Dragon timer frustration

Dragon timer frustration

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Aurum.9534


So I’m trying to do the shatterer event for the firs time. But this is getting annoying. I have a dragon timer app, and i check online. Apparently it is a bit inaccurate, but completely ridiculous. I looked at it, it said, time till pre event for shatter was 20 mintues. I logged in, and then the time suddenly changed to 2 hours and 40 mintues. Somebody help, because I’m getting pretty annoyied

Dragon timer frustration

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: rizzo.1079


Since they’re third party apps, maybe you should be talking to the people who created the apps.

To add to this, there could have possibly been a server reset just before you logged on, which resets the timers. Also the timers are manually reset by the general public, if someone clicks Teq instead of Shatterer and resets it, there’s no check, they just reset the wrong timer.

This is why I never reset the timers when I’m drunk;)

Dragon timer frustration

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Aurum.9534


Can’t arena net just make their own timer, I mean seriously I’ve been trying for like 3 days.

Dragon timer frustration

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Aurum.9534


So, my guild member told me there is a 30 minute window. IF it says 1 hour and 40 minutes. I should log in when there is about 30 minutes left, and then the pre event will start around there. I also don’t like that ANet made it random

Dragon timer frustration

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Mad Rasputin.7809

Mad Rasputin.7809

The timer apps are user updated and when updated on a regular basis are fairly accurate.

I haven’t ran dragons lately because the loot was just too horrible for the time, but the online timers were a huge help.

And server resets will throw off dragon timers. Can’t say it resets all of them, but they definately get thrown off for a little while.

Guildwarstemple is the site I used to use.. I believe.

Dragon timer frustration

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: rizzo.1079


So, my guild member told me there is a 30 minute window. IF it says 1 hour and 40 minutes. I should log in when there is about 30 minutes left, and then the pre event will start around there. I also don’t like that ANet made it random

Not sure which timer you’re using, but the one at Guildwarstemple is usually accurate at least for my server(Gate of Madness). The Shatterer has no window, the preevents should start and then the timer gives a generic 15 minute window for them to be completed, which they almost always are. Then a minute or two later the dragon shows.

Tequatl and Claw have 30 minute and 1h15m windows respectively. No preevents for Teq, 6 preevents for Claw which are very obvious if you’re anywhere near his spawn point.