Thoroughly Enjoyable!
and if it was permanent, for how long would it be enjoyable?
One thing thats excellent about this content, is you don’t have much time to get used to it/bored by it (and even then there are players who do..but anyway).
Permanent content doesn’t stay fun for long.
I completely disagree, this entire event is thoroughly UNenjoyable!
I’m yet to kill Scarlet or her Hologram because of failure groups in overflow that can just about manage to kill ONE knight in 15mins.
Also, since the knights don’t die, the 6min achi is impossible to complete. Furthermore, they don’t even drop loot, so in turn, the back upgrade is also impossible unless you spend 100g on the TP.
Days after release, and still unable to join main event on my server or complete this. Frustrating and boring don’t even begin to describe this event.