at the event that don’t have good enough gear…good enough builds..or experience in the game..because they would automatically fail points a) to f) instantly.
6. NEVER do achievements which require u to have luck in getting on the main server or one of the first overflows created SPECIALLY when u have no kickout system like u had last event where after 1h u were forced to practically “reset” the whole map. Right now you have to be on Main server…or on one of the first overflows created ..has no chance. Another major restriction to most of your players.
(edited by Rebound.3409)
Six Minutes to Knightfall still bugged
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: Ayrilana.1396
No. All I see is someone exaggerating the issue when I’ve see it done on overflows with randoms. You need to set up prior to the top of the hour and this can easily be done without TS. You seem to forget that there’s the ability to chat via text in this game. Dodging is ridiculously easy yet I always see 80% of people who consistently fail to do it and get pulled in. This is just one achievement that isn’t even needed to complete he meta. This is also just one of a few achievements that require a little skill, coordination, and tactics instead of the other 1,000 plus achievements that you could get by spamming auto attack. Some achievements will require you to put a little effort. I suppose you complained about the Liandri achievements (defeating her and the orb one) too?
Well, already spent 12 hours on this piece of kitten achievement.
Thanks for the report, i’ll wait for another patch before wasting time again.
I suppose you complained about the Liandri achievements (defeating her and the orb one) too?
Liadri was extremely biased towards certain classes, so there was reason to complain. You could defeat her with any class, but many had to work a lot harder than others. Still, it was an actual achievement, a testament to your skill.
Knightfall is not an achievement. Being reliant on 140+ other people in a DPS test that’s only around for a couple of weeks is not an achievement, it is a lucky circumstance, because my skill in the event is next to irrelevant when the whole event is predisposed to failure. It’s only worse off that the whole thing has been bugged for the better part of a week.
Six Minutes to Knightfall still bugged
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: Rebound.3409
No actually i got that after switching to my warrior and wasting 70g on zerker gear…rest was easy..no skill even needed there..just goldsink achievement that was made for specific classes (Liadri)
This one..u actually indirectly said i was right in your message….just read what u wrote again and apply it to how people act in general on a server. Next time try coordinating ppl without having a huge guild that fills most of the map slots. Let’s see u manage ppl that might have to go..ppl that appear last minute on the map..ppl that don’t give a crap about the event and so on and so forth oh and let’s not forget timezones. U can do by yourself everything picture perfect worth of the achievement. Now please make the other 149 ppl do the same to get you your achievement.
(edited by Rebound.3409)
No. All I see is someone exaggerating the issue when I’ve see it done on overflows with randoms. You need to set up prior to the top of the hour and this can easily be done without TS. You seem to forget that there’s the ability to chat via text in this game. Dodging is ridiculously easy yet I always see 80% of people who consistently fail to do it and get pulled in. This is just one achievement that isn’t even needed to complete he meta. This is also just one of a few achievements that require a little skill, coordination, and tactics instead of the other 1,000 plus achievements that you could get by spamming auto attack. Some achievements will require you to put a little effort. I suppose you complained about the Liandri achievements (defeating her and the orb one) too?
Killing knights in 15 minutes is perfectly doable but killing them in 6 minutes is too much. Remember that before 6/3 patch if you grabbed the attunement you were able to deal twice as much damage. Now you deal 0 dmg or about 30-40% of your normal damage. According to really fast calculations, knights have about 7,500 toughness which means 65% damage reduction.
Killing knights in 15 minutes is perfectly doable but killing them in 6 minutes is too much. Remember that before 6/3 patch if you grabbed the attunement you were able to deal twice as much damage. Now you deal 0 dmg or about 30-40% of your normal damage. According to really fast calculations, knights have about 7,500 toughness which means 65% damage reduction.
Yeah, it would explain why my attacks seem to do ~50% less and why most overflows seem unable to kill all three knights within 15 minutes. Before the patch we either had unattuned people dealing normal damage and attuned people dealing twice that much. Yet now the attuned people are dealing normal damage and nonattuned people deal 0 (and scale the boss).
Fojja – Vyxxi – Nymmra – Mymmra – Champion of Dwayna .. and more
Highly Over Powered Explorers [HOPE] – Desolation EU
Yes but normal damage means you do about 30-40% of your usual damage. Usually when anet introduces enemies with a lot of toughness it’s to promote condition damage. This time half of the fight knights are immune to conditions and you cannot even apply vulnerability.
Six Minutes to Knightfall still bugged
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: Ayrilana.1396
Knightfall is not an achievement. Being reliant on 140+ other people in a DPS test that’s only around for a couple of weeks is not an achievement, it is a lucky circumstance, because my skill in the event is next to irrelevant when the whole event is predisposed to failure. It’s only worse off that the whole thing has been bugged for the better part of a week.
So the achievements tied to Teq and Wurm is not an achievement since you rely on140+ people to beat them. The achievements for Marionette are not achievements because they rely on your lane to succeed. Also, the same personal skill you would use for Marionette is pretty much the same you would use for the knights.
This one..u actually indirectly said i was right in your message….just read what u wrote again and apply it to how people act in general on a server
. Next time try coordinating ppl without having a huge guild that fills most of the map slots. Let’s see u manage ppl that might have to go..ppl that appear last minute on the map..ppl that don’t give a crap about the event and so on and so forth oh and let’s not forget timezones. U can do by yourself everything picture perfect worth of the achievement. Now please make the other 149 ppl do the same to get you your achievement.
Actually no I’m not saying what you’re thinking that I’m saying. You’re just twisting what I said to fit what you believe. Not the same. I was in an overflow the other day with randoms that managed to beat all three in 7 minutes. There was no guild leading the event. A time before that I was on another overflow and we beat it in a little under 6 minutes but never got the achievement. You claim that you need high coordination that only a guild and TS can provide but you’re very wrong.
Killing knights in 15 minutes is perfectly doable but killing them in 6 minutes is too much. Remember that before 6/3 patch if you grabbed the attunement you were able to deal twice as much damage. Now you deal 0 dmg or about 30-40% of your normal damage. According to really fast calculations, knights have about 7,500 toughness which means 65% damage reduction.
I’ve been in groups where the knights have been burned down within minutes and with less than 50 players.
Six Minutes to Knightfall still bugged
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: Nikaido.3457
Anet doesn’t have a group of testers competent enough to actually do something like kill the knights under 6 minutes, so they can’t actually comb through the bugs they introduce.
Six Minutes to Knightfall still bugged
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: vladracul.6798
Here is a story for the most annoying part of this achievement bug:
This is not like a easy achievement you can grab anytime you want by yourself.
It actually require a full map of 150ppl that willing to put effect and listen to commanders on TS with all kinds of stuff like buffs and consumable.And in order to do that, you need to join a Mega Guild like TTS, which is only the first part of this quest.
Now you need to make time for the raid, which can only be held on an Overflow which you need to race with another 200 ppl that is trying to join in on TS and would be hardcap within 2min. If you are slow? Goodluck wasting an hour to join in, because Anet don’t support guild raid channel but they create content that requires them.Now when you finally in, you will need to separate groups of professionals perfectly in order to get this achievement. I am not even gonna mention gears, foods, embers and stuff.
And when you finally successfully killed them within 6min. Guess what? Its bugged.
Now 150 ppl’s time and effort has been wasted, but it’s okay, everyone makes mistake. We know bug happens, we will give it another try after the patch.
Rise and Repeat, BANG, Bug again, Now this is really getting on my nerves.We all know what happen next, Another patch, and its still bugged.
So…are we your players? or your beta testers?
How many hrs and efforts do you want us to waste on this?
You said it all well. I would rather wait a week more to play new content than waste time every 2 weeks with partially designed content.
This game is already reminding me Electronic Arts, is too much bugs to my taste.
I’ve been in groups where the knights have been burned down within minutes and with less than 50 players.
Known issues of scaling. Before 6/3 patch I’ve been on overflows where some knights were dead in 30 seconds or less. Take a bigger sample and ignore outliers if you want to consider the balance of 7,500 toughness and unscaleable hp that’s tuned for 50 people minimum.
Six Minutes to Knightfall still bugged
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: Adminir.8140
Anet doesn’t have a group of testers competent enough to actually do something like kill the knights under 6 minutes, so they can’t actually comb through the bugs they introduce.
That to me is one of the funniest parts. It is so clear that Anet actually never even internally tested to see if obtaining it was even possible. If they did, they would realize the AP is not awarded correctly.
Six Minutes to Knightfall still bugged
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: Ayrilana.1396
I’ve been in groups where the knights have been burned down within minutes and with less than 50 players.
Known issues of scaling. Before 6/3 patch I’ve been on overflows where some knights were dead in 30 seconds or less. Take a bigger sample and ignore outliers if you want to consider the balance of 7,500 toughness and unscaleable hp that’s tuned for 50 people minimum.
This was last night and not before the patch.
So the achievements tied to Teq and Wurm is not an achievement since you rely on140+ people to beat them.
I think achievemens which need so many people are fine, if they stay longer than just two weeks… and for almost one of this two weeks the achievements are bugged… so I would not compare them to Teq or Worm.
Some achievements will require you to put a little effort. I suppose you complained about the Liandri achievements (defeating her and the orb one) too?
Also hard achievements like Liadri are fine, but that you could do on your own.. now you need to rely on all the other people on the server, which produces a massive headache, since a lot are farming champs, farming miasma, asking for peter etc, not getting buff etc… So I am all for hard achievements, but please not where I need to rely on so many other people…
This is just one achievement that isn’t even needed to complete he meta.
This is one of the arguments I really hate… why do people have problems to accept that there are people ingame who like to do all achievements… of course it is not required for meta…
Six Minutes to Knightfall still bugged
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: Carighan.6758
Just so we’re clear, all 3 need to be dead before 6 minutes are through, right?
This was last night and not before the patch.
It doesn’t matter when it was, scaling can be broken even now. Killing them in 30s before 6/3 is equal to killing in 1 minute after 6/3.
Six Minutes to Knightfall still bugged
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: RyuDragnier.9476
They still need to lower the toughness on these enemies to make up for the lower damage we’re doing. Not even Blackgate has killed one in under 6 minutes now, that alone should tell you it needs changing.
PvE Main – Zar Poisonclaw – Daredevil
WvW Main – Ghost Mistcaller – Herald
Just so we’re clear, all 3 need to be dead before 6 minutes are through, right?
Yes, but don’t bother trying as it’s bugged and will not give the achievement even if you succeed.
Fojja – Vyxxi – Nymmra – Mymmra – Champion of Dwayna .. and more
Highly Over Powered Explorers [HOPE] – Desolation EU
Six Minutes to Knightfall still bugged
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: Paciunek.2496
100% agreed with OP. It’s very annoying that every-single-event is bugged for at least few days, but achievements are still so time consuming. I feel like I’m on some kind of beta or private server. Even some private servers are less buggy, especially when they earn money, they care about enjoyment from playing on their server. Gw2 is almost 2 years old but nothing changed. Bugged achievements, loot, mobs, skills, textures, frequent crashes, sudden changes to the content and strategy… Looking forward to see Gw2 Final version.
So the achievements tied to Teq and Wurm is not an achievement since you rely on140+ people to beat them. The achievements for Marionette are not achievements because they rely on your lane to succeed. Also, the same personal skill you would use for Marionette is pretty much the same you would use for the knights.
Actually, Tequatl can be done with half that.
Most of the achievements for Tequatl can be done solo, some just need coordination between 2 or 3 people (like the turrets, i just ran with a hammer on the 3 south turrets and a friend did the same with the 3 north turrets).
Same goes for the Wurm, many servers that couldn’t decapitate the 3 heads in the first week just went on a rotation to zerg each one at a different attempt, and got everything but the actual kill of the heads.
So, not much strategy required there, just the same old huge zerg technique.
Plus you’re forgetting that these achievements are PERMANENT, i’ll just insist on that a bit more: PERMANENT!
Which means, you have all the time in the world to try to get in a good spot to do them.
As for the Marionette, you’re right, these were crappy achievements that relied on other people not being kittened, like those rangers with their bear just tanking the second boss…
Still, you had a whole month to do them, not 2 weeks
Actually no I’m not saying what you’re thinking that I’m saying. You’re just twisting what I said to fit what you believe. Not the same. I was in an overflow the other day with randoms that managed to beat all three in 7 minutes. There was no guild leading the event. A time before that I was on another overflow and we beat it in a little under 6 minutes but never got the achievement. You claim that you need high coordination that only a guild and TS can provide but you’re very wrong.
Nobody said it was impossible. I’ve been guesting on Desolation main server 2 days in a row, and we’ve come very close a lot of times. Still, you have to guest somewhere, have enough time to look for a good main server, or overflow. It’s a pain!
And it should not be.
Six Minutes to Knightfall still bugged
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: OmniPotentes.4817
There are so many issues with this achievement it would be best if Anet just remove it.
Six Minutes to Knightfall still bugged
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: Zaxares.5419
I’ve not even been having any luck coming close to this. Anybody know a US main server that regularly attempts the 6 min achievement?
Six Minutes to Knightfall still bugged
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: Fungalfoot.7213
There are so many issues with this achievement it would be best if Anet just remove it.
This does seem like the best solution considering how many got it without actually fulfilling the requirements while it was still bugged not to mention all the people who should have gotten it but didn’t due to it being rebugged.
Remove the kitten.
Six Minutes to Knightfall still bugged
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: cephiroth.6182
Or auto-grant it to everybody.
Give it everyone who makes it to the holo fight. (change the requirements)
Replace it with something else.
Fix the achievement & nerf the knights hp and toughness so smaller servers have a chance.
Congrats to those who have beaten 6 mins on overflows with randoms but you have no idea how lucky you are. A lot of people on overflows and even on home servers are either not trying at all anymore or just not taking all the steps needed for a quick run, buffs, boons, consumables etc.
And as for organising them, you can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make it drink…
Six Minutes to Knightfall still bugged
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: Carcerus.9107
Like a lot of other aspects of the game, ArenaNet endeavors to keep people playing by wasting their time chasing carrots rather than providing fun content that people will want to play because it’s, you know, fun. People should want to be doing content because they’re having a blast, not because “I’ve sunk so much time into this already I might as well keep going until I get this stupid achievement.”
Six Minutes to Knightfall still bugged
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: Paciunek.2496
Like a lot of other aspects of the game, ArenaNet endeavors to keep people playing by wasting their time chasing carrots rather than providing fun content that people will want to play because it’s, you know, fun. People should want to be doing content because they’re having a blast, not because “I’ve sunk so much time into this already I might as well keep going until I get this stupid achievement.”
This man knows what he’s talking about. +1
Like a lot of other aspects of the game, ArenaNet endeavors to keep people playing by wasting their time chasing carrots rather than providing fun content that people will want to play because it’s, you know, fun. People should want to be doing content because they’re having a blast, not because “I’ve sunk so much time into this already I might as well keep going until I get this stupid achievement.”
Although I agree this achievement is frustrating due to it bugging out, I have to say if you don’t find this content enjoyable your better off playing a different game. I’m fairly certain many of us play the content because it’s fun to play, and the achievements are looked at like a challenge. There’s really no carrot on a stick as you have absolutely no need to get that achievement for any reward save for a few achievement points.
Six Minutes to Knightfall still bugged
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: Ze Dos Cavalos.6132
Just to say that 17h ago me and Desolation server we gathered in a overflow and tried to do the 6min achievement.
I gone with the commander that was in charge of the green knight, the green knight was down in 2 min.
The other commanders killed blue and red knights at 5 min.
The 3 knights died 5 min after event started, no one in the entire onverflow got the achievement.
So Anet why do you lie to the players?
You say the bug is fixed but is proven that is bugged.
Anet really thinks the players are stupid?
Or anet devs cant fix a bug like that?
Theres always a bugged achievement, even now many people have the wurm achievement bugged.
I still had fun with the living world, too bad anet has so many incompetent workers.
PS: My favorite anet Dev is Josh Foreman, he does the best job
That sucks, I give up is the fourth time I do it under six minutes and nothing!
Good luck guys
Six Minutes to Knightfall still bugged
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: Psychol.5783
In all honestly Anet, if you guys can’t get this thing to work just cut the tumor off and get rid of the achievement. I don’t think anybody will mourn the loss of some small 10 AP achievement.
Or…you just can not bother by doing this achievement?
I have no idea where have you killed them in 6 minutes, I’ve checked multiple servers and every just sucks and barely killing them or fail often.
(edited by Psychol.5783)
Six Minutes to Knightfall still bugged
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: Paciunek.2496
Or…you just can not bother by doing this achievement?
It’s hard when game offers nothing but achievements as an endgame.
Plus, it’s official servers issue. Everything should work properly, but every event is somehow bugged and people get frustrated.
Just remove it.