80 ~ Thief/Guardian
(edited by Gankfest.4965)
I decided to roll a Guardian and level up doing PvE instead of Wv3 this time and found some interesting stuff about dynamic events and its mechanics. First off, if you kill a few mobs you pretty much get a gold for doing the event which takes no effort at all to do. This is true for majority of the events and some you need to do a little extra work, but not much.
The problem with this I’ve found is that people will come into an event and hit a few mobs and just sit there and get the victory for the event as I slave away and do all the work. Even when I’m having trouble asking for help and barely surviving people are to busy being lazy to pitch in a helping hand. Socialism doesn’t work in real life nor in a game. This needs to be reworked to reward the productive and not the lazy.
(edited by Gankfest.4965)
Working as intended to say the least. hit a few mobs and move on to the next that is what we are supposed to do. Tag Wars 2 for a reason.
Now there should be a bonus for the top 3 or 5 contributors – yes that I can agree with.
But instead of fixing the game they are going to add more bugged and non functioning content.
This is how you farm karma, hit a few mobs, run to the next event. Meanwhile you get gold(aka, max karma) even though you did almost nothing compared to the people who do the work. It’s lame, but ultimately It’s the most effective way to get it.
If any event in the game that isn’t a meta event, or a dragon, takes you longer than 90 seconds, you should probably move on too. Boring content is boring, and you level to 80 way too fast if you do events anyway. It’s nearly impossible to enjoy the game when you’re constantly being scaled back because you played the game.
The solution, of giving more rewards to people who bot is a bad one.
This is how you farm karma, hit a few mobs, run to the next event. Meanwhile you get gold(aka, max karma) even though you did almost nothing compared to the people who do the work. It’s lame, but ultimately It’s the most effective way to get it.
To me is seems like the best way to farm karma is to do the daily achievement and drink a jug worth 1000’s of karma at once. But I do agree, why not make Gold more difficult to achieve? It’s not like if you don’t get gold that you get absolutely nothing. If everyone is special, no one is special. Vince Vaugn.
…it’s already notoriously difficult for certain professions to gain ‘gold’ in an event already, there’s really no need to make it even harder for those of us with limited AoE tagging options.
“Socialism doesn’t work in real life nor in a game. This needs to be reworked to reward the productive and not the lazy.”
Though I do like the idea that I get credit for helping even though I had to quickly log-off to care for my baby. My playing time comes in spurts – 10 minutes here and there, and every once in a while, an hour straight! WooT
That being said, I love the idea of how Arenanet set up the all events that I have experienced so far. But I would like a bit more scalability here. If I start an event and see it through to the end, I want more reward. Likewise, if I jump in at the end, I would not be disappointed if all I got was random loot from the reward chest. Save the fine/exotic/whatever loot for those who did the heavy lifting.
This will encourage more people to team up and WORK!
“Socialism doesn’t work in real life nor in a game. This needs to be reworked to reward the productive and not the lazy.”
Socialism doesn’t work? Every single govt in existence has socialism within it, some more or less then others. Think of socialism as a power buyer for the masses. Roads for example would be whack if they were all different. Last time I checked making roads not equal lazy either. I say a logical mix of the “big two” makes the most sense and wala… that is what most countries have.
The extra award from staying in an event until the end is more loot. At least that’s how I think about it :p
Socialism doesn’t work in real life nor in a game. This needs to be reworked to reward the productive and not the lazy.
You may want to look up real life; not only do the most socialist societies currently provide the highest living standards in the entire world, but they are also some of the richest countries in the world and have survived the crisis largely unscathed and are currently returning to economic growth while the most capitalist societies are about to cave in and their citizen live in ever-increasing misery. In real life, Socialism has proven itself stronger than almost any other model.
In terms of the game “only rewarding those who work for it” is what gave us mob-tagging, which is exactly what has led to the destruction of social interaction in other mmo’s whereas the ability to work together is what has given GW2 a community far and above the rest.
That said, I do agree that it is currently far too easy to get gold in an event and far too beneficial to only to enough to get gold and then move on to the next event. However the only real way to adress this is to make it more profitable to stick with one event than doing two at the same time, and simply saying “you need to do X dmg more than currently” is not going to work since it damages classes that focuses less on damage.
Another problem is doing so while avoiding unfairly punishing people who dont get rezzed. Often you can miss most of an event due to corpse-running time when people are too busy doing damage to help you back up, that said, rezzing already contributes greatly to event credit, so it is not that big of a concern.
I guess make it harder to get gold and increase the rewards so that 1 gold is better than 2 bronze, or equal, would be my solution, even if it will make the grind nastier (you could reduce bronze rewards, but never a good idea to make an already insane grind worse.)
What I do depends on the event really. If there are only a few people around I’ll stay and help to the end. If it’s crowded and the event doesn’t need that many people I’ll leave after a while – the rewards are just not worth the time. 2 whole rep for the guild, a bit of karma and less exp than I get for gathering a lettuce are hardly worth spending a great deal of time on…unless someone there needs the help of course…
Everyone that argued for Socialism is an Idiot… Nuff said!
It’s nearly impossible to enjoy the game when you’re constantly being scaled back because you played the game.
…. because you can only have fun when you’re not downleveled?
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