Chaos of lyssa 2400g

Chaos of lyssa 2400g

in Festival of the Four Winds

Posted by: Manasa Devi.7958

Manasa Devi.7958

Some rare and uncommon drops in the drop table would’ve been welcome. They wouldn’t even have to be anything valuable. Only extreme rares is just no fun. Opening hundreds upon hundreds of the chances and never getting anything other than a single festival token, that’s just frustrating.

Chaos of lyssa 2400g

in Festival of the Four Winds

Posted by: Neko Dudley.2495

Neko Dudley.2495

It is an extremely rare and apparently extremely desirable item, resulting in an extremely high price. No reason to think its something else. Compared to the price of an undedicated Gwen doll, it seems almost cheap.

Gate of Madness [MAL] EB
Yarr! I be keeping me pirate runes, Matey. Yarr! You’re welcome. Yarr!

Chaos of lyssa 2400g

in Festival of the Four Winds

Posted by: Axialbloom.8109


It is an extremely rare and apparently extremely desirable item, resulting in an extremely high price. No reason to think its something else. Compared to the price of an undedicated Gwen doll, it seems almost cheap.

Your point?

Chaos of lyssa 2400g

in Festival of the Four Winds

Posted by: RedStar.4218


Some rare and uncommon drops in the drop table would’ve been welcome. They wouldn’t even have to be anything valuable. Only extreme rares is just no fun. Opening hundreds upon hundreds of the chances and never getting anything other than a single festival token, that’s just frustrating.

That’s how pretty much everything in this game is when it comes to RNG : either you get something kind of terrible or something really good.
But they did take it to an extreme with the chances…ONE token…You can’t even buy a ticket back with one freaking token. Or two. Or three.

Chaos of lyssa 2400g

in Festival of the Four Winds

Posted by: Silent Avenger.6928

Silent Avenger.6928

Anet has kinda went way off into the deep end with the drop rate on this especially since this is temporary content, if it was permanent and we had endless chances at getting it then sure I wouldn’t have a problem. Since it’s temporary content (yes I know it’ll be back in a year) I see the drop rate as kinda ridiculous. Atm it’s 2500g which is basically straight up buying legendary territory yet the other back items are no where near this rate. I could live with it being rare enough to be a few hundred gold which I still don’t have but at least then it would be as least a bit more obtainable.

Crimson Fatality ~ Mesmer ~ Northern Shiverpeaks

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Chaos of lyssa 2400g

in Festival of the Four Winds

Posted by: Saylu.8271


Anet has kinda went way off into the deep end with the drop rate on this especially since this is temporary content, if it was permanent and we had endless chances at getting it then sure I wouldn’t have a problem. Since it’s temporary content (yes I know it’ll be back in a year) I see the drop rate as kinda ridiculous. Atm it’s 2500g which is basically straight up buying legendary territory yet the other back items are no where near this rate. I could live with it being rare enough to be a few hundred gold which I still don’t have but at least then it would be as least a bit more obtainable.

With the recent nerf with drop rate and rewards, it is in line with what they are trying to do. Not that it is something everyone would like.

Chaos of lyssa 2400g

in Festival of the Four Winds

Posted by: kylwilson.9137


I’m entertained by how some people can somehow defend such a low drop-rate.
