Do you think events should increase in difficulty?
Clearly this doesn’t apply to level-capped players, but have you considered targeting content at a higher level than your character? I prefer difficult content, so personally I tend to look for content that’s 2 levels higher than my own.
I know I’m late to the party, but wow, I’ve rarely seen a post that missed the topic by as wide a margin as this one. I know, this sounds rude, but it’s just… the way I see it.
The original post raised the absolutely valid point of event “chains” being forever stuck in “final success” (or, for that matter, “final failure”). The proposed solution of events getting harder the more often they succeeded and easier the more often they’ve failed would resolve this beautifully, yet the ArenaNet employee completely failed to respond to this very good point.
So, no matter where you head to in the morning (where you work), read carefully first, reply then.
I agree. I’m glad I wasn’t the only one to notice but ontopic: This is a great idea and I’m sure everyone will have tons of fun this way. Let’s hope Arena see’s it through or give some consideration.
would love to hear a word from ANet about current plans to make DE’s more challenging.
Clearly this doesn’t apply to level-capped players, but have you considered targeting content at a higher level than your character? I prefer difficult content, so personally I tend to look for content that’s 2 levels higher than my own.
Coming from a content designer I certainly hope you don’t equate difference in level as a method of challenging the player. Look at the dungeons; trash mobs with high HP levels only take longer to kill, they aren’t any more challenging. Most melee champion mobs can be kited to oblivion.
Even if levels were a useful indication of how challenging a task may be, the fact that even YOU admit to having go 2 levels higher to find ‘challenging’ content would in fact mean, all tasks, when done at a prescribed level are trivial.
The lack of difficulty in this game is what upsets me the most. Its not that the game is unplayable; I still play frequently, though it is apparent many in the community find the lack of difficulty not enjoyable.
When I approach a mob, or a Dynamic Event, the question in my head is ‘will I be able to defeat the mobs present’ but ‘how long will I take to down the mob’. This isn’t challenge.
“it doesn’t make you spend hours preparing to have fun, rather than having fun”
Guild missions say otherwise.
Events with a massive attendance shouldn’t just spawn more and more mobs that die instantly in AoE. What happened to the advertised “Dynamic Scaling?”
In interviews it was said some mobs when facing great numbers will use different skills or behave differently. I honestly don’t see that.
Even if it isn’t that in-depth, at least spawn more veteran/champions instead of just AoE lemmings.
Events with a massive attendance shouldn’t just spawn more and more mobs that die instantly in AoE. What happened to the advertised “Dynamic Scaling?”
In interviews it was said some mobs when facing great numbers will use different skills or behave differently. I honestly don’t see that.
Even if it isn’t that in-depth, at least spawn more veteran/champions instead of just AoE lemmings.
I thought about the veteran/champion method too. It won’t be a complete fix to the system but its a step in the right direction. The other thing is, now that players are more spread out, the events ARE getting a BIT better, but more still needs to be done to distinguish the content in terms of challenge. I want to be able to tell my friends that the centaur event in Kessex spawned a champion centaur with say, devastating earth magic, able to obliterate those who are unwary. And the Harathi champion centaur does something different altogether.
“it doesn’t make you spend hours preparing to have fun, rather than having fun”
Guild missions say otherwise.
Yes events should bloody well increase in difficulty when beaten. I’m appalled they don’t already. When victory is trivialized, it doesn’t feel like victory.
The game was meant to change difficulty based on how many players were in the area wasn’t it? what happen to that? Some areas are too easy and some are too hard,
cause no one is doing them.
Dear Anet, The Fire Elemental in the level 1 Asura zone is 100x harder than the endgame event Dragons. Please fix. Thank you.
By Fix I mean don’t make Dragons sit there while you press 1, maybe make them harder than cutting down a tree. You killed all sense of epic that the artists worked hard on with your very bizarre design decisions while also showing that you are capable of difficult encounters as shown by the Fire Elemental. The PvE design decisions make zero sense.
This guy has a good point, that fire elemental was good times, I wan’t all my epic boss fights to be good times. :c
sorry, i didnt read the whole topic but i’d just like to say that at least in the lvl 80 area, the events are way too easy. people kill mobs in the first 1-2 sec after they spawn so that’s no fun.
350+ hours of gameplay love this game would love to see more Dynamic events in lower levels be harder and higher chances of failure. Thanks Love you Anet
I would like to see more difficult and grand events. Events that would only pop up every few days, but is ongoing for multiple hours and would have consequences impacting a large amount of players if failed. For example, a Lion’s Arch is being attacked by Risen event. Multiple events and attack avenues, ridden with multiple Champions and maybe even throw in a Dragon.
I would like to see events where atleast a bit of coordination is required rather than charging in with the massive zerg. I really like the Temple of Lyssa event. Having to defend the points after capturing it and at the same time take the other points was really fun to coordinate and carry out, especially if you don’t have many numbers to work with.
Or you could try playing on a US server weekday ,pacific time when most americans are asleep.
Events on level with if lucky 2 others often end in failure even with the best co-ordination .
Dear Anet, The Fire Elemental in the level 1 Asura zone is 100x harder than the endgame event Dragons. Please fix. Thank you.
By Fix I mean don’t make Dragons sit there while you press 1, maybe make them harder than cutting down a tree. You killed all sense of epic that the artists worked kitten with your very bizarre design decisions while also showing that you are capable of difficult encounters as shown by the Fire Elemental. The PvE design decisions make zero sense.
This guy has a good point, that fire elemental was good times, I wan’t all my epic boss fights to be good times. :c
Totally agree. My best “event boss” experiences were indeed during the early leveling zones.
Vigiliant Addiction – Multi-Gaming Community
While I agree that there could be some difficulty adjustments in Dragons and “Group” Daily events. overall I think the leveling content and daily events should remain unadjusted.
If you look at this from a business perspective, would you rather cater to the hardcore players? These players will typically earn everything and spend less money on gems. Or casual players that are doctors, business owners, 9 to 5ers with more disposable income who are willing to buy $100s of gems?
Scare off the casuals, and you are left with a game of insatiable hardcore players that typically have less disposable income. Alienate the casual’s income and you have a F2P game with fewer content updates… you choose…
(edited by Khaldar.7486)
^ not a bad point, but at the very least they need to adjust scaling. currently, half of the DE’s i completed didnt even scale properly to our large groups.
While I agree that there could be some difficulty adjustments in Dragons and “Group” Daily events. overall I think the leveling content and daily events should remain unadjusted.
If you look at this from a business perspective, would you rather cater to the hardcore players? These players will typically earn everything and spend less money on gems. Or casual players that are doctors, business owners, 9 to 5ers with more disposable income who are willing to buy $100s of gems?
Scare off the casuals, and you are left with a game of insatiable hardcore players that typically have less disposable income. Alienate the casual’s income and you have a F2P game with fewer content updates… you choose…
“Casual” does not mean unskilled. Unskilled players can be found both in the hardcore and casual player bases. Sure more time equals more practice, but eventually you’ll hit a ceiling on skill level where additional time will offer little to no increase in skill. Hardcore players will reach that cap sooner, but casuals eventually get there and can compete. Thus, the question becomes at what level(s) of skill do we want the dynamic events to be. If they scale based on server performance at them, they scale to the server population’s skill, whether it be a mostly skilled or unskilled players base.
Haven’t figured out how to quote on here yet, just want to say I really like the ‘wipe event’ PopeUrban.2578 talks about. As well as the idea of escallating difficulty in general (although make sure this is different types of enemies / enemies coming from more directions / more points that have to be defended – not just more monsters in the ball since they’ll just all die to AoE anyway).
There is a event at Orr where Pact subs try to land and take a beach. I tried this event when I was slightly under level, and their were only 4 or 5 of us there. We lost. Reverted to the previous event, won that. Then went back to the beach and lost again. I did this about 4 times before I gave up and left, vowing to come back and take that beach when I was stronger.
Best event I’ve played so far.
…but have you considered targeting content at a higher level than your character? I prefer difficult content, so personally I tend to look for content that’s 2 levels higher than my own.
i think the op’s issue was that a lot of events never go into the ultimate failure state which cheats us out of content. i agree and think that the dragon events (though i haven’t done tequatl yet, i’m sure it’s as visually stunning and easy to win as the 2 i have done). there’s no sense of risk in those.
definitely after about the lvl 20-30 zones the difficulty could ramp way up in general but maybe that’s a different issue.
Clearly this doesn’t apply to level-capped players, but have you considered targeting content at a higher level than your character? I prefer difficult content, so personally I tend to look for content that’s 2 levels higher than my own.
That’s a great idea and one my friends and I use when leveling. The problem comes in Cursed Shore where the challenge is in trying to hit something before it dies. Right now we are turned off from many events if there are too many players there (the Karma Highway).
It would really be fun to have the events scale a little bit better here. Throw a bunch of veterans or champions out for instance.
Hell yes, especially the “waves defeated”-type events. I can’t tell the difference between centaurs attacking a camp in Queensdale and Risen attacking an outpost in Cursed Shore.
Mobs shouldn’t scale to get more numerous as much, but instead become less vulnerable to AoE effects, either through more health/armor or by AoE buffing themselves, which of course is more effective if there is a larger number of monsters in the area.
Also a escalating or randomized difficulty for events is a pretty brilliant idea.
(edited by Jamais vu.5284)
Each event needs needs something like left 4 dead that had the director that manages the number of enemies and flow of the game. An AI of sorts that dynamically manages the types and difficulty of enemies. Anet said they are aware im sure they will come up with something good.
They are way to easy right now.
as far as the cursed shore and pretty much all of Orr zones, all the events that just have waves of mobs spawn and flow basically single file into AOE spam.
I think a good start would to make all those mobs spawn with a retaliation buff on them so all the lame kitten AOE class spammers kill themselves when they sit there doing nothing but AOE spam on enemies that are not even visable yet.
There is zero fun at all in the Orrian zones (mostly Cursed shore) because its basically far too Bot friendly…
There’s a problem with upping the difficulty of lower level zones – many players have already hit level cap and are off in higher-level areas leaving a lot less people roaming about lower level zones.
When I go around the 2 starting areas in Ascalon, I can usually count the number of players I see on one hand. Just yesterday there was a grand total of 3 people fighting the champion giant attacking Nagling. On a full sever!
If you do increase the difficulty of anything, you better make sure there will be enough players actually taking part in them to make it possible. Remember your level may scale down, but late-level equipment gives you very larges stat boosts to compensate.
Just cranking up the difficulty will make less experienced players give up on the game because events the game says they should be able to do are suddenly impossible for them.
I think a good start would to make all those mobs spawn with a retaliation buff on them so all the lame kitten AOE class spammers kill themselves when they sit there doing nothing but AOE spam on enemies that are not even visable yet.
So make mobs even more annoying and incapable of doing anything but wasting peoples’ time? Great idea!
No. Just no.
Better thing to do is stop making swarms of minor enemies and instead spread them out over the area.
On a scale between 0 and 10, 10 being the toughest, most events are not even on 3 of 10.
I soloed meta events before when noone else was around, that was quite boring.
But then again, even dungeon monsters like giganticus lupicus dont reach a 10 of 10 in my opinion. There should be even more challanging encounters.
It would be awesome if an event chain got harder and scaled up as you pushed it closer to the end event which would give a sense of desperation as your server succeeded.
For example ill use the centaurs.
Centaurs take over the map to which they have extended themselves too far and are easily pushed back, however the closer you push them back the more determined they are to survive (hit harder, more health, maybe spawn more vet centaurs) and the more resources they have to push you back as a server.
This would lead to the two forces finding a middle ground, until one side makes a push for dominance, centaurs could have supply lines that need disrupting to prevent them from pushing and the server would need to advertise an assault on the centaurs and gather in numbers by player organisation.
I know this is partly in, however i believe it could be so much more interactive.
There should be centaurs trying to disrupt our supply lines making it hard to maintain a presence in an area.
So much could be done.
Wish i had the tools the ArenaNet devs have at their disposal to design events for an entire area.
I think a good start would to make all those mobs spawn with a retaliation buff on them so all the lame kitten AOE class spammers kill themselves when they sit there doing nothing but AOE spam on enemies that are not even visable yet.
So make mobs even more annoying and incapable of doing anything but wasting peoples’ time? Great idea!
No. Just no.
Better thing to do is stop making swarms of minor enemies and instead spread them out over the area.
I never said this was the end all solution but right now all the Cursed shore events are, is a bunch of classes with AOE spam skills using these skills on the spawn points before the mobs are even visable, this is plain straight up stupid. Yes the mobs should be more annoying than THAT, right now its so stupidly eazy that most events never even get to have players take part in them. its just spam as much AOE as you can in the exact same spot.
If Mobs reflected that damage back at the AOE spammers they would actually have to use something else for once like some other classes have too and events wouldnt be so trivialized as they are right now. Besides this reflecting would only last a couple of seconds, long enough for the mobs to spread out a bit and actually let other players take part.
Events dont scale very good, agreed, there was a suggestion in the forums somewhere how it should increase, that with many players the attacks will have catapults, trebuchets and such, and maybe a big boss will come at the ends of the attack waves
Instead of just ramping up the difficulty on the events, why not add NEW events that trigger if an event is won to many times. Take the original example of the Centaurs trying to repair the bridge. Say that after they lose, oh, 50 times in a row or something. Have that trigger an event chain that causes all the Centaurs for a large portion of the map surrounding the area come together in a huge invasion force and storm the bridge and hold it until can be repaired. This would put the events involving centaurs in the surrounding areas on hold, since all the centaurs are busy storming the bridge, and would almost guarantee the bridge to be repaired unless all the players in the area are REALLY REALLY good. Make it basically impossible to win this new event. Since all the other centaur events are on hold, there will be more players available to try, though, so occasionally it can be won. Once the centaurs have the bridge repaired, the massive group starts to break up going back to their old events, and the original failure event can then be triggered. Once people have won that event, the original loop of defeating the centaurs can go back in place until they have lost 50 times in a row. Repeat.
I originally thought that the game was going to have events interrelated like this anyways. The developers had talked about how players actions would have a real meaningful impact on the game world. But in actuality, you don’t really see any player impact, at least from my perspective. You just have the events triggering, getting defeated, then respawning. I hadn’t really thought about i much til I read this thread and realized that maybe the events weren’t originally intended to be that way, they just had ended up that way since players were never losing, so the alternate chains were never spawning.
Events boil down to a monotonous orgy of dps and reviving allies. I think it’s just a combination of combat, downed state, and creature design, and perhaps more general – risk / reward is non existent.
NPCs should have layers within layers of weaknesses and strengths, as opposed to only a few layers of strengths, a couple layers of weakness, topped with a heaping serving of HP/toughness. The best way to think of it is… “would it be fun to play as that npc, and if so, how can I make it more fun?” If you can maximize the fun for the boss, in a creative manner, it can also be fun for the players fighting the boss. The fundamental idea for this is that PvP is fun and engaging because the end result is always different, with each combatant you’re able to capture a story of epic proportions. PvE should be no different.
I think a good start would to make all those mobs spawn with a retaliation buff on them so all the lame kitten AOE class spammers kill themselves when they sit there doing nothing but AOE spam on enemies that are not even visable yet.
So make mobs even more annoying and incapable of doing anything but wasting peoples’ time? Great idea!
No. Just no.
Better thing to do is stop making swarms of minor enemies and instead spread them out over the area.
I never said this was the end all solution but right now all the Cursed shore events are, is a bunch of classes with AOE spam skills using these skills on the spawn points before the mobs are even visable, this is plain straight up stupid. Yes the mobs should be more annoying than THAT, right now its so stupidly eazy that most events never even get to have players take part in them. its just spam as much AOE as you can in the exact same spot.
If Mobs reflected that damage back at the AOE spammers they would actually have to use something else for once like some other classes have too and events wouldnt be so trivialized as they are right now. Besides this reflecting would only last a couple of seconds, long enough for the mobs to spread out a bit and actually let other players take part.
Then what happens to the necromancers whose only really viable build is a condition spreader….other than our AoE and conditions we have very very limited damage (think a third the burst of a warrior) and our only means of survival is wear the mobs down with conditions before they melt our faces.
I think we need more than a one dimensional approach that would severely impare some players only viable builds.
Edit: By the way I believe ANet intentionally designed the necro profession this way.
Instead of just ramping up the difficulty on the events, why not add NEW events that trigger if an event is won to many times. Take the original example of the Centaurs trying to repair the bridge. Say that after they lose, oh, 50 times in a row or something. Have that trigger an event chain that causes all the Centaurs for a large portion of the map surrounding the area come together in a huge invasion force and storm the bridge and hold it until can be repaired. This would put the events involving centaurs in the surrounding areas on hold, since all the centaurs are busy storming the bridge, and would almost guarantee the bridge to be repaired unless all the players in the area are REALLY REALLY good. Make it basically impossible to win this new event. Since all the other centaur events are on hold, there will be more players available to try, though, so occasionally it can be won. Once the centaurs have the bridge repaired, the massive group starts to break up going back to their old events, and the original failure event can then be triggered. Once people have won that event, the original loop of defeating the centaurs can go back in place until they have lost 50 times in a row. Repeat.
I originally thought that the game was going to have events interrelated like this anyways. The developers had talked about how players actions would have a real meaningful impact on the game world. But in actuality, you don’t really see any player impact, at least from my perspective. You just have the events triggering, getting defeated, then respawning. I hadn’t really thought about i much til I read this thread and realized that maybe the events weren’t originally intended to be that way, they just had ended up that way since players were never losing, so the alternate chains were never spawning.
Or they could just make that the actual event itself…You know, like, harder, so that players need to be good to actually complete it?
“it doesn’t make you spend hours preparing to have fun, rather than having fun”
Guild missions say otherwise.
There are several interesting posts here but overall I agree with some of the events getting harder or something of the like after being won so many times in a row. As it stands right now many dynamic events in the game especially in lower level areas are never seen. Just for the simple reason that the players never lose. How am I supposed to feel that this world is remotely dynamic when I always win?
Kessex as was noted here is one of those problem areas. I remember during the beta several different fun events that happened due to us losing and I loved having to take something back! However when I tell my friends about it now? or I try to go back to see it myself? They have no idea what I am talking about nor do I ever get to see it myself.
I really wish some events would get harder over time but I also wish that some effects lasted more then 5 minutes. I get that it would be hard to balance a world where something could be stuck in enemy hands for days but… hard to feel the world is really changing or want to stop for an event other then karma… When it will just be back to do again in 5 minutes.
Be careful what you ask for! I did the Kessex Hills bridge DE yesterday. They’re made it more ‘difficult’ almost to the point of being ridiculous.
Three catapults bombarding the entire area througout, each of which is on such a short respawn timer that there’s no point destroying them. Multiple veteran centaurs attacking simultaneously. Waves of centaurs arriving before the previous wave has been cleared.
It was fun but just as well plenty of people joined in otherwise it would have been impossible.
lunawisp was my peacebringer on City of Heroes – she lives on in memory as my gaming id.
increasing difficulty each time when the players win sounds awesome, probably with a bit of jitter thrown in (so it doesn’t become too predictable).
Who does not want to be around when that dragon wipes hundreds of players?
Now that would be a story to tell your grandalts.
“increasing difficulty each time when the players win” does sound like a very good solution!
I am by no means a power player, and I haven’t really seen many lost events either. other than those where I was the only one doing it. (and I even won some of those.)
The only challenging thing about any of the high level events is trying to get a hit in so that you can get some form of credit before the massive Zerg melts everything. I sincerely hope they fix it. Maybe if they made the mobs level 90?
It would be good to add a random element to event difficulty – making it harder to predict what will happen and increasing the chance of players losing an event in a chain.
Alternatively or additionally, you could introduce ‘elite days’ on which all events are temporarily scaled up in difficulty.
Also, a rule of thumb: if multiple players are doing an event and none of them ever reach a ‘downed’ state, the event is too easy.
I never said this was the end all solution but right now all the Cursed shore events are, is a bunch of classes with AOE spam skills using these skills on the spawn points before the mobs are even visable, this is plain straight up stupid. Yes the mobs should be more annoying than THAT, right now its so stupidly eazy that most events never even get to have players take part in them. its just spam as much AOE as you can in the exact same spot.
If Mobs reflected that damage back at the AOE spammers they would actually have to use something else for once like some other classes have too and events wouldnt be so trivialized as they are right now. Besides this reflecting would only last a couple of seconds, long enough for the mobs to spread out a bit and actually let other players take part.
Then what happens to the necromancers whose only really viable build is a condition spreader….other than our AoE and conditions we have very very limited damage (think a third the burst of a warrior) and our only means of survival is wear the mobs down with conditions before they melt our faces.
I think we need more than a one dimensional approach that would severely impare some players only viable builds.
Hold on i didn’t mean the reflection lasts forever, all AOE skills will still be useable, I’m talking about how right now all people do is set their AOE on the spawn point and all the enemies die before even becoming visible, making it so any class that doesn’t have a quickly spam-able AOE not even able to take part in the event.
NP’s and I DO know where you are coming from….I play a full support role and even then I do sometimes feel guilty laying down condition marks well before the buggers show up but as cloth wearers we have to stop them swamping us as we have squishy defenses……but I really don’t have the capability to kill them before they appear though and I haven’t seen that myself….usually my flesh golem alerts me to their presence first.
The option to make the the event more difficult with each player win seems more sensible to me.
I am a casual but experienced gamer, and my experience so far is that the dynamic events are alright, until the zerg comes. The thing is, I work odd shifts and so I am often online in the daytime when there are fewer players. The events are cool when we are just 3-5 people, and some of the devilishly hard (oh Krait Witch) and have been lost more than once. The big problem are the main event chains, because as soon as more people come online, they start stalking the chains. By then it is just switching to AOE and hope for the best.
I think the problem here is AOE. This is one of the most difficult things to manage in a game (remember WAR fire wizards anybody?). In general Anet has done well, but the mass effect of too many players just breaks the system.
I think the solution is partly to make the events harder as more people join, not only by adding more cannon fodder, but also more veterans/champions. But, even more than that, by managing the reinforcements smartly.
Having fodder run at you in clumps begs for AOE. Variation is needed. How about having undead claw their way up from underneath people’s feet? How about spawning a veteran for every downed player? (good res incentive). How about adding things that you also need NOT to blow up in the process or things will get harder, thus limiting the efficiency of AOE?
I do not advocate friendly fire, but right now there is really no use doing anything but AOE if more than five people are present. Why?
Say that AOE kills 1/5 of a mob’s health while a spike kills 1/2. If you are one or two people, spiking limits the damage you receive by killing off some mobs fast. But once you have 5 people who each sets of an AOE, all mobs will be dead without the use of coordination. It’s the old story of the gatling gun in the civil war all over again.
One solution might be to give some mobs dodge/evade skills. If we can see the red circle on the ground, why shouldn’t they?
bring out the silver-ringed mobs! that’ll stop those pesky botters
seriously, i would LOVE to see those silver-ringed mobs you see in dungeons in world events. Like there should be a threshold: prior to 50 people, you just get more mobs the more people come it at a predetermined rate/bracket, >50, the numbers dwindle back to the original number, but they’re silver-ringed, so they’re harder to kill. ofc it would disincentivize more people from joining as it’ll be tougher and there’ll be less loot, so maybe you can up the droprate on these open-world monsters? :P
yea i know horrible idea, just maybe putting it out on a limb here
Of course it should get more difficult.
During beta I always thought “okay the content is pretty easy but surely at the higher levels the really good stuff kicks in”, well I couldn’t be more wrong.
The DE content at 80 isn’t any more difficult then the content at level 20 which imo is a huge disappointment.
A lot of my friends said that without difficult raid content the end game would become boring fast and they were right imo.
My level 80 toon is now gather dust, my 80 exotic set isn’t even complete, since I have no clue why or for what I should gear him up for and just to have “epix” never was a big motivator for me, if I geared up it had to be for a reason like let’s say being able to beat certain content.
I hoped that at level 80 there would be DEs that were able to replace raids from other games or any game content that would be challenging and needed a guild effort to beat.
Hell, some of the events in earlier levels are far harder than what they have made happen int he end level zones. As was noted earlier, I have yet to see another event as hard as the flame elemental in the Asura area.
Silver ring mobs is a great idea, there should be very, very few, if any, normal trash mobs, trash mobs should increase to the copper ring mobs when 5 or more people are present, with the bigger elites of the event being increased to silver. The purple champions are almost the only ones that are spot on as they are now.
Some pretty nice ideas here from what i have read.
Imo there are quiet some events that should at least get a bit more difficult or better scaling.
Sometimes I get the feeling that some events don’t scale at all.
I’m NOT asking to make them so hard that only pros can beat the game properly or something.
I’m ok if events aren’t all that difficult so everyone can do them, but I don’t want to get bored while doing them.
I mean, I have stumbled over quiet some events where there were more players present than actual mobs.
And I’m not talking about zergs of 50+ Players. More like groups of 5-10 people.
Sometimes the enemies went down so quick I couldn’t even land a hit on a single one. Thats not fun.
It’s totaly not fun if you have to compete with the other players to get an enemy to beat on.
It’s not fun if you stand there and the waiting for mobs actualy is more time consuming than the actual fights.
It’s not fun if the Npcs almost manage to do the event on theire own.
It’s not fun if half the players can take a nap during an DE because there simply is nothing to do for them.
PLs A-net, I know you can do better. I have seen a lot of very good events in the plains of ashford for example.
There you had to actually fight to win the event. And sometimes a player even was in down state or defeated if the just stood there autoattacking or not paing attention.
That’s what fun is. Because there we had to work together to not get stomped by those gohsts.
We had to doge, we had to rez, we had to stay together.
That was just great. This actually feelt like an enemy attack that was meant serious.
Not just some poor single Npcs that were sent out just to be beat on and to dye unter a flood of players.
I know there is a lot of stuff you have to do at the moment and you are donig you best.
But it would just be great if you could look a bit at those events that are just facerolled and plain boring.
Make them an actual challange, something you can feel good about after you managed to do it.
Something that gives you the feeling of acomplishment because you were good enough to win the figth and deserve your reward that you get from them.
Yes, in general, dynamic events should increase in difficulty.
I think they need to turn on the in-game dynamic event feedback that they had in the beta. Because some of these events are insanely too hard, some are just stupid.
I know it really ticks me off when I’m doing an event only for the mob to instantly pop back to full health. I didn’t even die this time and it happened with an event. Talk about wasted time.
The problem is that the difficulty is all over the place…..even if you ARE playing content of the same level as you.
There are definitely some hard DE’s…..but most of it is pretty easy with some being just medium difficulty.