Dynamic Event deminishing returns too stringent

Dynamic Event deminishing returns too stringent

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: ChairGraveyard.2967


Its in a thread about Dynamic Event DR, so yes, its related to that.

No, it’s not. The thread that the dev linked to in that thread about dynamic event DR is about dungeon DR and doesn’t actually say anything about loot or DE DR systems at all. It simply says that the anti-speed-run dungeon DR system is bugged.

The title of that thread also had “dungeon DR” or something in it, so I imagine it got locked to consolidate that part of it into the dungeon feedback as they’ve been doing lately. I doubt he saw that the discussion at that point wasn’t even about the dungeon DR system as we’ve pretty much all agreed well before we were told that it was bugged.

They have not acknowledged the event DR and loot DR systems at all thus far.

(edited by ChairGraveyard.2967)

Dynamic Event deminishing returns too stringent

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Cawesome.1580


This was akitten poor plan to stop botters, if you want to stop botters, then take the time and come up with a legitimate way to do so, reducing the rewards to a pitiful state isn’t going to do crap, it will just force the botters to bot even longer thus solving nothing. Anet did more harm than good and really dropped the ball on this one, was a real slap to the actual players faces. Anet you really let me down this time.

Dynamic Event deminishing returns too stringent

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: dalendria.3762


Disclaimer: This is not a rant. I have posted nothing but positive comments about the game in these forums and in other places.

As an avid fan of the game, I wanted to weigh in on the diminishing returns code recently implemented. Please remove it. Please find another way to catch and stop botters.

While I am one of the few that will continue to do DEs and dungeons even with low rewards, there is growing group of people who will not. One of the things I love about GW2 is the freedom to play the way you want. If people want to farm areas, dungeons and DEs, then let them. Only the botters should be punished and mainly because they are cheating.

While I find farming boring, it is not cheating. Some people actually like
it. From a product standpoint, it is a bad idea to limit/take away the freedom that you originally gave your customers. DR is starting to leave a bad mark on an otherwise stellar game.

Please just remove or rollback the code. And as I said earlier, find another way to deal with bots that does not harm the majority of your playerbase.

Can you feel it? HOT HOT HOT