*Spoilers* MIND BLOWN right now! A++++ ANet
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: Sariel V.7024
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: Sariel V.7024
So who hurt Scarlet so badly? Poor girl was ready to be impaled by a quaggan finisher by the time my ‘hero’ got there…
Did you play the event chain? That Aether-Hologram exploded with her right on top of it.
I’m not the OP, but I haven’t seen this posted.
Me and my party ended up going in different gates. After 17 minutes of beating on the boss and getting pretty much nowhere, I was given the option to join my party at the ending, like it was a dungeon path. So I took the option and ended up going in without seeing parts 2 or 3 of the fight.
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: Linnea.5146
I loved the instance! I loved the emotion, I loved that it felt like a movie (thank you for not making it with those boring backgrounds from the personal story!!!) I loved Kasmeer and her hiccups (Bandidas, anyone?), I loved how you actually animated the Kasmeer/Marjory scene and how you saw Jory’s burns, I loved to drive a stake through Scarlet’s heart, and I loved the last movie clip WITH A DRAAAGOOON!!
And dead Scarlet looked so creepy in that movie clip. o.o
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: CorvusofMorlich.8450
It was brilliant! I was speechless and had so much to say at the same time!
I looked into a couple of things that weren’t fully addressed and it made me even more excited for what’s next!
I laied out a couple of things that should be explained in my video review of the patch, if you wanna check it out? All plugs aside, I’d love to hear what people thought in response.
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: Kalavier.1097
Didn’t toxic krait appear side by side with other krait communities without incident when they were first introduced?
Also worth nothing, were any of those things communicated in the game?
Not clearly ingame, but word of God from Anet on these forums stated that was the reason for those two groups staying with Scarlet thus far, and why they didn’t simply take what they had received on just ran back to their home factions.
Of course, that appearing side by side can also be an element of gameplay, as pretty much bar the obelisk shards and the three witches, toxic krait were purely in one region.
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: KOPPER.1458
•Taimi, I would have had her be a healthy little arsuran child up until Escape from Lion’s Arch. During that update I would have had her talk Braham into letting her come into the city to “study” the drill. When Braham turns his attention from her for one second, a piece of debris falls on her, crushing her legs. Braham’s guilt and Taimi having to learn to live with her condition would have been excellent character building opportunities.
•Jory and Kas, Jory getting knocked back and possibly killed while Kas runs in to avenge her was wonderful. However, I would have had Kas take a killing blow for the player character and Jory wake, permanently scarred, and call her name right as she is hit and killed.
This actually sounds amazing…
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: Shinzan.2908
Killing of a character is such a cheap and cliché way to create artificial drama that I’m glad anet didn’t go down that path. Hate when stories do that just to be dark and gritty.
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: Arshay Duskbrow.1306
•Taimi, I would have had her be a healthy little arsuran child up until Escape from Lion’s Arch. During that update I would have had her talk Braham into letting her come into the city to “study” the drill. When Braham turns his attention from her for one second, a piece of debris falls on her, crushing her legs. Braham’s guilt and Taimi having to learn to live with her condition would have been excellent character building opportunities.
•Jory and Kas, Jory getting knocked back and possibly killed while Kas runs in to avenge her was wonderful. However, I would have had Kas take a killing blow for the player character and Jory wake, permanently scarred, and call her name right as she is hit and killed.This actually sounds amazing…
No, it sounds like a typical “look how grimdark we can be” gratuitous dramafest which young people routinely mistake for good writing. Makes me glad Anet’s writers are adults, not emo teenagers who are obsessed with misery and death.
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: Kalavier.1097
Killing of a character is such a cheap and cliché way to create artificial drama that I’m glad anet didn’t go down that path. Hate when stories do that just to be dark and gritty.
Exactly. So many things just kill characters for no point. Personal Story did it, but when they did it it was to show “Hey, this is a major war against undead legions. Not everybody makes it home.” And when it happened, it was well done.
Majory dying in the drill wouldn’t just been meh. Also the fact Rox is a ranger, and rangers naturally are survivors. They know medicine and field healing. Rox stabilizing Marjory makes perfect sense, especially if she wasn’t hurt as kittenhe looked.
•Taimi, I would have had her be a healthy little arsuran child up until Escape from Lion’s Arch. During that update I would have had her talk Braham into letting her come into the city to “study” the drill. When Braham turns his attention from her for one second, a piece of debris falls on her, crushing her legs. Braham’s guilt and Taimi having to learn to live with her condition would have been excellent character building opportunities.
•Jory and Kas, Jory getting knocked back and possibly killed while Kas runs in to avenge her was wonderful. However, I would have had Kas take a killing blow for the player character and Jory wake, permanently scarred, and call her name right as she is hit and killed.This actually sounds amazing…
No, it sounds like a typical “look how grimdark we can be” gratuitous dramafest which young people routinely mistake for good writing. Makes me glad Anet’s writers are adults, not emo teenagers who are obsessed with misery and death.
Also you know, the fact Taimi is 13 years old. Braham would basically get smacked around HARD for letting her into the battlefield. When Logan stumbled across her at the Marionette, he instantly took her to LA and off the warzone. ALL of the people involved wouldn’t let her get close to LA because of the Miasma and the fact Scarlet’s people were slaughtering ANYBODY they could find.
Even if she wasn’t disabled and was perfectly healthy, her being in LA would be kittened. Moreos if her legs go crushed and she was forced to live with it.
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: KOPPER.1458
Killing of a character is such a cheap and cliché way to create artificial drama that I’m glad anet didn’t go down that path. Hate when stories do that just to be dark and gritty.
And having them all wake up and kiss isn’t cliché? It’s just as bad if not worse. It’s pandering at it’s finest.
Tired of hearing that Taimi is only 13 and therefore can’t be in the story. If that is the case, then why make her 13? She becomes less interesting the more she sits on the sidelines and does nothing. She has her golem which is supposed to protect her. Part of her character is not listening to adults. So we have 2 stories where she doesn’t listen, and now 2 where she does listen and sits outside. Which of those 4 stories were more interesting for her character?
In the end it comes down to personal opinion. The ending wasn’t satisfying to me, I think there were other options there and they took the safe, crowd favorite route. Why should I care in the future? How does this ending evolve their characters? Rox probably doesn’t join the warband. Bro-ham’s leg heals, and maybe Jory has some scars. It’s possible Kas also gained some confidence but I don’t think so.
I hope next season is better.
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: Miroe.2054
Woooo!! Wildly Flailing
Mordremoth!! AND THE CUTSCENE!!! And there I thought Kasmeer was to die and then!! BAM Marjory flying across the screen and AWWW the dramatic scene!! And then the bad-kitten Dialogue between Kasmeer and Scarlet!! An then COW FINISHER RIGHT IN DA FACE, SCARLET!!! and then suddenly BOOOM everything blowing up and there underneath THE DRAGON!!
…guys.. girls… WE’RE GOING TO MAGUUMA
ok, phew.. im a grown up at last. Well done, everybody.
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: bokkieskitten.8023
•Taimi, I would have had her be a healthy little arsuran child up until Escape from Lion’s Arch. During that update I would have had her talk Braham into letting her come into the city to “study” the drill. When Braham turns his attention from her for one second, a piece of debris falls on her, crushing her legs. Braham’s guilt and Taimi having to learn to live with her condition would have been excellent character building opportunities.
•Jory and Kas, Jory getting knocked back and possibly killed while Kas runs in to avenge her was wonderful. However, I would have had Kas take a killing blow for the player character and Jory wake, permanently scarred, and call her name right as she is hit and killed.This actually sounds amazing…
No, it sounds like a typical “look how grimdark we can be” gratuitous dramafest which young people routinely mistake for good writing. Makes me glad Anet’s writers are adults, not emo teenagers who are obsessed with misery and death.
I can’t agree with this at all. The greatest literature has such ‘drama’ and ‘dark’ undertones. What they gave was twlight-like bubblgush. Mind numbing drivel to the end.
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: chemiclord.3978
Oh good grief…
There’s little that isn’t “cliche” at this point. With the way that we have been able to preserve stories, there’s precious little, if anything, that is profoundly unique or original. Having a bunch of tragic characters in a grimdark setting? Les Miserables has already got that covered… and even that was old hat all the way back to the Greek tragedies like Medea… which was no doubt borrowed from Babylonian stories that they took from oral tradition tales in the region.
“Happy” endings and conclusion are no less, and no more, cliche than anything else. The trick is when you’re standing on the shoulders of what has come before that you put the elements together in a way that is unique to you.
Has GW2 done that? Debatable. It’s intriguing enough for me to see what comes next, and honestly… I’m content with that for now.
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: Sarrs.4831
So it seems to me that Taimi is more or less a pointless character, or at least, an unusable main character, just because they’re not allowed to put her in the line of fire.
I mean, come on. It’s a game in which the primary mechanic is punching dudes in the face, and there’s a character who’s not allowed to be around if there’s a risk of her getting punched in the face. This is… Let’s put it gently and say “not a very good idea”. Why is Taimi here? Put her somewhere in the background until she grows up and put a new Asura on the team.
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: morrolan.9608
Killing of a character is such a cheap and cliché way to create artificial drama that I’m glad anet didn’t go down that path. Hate when stories do that just to be dark and gritty.
And having them all wake up and kiss isn’t cliché? It’s just as bad if not worse. It’s pandering at it’s finest.
If anet really want to be bold have a gay male couple.
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: Brutalistik.6473
Killing of a character is such a cheap and cliché way to create artificial drama that I’m glad anet didn’t go down that path. Hate when stories do that just to be dark and gritty.
And having them all wake up and kiss isn’t cliché? It’s just as bad if not worse. It’s pandering at it’s finest.
If anet really want to be bold have a gay male couple.
They do..they just happen to be non important characters in the series, but then again Sylvaries don’t count right?
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: bokkieskitten.8023
Killing of a character is such a cheap and cliché way to create artificial drama that I’m glad anet didn’t go down that path. Hate when stories do that just to be dark and gritty.
And having them all wake up and kiss isn’t cliché? It’s just as bad if not worse. It’s pandering at it’s finest.
If anet really want to be bold have a gay male couple.
A super cute, old gay male couple that fights about decor and when tea time is.
Hurry Anet!
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: Zaxares.5419
Still yet to see the cutscene (I didn’t realise that the Spinal backpiece has to be soulbound before you can use it to enter the portal, and I haven’t yet decided which character it’s going to) since my single attempt at killing the Prime Holo failed miserably in overflow, but I don’t think I’ll mind the KasJory scene. I like both characters, and I’m glad that they have the chance to find some happiness together.
I also don’t think there’s a “focus” on homosexual relationships in GW2 like some people are claiming. Yes, KasJory are in the spotlight at the moment, but I’d argue that they’re the only homosexual couple to receive such treatment so far. The other major same sex couple, Caithe and Faolain, basically only get some exposition in Twilight Arbor story. It’s not even mentioned throughout the rest of the game (aside from some comments between Caithe and Scarlet in the Aetherpath).
Yes, it could be said that there really isn’t a frontline heterosexual romance in GW2 so far (Logan and Jennah are important, but it’s mainly kept to the background, so I’d rate that on the same level as Caithe and Faolain), but I don’t think that one single instance of a spotlighted same-sex relationship counts as an “agenda”.
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: Brutalistik.6473
The happiness was rather forced because Kasmeer thought she lost her. Kasmeer got her head blown off too because she touched my loot!
(edited by Brutalistik.6473)
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: OtakuModeEngage.8679
I would like to congratulate A-net for that amazing animation of Jory X Kas, and hope to see more animations on par with it in future using the in game engine, that was truly a hard amount of work from you guys.
I seriously cannot tell if you’re honestly happy or just very sarcastic.
Hopefully someone will take a screencap of Kasmeer’s face there, it was quite scary.
lol, I thought so too, the faces of characters look good from afar, but close up, with expressions added, just brews a nightmare. The animations just don’t match the art, ugh. I mean, it was a touching moment; BUT…
(edited by OtakuModeEngage.8679)
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: urbancat.5903
Wow… I LOVED it! Thank you arenanet! I am very happy I was able to play out the story through it’s end.
The whole event and fights where interesting and, for me, funny, i am sorry to see Scarlet go, I liked her, apparent madness and all.
The kiss did bring a smile to my lips, finally, and the ending cinematic.. Wow.. Loved it.
Thanks for this story, really waiting to see what will happen next!
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: bokkieskitten.8023
I would like to congratulate A-net for that amazing animation of Jory X Kas, and hope to see more animations on par with it in future using the in game engine, that was truly a hard amount of work from you guys.
I seriously cannot tell if you’re honestly happy or just very sarcastic.
Hopefully someone will take a screencap of Kasmeer’s face there, it was quite scary.
lol, I thought so too, the faces of characters look good from afar, but close up, with expressions added, just brews a nightmare. The animations just don’t match the art, ugh. I mean, it was a touching moment; BUT…
Here it is…
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: Zanthrax.6538
Loved the animations and aggression from kasmeer, one concern. With the debate on whether or not LA will get rebuilt yet again. In the event that it DOES get rebuilt the Living Story is promoting that its not a living breathing changing world at all, its episodic in a fashion of a sitcom. At the end everything goes back to normal there is 0 change.
With Jory NOT dying and if LA gets rebuilt, you’re essentially saying that the threat of the entire last year has had 0 consequence. You’re teaching people to not care about the living story. You HAVE to be brave enough to make significant changes everything can’t keep ending up all fine and dandy ><
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: morrolan.9608
Killing of a character is such a cheap and cliché way to create artificial drama that I’m glad anet didn’t go down that path. Hate when stories do that just to be dark and gritty.
And having them all wake up and kiss isn’t cliché? It’s just as bad if not worse. It’s pandering at it’s finest.
If anet really want to be bold have a gay male couple.
They do..they just happen to be non important characters in the series, but then again Sylvaries don’t count right?
OK a prominent gay male couple then since I have no idea who you’re referring to.
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: Miroe.2054
OK a prominent gay male couple then since I have no idea who you’re referring to.
Logan & Ritlock
Trahearne & The Floor
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: Kalavier.1097
Killing of a character is such a cheap and cliché way to create artificial drama that I’m glad anet didn’t go down that path. Hate when stories do that just to be dark and gritty.
And having them all wake up and kiss isn’t cliché? It’s just as bad if not worse. It’s pandering at it’s finest. Also you know, rangers know their kitten concerning survival. Rox doing a bit of field medic work on Marjory is acceptable and fine.
Tired of hearing that Taimi is only 13 and therefore can’t be in the story. If that is the case, then why make her 13? She becomes less interesting the more she sits on the sidelines and does nothing. She has her golem which is supposed to protect her. Part of her character is not listening to adults. So we have 2 stories where she doesn’t listen, and now 2 where she does listen and sits outside. Which of those 4 stories were more interesting for her character?
Cliche/tropes are everywhere. A kiss for somebody you thought was dead is fine.
No, she CAN be in the story. On general adventures, that’s fine. A battlefield with patches of Miasma that downright kills even the most hardened soldiers? No. Her golem was built to help her move around, protecting her is a side thing in comparision.
When Braham heals and the ‘guild’ goes off to do stuff or explore, she’ll come along. When they are facing an enemy army which has in history disabled her golem, and will slaughter children, she’ll sit safely back. She’s smart enough to know that she wouldn’t be allowed in LA.
SHE CAN BE IN THE STORY. Realistically. Having her in the middle of the Escape of and battle of LA instances just makes zero sense realistically or storywise.
(edited by Kalavier.1097)
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: Doodakoff.5246
Am I missing something here?
I see alot of posts about how it “brought a tear to my eye” and it was “incredibly emotional”, “brilliant” etc however, I just didn’t feel that.
I am primarily a PvE player, I dabble in WvW but my interests in GW2 lie in the lore, story, PvE aspect of the game. However, I was so unemotionally detached to any of the characters that I just didn’t care if they lived or died.
I didn’t care if Rox goes to her warband, I didn’t care if Delaqua or Kasmeer died / stayed together etc. I literally finished the LS, thought to myself “is that it?”, then logged off.
In fact, I was kind of disappointed in the fact that there wasn’t a twist to the ending. Nothing unexpected happened. It ended in quite a boring (imo) linear fashion. Scarlet died and an elder dragon awoke and because of the amount of theories hinting at this, I just wasn’t surprised.
I guess what I’m getting at here in this jumbled up mess of a post is -
Am I one of the select few who didn’t care what happened to these characters and felt disappointed at the lack of shock value / twists in the ending of this story?
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: iStoked.4018
Lol @ all the people thinking I was being sarcastic. Can a person not genuinely be happy and enthused about something? I may have been a bit over the top in the initial post, but that was right after I had just completed it all. It’s sad that I almost feel like I have to apologize for liking something in this game, since apparently hating everything about anything is the status quo now. I adored every bit of the conclusion & just wanted to share my appraisal and respect, since the devs do not get as much as they deserve.
We all differentiate in the creative process, so of course not every single person will be pleased with every thing that they create for us. But to keep things on topic I was just so enthralled in that final hour, and not even due to the content alone but due to the technical aspects of it as well (the cutscene animations, the music, the fight mechanics, etc.) It was all very impressive and something fresh that we haven’t seen before during the course of this past year, and it was executed very well. That is all.
(edited by iStoked.4018)
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: reapex.8546
The happiness was rather forced because Kasmeer thought she lost her. Kasmeer got her head blown off too because she touched my loot!
Lol great! Saved them XD
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: reapex.8546
Killing of a character is such a cheap and cliché way to create artificial drama that I’m glad anet didn’t go down that path. Hate when stories do that just to be dark and gritty.
And having them all wake up and kiss isn’t cliché? It’s just as bad if not worse. It’s pandering at it’s finest.
If anet really want to be bold have a gay male couple.
A super cute, old gay male couple that fights about decor and when tea time is.
Hurry Anet!
They have one already, two male sylavri for a few events if you actually read the npc dialogues.
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: Shiren.9532
I’m probably the minority on this,
But the Marjory and Kasmeer scene was over the top to me. Not because they are homosexual versus heterosexual, but because it appeared to become a center spotlight piece to the finale, verus the main conclusion, which was the awakening of the Dragon, Mordremoth.
What’s even more hilarious is you can’t skip any of the Marjory and Rox stuff, you have to watch it as if it’s some kind of important piece or lore that you wouldn’t want to miss. You know what you can skip? The fact that the last year and a half is leading towards the awakening of an Elder Dragon.
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: Gulesave.5073
I had to make myself a wallpaper, (sans letterboxing), to remember the moment…
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: ExAstris.8527
Am I missing something here?
I see alot of posts about how it “brought a tear to my eye” and it was “incredibly emotional”, “brilliant” etc however, I just didn’t feel that.
I am primarily a PvE player, I dabble in WvW but my interests in GW2 lie in the lore, story, PvE aspect of the game. However, I was so unemotionally detached to any of the characters that I just didn’t care if they lived or died.
I didn’t care if Rox goes to her warband, I didn’t care if Delaqua or Kasmeer died / stayed together etc. I literally finished the LS, thought to myself “is that it?”, then logged off.
In fact, I was kind of disappointed in the fact that there wasn’t a twist to the ending. Nothing unexpected happened. It ended in quite a boring (imo) linear fashion. Scarlet died and an elder dragon awoke and because of the amount of theories hinting at this, I just wasn’t surprised.
I guess what I’m getting at here in this jumbled up mess of a post is -
Am I one of the select few who didn’t care what happened to these characters and felt disappointed at the lack of shock value / twists in the ending of this story?
No, I super (<—super) care about the lore/story. I’m slowly coming round to the way the final instance with Scarlet was carried out. But I have to admit to feeling a bit let down. I liked it, I guess. But…Scarlet has been my nemesis before I even knew it—for over a year. I would have liked something more personal as a finale. Honestly, as a character, I’m a bit adrift without her. I just wanted that final scene to be more personal. “It’s always been you and me, Scarlet. Let’s do this.”
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: ExAstris.8527
I don’t think I’ll mind the KasJory scene. I like both characters, and I’m glad that they have the chance to find some happiness together.
I also don’t think there’s a “focus” on homosexual relationships in GW2 like some people are claiming. Yes, KasJory are in the spotlight at the moment, but I’d argue that they’re the only homosexual couple to receive such treatment so far. The other major same sex couple, Caithe and Faolain, basically only get some exposition in Twilight Arbor story. It’s not even mentioned throughout the rest of the game (aside from some comments between Caithe and Scarlet in the Aetherpath).
Yes, it could be said that there really isn’t a frontline heterosexual romance in GW2 so far (Logan and Jennah are important, but it’s mainly kept to the background, so I’d rate that on the same level as Caithe and Faolain), but I don’t think that one single instance of a spotlighted same-sex relationship counts as an “agenda”.
I agree. The only people who see a homosexual “agenda” are people who think homosexuals are “icky.” Are Jory and Kas homosexuals? Mmm, yeah. Does that denote an “agenda.” Hrmm, no. No more than Logan and Queen Jennah denote a heterosexual agenda. Le sigh.
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: Zappix.7928
I have to agree, this was a really good way to finish this part of the living story, I actually really like Scarlet, I really like the end battle with the hologram and I really love the music.
Well done anet, credit where it’s due, sure there were some bugs to start off with but seriously? This was really great and I enjoyed it so thank you!
I also can’t wait to see what the next living story brings to the table.
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: Mad Queen Malafide.7512
With Jory NOT dying and if LA gets rebuilt, you’re essentially saying that the threat of the entire last year has had 0 consequence. You’re teaching people to not care about the living story. You HAVE to be brave enough to make significant changes everything can’t keep ending up all fine and dandy ><
I disagree. The Personal Story already had tons of characters dying just for the sake of the plot. I’m glad they didn’t do that this time. I’m glad they didn’t kill off the romance that they’ve been building up all this time. That would have been cheap.
As for Lion’s Arch, even if it gets rebuilt (and I hope it does), it will never look the same. I’m sure of that.
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: KyreneZA.8617
I think the writers just took the easiest path to finally cauterize the bleeding from this ill conceived and worse written LS season. While it was heartening seeing them employ the game engine more to show the story moments in cut-scenes, most of the introduction of the “Bi Conics” (should probably read “Lesbonics plus Three” :wicked grin:) has been forced and quite a bit ham-fisted. And of course they will not be killing off any of their writer’s darlings any time soon…
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: MadDemon.7548
Not to be rude or anything, but why must people make a big deal out of this? Sylvari do this all the time.
Also, I’m more interested in Taimi. After all, she is wanted under suspicion for aiding and abetting Scarlet. I’m very interested to not only see if this is true, but how it happened if it did. Did Taimi know Scarlet before she went crazy? Did Scarlet have occasional bouts of sanity and befriended Taimi then? Did she manage to trick Taimi into helping her? To me this is far more interesting than Kasmeer’s/Marjory’s love for each other (personally I think it might have made for a better story if Kasmeer had loved Marjory but Marjory tried to keep things professional between them but that’s just me).
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: ProRulez.5207
Seriously! I’m still picking my jaw up off the floor.
This has got to be the best LW update yet.. and I’m not just saying that because we all finally got to shut Scarlet up for good! The entire boss fight was perfect!! And the cutscene with Marjory and Kasmeer was beautiful (a couple tears rolled when they finally embraced each other, I’ll admit!) XD
I know not everyone will be as satisfied as I am with this conclusion, but I just wanted to post a positive thread recognizing the devs’ hard work
The entire presentation of this update was just magnificent. AND THE LOOT! By the gods, I’ve never seen so many valuable things in my bags!
(and those Tormented weapons from Nightfall unffff…. Crystal Desert soon?? ;D )
Yeah i loved the scene its definanly great work by the devs.
But.. What loot? o.0 working hard for 15 hours, still not a single power core :/
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: Seras.5702
Loved the fights. The mechanics of each fight required you to stop for a minute and not just mindlessly zerg. Condition play on the Assault Knights was nice.
Scarlet was about to spill the beans and Braham tells her to shut it. I can no longer like Braham. Moron. I’m shocked Jory didn’t smack him and said “yes, give us free intel.”
The Scarlet ‘splosion was…awkward. It looked neat but weak and then suddenly Braham’s leg is broken and Jory is near death? Meanwhile I’m still standing in the background exactly where I was like nothing happened.
The loot was awesome. That helm looks fantastic and I only wish I could have 2. Vision Crystal made me double-take. Thanks for that. And when I downed my first Assault Knight and saw all those boxes I was like o.O
I will say I think this event needs a little more direction. “Escape” was well done, explaining what needed to be done, mostly working because it was zone wide and there were rally points outside of LA to get the skinny. But with “Battle” I went in and was like “uhh…..what now? Oh an event” <wander>. Unless I missed it, some sort of direction to down Scarlet’s 3 Assault Knights to gain access to her Breachmaker would have been nice. Thankfully, map chat was helpful and let me know about that.
As for the shocker of an ending….kinda saw it coming. Now if I hadn’t been a forum-goer maybe I wouldn’t have. But I was expecting someone to die other than Scarlet. And I was hoping for a bigger twist. Awakening a dragon is cool and honestly, the next logical step I guess. And where was Taimi in all of this?? I hope she plays a bigger role in season 2.
Final Grade: B+++ / loved the loot and the fights and the cutscenes were pretty good but I was hoping for a more M. Night Shyamalan twist.
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: Lane.3410
A super cute, old gay male couple that fights about decor and when tea time is.
Hurry Anet!
Only if they’re voiced and modeled after Patrick Stewart & Ian McKellan. I would so tune in for that.
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: bokkieskitten.8023
A super cute, old gay male couple that fights about decor and when tea time is.
Hurry Anet!Only if they’re voiced and modeled after Patrick Stewart & Ian McKellan. I would so tune in for that.
So much yes.
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: Zhaneel.9208
lol, I love how they nerfed the loot like two days after the patch was released. Like, oh we wouldn’t want everyone to be so happy, now would we? Nope, we love frustration and pain!
Eh, the ending content was fun but not that great. Escape from L.A. was fantastic, the Battle for L.A. was ok up until we get onto the drill. I mean, it was suitably difficult and works well with Scarlet, but I was kind of underwhelmed by the whole thing. I’m glad Scarlet is dead, though it was really anti-climactic. I honestly couldn’t care less about the characters in this living story. Rox and Braham are ok, but I’m not too keen on the forced romance. Don’t get me wrong, a well thought out and subtle romance is fantastic, but if you read the dialogue from the Living Story Kasmeer and Marjory could have just as easily been friends. The only difference is that there was sexual attraction, apparently? Even Caithe and Faolain had a more interesting relationship, due to their conflicting ideals.
Aside from that, I am happy that an Elder Dragon has been unleashed, though I wish that my group leader hadn’t ended the cut scene before I had a chance to watch it. Wish Anet had made it like the living story so that party members could watch the cinematic at their leisure. I had to watch it on youtube after reading on the forums that an ED was shown. Yes, I know about the purple gate and the spinal backpiece, but I just found out about that this morning. :p
My fear regarding future content and Mordremoth is that the story will continue to be exclusively about the Asura and Sylvari since it will take place in the old Maguuma Jungle which happen to be closest to them. It’s like Anet is making excuses to try and erase everything about GW1 in a fruitless effort to cultivate their so called ‘unique’ experience with this game. I mean, can you imagine what the ESO fanbase would have done if the devs had taken Elder Scrolls Lore and dragged it through the mud because ‘this was a totally new game, lulz just deal with it’?
Crossing my fingers that this won’t happen. :p Maybe we can revitalize the old Druids and ask them to help us in defeat Mordy? Maybe we’ll run into the mursaat? Pretty please? I know we will never again have the same caliber of writing that we did in GW1, that is very clear. But more emphasis on the original lore, creatures and the very land itself would be nice. Just something resembling anything at all related to GW would be fantastic. Not just cheap ways to make a quick buck like the tormented weapons from the gemstore.
(edited by Zhaneel.9208)
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: Narg.2954
guys you forget the most important things: will be new dragon in new area or just added to sylwary/asura area??
and for loot, i dont know what magic find you have, but i got only blue/green kitten (not kitten, s it i say!), maybe one gold armor :/
but Kasmeer/Marjory scena was really cool, anet have balls to show lesbians scene in R13+ game (for US)
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: Rainbow Sprint.3215
guys you forget the most important things: will be new dragon in new area or just added to sylwary/asura area??
and for loot, i dont know what magic find you have, but i got only blue/green kitten (not kitten, s it i say!), maybe one gold armor :/
but Kasmeer/Marjory scena was really cool, anet have balls to show lesbians scene in R13+ game (for US)
It’s 2014 the only people who hate gay people are all our country’s leaders.
I mean you have some people but i’m sure if we got the opinion of everyone, the majority of people are fine with it.
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: bokkieskitten.8023
guys you forget the most important things: will be new dragon in new area or just added to sylwary/asura area??
and for loot, i dont know what magic find you have, but i got only blue/green kitten (not kitten, s it i say!), maybe one gold armor :/
but Kasmeer/Marjory scena was really cool, anet have balls to show lesbians scene in R13+ game (for US)
It’s 2014 the only people who hate gay people are all our country’s leaders.
I mean you have some people but i’m sure if we got the opinion of everyone, the majority of people are fine with it.
I don’t like happy people. >:( Who said people could be happy. Oh you mean… Yea, I like them.
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: OmaiGodman.2098
Not to be rude or anything, but why must people make a big deal out of this? Sylvari do this all the time.
Also, I’m more interested in Taimi. After all, she is wanted under suspicion for aiding and abetting Scarlet. I’m very interested to not only see if this is true, but how it happened if it did. Did Taimi know Scarlet before she went crazy? Did Scarlet have occasional bouts of sanity and befriended Taimi then? Did she manage to trick Taimi into helping her? To me this is far more interesting than Kasmeer’s/Marjory’s love for each other (personally I think it might have made for a better story if Kasmeer had loved Marjory but Marjory tried to keep things professional between them but that’s just me).
Since when is Taimi wanted? I think you’re mixing her up with Heal-o-Tron, who’s wanted by the Seraph for aiding Scarlet (even though he was just her captive). Taimi had an unhealthy interest in Scarlet, but if you talk to her after you’ve beaten Scarlet you’ll find out she’s quite happy that Scarlet is gone. All the death she’s seen around her seems to have changed her opinion on wanting to meet Scarlet.
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: DarksunG.9537
Not ANet’s proxy, our proxy. We whined and ranted and rambled about how we want nothing but Scarlet gone as soon as possible. So we kill her, without even giving her the trope-moment of explaining her plan.
Exactly what we wanted, then.
It’s great that the only actual feedback that was put in was to mock how much we dislike Scarlet. Instead of doing something satisfying like having the floor of her ship crumple while she’s on a rant & have her fall & get ripped apart by the drill, they just mock us by making a scene that points out “players don’t like my story”. It’s very telling.
Lol @ all the people thinking I was being sarcastic. Can a person not genuinely be happy and enthused about something? I may have been a bit over the top in the initial post, but that was right after I had just completed it all.
Can a person not genuinely criticize something that has lots of genuine issues?
(edited by DarksunG.9537)
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: Tommyknocker.6089
Yep the events are brilliant, the story line ended more or less well, to bad the loot from the knights is in the toilet now. Good thing I got most of the achievements in the first day as the even is no longer worth my (and I’m sure many others) time.
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: ThanatosAngel.8024
Well that was unexpected, only a matter of time before the haters get on, good job anet, good job indeed, kinda interested to see where this is going now, hopefully to an entirely new part of the game word.
Why do people have to blindly love this content? Why is it wrong for some people to recognize how bad the story is? Why can’t they point out why it’s bad in the hopes that it doesn’t happen again? I loved the story in GW1. GW2 (especially LS) has been a train wreck.
Have to agree with bokkieskitten. The “Kas & Jory story” was hardly even a story. It was a collection of flirting, shoehorned sexual innuendo, token “so much emotion” exposition & petnames.. There is nothing to actual relationship that merits praise. I don’t see why people are “blown away” by it.
Still a better love story than Twilight.
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: Rainbow Sprint.3215
Well that was unexpected, only a matter of time before the haters get on, good job anet, good job indeed, kinda interested to see where this is going now, hopefully to an entirely new part of the game word.
Why do people have to blindly love this content? Why is it wrong for some people to recognize how bad the story is? Why can’t they point out why it’s bad in the hopes that it doesn’t happen again? I loved the story in GW1. GW2 (especially LS) has been a train wreck.
Have to agree with bokkieskitten. The “Kas & Jory story” was hardly even a story. It was a collection of flirting, shoehorned sexual innuendo, token “so much emotion” exposition & petnames.. There is nothing to actual relationship that merits praise. I don’t see why people are “blown away” by it.Still a better love story than Twilight.
Kasmeer and Marjory was more like a real relationship. They got together, sometime before the tower of nightmares it seems, but we didn’t see it. It was a moment between those two characters, not us and them. Not everything revolves around you, you don’t have to be there for everything to happen in a game. That’s something I wish more games would do really. While you’re important, the world keeps on spinning without you.
They did that with the PS as well, the branching storylines that you didn’t pick? They still happened. The orb was still recovered from the krait. Zhaitan’s ships were still blown up by Tonn. Even as far back as the VOED was still invented even if you didnt invent it.
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